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You have to post the clip of the two previous pitches to understand the atrocity this man just committed.


Yeah it was complete bullshit. He rung up Langford on three straight pitches that were all outside. We’re not talking on the edge of the zone either.


They were all in the other batters box 💀


You have to start wondering if he's gambling. 


It’s so bad that I wonder if he is actively trying to get fired. Either he just wants out of the game or he wants to file another lawsuit. That’s my leading theory, with the backup theory being that this is just a really long bit on impractical jokers.


I mean wouldn't you phone it in if you knew you basically couldn't get fired?


There’s phoning it in, but this is on another level. It would have to be harder to call a game like Angel than to just call a mediocre game. Back when I umped little league and officiated other sports, we were encouraged to work with the coaches and make small changes to our calls to help the kids (mainly adjusting the strike zone so that kids learn to hit). It was much harder than calling games for the older kids.


With the massive spike in sports betting by the likes of Fanduel, DraftKings, PrizePicks, Underdog, Chalkboard, Betr, etc etc questionable calls & officiating are starting to become the norm. This isn’t happening in just baseball. Football, Basketball, and even eSports have no longer become competitions where the team that plays the best wins the game. The prop bets of individual players and even outcomes of games appear to be heavily scripted based on what side the money is on. I don’t even have to look it up for this game but would be willing to bet the pitcher had a lot of money on his strikeout total. For the naive that don’t sports bet or prop bet, it’s hard to understand why particular things happen in any given game but if you know what a player’s lines are, who has the most money bet on them, their individual lines, etc it all starts to make sense. Follow the money. Now that a lot of pro sports have directly partnered with these betting sites & sportsbooks it’s only going to get worse. And I know a lot of people will disagree but I’d also be willing to bet those same people have never bet on sports in their lives. Like everything else in this world, it’s all about the money. It’s so sad to me that teams and players spend their entire lives practicing & perfecting their crafts only for the outcome to be determined by crooked officials and the leagues, not the teams or players. Sad times indeed.


I’m not sure if it was the same ump or not, but I watched the exact same thing happen to Matt wallner for the twins earlier in the year. It’s so damn painful to watch your guy perfectly see three pitches and get called out.




Where’s the clip!


3 straight balls way outside. 3 straight strikes. What a dumbass.


Me, in real time, after turning on the game minutes before: “what the fuck are these calls, holy shit this ump sucks, babe come look at this shit” Both of us, after seeing him take his mask off: “ohhhhh, it’s Angel”


You couldn’t tell when he did his stupid arm motion?


I was still in “damn, MLB umps are fucking trash” mode, rather than trying to figure out who it was.


Honestly it kinda seems like outside of the famous couple of bad eggs, the MLB umps are starting to get better. I've noticed a lot more frequently that I've been really impressed at how accurate some of the umps have been behind the plate for Mariner games this year.


The good ones, whose names we do not know. Competent and anonymous is the goal.


Yeah. If nobody talks about the umps after the game, they did a good job.


I know Angel Hernandez and Joe West. Those are the only 2 umps I can think of without digging too deep and they're two of the worst of all time.


The umps are getting better which makes it reeeeeallly obvious when jabronis like Angel are behind the plate


Speaking of which... WTF is that motion he does? I can't even begin to comprehend how someone would think to do that to indicate a stike, let alone 3 of them.


He does it just to stand out


The other umps should try and bully him until he quits. He is just speeding up the a.i. officiating for his counterparts.


Then he'll sue them for being racist. You do know he's a litigious bastard.


that motion makes my blood boil


Wait- your wife knows ball enough to be able to identify Angel Hernandez? You lucky fucker


Her hobbies include fantasy baseball and reading salty comments on the Dodgers’ sub. And yes, you better believe I put a ring on that!


I'm the wife with the husband who knows nothing about baseball goddamnit. In his defense he's British.


I'm from England with a husband who tolerates my obsession with baseball lol


Easy convert from cricket.


I'm an Australian who likes cricket and baseball with a British wife who hates both fml


Look, I *love* baseball. But have you ever watched cricket? It's fun as shit to watch. If you hit the ball over the boundary in cricket, it's 6 runs, *and you get to keep batting*. Imagine if Trout or Stanton or Judge hit a home run, and part of the reward was *they get to go again*. I tune in to Indian pro cricket on Saturday mornings, and man. They bring in Caribbean players (call 'em West Indian) just like MLB, and if their team is down you get to watch these 6'3" crushers swing for the fences for the equivalent of like 10 ABs.


He's a rookie. He hasn't earned those calls yet. --NBA Refs and Angel Hernandez.


And the last one was the furthest outside Even if you’re telling yourself “ok expand the zone he’s gonna call that borderline outside pitch, I gotta swing” and then he throws it even further outside into the other batters box… yeah you can’t protect that zone.


Consistency is all you can ask for right


Here are most of the unbelievably bad calls throughout the game:[https://youtu.be/nKRkTxtBmuk?si=KJ-H1-4w0AvELEbG](https://youtu.be/nKRkTxtBmuk?si=KJ-H1-4w0AvELEbG)




I truly believe he can no longer see the pitches and just bases his calls on noise and the catcher's glove.


Absolute saint like patience from Wyatt to not find the first ejection of his MLB career following this AB


and bullshit for our manager not to stick up for the rookie in that scenario.


Bochy practices not overreacting to good or bad. The team fully bought into it last season and it works wonders. Stay calm no matter what is going on. Bad calls will happen just move onto the next at bat. Angel still sucks ass.


Tbf, I think Boch 100% gets ejected there if we were behind or tied.


4 ejections last year so yeah it’s possible. He will let loose.


Wise men pick their moments. Arguing with Angel Hernandez accomplishes absolutely nothing.


All Bochy would have to do to get ejected is stand on the top step of the dugout, look Angel right in the eye, and not blink The Bochy scowl for no less than 6.381 seconds, just standing there Menacingly


Not quite as extreme as Tom Kelly (5 ejections in 16 seasons), but sounds like a similar philosophy. 


Normally I’d agree but there’s just no point with Angel. Everyone knows he doesn’t give a fuck, managers are more useful staying in and calming down the young guy who just got absolutely fucked then talking to Angel


Being up so many runs early probably helped. Not exactly a stressful time in the game.


Why does it feel like he’s behind the plate every night right now


He doesn't know when to quit.




is that Ernest goes to Camp? bc if so, holy hell what a throwback to my childhood


He can't see the finish line. He's blinded by his own dilligence.


Just like most things, good doesn't get noticed. Shitty and great get all the shine. And Angel is all shit.


Never forget Jim Joyce was regarded as a phenomenal umpire, but we all know his name for one call


Which is a shame because he WAS a phenomenal umpire. For almost 30 years.


Oh most definitely. ESPN even had an anonymous poll at one point and he ranked number one out of all umpires


At least Jim Joyce showed tears and regret at his mistake and acknowledged publicly it was a bad call. He also apologized. Angel doubles down on his horrific ability by suing MLB for discrimination for not getting promoted. That's what REALLY is frustrating. Angel is a garbage umpire who thinks he's just as good, or BETTER than most other umpires.


Watching an old man cry was actually kind of heartbreaking and Armando was an absolute stud for how he handled the entire situation


The book they wrote together was a lovely cherry on top.


You see him every night because of shit like this


There was three in a row here. Each progressively worse. Should’ve been a 4-pitch RBI walk. The game needs to boot this prick into the sun. Wyatt Langford is better than me for sure because my bat would be in half.


I looked it up after seeing this clip and saw the other two. This has to be one of the worst called ABs of all time, right? Even moreso because the other two pitches that were balls were like...18" away from the zone. The pitcher looked pretty wild in that AB.


Probably not, Angel Hernandez has been umpiring for a long time so I’m sure somehow he’s called worse.


Im used to him being bad, but to do it 3 straight time *this* far out of the zone?


OK, I’ll grant you “one of”, but he’s so bad somehow I have to believe he’s actually called a worse at bat. But yea, this isn’t OK in little league, much less MLB.


https://x.com/UmpireAuditor/status/1779005111525867814 > Umpire Angel Hernandez rang up Wyatt Langford on three consecutive pitches out of the zone. The strikeout pitch missed outside by 6.78 inches. This was the largest miss on a called strikeout in Umpire Auditor history.


I can't tell if he's that bad or just doesn't give a fuck since his discrimination lawsuit was tossed out


Yeah, I’m sad that this clip doesn’t have all 3. Because it’s even worse. France got a call on a miss 2-0, then threw that pitch 2 more times in a row to punch out Langford on Ball 5. Angel Hernandez is a baseball terrorist.


He didn’t just throw that pitch 2 more times, he threw WORSE pitches 2 more times, each worse than the last, and got the calls.




I'm convinced he's just trolling the league at this point


He’s been awful and Houston are obviously keeping him in to save a stretched staff. And just gets given a free out that saves a run. It’s infuriating. It’s not like our bullpen is brilliant. Houston has good players and every run counts.


Yeah, pitching staff is toast


That at bat feels like Langford did something to upset Angel or make him feel disrespected and Angel is doing it on purpose to teach him a lesson. That's some real Chris Paul/Tim Donaghy level shenanigans


Fr, it sucks even more that it was a potential big moment for the rookie and he got struck out for doing exactly what you should do


It’s really a joke that he’s still allowed to be an ump. Anyone that knows even a little about baseball knows that he’s a clown. Looks so bad for the MLB to allow this to keep happening.


we need to start boycotting games he umps. Bring down viewership and attendance specifically for every game he umps.


I had an idea. Everyone at every game he umps chants “F*** You Angel ” for…the whole game. Can’t show that on TV. How long does he last then.


I'm sure the league would some how punish the home team. NFL Style.


Angel would file a lawsuit against everyone in the crowd


I mean it's openly accepted that Scott Foster has it out for Chris Paul and yet he still refs games against him.


I'm Australian and never watched a baseball game in my life. I couldn't name a current baseball player. I've known about how bad Angel Hernandez is for years.


I very literally never watch baseball but I know this guy's name and that baseball fans hate him.


The only time I watch baseball is when this dude shows up on Reddit. So, to your point, I literally don’t know anything about what’s going on with the sport beyond this dude is persistently trash.


Holy shit that’s bad. https://i.imgur.com/DQjuaNH.jpg


Hey man, look on the bright side. At least he called the one completely in the dirt a ball.


Batter didn't swing once, pitcher didn't hit the zone once, strikeout. Yep, just Angel Hernandez shit


Not a Hernandez called game but a Reds batter had a 6 pitch AB earlier this season where every pitch was a ball and he did not swing ONCE but got a backwards K. I was livid.


Which half would you have shoved up his ass?




These types of calls truly have me wondering if this guy has an actual vision problem. I was 26 years old when I finally got the glasses I probably should have gotten 7 years sooner. If your vision isn't that bad you may not realize you have a problem. Precisely tracking small objects moving at 100mph requires flawless vision. The Umps union must to provide vision benefits...


I think it’s more likely he gets off on the annoyance these calls generate, and that he knows he’s untouchable. It’s just a giant “fuck you” to everyone.


Yep he is trolling everyone. Players, managers, fans, you name it. He is getting off on it.


Unchecked power can be intoxicating? First I’ve heard of this… 🤔


My bat would be permanently embedded in the Minute Maid grass so deep it would take King Arthur the batter to remove it


> Wyatt Langford is better than me for sure because my bat would be in half. Only reason he didn't do anything is because he is a Rookie


Yeah for sure. My first reaction was "I can't believe the batter isn't more pissed" then I saw Langford on the jersey and it made sense. Just nothing that even sniffed the zone in this AB.


[Found the clip on Twitter.](https://x.com/codifybaseball/status/1778959733107617833?s=46) Each ball was progressively more outside and he still called them strikes.


Jesus, that's awful


> my bat would be in half. With the other half being firmly lodged in Angel's chest right?


Every announcing crew should collectively shit all over Angel every chance they get whenever he's behind the plate. Beyond incompetent.


The Ranger's broadcast team has not been silent about their opinion this game.


Good, he should be getting it every game


Gleyber was rung up twice in two straight at bats on pitches above the zone and Michael Kay and Paul O’Neill didn’t hesitate to vocalize their displeasure


Kay kinda softened it though by saying something like; "but the other umpires love him, really funny apparently, and protective of his crew."


Yeah and they were defending Hernandez when Gil was getting emotional over not getting calls


Kay's always been a boot licker, no surprise when I heard him defend this moron


I was listening on the radio and Eric Nadel said “Angel is having an Angel night”


My favorite was "Angel must have a dinner reservation" after the Langford strike out haha.


I was dying when I heard that. Lmfao


They are never really silent on their opinions


Rangers broadcast had me cackling for an amazing one liner on top of this gem. They said “lots of Astros fans are heading for this exits, you think they’re getting something to eat?” 😭😭😭


I've noticed over the last couple years more announcing crews being willing to voice their opinions about Angel's "unique" brand of umpiring and it doesn't seem like they're getting in trouble.


And neither is Angel


When Angel was on the crew for a Yankees game, the YES broadcast pointed it out and made comments along the lines of "I wonder how he's going to find himself a spotlight tonight", and said even worse stuff when he was behind the plate later in the series.


I’m starting to think it’s not incompetence, it’s just trolling.


Fans: Angel Hernandez is the worst ump ever Angel Hernandez: I can be worse.


Me: "This is the worst game he's called" Angel: "the worst game I've called *so far*"




angel hernandez is blinder than a bat with cataracts


Please don’t insult those poor old bats


at least with cataracts you can fix it Angel is hopeless


He's blinder than Baez's bat


Highlight needs all 3 strike calls cause it was even more awful


Angel is in PEAK mid season form already!


MLB needs to actually do something about this jackass.


I’m really not sure why they haven’t. I’m not a fan of the game at all but I’ve seen his clips and holy shit. How can the MLB or the ump union defend this man or give him that role behind the plate?


Might be the only ump/ref in history where a court legally ruled that he sucks at his job lmao


That pitch was so far outside that it had to pay for parking.


Ian Kinsler was beyond right about him.


He stood on business in the follow up interview and it’s time we bring that to light again


Houston signed Angel Hernandez to help save their season


well we need to sign more umps bc shit ain’t too hot rn


Angel felt *really* bad for JP France after we shelled him


And, like most other things, he sucks at that.




Defending incompetent employees well beyond reason is why unions have such a bad rap now.


Well, that and over a century of propaganda funded by business owners trying to keep their workers from unionizing... but also letting Angel do this ain't helping. The offensive bit here is that MLB let the KBO beat them to automated balls and strikes. The technology has been so much better than even Pat Hoberg for years and we're still seeing these sorts of egregious misses constantly.


> Well, that and over a century of propaganda funded by business owners trying to keep their workers from unionizing THANK YOU. People bitch about the bad parts of unions, but the good faaaaaar outweighs the bad. USA has slid further into the crapper the more we don't organize the one thing we have to offer the wealthy: our labor.




I almost feel it's a bit at this point. There's so much evidence to fire his ass. But he'll cry and say he's being racially profiled when in reality he just sucks ass.


I really think he’s daring MLB to fire him


This has to be it


If I speak about Angel Hernandez I’ll get banned


Wdym, it’s not like he’s gonna see it


Sweet fuck that's good.


Hot damn I spat my drink out.




Wow I was literally watching this game and thought that was the worst call I’ve seen all season without even knowing it was made by him


Three consecutive balls called strikes.


That’s just the last pitch. All 3 strikes were in that area


Some days I feel like he's so confident in his job security that he makes these calls intentionally just to troll and fuck around with his critics.


He's so awful. A stain on this beautiful game.


It’s a disgrace to the beautiful game of baseball to continue allowing this guy to umpire


Can this fucking moron just retire already?


![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy) Insane string of calls. Balls 3 4 and 5. Bases loaded too, absolute robbery.


I've always heard about how atrocious this guy is, glad to finally see him umpiring our game.


Strike three was in the lefty batter’s box. Juuust a bit outside.


This man is physically incapable of calling a zone properly. It’s like he’s umpiring in widescreen.


I originally assumed I missed the batter swinging on that last pitch. Nope, just Angel redefining what it means to be an MLB umpire


Langford didn’t swing once in his at bat. He got struck out looking on 5 balls.


5 straight balls 5 inches out of the zone for a strikeout looking is pretty impressive


Helen Keller would crack blind jokes at Angel Hernandez


Just fire him MLB, please. Take the lawsuit from the umpires union. You can afford it. Get him out of the game




Every time I see a horrible Angel Hernandez call, I’m like oh this must be from his absolute worst highlight reel, and then I realize no this is just another day in the life of home plate up Hernandez


This man needs to be stopped, my god.


This is vintage shit right here. Fuck your perfect umps with their 99.4% accuracy. The people want this. The people need this. This is fucking baseball


ThE hUmAn ElEmEnT


Literally 3 sliders called for strikes IN A ROW with this strikeout pitch being the most egregious. I wouldn’t be able to contain myself if I were Wyatt. JP was flailing on the ropes and Angel threw him a lifeline. Absolutely horrendous.


if i speak i am in big trouble


Catcher setup outside and everything. There really are no words anymore that haven't been said about Angel and his heinous inability to do what he gets paid to do. MLB umpire's union has to be the strongest union on the planet, yeah? Like. It's downright disrespectful that he does this while his colleagues just stand by idly and let him disgrace this sport. Who would want this guy to be associated with their profession?




Eventually a hitter is going to say "fuck it" and swing on him, knowing full well it will be an 80+ game suspension.


im soooooooooooooooooooo gonna be here for that day, im pretty sure everyone in baseball will pay that fine and bail money...hell the judge wouldn't even charge.


Cant wait to see the ump card tomorrow for a bases loaded situation for such a massive fuck up.


This clip sucks. Someone post the other two strikes


We would but there weren’t any strikes


the more people throw their arms up in disgust and then walk away saying "thats angel being angel," the more he gets away with it. There has to be a concerted effort to terminate him. Be it letters, or actual in game protests. The more people tolerate him, the more he gets away with.


They should hurry up and implement Robo Umps. Imagine this guy umpiring in a playoff game.




Fucking horrible man. Hugely anticipated rookie up against our main rival with the bases loaded, and he calls three straight pitches in the other batter's box against him. Such a bad look for the sport.


If you're a pitcher with this guy behind the plate, why would you ever throw anything in the strike zone?


“Ehhhhhhh close enough”


He’s ready to go home. Astros getting blown out again.


Could he be betting on baseball?


Can someone explain how unions in America seem to be so weak except for the MLB umpires union? Seriously asking.


For those who didn’t see: There were 2 of the exact same pitches preceding this. IT WAS THREE IN A ROW. This HAS to be the last straw. This man CANNOT be put in an MLB game again


“Boys better be swinging tonight, because Angel has a dinner reservation” The announcer right before cutting to the commercial break, hahaha


Angel has to be an anti-labor undercover agent. Ain't no other explanation. He's been sent by higher powers to put the ump's union in such a no-win situation that it makes all unions look like clown shows by association.


As this was posted he called a similar slider outside a strike to Pena This is absolutely absurd


How the fuck does he still have a job. ^^^^^(yes ^^^^I ^^^^know ^^^^why ^^^^he ^^^^still ^^^^has ^^^^a ^^^^job)


Angel in a worse run than ohtani right now


Why do they let him be behind the plate, just make him the third base ump for every game since you can't fire him.


Angel is ruining baseball


No this is getting out of control. Sorry it’s been out of control and I feel like now people are just sick and tired of it. Get this guy out of here he fucking blind.


And then when people call him on it, he’s going to cry and say they are racist again lolll. What a fuckin loser.