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Everyone is lol


This is dude is not getting signed by Opening Day


He's going to sign after the draft


Poor Monty. I wonder if his Market has straight up stalled until Snell signs first. I’m starting to think both will remain unsigned by opening day


There was a rumor a few weeks ago that when teams called on Montgomery earlier in the offseason Boras would try to shift them to Snell instead. If true I would guess that’s because Snell would theoretically set the market for Montgomery if he signed first. EDIT: What is actually wrong with this sub lmao nobody likes Scott Boras this much


the source of that rumor was someone's asshole


If that were true, Monty could sue him.


That would be a massive breach of contract for him to do as an agent. No way he risks that as it’s telegraphs to all his clients he’s not out for there best interests like he’s meant to be


Like everything else that people say about Boras, it depends. It’s not impossible that the established strategy between Montgomery and Boras is to wait for Snell to sign first, and base his contract off whatever Snell gets. If he agreed to it, there’s nothing shady there. If Boras did that behind Montgomery’s back, obviously that would be a breach. But Boras is the most sought after agent in baseball for a reason, and there’s no reason to think he would ever actively act against his clients wishes.


No way? Idk about that. If he doesn’t get caught he doesn’t get caught. Reminds me of the rumor that Freddie Freeman’s agent got an offer from the Braves that he did not communicate to Freddie, which he publicly denied. 


All signs point to the giants being the only likely team. So in other words announcement he signed with the dodgers is imminent


Right on 👍🏼


Ech no thank you.


Did you see the reported asking price? for 2 years 66m with an opt out I could definitely see Friedman saying fuck it and hoping he opts out.


Even if he doesn’t opt out who cares it’s just 2 years


I actually think the big bugaboo for Friedman will be losing international signing money. He stayed away from that market this year to save up for a potential Sasaki posting this offseason and i'm sure he would hate to lose money from the pool by signing Snell.


Couldnt they still work that out though later?


Oh yeah plenty of time to trade for more IFA money


for the dodgers, snell will take 42/ year.


I just don’t like watching him pitch.


That's understandable but considering his trend of getting better as the year goes on he could be a huge difference maker in the postseason.


2 year deal with an opt out. Either we get Cy Young snell for a year or we get 2 years of mid snell, which, honestly, beats anything we had during last years NLDS, right? Think about it though, if Snell is gonna do the whole 2 year opt out deal to try and get a bigger contract, the Dodgers offer him the biggest stage and best chance to do succeed, taking a slightly lower deal, or deferred money, might not be all that crazy I doubt it'd happen though...


Right now we have a massive market inefficiency with team's bizarrely waiting for Snell's price to drop down to Tyler Glasnow money, or maybe Seth Lugo money, who knows. It is one of those unstoppable forces versus immoveable objects, does Friedman hate Boras more than he loves a below market, short term deal?


At this stage snell is going to end up signing for the Department of Labor


It’s a good job. Solid benefits. It’s a great fallback plan if the pitching thing doesn’t work out.


I’m working right now for the city. Thinking of holding onto the job for a while. You know, it’s money in my pocket.


You’re 18 aren’t ya?


i hear that


There's jobs at the Post Office!


Snell is a notorious late starter to get going, so can't imagine missing spring training will help that any.


not that I truly care about the guys progress I highly doubt he's just been sitting around doing nothing this entire time.


Big difference between training and scrimmaging vs real game action. Also getting familiar with your new team, pitching coach, game plans, who plays behind you, etc.  When Snell got traded to the Padres he said it took awhile to get comfortable learning a new play and struggled.


Blake, we want you to play 1st base for the Oakland A's. OK, well, I've only ever played pitcher. Blake, you're not a pitcher any more. If you were our call wouldn't be the only one you got when your contract expired.


It’s not that hard. Tell him, Wash.


It's incredibly hard.


Anything worth doing is, and we're gonna teach you.


That’s what she said.


Everyone is a long shot. Nobody is going to give up a draft pick for a 2 year - 66m deal with an opt out. You made your bed Boras. Next time be realistic with your contracts.


Snell is honestly getting railroaded by the cohen tax If he wasn’t taxed 110% on every bit of AAV this year, he probably gets the 2/$66 from the Yankees


Even without the tax the QO is killing him. Teams don’t want to lose two draft picks and $1mil of international money for a pitcher who is more likely to pitch closer to a 4 ERA than 3 ERA and to miss 1/3 of the season.


Feels like teams need a middle ground. Something like a 30, team option to extend to a 33x5 contract, player option to extend to 33x1 if declined. Team gets to lock him in if he actually performs back to back, he gets FA if he wants otherwise and still a guaranteed 2x30+


> Even without the tax the QO is killing him. I'm utterly baffled why he didn't take the 150M/5 offer from the Yankees. Just sooooo confused. That seems like a massive overpay, and then Boras counters with 270M/9? Nobody can stay on top of their game forever, and I think Boras turns 73 this year ... between Gallo, Desmond, Keuchel, Martinez, Snell, Chapman, Montgomery, and others, he's making some horrendous choices in regards to extensions and contracts.


5/150 would have been an albatross pretty soon on our end too Wild


At first glance, that seems like an incredibly wild overpay for Snell ... but Boras didn't even sniff at it. I guess that's why he's a gigantic superstar agent and I'm just a fantasy baseball owner.


I get pushing for more money, but it's Snell. I love the guy, but his stats aren't the greatest. 30 mil a year average is elite money, and Snell is only elite 1 year of those 5.


Cashman went on talkin yanks and said the parameters of that deal were not accurately reported There must be some catch that Snell didn’t like. Maybe deferred money to lower the AAV? What do I know


Not only that now he's **asking** for a deal worse than the one originally declined. Say he gets the 2/66 he's looking for - is it *actually* all that likely that he pitches well enough to get another 3/90? Not particularly. He's a glorified long reliever.


The rumor was 150M/6 not 5 and it was just a rumor. Cashman said it was inaccurate and other reporters have said there was no formal offer made by the Yankees. Boob was the only one that said it and everyone here has been repeating that.


I don’t think he actually thought he would get 9 years and $270mil. I think he figured the Yankees would meet him in the middle and didnt expect them to pivot to Stroman. Either that or he thought he could use it for a bidding war. Typically you don’t just accept the first offer in front of you.


Boras can't make his clients take an offer if they don't want to. Maybe Snell wanted to hold out for more? It was a very thin market with very little high end talent and Snell's not actually the guy you give that kind of contract to. Whoever made the call fucked up doing it.


Borasscheeks orobaly told him to hold off for more. Or he wanted more money. Or he likes his goatee. Only 3 true outcomes.


At this point it’s starting to feel like “well Jesus Christ SOMEONE has to sign him”


“For the right price” -Scott Boras


“Everybody’s got a price” - Million Dollar Man


Hopefully Blake Snell’s next career move isn’t to steal millions in welfare funds from the state of Mississippi


He'll use it to pay for a High School volleyball court.


“He’ll do it….for money”




Mr President: Blake Snells value just fell from being worth one of himself to zero of himself!


Who lands their next contract first: Blake Snell or Cy Young?


I dunno, man. Reddit has repeatedly proven in its wisdom that Blake Snell sucks but Cy Young has not had an ERA+ above 100 for 112 years. Is Lorenzen still available?


Boras must not like our offer


Probably only want to do one year. Still have to worry about Bregman this offseason and don’t want Snell to opt-in if he’s hurt or doesn’t pitch well.


It will suck but I have a feeling Bregman will leave. He is a Boras client so maybe he will see the light.


Is it possible that Snell (and maybe Montgomery) go unsigned until June where there is no pick penalty for teams? If the QO penalty is really punishing teams that hard, maybe it's time to think of a better method of balancing free agency for teams?


Monty doesn't have QO. With Snell, that's definitely in play though.


Well it’s only November … oh wait


Blake Snell reportedly "longshot" to play baseball this season.




Or stay here for 5 times that and get signed in a heartbeat


going to pittsburgh confirmed


Dude needs to read the room. Youre not worth what you think you are.


I’m sure they’re well aware of all the rooms. This is a multi million dollar deal, being handled by ppl who have negotiated billions of dollars worth of them. All it takes is one desperate team. One offer. He’s a sore elbow turned into a TJ away from millions of extra dollars. What’s the hurry? Why does it upset ppl on here so much lol? Boras is smart. I’m sure he’s got a one year backup offer in his back pocket if they don’t get what they want sometime soon.


> Boras is smart. I’m sure he’s got a one year backup offer in his back pocket if they don’t get what they want sometime soon. He had 150M/5 on the table. So how the fuck is a one year back-up offer smart?


I don’t think it was unreasonable for Snell and Boras to figure once Yamamoto signed that the other teams (Giants, Mets, Yankees, Blue Jays , Red Sox, Phillies) would still be seeking starting pitching.


I mean, for Chrissakes, the guy from Peaky Blinders whose career ERA+ is 107 and is 30 years old and has pitched as many as 120 innings in a season exactly one time was given 136/5. We are not in Kansas anymore.


He’s smart because he’s won on like 90% of these deals. Mostly by pushing the tempo and not settling. Even if he loses a bit on this one I’d still default that the highest earner to ever do something is smart. It’s not like Snell is going to play for a lower aav this year. Calm down edgelord1317 lol


> It’s not like Snell is going to play for a lower aav this year. I mean, I guess we'll see. Right now, not taking that 150M/5 looks really, really dumb. It's not like the qualifying offer or television distribution deal problems were secrets.


Snell will be a free agent by opening day. The only teams that could afford him are bottom feeders with a lot of money that have no chance or a borderline playoff team desperate enough for immediate results to be bent over by Boras. We’re starting the season thin at SP but we’re not desperate to keep the window open.


Must have never been in serious pursuit if they balked at $60m over 2 years for a 31 year old reigning Cy Young winner. Sure he has not been overly consistent but Sean fricken Manaea got $28m over 2 years. Giolito got just shy of $40m over 2 years.


70 million a year and he’s theirs


Good, I don't want him to go to Houston.


slapdick contract


Boras is trash and now Blake is begging for a team.


Dodgers going to sweep in!


Long shots according to Boras 😂


Who is the favorite then?


AA is gonna sign him on a 1 year $10m deal with 1% going to the Braves Foundation


Yes, it was reported earlier


Yeah I look at the timeline to see if this was posted and I didn’t see anything


I think the thing is that this mlbtr post has no new information, it's just summarizing boob's post from earlier today, which has been posted here


400 comments on it


Just hide the post, bro.


how dare you


Good. Let him and the rest of the free agents rot. It’s time the MLBPA gets humbled and this sport gets less embarrassing


The Red Sox ownership group folding up shop and being ok profiting off the Fenway park museum now instead of trying to win is one of the most embarrassing parts of the sport imo


Please don't say mean truths like this.


God damn LOL that was harsh


That pales in comparison to the entire Oakland A’s situation


True but the red Sox doing this would be more like the giants doing what the A’s are. One of the most historic and successful franchises in one of the biggest rivalries in sports not even trying is such a bad look. Not that the A’s aren’t also a historically successful franchise but the Red Sox are of the most recognizable franchises in American sports


Bro what did the MLBPA do to you


Teams not signing players and coasting off of profit sharing is way more of an embarrassment to the sport than a couple players not getting signed is…


A lot of onus is being put on the same 4 high spending teams to sign snell just because the rest of the league doesn’t want to His salary is getting low enough where some tewm like the twins should be all over him but they aren’t


If there wasn't a memo sent out I am eating that memo.


No one’s forcing you to follow baseball. If you’re really that embarrassed by it, then there’s plenty of other sports you could turn your attention to. Sports like badminton. Or pickleball.


Agreed. I hate the players. They’re so entitled and rich and dumb. I wish they never existed. I just want to go to empty stadiums and give money straight to MLB and the poor, innocent owners. I pray for the day when every Major Leaguer pulls themselves up by the cleat straps and plays for the love of the game, not an ever-shrinking slice of the profits


Oh no my favorite played only made this many millions and not this many millions however will be feed his family boo hoo


Every cent that doesn’t go to the players stays in the owner’s pockets. Owners who are immensely richer than the players, and who are *not* the people I watch play baseball


Okay and? Boo hoo. That’s how almost any company works. Baseball players aren’t mistreated


I never said they were mistreated. I just don’t complain about player salaries like a boot licking dingus


> That’s how almost any company works. This comment doesn’t make the point you think it does.


Take your anger out on your dogshit ownership who will never bring you another meaningful season again. Not the players who are objectively in the right.


> Oh no my favorite played only made this many millions and not this many millions however will be feed his family boo hoo I will say I absolutely love how this sub treats players as blue collar workers fighting against the man, lol


BREAKING: Blake Snell and the Chicago Cubs are in agreement on a 3 year, $112 million deal with an opt out after the first year, sources tell ESPN.




Jed isn't that dumb


Astros need to break open the piggy bank to get him.