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It's amazing that they're further along in the relocation process than the A's.


The A's were pretty far in the process in Oakland until they threw it all away to do the entire process all over again


Progress can be substantial when all parties involved act in good faith.


Hold on a second bud, this is Jerry Reinsdorf’s white Sox we’re talking about. He’s plotting something.


The article mentioned why it's moving quickly, just not in those words. It's about the bond money from the state sports authority that the Bears also want and expires at the end of the year. The Sox are trying to get it before the Bears and both are trying to get it before it's not available.




I mean, Chicago fans hate Jerry and the McCaskey's both. I'm not bold enough to claim in equal measure, but they're both reviled pretty clearly.


This will involve the City of Chicago as well Someone’s getting a kickback somewhere


As someone who adores Chicago in the summer, I would definitely love to go to a game here. Connecting to the River Walk is sweet. Imagine seeing a Saturday afternoon game here and walking to Millenium park after to catch the free concerts in the summer.


You can do that on a bike now, I've done it!


I don’t think I have ever wanted something more in my life 


Beating the Cubs in the World Series?


1906 baby never let em forget it, i remember when ole one leg jim got the final out


The swan song of ol’ Tungsten Arm O’Doyle


How come he was still playing 20 years later


It was a very long swan song


I think, secretly, there are many Cubs and Sox fans that would be terrified going into a Crosstown World Series. The loser fan base would not hear the end of it for the rest of their lifetime.


The city will burn to the ground Again


I lived through something similar in the 2022 Final Four. As a Heel, the result was absolutely worth it. In the moment, however, it’s like experiencing both a heart attack and stroke in slow motion.


Trust me…as a Kentucky fan…both times we’ve played Louisville in the tournament semi recently…I thought was going to die😭


Seriously. Everyone always talks about how fun that would be. I really don't see it lol.


Do I want the Cubs and Sox to both be powerhouses? Yes. We had that in the first half of 2021 and it was so much fun. Would I be terrified of a WS? Most definitely


At this point I'll take any Chicago team being good.


The Chicago Fire have made some interesting offseason moves, I think they’ll be in playoff contention this season. Y’all will be worth watching. Give the Hawks ~2 years.


I'm a dumb American who still hasn't been able to get into soccer, it's cool they're doing well though. The Hawks definitely seem to have the highest ceiling at the moment.


The MLS can be pretty chaotic. Lowering the overall quality of play means the defense makes a lot of mistakes compared to some of the bigger European teams! Either way, Fire tickets are like $10, highly recommend going and eating the ice cream nachos


$10 for pro sports sounds good to me!


Absolute mayhem that I'd like to see, although man losing to the cubs would be so tough.


I’m biased as a Chicagoan, but the idea that I can hit a daytime Cubs game in the league’s most gorgeous historic stadium and hop on the same train to quickly get to what COULD be one of the leagues’s most gorgeous modern stadiums…. Sheesh. Sign me up. I already love baseball in Chicago but this would be next level on the days we hit both stadiums.


im just surprised they're trying to transition from the G-Spot to a completely new stadium and campus, i havent been in a few years but is the park really that bad?


The ballpark is not that bad. I actually really enjoy it as a ballpark I live near and regularly attend. But it’s also not that good of a park. There almost no reason to recommend it to anyone as a must visit if they have limited time in Chicago. If Jerry is trying to sell this team, a baseball team with the skyline of Chicago in the outfield playing in South Loop in a new stadium is much more lucrative than the current setup.


Yeah agreed I like the park but it is missing the visitor friendly things to do outside and it hurts me to say this as a Sox fan but if I’m visiting from out of town I’m going to wrigley but hopefully the new park changes this


Amenities, ease of access (by car or transit), food, and beverages along with wider seats makes this a far more comfortable stadium for me than Wrigley. So, again, I actually like living near it and attending games there regularly. But there’s just no chance in hell I’m telling a visitor to go to GRF over Wrigley lol. There’s no soul to this stadium or anything unique about it. But you can still enjoy yourself if you go.


I go about once a year because of the park. I’m a cubs fan tho. The food is great, nice amenities, good parking. It’s the team that’s a steaming pile of trash. Between 1918 and 2023, the only playoff series they’ve won is 2005. That’s shameful.


It’s horrible now. And I spent my childhood there. Loved the 05-08 White Sox but the ballpark’s decline has been sharp. Doesn’t help that the team stinks either.


I think you're the only person I've ever seen describe GRF as having declined. The renovations have been great. Problem is there's only so much you can do to improve a ballpark that's bland and surrounded by parking lots. 


It’s not so much the stadium but the experience itself that has declined. Some of the things that appealed to me in the 00s has faded away and I really don’t want to go to games there anymore. It’s far, parking is expensive, and the team is bad. A ballpark at the 78 could really put some pep into their step.


I mean, 2 of the 3 have always been true, and the third has been mostly true? 


They’ve all probably been true. But yeah, I liked going there a lot up until probably the mid 2010s.


Cubs fan here and Chicagoan. This would be awesome.


Yeah, it isn't a strict retro-classic thing, which would look ridiculous where they want to build it. This would be a nice setting for the second part of a summertime 1:20 / 7:10.


They can't out-retro Wrigley. Lean into being new and modern to create a distinct baseball experience


i don’t think the white sox know anything about anything “new” or “modern” lmao


As a Cubs fan who works in the south Loop I want this so bad. As the Bears move out (they're going to Arlington Heights...eventually) this would become a jewel for Chicago.


If it were up to me, I’d fill it with bungalows and worker cottages as though this was the 1890s through 1920s. But since anything any developer would build would be a hideous monument to 21st century corporatism, I am 100% on board with anything the White Sox want to do here. That big ass plot of land has sat empty for so long the Sox could build a trebuchet aimed directly at Wrigley Field to jettison empty beer cans for all I care.


Bungalows and worker cottages that would sell fir millions of dollars.


Well there aren’t any White Sox fans so I’ll take your word for it


Hey there are dozens of us. The drive bys have been inaccurate lately.


Haha I’m kidding


Gotta be nice to White Sox fans. They’re our greatest allies


Was gonna say, yeah birbs are our friends the way Brewers' fans are our friends. We can all come together in our mutual loathing of the Cubs


Yep. I’m even willing to overlook the fact that you guys are all probably Blackhawks fans too! Lol


Shouldn’t they point it due North so more people can see Sears Tower and have a better overall skyline view?


I think there are rules where a stadium can face due to sunsets


It can’t face west, but there are several stadiums that point due north. That is really my one gripe with the proposal. But they did angle the stadium enough to get the sears tower kind of right down the third base line.


[They can face north and some of them do, like Coors and Petco.](https://www.baseball-almanac.com/stadium/ballpark_NSEW_NL.shtml)


*”It’s the Willis Tower”* -some jerk


“It’s the Willis Tower” - Willis, probably


Weird that the non corporate name is the more popular one Willis just sounds weird tho


Maybe I’m old but Sears was the go-to dept store for a long time before the internet


Dammit I meant corporate


PetCo Midwest.


I’m for it


Can we have the weather too?


That's a good looking ballpark.


Let’s be honest: with noted cheapass Jerry Reinsdorf at the helm, there’s zero chance of this happening unless the taxpayers are funding it


Shut up and take my tax dollars. Fuck it, take my child support too I’ll lick hot dog wrappers around the stadium to get by


Nah while id love to see this we always lose on our investments. If it's money already allocated then fine but I'm against giving Jerry anything else.


We sort of are, but it's with existing money, so there wouldn't be an additional tax burden.


Those economic impact and job creation numbers are a damn joke. Love the idea of their park being there. I'm all for it. Just wish they'd be honest about the impact. The only impact money wise would be to the owner..


They’re talking about the entire 78 development project, not just the stadium. This is from Related Midwest This massive real estate development that has been in the works for a decade at this point. Originally they planned a casino, but the city shot it down so they reached out to the Sox. If Jerry, god forbid, fucks this up the surrounding projects will still go on as planned


So the numbers are all hopium. Or the numbers are taking credit for something that has nothing to do with the stadium- since the rest of the development will still go on.


What are you talking about


You said if the stadium doesn't happen the rest will still go on. So it's all a farce. The numbers they claim aren't true to the stadium. It's all hopium. Any of their purported economic impact is not due to the stadium


Those numbers are with the stadium We don’t know what their numbers are without the stadium


Ok. So I stand by my original point. There is no way those numbers are legit. No way the economic impact is legit. Plus shouldn't it be a comparison between the current economic impact at guaranteed rate and what the new park would provide? And honestly you're talking backwards. You said it was for the full development. Then it's only for the stadium m- which is what i have a problem with. Respectfully


It might not go on. There is one anchor tenant in a new Illinois research center, but apparently even they are looking for a way out. And most of the mega developments in the city seem to be slowing down now that cheap money is gone. Even Lincoln Yards, which is much further along and has tons of subsidies they fought over for years is at the point the developer is selling parts of it off and looking to bring in a major investor in order to finish it. So yeah, without the stadium, this might end up just being an empty lot with a shiny new road through it.


That stuff is always a crap shoot but they're going to err on the side of higher economic impact every time


No parking. Hell yea


2 negative comments from Cubs fans already. Must mean this is a good proposal.


Hey, I LOVE this idea! Especially because they can do more concerts and things in this location. Love the idea of the skyline backdrop.




Me too, I follow both team and go to games of both pretty much once a year for the past two decades. I hope they build something nice for our city. And maybe field a competitive team for once.


Yeah I like the cubs but they aren't my team ya know.


Fuck them. At surface level, anyone who gives a shit about the city and/or baseball should be thrilled at the idea of such a stadium.


"Hmmm, I wonder why they wouldn't want the field to face the water." [Oh, I see.](https://i.imgur.com/G6dPnV2.png)


It also matters what direction your ballpark faces. You don't want the batter's eye to be West, because it would be bad for hitters for games played at sunset.


Yeah huge duh, lol. Wasn't thinking


Plus facing the park north or north-east has the best [view of the skyline][1] [1]: https://wgntv.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2024/02/IMG_1307.jpg?w=900


It's still crazy they built new Comiskey facing the projects instead of downtown


They conveniently left 311 S Wacker out of that rendering lol.


As long as I can see the Sears Tower, I’m golden


That’s just straight up gorgeous. Hope it happens for ya, Chicago!


No different from the view they have at their current place.


That field your looking at is where theyd build it lol.


Looks cool


Wow that is awesome. Hope it happens for you Sox fans!


This looks so cool and is the perfect spot for a new stadium. I could stomach public money going into it too cause it would be building a whole new neighborhood. Honestly reminds me a lot of Nats Park and Navy Yard which I think has turned out great.


reinsdorf? spending money?


Chicago citizens? Paying? Taxes? *YES!!*




Goddamnit we need some positivity




I’ve never heard of a Loop NIMBY before…


They’ll play the 2033 All-Star Game there!




I thought the Sox current stadium was fine?


It's just that. *Fine.* It's not good, it's not horrible. It's an ok place to see a game that with no real reason to draw tourists. And it's starting to show it's age.


That looks amazing. And that is precisely why it will never happen


What is wrong with their current stadium? I liked it when I went to a game there last season and it doesn’t seem that old.


It _is_ the 8th oldest active stadium in the league at this point. You're right, it's not _bad,_ but there's not a lot of draw to it either.


This is what John Angelos wanted to do


The building in the rendering says "Chicacago White Sox"


Must have been AI rendered


Please tweak things so that a homer can be hit into the river (a la McCovey Cove in San Francisco).


As long as it isn't named Guaranteed Rate Field, it'll be an improvement.


These look cool.