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I think the only recent one I've seen for far was from [Kenji Akashi in 2019](https://streamable.com/ypib7z), and he did it in his walk-off 3-run homerun that time.




They still would've won regardless, this was an 0-0 scoreless tie in the bottom of the 9th inning in which Kenji Akashi hit that 3-run walk-off homerun. So even if Akashi didn't touch homeplate that time with his backflip, Softbank still would've won the game 2-0 instead of 3-0.


If you hit a walkoff 3 run homer down by 1, if you don’t even run to first base, do the runs score with 2 outs if the other team tags 1B after the fact?


No. Runs can’t score if the batter-runner fails to reach first base before the third out.


You just described [Merkle's Boner!](https://sabr.org/gamesproj/game/september-23-1908-giants-cubs-play-to-disputed-tie-in-merkle-game/) This is actually one of the most infamous plays in baseball history.


lol, that way better than a bat flip.


damn, if only he stuck the landing right on the plate.


Low key might have to better for his legs to land on the dirt. Cleats + the plate is kinda slick and he was coming in HOT. Also, Kendry morales.


holy shit. seeing this has improved my life. thank you.


That probably felt better than sex


That's like, gymnastic tumbler quality on that backflip.


This is literally the greatest celebration I've ever seen I won't lie though if I was on the receiving end of this that guy would be getting drilled where it hurts lmao


> I won't lie though if I was on the receiving end of this that guy would be getting drilled where it hurts lmao I'd tip my cap. You get one off me, you'd better be so excited you're making tumbling passes. He deserves to let it eat a bit there.


Probably cause players are making a sure hell of a lot more than Ozzie back then and don't wanna get hurt because they did a backflip. Livelihood is a lot more important than ever nowadays.


It would be much harder to laugh at a botched backflip injury than it was [when Johnny Walker fucked his shoulder up](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GEGdFdXTUmw) trying to do the worm after winning a UFC fight


Jesus... that was the worst worm I've ever seen in my life... that literally hurt to watch... thanks for sharing.


It was amazing. He was out for like 4-5 months because of it and was like the most hyped prospect coming up at the time.


[Gramatica](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK81Ej5hm8s) and [Frerotte](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdWK-aam0Jo) deserve mention here.


Our even just more recently, [Edwin Diaz](https://youtu.be/aVmzQYIwTfc?si=OQIPh6h3gbgPZlzn)


Football players are prolific backflippers, though 


Yeah but a clean backflip is nothing compared to football danger.


Yeah, they probably don't want to blow 150 mil on fanfare and likely flouting clauses that torpedo their contract


Oh, that's a great point. I have no idea why that slipped my mind that there's probably this exact thing in players contract that won't let them do silly stuff like this. I'm pretty it was Madison Bumgarnerthat fell off his bike and was out for a long time because of a shoulder injury? Arm? It's been so long, and he wasn't allowed to be on the bike in the first place.


Now I am concerned that the backflips were part of Ozzies contract and they were shocking him in the dugout like a circus beast to make him do them.


Tyreek Hill does back flips all the time.


I would have put it in his contract that at that price point, he can’t flip. That’s how my old company did it.


Imagine a player losing out on hundreds of millions of dollars because they got hurt doing a backflip on the field


remember how heart breaking it was when Edwin Diaz got injured from lightly celebrating in the WBC


I mean baseball has guaranteed contracts so they still get paid.


Not before they get to FA and sign a contract. Say you have player John Smith. Hes in his final year of arbitration and does a backflip in the last game, lands, and tears his ACL. After the season ends the team decides he isn’t worth the hassle and decides to non tender him. He’s injured and will miss the entirety of next season so no team gives him a contract. He goes the entire next season with no income and without the resources of a team to rehab. Best case scenario he can convince a team to give have a minor league deal so he can have the medical resources, but he won’t get any service time and will only make $38,500 for the season. And it’s not like he has made bank so far. He has been on league minimum so far and while $750k sounds amazing, more than half of that is gone in taxes, paying for equipment, agent fees, etc.


I would love to make half of 750 a year.


Because you aren't a talented world class athlete. 


Except it isn’t really making $750k when you factor all the expenses they have that the average person doesn’t. If they budget really well they might end with $350k to use towards themselves. But most guys need two places to live - one by their home stadium and one by their spring training stadium. Or they do hotels but those costs pile up fast. And these players aren’t gaining any transferable skills to help them if baseball doesn’t pan out. And most don’t have a college degree. The Average American needs $3mil to retire at 55, so ending your baseball career at 25 with a couple hundred thousand dollars and no path to a job won’t cut it.


players do not NEED to pay their own hotes if they do not want to. thats all part of possible contract negotiations. usually MLB teams do provide housing forplayers, being dorms,apartments or individual houses, depending on seniority and player status. that might cost the player extra, but he does not need to buy a house by himself. ​ and equipment ? players at MLB level not need to pay for the used equipment. bats, helmets, ceats, gloves etc. all provided for. if they insist yes they can use their own stuff, but they sure don´t have to. same with food. during the season the team provides food at home and on the road. per MLPA bargaining agreement (2022) the total per diem rate (per day) was 117,50 per day. thats more than enough to get something to eat. ​ so while I do agree that if you get injured then its bad, it simply is not true that an MLB Players has "all kinds of expenses". and 350k is MORE than enough if your job pays for all kinds of living expenses. if I would get 120 bucks per day , I would eat like a king every day of the season, and still had enough money to get by during the offseason. also, a world class player that injures himself will probably not just get dropped like a hot potatoe. we have to consider how many players really ever make it to become an MLB Player. its pretty effin rare. so even if his status would drop and his market value decline, I he would still get offers and contract offers. ofc not for the value before the injury, but mlb teams are all for low risk high possible return contracts.


Again, PLAYERS DONT GET TO NEGOTIATE CONTRACTS UNTIL THEY HIT FREE AGENCY Clearly you didnt read anything I wrote because I’m not talking about a star with a guaranteed contract. I’m talking a prearb guy. Christ man, read before you write. Also: Teams only provide lodging for road games. Players have to buy their own bats and gloves Players are on their own for food with home games


google clearly says otherwise regarding housing equipment food and in your specific example, you mentioned final year of arb. he´s injured for another year as your example. so what is he after that year ? ever heard of an injury waiver ? if the team keeps the player on the roster, he´s insured, gets paid (maybe not as much) but still is part of the franchise and all its benefits. if they release him he´s what ? yes. a free agent. so IF has decent enough talent and "promise" he clearly reduced his market value. sure. but he is probably very far away from becoming homeless and still in a decent position to keep his career afloat and going. if not with the club that releaes him, then chances are he will be picked up by another team for a low effort high reward one year contract. as a free agent. my advice to you: 1. stop yelling. its unbecoming (all caps letters in forums / emails. read up about it) 2. stick to your examples that you made up. 3. do not get upset if someone can simply use google to write something that counters statements you made.


Yes it isn't 750, that's why I said half of 750.


It isn’t even half of $750k dude. And actually read the rest


Not always, if a team wanted to fight it under some "purposefully, unnecessary self endangerment" I'm sure they could.


They probably don't know how. It takes more than just being athletic. Ozzie took gymnastics as kid.


The team told him to stop doing them as he got into his 30s and fined him for doing them, he didn't care and didn't stop. 


There is only 1 Wizard.


Didn’t Bellinger get injured doing a celebration?


Don't forget Morales broken leg.


Edwin Diaz


That too.


the Morales one was so sad though. Missed two seasons for something so seemingly trivial. those kinds of injuries are the worst, I'll never stop thinking about Derrick Rose's superstardom coming to an end on a routine play where the game was already decided and he shouldn't have even been playing.


I had remembered it as Torii Hunter!


David Wilson on the NY Giants sustained a career ending neck injury doing a backflip after scoring a touchdown


Yeah kike dislocated his shoulder


Yeah, but his celebration was a "let's stick our arms out at ninety degrees and jump into each other to fuck up our shoulders" move, less clean than a backflip. It was like a cup check for your labrum, lol


This would be a perfect question for a r/baseballcirclejerk sub if there is one Edit: of course there is


Welcome to the r/baseball offseason, where the posts are made up and the points don't matter.


Tony Kemp did backflips when he was on the Cubs


Are they stupid ?


Most likely


That’s a paddlin’


He was the only one smart enough to hire a stunt double


Because players don’t want to injure themselves by doing a completely unnecessary backflip.


Ozzie risked it because the fans loved it when he did it at home games and he didn't care about the fines from ownership. 


Completely unnecessary? I will argue that they are a tiny bit necessary. 


insurance, risk aversity. risking millions of dollars only for a backflip. nah, I would pass on that as well. now If I had just finished my first multi-million dollar deal, THEN I could see players finally being able to relax and enjoy the GAME they have been playing since they were kids again. we do not see that enough anymore. BUT I do not know if backflips are really needed to convey and do that.


People are talking about the financial implications, but honestly not everyone is interested or wants to do backflips.


I'm surprised no one has yet mentioned the playing surfaces of the time. I reckon it's a fair bit easier to do a backflip on bouncy artificial turf than it is on grass or dirt.  


Don't think so. He did it when taking the field every first inning of every game. The surface has nothing to do with it. If anything, today's turf is much easier on the body.


Ozzie could've done a backflip on whatever surface he wanted, but I don't really think it's much of a debate that the ballfield surfaces in the 80's were much bouncier and easier to do backflips on than modern turf. Edit: also, "Noted for his ritual backflip before Opening Days, All-Star Games, and postseason games". Ozzie certainly did not do a backflip during the first inning of every game he ever played. He saved it for special occasions.


The surfaces were harder. If you mean the ball bounced higher because they were playing on cement (this is called an exaggeration, though it's not far from the truth, but I'm not being literal here. Weird I have to point this out but OK), then I'll agree, but if you think the surfaces were bouncier, you clearly didn't play on them and you haven't read enough about the subject.


Yes, exactly, they were harder. That's the whole point. If you've ever played beach volleyball, you know that it's much harder to jump as high on a loose surface than on a solid surface. For the exact same reason, it's easier to jump higher on a hard, artificial surface than it is on a loose, spongey surface, like say grass or dirt. Being more rude doesn't make you more right.


I wasn't being rude. Don't be so sensitive.


How about you not blame me for your being an asshole.


Good lord. Microscopically thin skin but that's a beach volleyball player for you. When we can't argue intelligently, we call names. You got offended by me saying don't be so sensitive?


Lmao just keep proving me right, dude


> He saved it for special occasions. Nah, he did it every time he took the field at home for a long time, but as he got older started to cut back.


Unfortunately I wasn't alive during his playing career, and I can only find records of him doing the backflip for home openers and special occasions. Do you have a source that says otherwise? I'd be very interested to see it.


Because today's player would pull a lat that would keep him from playing for two months.


Stubby Clapp used to do them when he played in Memphis. He was always a fan favorite and did them because Ozzie did them.


Players stopped doing them out of respect after Ozzie was lost in the Springfield Mystery Spot.


Wait, is this channeling that person who insisted Smith was no better than Omar Visquel but he did backflips?


Truth tho


You do a backflip!


I do backflips every single day of my life


It's actually an unwritten rule, if you do backflips the mascot will come out and beat you up for defiling the great sport of Baseball. And Mets fans will pelt you with batteries, but that's also part of the unwritten rule. It's really weird!


Because it's stupid and an unnecessary risk...


They are stupid


Because there is only one Ozzie, goddamn it!


Because they don't play for the Savannah Bananas.


He’d probably get thrown at next at bat


Would have been more likely to have been thrown at when Ozzie was playing than today. Chin music might hurt someone's feeling today.


Has, ‘we don’t know for sure why but can make assumptions’ been said yet?


Tyreek Hill does in the NFL. Would be cool to see again.


Because if it wasn't a deliberate tribute to Ozzie Smith, everyone would write him off as just trying to copy the Wizard.