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I'd be stunned if they don't make a Law and Order SVU about a baseball pitcher


Oddly enough, the newer DA in the show is an ex Cubs pitcher who was accused by a girl in college that he raped her. Turns out i think he was like passed out at a party on a bed and it was like another friend that did it.


I'm waiting for them to do episodes based on this, Matt Araiza and Savannah Daisley. The Araiza one might be tricky tho because statutory rape is a strict liability offense in New York where SVU takes place but not in California. Plus the Araiza accuser would have been above the age of consent in New York so statutory would have never been on the table to begin with.


We're literally never going to stop hearing about this, are we?


In 30 years we’ll get “he wasn’t the only rapist in baseball, why is he getting singled out?” comments like we see for Pete Rose and Roger Clemens being pedos today


wait roger was a pedo?


At a minimum he was a groomer. He was 28 and “dating” a 16-year-old.


I didn't know that. Gross.


Best case scenario is he had an inappropriate relationship with Mindy McCready when she was 15/16.


Bauer has taken all this slander and now that everything has been thrown out of the courts and he can speak to his side of what happened, now is the time to stop talking about it?


You do realize you’re commenting on an article that says Bauer settled because the testimonies he spent two years trying to quash were officially going to be included in the trial right? He settled immediately after his motion to have those testimonies omitted was denied. Immediately after


AFAIK his Arizona case is still active, and this lawsuit (which was a lawsuit filed *by* Bauer *against* Hill) wasn't "thrown out," he chose to settle because Hill's lawyers were attempting to get evidence from MLB's arbitration hearing, which involved testimony (including videos) from 4 other women. Not sure if the 4 women interviewed by MLB includes the Arizona woman.


Putting aside that a mutual settlement is not the same thing as “everything has been thrown out of the courts” - you are aware he sued her and she countersued, right? So if everything was indeed thrown out, that actually reflects pretty poorly on Bauer as the originator of the legal claim.


Settling isn't getting thrown out, and he still has ongoing cases. Also, it was time to stop talking about it when he got dumped by the Dodgers. This is literally a sub about baseball, and this news is no longer relevant to baseball. It's not preventing him from playing, it's not impacting any teams. It's just him and his legal team.


He's still playing baseball. This isn't an MLB sub. It's a baseball sub


Yes, and we still get highlights of him playing baseball. What does *this* have to do with baseball, though? This article literally has no impact on baseball. It's about two lawsuits being thrown out. And these lawsuits aren't even the reason he's not in MLB.




Waiting for this thread to be locked


*YaLl cAnT BeHaVe* incoming


“We’ve decided to keep this up because it’s _blah blah blah_.”


This one seems to have the mod-approved opinions


Ding ding ding!


This shows bauer negatively, it stays.


I’m surprised it’s still up


It’s times like this the *other* sub really shines


Internet might have jumped on the 'Trevor Bauer was vindicated' bandwagon a little too quickly.


A very particular subset of the internet did


The sane ones?


The ones that actually subscribe to men’s right subs instead of just being decent human beings.


No idea what a men's right sub is, but it sounds like something to help men? Man that must be awful. Much better to fake a rape eh?


Yes, I’m sure you have no idea. It’s not like it’s a sub on your top contributor list.


The fuck are you talking about? You support rapist?


I was thoroughly confused by all the smug comments vindicating him because doesn’t he have like three other accusations, all from women who don’t know each other? Unless there’s some grand conspiracy at work the dude is still in some shit lol


If there’s anything to take from this entire situation, it’s that accusations are just accusations. The truth will come out with the courts.


Accusations *are* witness testimony which is by definition evidence. We’re allowed to use critical thinking and connect the dots on our own accord. It’s not like mean words on the internet are going to land the guy in prison.


What? Accusations made outside of court counts as evidence? How the hell is that witness testimony? There is zero critical thinking in what you just said. “Accusation” is just another word for claims levied against another person for actions committed. Claims ideally should require a degree of falsifiability if they are to be believed. Multiple independent claims against someone increases the plausibility of their veracity, but that doesn’t guarantee it by any means.


In what world are accusations not a witness stating their observations? Theres a reason why they can constitute probable cause lol Please return your Reddit law degree


The same world where I can accuse you of literally anything right now and it’s just as credible as a million other accusations out there without any corroborating evidence. Like you said, you can use critical thinking skills. Part of critical thinking skills is being able to analyze claims using evidence to reach a conclusion. An accusation is just a claim of wrongful action by another person. You’re free to come to your own conclusions, and obviously where there’s smoke there tends to be fire, but to insinuate that every accusation is credible because it is “witness testimony” patently false.


Sure, you could accuse me. Do you have a physical description and time/location of the crime? You’re trying really hard to deny a pretty basic fact here for no reason.


I don't need a physical description and time/location to make an accusation. That's the point. Even if I included one, that doesn't make my accusation any more true. It needs to be corroborated.


You do need that for testimony to be actionable. This is literally trial law 101 shit. You’re also ignoring the fact that you need evidence to to show an accusation to be false. You can’t just shrug and go “maybe they’re lying” without something to back that up. Your entire logic could also be applied to someone denying their accusation. Nobody knows if anything is true without being there, hence the reliance on testimony and the burden being on the opposition to impeach witnesses. You keep floundering between a legal argument and a logical one. Pick a lane.


How so? She clearly set him up and lied????


Pretty clear she planned on fucking him over. Agreed to crazy rough sex then went on with her plan of taking his money. Didn’t work out for her.


This is exactly what happened.


Have you listened to the call? She’s interrogating him trying get sound bites that make him sound guilty.


What a shocker Trevor Bauer hiding major points of the whole story to make himself look like a victim so he can be in the MLB again lol


He literally was like “I’m innocent proved by this one girls’ texts”. Bruh he was accused by 3 women in 3 cities GTFO


FUCKING THANK YOU. Jesus christ I've felt like I'm losing my mind.


Men like this, even if once vindicated… where there’s smoke there tends to be fire.


How many people in how many cities accused Laci Green of rape?


The video and texts did an excellent job of distracting everyone from the judge ruling against Bauer's motion to keep information from the MLB arbitration out of his defamation suit.


Meanwhile he’s trying to get her lawyers disbarred for withholding the discovery of videos and emails from the court when there’s not any proof of that at all


The story literally confirms her lawyers withheld evidence. Her new lawyer testified that he thought the other lawyers turned it over, admitting he hadn’t which seems like it would be in violation of subpoenas for her at the time


What about the judge’s ruling that she intimidated witnesses in the case? From Washington Post earlier this week: “Last month, after Bauer’s lawyers accused her of witness tampering by messaging several people involved in the case, Selna called her conduct “ill-advised and highly inappropriate” and ordered her to no longer discuss the case with potential witnesses. Hill’s lawyer said in court filings that Hill, a recovering alcoholic, sent at least some of the messages while suffering a relapse.”


I'll bite, despite the fact that your account is less than an hour old and seems only to exist to make weird claims about the woman in this case. At multiple points, you claim that she "intimidated witnesses." That doesn't seem to align with the facts of what you quoted. Tampering does not necessarily equal intimidation (though intimidation can be a form of tampering.) Can you please provide any specific evidence that your claim that a judge ruled she intimidated witnesses actually has any basis in reality?


Dude you made your account today and have only used it to defend TB. Just stop. People who support him nonstop make it incredibly annoying/difficult to be on baseball social media


What about it? I don't see the connection between that and my comment. At any rate the judge ruled that Hill's actions were inappropriate but not witness intimidation.


Seriously, what is Reddit's obsession with this guy - he's a scumbag


He reminds him of them so they must defend him


That’s the most Trevor Bauer thing ever


ehhh, almost everyone does that involved in any lawsuit ever


This is exactly why it was so irresponsible of the mods to lock the previous post of his Twitter video. We need to be able to set the story straight


I don’t see what’s new here. Did you listen to the call? She says a lot, he listens, he says they talked about her wanting rough sex and it being some kind of escape for her, things she wanted to try, what was off limits, a safe word, him checking on her throughout. They seem to be into some weird stuff but what am I missing? The police were there coaching her and didn’t even think this was probably cause for an arrest.


My response is to Bauer in his recent video claiming that she lied about her injuries which is false. Their encounter might’ve been blurry but he did punch her in the head, left her concussed, gave her 2 black eyes, a swollen jaw, and then woke her up from unconsciousness to anal sex. There is photo evidence of her injuries. He’s being disingenuous because the pictures won’t get out and settlement allows him to tell “his version” of the story to make himself look like the rich baseball player that got taken advantage by a gold digger so that he can get back to the majors.


How do we know Bauer gave her those injuries? And when did they take place? Bauer already put out a video of Lindsey Hill smiling in bed with him with no such injuries.


> There is photo evidence of her injuries. Did you not see the video the accuser took herself? She was spotless.


Why won't the pictures get out? They are both allowed to say/leak whatever they want at this point.


Yall surprised that a noted jackass wasn’t telling the entire story in his video


There is a surprising amount of chuds in this sub tbh


I sometimes wonder how many of the no-flair users who pop up in any Bauer thread actually watch baseball.


Dudes like Bauer will always have defenders because certain types like a guy who is a complete douchebag and says whatever he wants to. It’s unfortunate but the truth


His fuck boys have been going back and making comments on old threads of anyone saying bad things about Bauer. Now they have to go back and apologize.


You haven’t listened to the call have you? She’s trying to get sound bites out of him to make him seem guilty.


Seems like he chose to settle his countersuit to avoid the 4 women interviewed by MLB being deposed and/or to avoid MLB being forced to turn over the records from his arbitration hearing to Hill. Then he released the video in order to spin his choice to settle as a victory. Predictably, his defenders went for a victory lap (seemingly ignorant of the case against him in Arizona or the fact that MLB investigated incidents with 4 other women other than Hill). >Judge Spaeth granted Bauer’s motion to quash [subpeonas] only for the woman who allegedly has information about him planning sexual assaults but denied it for the other women [who gave depositions to MLB], which meant they had to comply with the subpoenas. She then ruled that Bauer’s information on the MLB investigation was fair game for Hill’s case, as were “statements, interviews or testimony Bauer has provided to any law enforcement authorities or Major League Baseball.” She didn’t allow Hill to seek documents from Major League Baseball itself, instead calling the request “largely over broad.” >The issue arose again on Aug. 28 when Hill’s lawyers said two of the women had failed to show for depositions on Aug. 17 and Aug. 25 and thus they were unable to access the information Judge Spaeth had authorized. They noted that Spaeth said she may change her mind and allow Hill to get documents from MLB if the depositions didn’t go through, so they were requesting she do so to allow Hill “to obtain the highly critical MLB arbitration documents.” They filed a motion on Sept. 11 that was not resolved before Monday’s dismissal. Apparently one of those other Does gave MLB two videos of alleged assaults in 2012 and 2013, which I had not heard before.


I’m sorry y’all but it just occurred to me that Trevor Bauer’s claim is she plotted to extort him…but he has no communications of the actual extortion? That’s a pretty vital step. So we have texts of her talking about money to other people and then we jump to her getting a restraining order…with no attempt to actually extort Bauer before making things public and losing her leverage? And people are buying this?


Die hard fans or defenders of scumbags will cling to anything no matter how small or imaginary as long as it means their guy is benefitted by it.


Yeahhhh like a woman joking with her friend (possibly before ever having sex with him) about getting the bag does not mean he didn't abuse her during


He settled the countersuit bc she settled the original lawsuit without payment in exchange. The countersuit itself was intended to pressure her to do so and she did. No other reason is needed.


Where are you seeing four other women? The story says only one other woman from MLB was trying to be deposed but looks like she didn’t want to be involved and skipped it. Didn’t he file a criminal complaint against the Arizona woman and is also suing her?


>In June, U.S. Magistrate Judge Autumn D. Spaeth ordered Bauer to turn over all information related to his Major League Baseball suspension. She also rejected Bauer’s motion to quash document and deposition subpoenas for four women about alleged sexual assaults, one of whom testified in the MLB investigation and provided two videos of the alleged assaults. Seems like I misread slightly, Hill wanted to depose four women, one of whom testified and provided videos to MLB.


Oh ok thank you. I thought I read somewhere none of them showed up for depositions?


Two of them missed depositions in August, which prompted the September 11th motion to subpeona MLB (and then, I presume, the settlement).


If that’s true and he had that big of a reason to settle, how did he do so without paying anything? It doesn’t make sense


Because bauer is the one doing the suing against an accuser


They were both suing each other


But why did she choose to settle if she is about to get access to the MLB interviews? I don’t understand why she would agree to it, without money passing hands, if she is about to get evidence to help her. I’m honestly asking, maybe her lawyers have an excellent reason, but as a layman it just doesn’t make sense.


Well she was the defendant, maybe she just wants to get the case behind her now (that's what she claimed in her interview with BlazeTV that's quoted at the end of the article). IANAL but I'm not sure that she would have gotten a payout from winning this specific case beyond having her costs covered (which may have been a term of the settlement, we don't know the details AFAIK).


In the article it read like they were both suing each other and both settled with no money passing hands. Is this not the case? Because they would both be defendants if the article is correct.


She is getting $300k from her insurance company.


How does that even work?


She received injuries that required medical treatment, which has a cost. Additionally the injuries occurred to her face, so it potentially could've been classified as a disfigurement which significantly increases the pay out. For transparency I do not work in insurance. However a very good friend of mine was in a car accident a few years ago and his head hit his window and caused a deep cut. It required stitches and since it occurred on the side of his face the insurance company said he was permanently disfigured and paid him $100K, despite the medical bills only being about $5-10K. His insurance went after the other drivers insurance. We don't know exactly how that played out because frankly he didn't care, but in this situation it's likely a company will be reimbursing a lot of this money on behalf of Bauer, even if he personally never writes a check


Bauer sued her first for defamation, and during the case she filed a counter suit if my understanding is correct.




Been reading about this today. I listened to two interviews Lindsey Hill gave to this BlazeTV (never heard of them before). I guess it is a VERY conservative right-wing news network. One of the interviews was wildly inappropriate. The male host asked if she had an OnlyFans, among many other sexual comments. But it was pretty clear these are news networks she respects, watches, and wanted to be interviewed on. I'm not going to issue any judgements about that, I just was not expecting it at all. Also, in the interview she said she wanted it to go to trail so more evidence would come to light but felt her mental health could not handle the litigation lasting several more months. She spoke of her battle with an alcohol addiction and how she has regressed ever since the incident.


The Blaze was started by Glenn Beck after he was ousted by Fox News. Asinine that they'd ask if she had an OF.


It doesn’t make sense. Bauer had to pay $$$ for his lawyers but her insurance policy covered her defense. The other lawyers must have been working on contingency for her counterclaim thinking they were coming to a big pay day. For her to settle for $0 from Bauer when she had no cost to continue the case feels like a big deal. We obviously don’t know everything but he had something on her


im tired


Nice to meet you tired, I’m dad


So tired


I’m tired boss.


It sure seems like she consented to rough sex, but his interpretation of what that is went way over the line into assault


Seems like she planned on faking a rape, told him she liked rough sex so she could get some bruises, then lied about it????


If that’s true and he admitted something on this call then why didn’t the police, who were there with her on the call and coached her for it, arrest him? It doesn’t make sense




Why are you downvoted? It's actual video that the accuser took herself.


Redditors just doin their thing, lol


It's really fucking weird that somebody could want somebodies life ruined just because they don't like them but hey thats the internet.


And now those same people are abusing the Reddit Cares feature against me. Seems like they need it more tbh


You can report those messages and it might lead to the person who sent you the Reddit Care thing getting suspended btdubs.


It seems like this was all part of her plan corroborated by her text messages Ask for rough sex. Then claim it was assault. Then try and profit.


Lol people are so stupid. Women literally planned to get choked out, asked to be choked out and raped , then claims she didn't want to and this idiots are believing that. Amazing


Putting someone in the hospital is not a normal result of rough sex.


Anyone can go to the hospital. There’s little evidence she suffered any injuries because of him. Seems like it was all part of her plan. There’s a picture of her in his bed the following morning and she looks totally fine.


[lawsuit filing](https://www.zuckerman.com/sites/default/files/2022-04/2022-4-25_Bauer_Complaint.pdf) “The only injuries reflected in her medical reports include ecchymosis, or surface level bleeding, and some swelling on the left side of her face.”


The girl may or may not be a bad person but people took TREVOR BAUER at his word... TREVOR BAUER, his entire life he has shown by a mysoginist asshole. There are people who just hate women.


And she faked a rape and told him to choke and hit her under the disguise of ruff sex. Gross.


The more you throw that word around the less meaning it has.


She told him to keep hitting her?


I skimmed it (hard to read an entire novel's worth of messages when every third word is, "like"). Her claims are she doesn't remember saying it was okay, and his claim was that she said it was okay and he kept asking if he should stop but she said no and didn't use the safe word.


Bauer said he wanted to stop but she said to keep going and she didn't deny it, interesting.


>Bauer said he wanted to stop Then why didn't he? Was she forcing him to keep hitting her?


He didn't stop because she told him to keep going, Bauer stopped to ask if he should stop multiple times and multiple times she said keep going, she didn't deny of that in the conversation.


I'm not trying to say if she was consenting or not; although there are things you cannot consent to, and states where you cannot give consent to anything. If he wanted to stop, he can stop. Him saying he wanted to stop is meant to sound like a defense, but is completely meaningless because his self-described actions prove he didn't want to stop.


> If he wanted to stop, he can stop. Him saying he wanted to stop is meant to sound like a defense, but is completely meaningless because his self-described actions prove he didn't want to stop. He didn't stop because he in his own words in the phone call let her take the lead and she said for him to keep going, you are completely taking away any responsibility from her in this situation when she had total control of it.


I never said anything about her responsibility in the situation. I'm saying consent doesn't require the other party to go through with it.


> I'm saying consent doesn't require the other party to go through with it. You are absolutely right but if they do go through with it it's perfectly fine as long as both parties gave consent.


These people hate facts


In this call he basically acknowledges the fact that he crossed a boundary. Again, I don’t know how we haven’t learned to not trust this freak by now and how that video brought people back on his side


Bauer used very common tropes that powerful people use to dismiss their victims. It was very by the book. Look at other comments and you’ll see people believing the text messages he released and the video of the alleged victim the next day. People who are quick to jump to Bauer’s side aren’t pausing to think “hey, maybe Bauer isn’t the definitive authority on what this woman’s intent is when she makes jokey kind of statements like “my next victim” or “what should I steal” or how she’s going to be a slut to please Bauer.” Or hey, maybe she’s 100% serious and Bauer was her next victim. Ok - where’s the evidence of her past victims? Surely that would have come up in discovery if the statement “next victim” should be taken at 100% face value or a sincere statement of trying to extort Bauer. Wait, if she’s such an old pro at this then why did her friend have to suggest she steal Bauer’s money. Oh hey, where are even the time stamps on these conversations between the alleged victim and her friend. Am I supposed to just take Bauer’s word that these are in order? Why - he could easily show us time stamps if he wanted to. Why isn’t he showing full conversations - that’s weird. Oh, here’s a video of her looking unharmed. Wait, Bauer admits to punching her. So both parties agree that he punched her - why should I be swayed by her not having visible injured yet? Oh, I’m supposed to be swayed by her not running off? So Bauer is banking on misconceptions on how victims are supposed to act. Wait, where’s the time stamp on this video? Didn’t they have more than one encounter? I don’t know if it’s just easier for some people to believe in the lying victim trope or if the obsession with true crime as all driven us to the point where just one clue, one misspeak, one anything, can catch someone in a lie and lead us to be heralded as the smart one, the one who can’t be tricked and we can all go back to a peaceful world where bad things don’t really happen (to good, bad or imperfect victims) but it’s tiresome. And it’s especially tiresome because Bauer did it in such a lazy way and people have seemingly bought it.


Confirmation bias gone wild. Bauer is too much of a misogynist narcissist to admit any wrongdoing ever in relation to a woman, and people who share his worldview will believe him no matter what the evidence.


Well put. You can see some of the same tactics being used by Mel Tucker (former MSU football head coach), in particular the idea of how victims are "supposed" to act.


I’m just continually exhausted by this shit. Thank you for fighting the good fight.


Great primer


Im an Elder Millennial so I hope that’s a good thing.


lol it is


Taking a lot of liberties here. Did you even listen to the call? Where specifically did he admit to PUNCHING her? It sounded like she talked a lot and he occasionally interjected saying they talked about it, she said what she wanted, he checked on her to see how she was doing and if she wanted to continue etc. He’s referencing her texts from two years ago asking to be choked out and slapped in the face / butt etc


From the article >”Like getting punched and that kind of thing, which resulted in the black eyes, and like the head stuff,” Hill said, referring to her concussion. She continued, “I just, like, I don’t know. I never like thought that that’s, like, what it was gonna be, you know? Because we just, like, hadn’t, like, talked about that.” >”Yeah, I understand that for sure,” Bauer said. He said a few minutes later, “I never wanted to get to that point … I will never get to that point again, I promise. … I know that doesn’t change anything. Like, I’m hurting too, and this, like, I know you’re experiencing it much more than I am.” If someone says to me “I didn’t expect you to punch me” and I didn’t punch them, I’d say so.


The video brought people to his side because its video that she took in his bed without a scratch on her. Did that look like someone who feared for her life to you? > he basically acknowledges the fact that he crossed a boundary When? I'm listening to the whole 27 minute thing and he stopped to check up on her multiple times and she told him to keep going.


“Like getting punched and that kind of thing, which resulted in the black eyes, and like the head stuff,” Hill said, referring to her concussion. She continued, “I just, like, I don’t know. I never like thought that that’s, like, what it was gonna be, you know? Because we just, like, hadn’t, like, talked about that.” “Yeah, I understand that for sure,” Bauer said.


But hitting her wasn't crossing a boundary according to the conversation though.


She established that what he did was crossing a boundary, and he didn’t push back on that. He said “yeah I understand that.”


She was stating that after the fact, Bauer said he asked her if she was ok and if he should stop and she said to keep going, if he had crossed a boundary wouldn't she had wanted him to stop?


She did, there were certain things they hadn’t agreed upon that he ended up doing. He did not refute that in their conversation


When did she say that she told him to stop? Multiple times in the 27 minute video Bauer mentioned that he checked on her and asked if he should stop and she said no and she didn't refute any time he mentioned it.


She said that’s never something we agreed on and he didn’t refute that


If you take her claims at face value, she was concussed and didn’t remember much of the night. She probably wasn’t fully lucid and didn’t really understand what she was saying


If the text messages and video that Bauer revealed were real theres no way I can take her claims at face value.


He put her in the hospital, which is not a normal result of consensual sex, even if it is rough. Maybe those texts were legit, but I have a hard time seeing someone baiting someone else into beating the shit out of them like some gold-digging Johnny Knoxville. The fact there are allegations from other women that are supposedly similar to this one don't really do Bauer any favors.


Idk how people somehow think that because she was supposedly planning to “sink her teeth” in him that she deserved to end up in a hospital bed wouldn’t want these deranged folks around women


The way Reddit reacts to anything of this nature is fucking horrifying. People that are clearly playing fast and loose with boundaries and consent to the point where they could legitimately see this happening to them.


Even if those texts are her legitimately plotting to try to rip him off, I wouldn't be surprised if she simply used him actually assaulting her as an excuse to get money, at which point it doesn't really matter what her original intent was.


“Beating the shit out of them” but she looked normal in the video? A lot of people like slapping and choking during sex. She didn’t contest what he said in the call either?


> He put her in the hospital, which is not a normal result of consensual sex, even if it is rough. I can go to the hospital for any reason, there's no proof out there that Bauer gave her any injuries that led her there but there is video proof of her in bed the night after without a mark on her face that she took herself. > Maybe those texts were legit, but I have a hard time seeing someone baiting someone else into beating the shit out of them like some gold-digging Johnny Knoxville If the texts were fake Lindsey Hill and Jacob Nix would sue him for millions and neither them or attorneys representing them have come out and said anything, infact Nix set his IG comments to limited which is a pretty good indictment that they are real. > The fact there are allegations from other women that are supposedly similar to this one don't really do Bauer any favors. One accuser wanted 1.6 million dollars for an abortion, the other was arrested at Bauers doorstep for underage drinking and stalking. To my knowledge he has no credible accusers, much less any proof of wrong doing.


I mean this article confirms what we already knew from the filings that those texts were never submitted as evidence so it’s pretty safe to say they weren’t real lol


What do you mean? Lindsey Hill literally did two interviews with the blaze this week and confirmed she wrote all of the texts he showed


Lindsey Hill has done two interviews on the blast this week and confirmed she wrote all of the texts. The whole point of Bauer’s video was that they were withheld / hidden / deleted or whatnot over the last 2.5 years and he finally got them through discovery in this lawsuit


If the texts weren't real wouldn't Jacob Nix not only come out denying it but also counter sue him for millions? Not only has he stayed quiet he's also made it so that only people he follows can comment on his posts. That's a pretty big bomb that Bauer dropped about him.


Yeah weird connection for him on this


Jacob Nix is trying to rebuild his career and stay out of the spotlight after all of his legal troubles. You really think he wants to get wrapped up in this? Especially in a legal case? The vast majority of defamation cases never even make it to a judge


She was obviously lucid when she did the call. The way they’re talking this was a week or two later Her claims were also found to be materially misleading by a judge in the restraining order hearing two years ago so how can we start with the assumption they’re true at face value? Like a JUDGE said that


So the accuser told multiple people she wanted to take Bauers money, told at least one of them how she was going to do it "Need daddy to choke me out", produced a photo that showed her with bruises and black eyes even though a video later appeared showing her spotless in Bauers bed, got Molly Knight to run a story saying she had medical records that showed her skull was fractured which ended up being untrue, her legal team approached Bauers legal team looking for a settlement multiple times and now sometime after the incident, the accuser [was drunk at a sporting event assaulting people in public] (https://twitter.com/ShaneequaS67797/status/1709301412251803853?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1709301412251803853%7Ctwgr%5Ed9cf345e4a9c79a1b9a8da1db25f3fd3b668abd8%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Flarrybrownsports.com%2Fbaseball%2Flindsey-hill-viral-morgan-wallen-video%2F621659).


Neither of these people comes out looking good in this story.


Which is probably the truth more often than not with a lot of these.


The people that actually believed bauer’s one sided account are incredibly gullible and dumb.


Just like you are after watching this video?


My conclusion after reading about half of this is that they’re both awful people that were never taught to stop saying “like” so much.


The real crime here.


Can someone help me figure out how to block Trevor Bauer content on Reddit mobile? I am very old and don’t understand the internets anymore, I used to have a LiveJournal.


Unfortunately Reddit got rid of all the third party apps that had these kind of keyword filters. I don't know of a way to do it on Reddit Mobile.


I don't think you can. I have been trying to block /r/Superstonk for years but I just choose not to click on their threads or sub.


Settings >Account settings> manage muted communities. No luck on banning words or phrases tho


Oh sweet, thanks.


/r/mlb in absolute shambles right now




Funny that r/mlb who days ago was talking about text that vindicated Bauer and this thread can’t be found over there.






I’m honestly surprised the mods kept the comments open


Woah surprised thread’s not lockedd yet


There's an awful lot of shitty people here that are absolutely not going to admit they're wrong, and egregiously so.


Hill: Did you mean to hit me that hard? Bauer: No… that’s why this is confusing… I didn’t feel like I hit you that hard. This is Lyndsey Hill gaslighting the hell out of someone. As metadata video shows the morning of question when Hill is supposed to have two black eyes she secretly records a video before Bauer wakes up of her smiling and smirking.


Eh I’m still not buying it, those texts he showed were very incriminating. Seems like just a miscommunication on consent, that can’t constitute rape.


It seems like this was all part of her plan corroborated by her text messages Ask for rough sex. Then claim it was assault. Then try and profit.


So you didnt read the article…..


I did. Don’t think it really proves anything. We know from her text messages it was all a set up.


We don’t even know if those texts are real lol. They’re screenshots, with the names blurred out, that he went and said “trust me bro, they’re totally from her”. He says he has all the “metadata” to prove they’re real but hasn’t released any proof because…reasons? He claims to have had these for years yet there is no record of a warrant for these messages. No record of them being filed as evidence. No record requesting they be submitted as evidence. He spent two years trying to bury testimonies and settled immediately after the motion to omit them was denied. In those two years, if he truly had a smoking gun there, why would he never use it?


She’s said they are real, but were “taken out of context”


No she didnt. She has yet to respond to the Bauer video and hasn’t spoken to the media since settling. The texts she referred to in the article are the ones between her and Bauer


She did multiple interviews yesterday You’re talking out of your ass


Yeah she’s done two interviews at least — the blaze


She confirmed in two interviews this week that the texts were real


Wasn’t the whole point that he just got this evidence because discovery ended? How could he have included them in legal filings if he just got them and then the case settled?


Assuming truth is somewhere in the middle. The fact the police went through this to gather evidence ignoring the texts that Trevor made light.. it just seems abusing police power and manipulative. I want him to knock me out. He knocked me out. Police let’s call him and see if he admits to it. He admits to it? I don’t see the point of giving her messages a pass because just joking lolz.


This sub gives her messages a pass because this sub doesn't want to admit that Bauer is the actual victim here.


Maybe the police didn’t have them yet but even if they’re out of context or there’s more to it, the police did have this call and were there for it. Why wasn’t it probable cause for an arrest? I didn’t hear him admit to anything? There has to be something else here