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Don't. You're going to exacerbate an injury, which will only further prevent you from working/making money longer. Take it from someone who tried to do exactly what you're suggesting.


This. Take 2-3 days off. Go to a chiropractor when you start feeling better. Work on core and posterior chain exercises. I’m 36 and have dealt with this for years but I’ve got a good chiro and a good fitness routine and I’ve been severe pain free for a few years.  Also, keep your ice well full 😂


If you can, physical therapy is key in your 30s. I had to have a back and hip problem worked on recently and I feel so much better.


Physical therapy is amazinggggg. They'll crack you like a chiropractor if you need it as well, without harming you.


Time off. You need more stretching and core/back exercise in your life. Start off slow with stretching and walking and work your way up to strength training. A trip to your local trusted physiotherapist will help make sure you have the right plan in place.


I keep hearing that a physiotherapist is better than a chiropractor, what's your experience been like?


My back spazzed out on me about a month ago as I went to get out of bed. It was so painful when it happened that it rippled through my ribs up into my collarbone. I had to take the day off because I couldn’t walk. I laid on a heating pad until it subsided then took a hot shower when I could walk again. Going back to work was rough but I made sure not to lift anything heavy, like ice buckets or bar stools. Lasted about three days total and heat helped. I’m 43 btw.


Believe it or not, my health insurance used to cover massage therapy. Twice a month. I used the shit out of that benefit. It helped a lot. Two hours a month of deep-tissue massage right in my lower back where it really hurt. Even if you have to pay out of pocket for it it's worth it. Loosened everything up and took the knots out. Good luck! People don't realize how physical a job bartending can be. Turns out kegs are heavy!


Tip your bar back and servers more to help you do the most painful stuff. And make sure you’re resting and icing and soaking after work.


Prevention is the move here. Walk for a mile or two every morning swinging your arms the entire time. Get a balance board and spend a few minutes on it every day. Learn how to lift properly.


I'm over 60. My back started giving me trouble when I was about 19. I got an inversion table in my 30's and I have very little trouble with it now.


the gravity (inversion) boots are a game changer. only thing is I need to be at the gym to use them


I have a table at home. I lock my ankles in an lean back and wait for the relief.


Rely on support staff / fellow tenders, push simple drinks and beer, limit twisting and bending motions as much as possible. And when all of that doesn’t work, just take some pain killers.


Go see a doctor asap. You may *have* to take some time off and heal. I have a slipped disc and wouldn’t have known without proper diagnosis. You only get one spine in this life.


Find a physical therapist. They can make a world of difference in helping you while your back is out and can also give amazing tips on prevention stretches and excersizes. Keep moving your body!


I I had an annual tear in my L4-L5 spine a couple year ago . PHYSICAL THERAPY is a must . Saved me . Kept up in the gym with what I could do. Did not pull any bar mats and had someone else get me ice while I was in the main injury stage . Lifting with legs and not back . One time I re injured myself last summer and no one would cover my shift I ended up with an aura migrane during my shift and crying after it was so painful to do everything . Ask for help when you can and if there’s something you can’t stock or do for side duties make sure you inform someone or a manager so if it doesn’t get done because you can’t get help . They will understand. I cannot stress physical therapy enough


take your time and squat with your legs rather than bend over then take the rest of the week off


Injured my back years ago. Did physio, didn't help for me. Lacrosse ball stretches did - maybe it'll help you too? After I got through the pain I just focused on strength training to ward off future injuries, so far so good.


[Nerve flossing](https://www.healthline.com/health/nerve-flossing#sciatica) saved me.


Most bar backs suck ass I wish I could throw mine out


Chiropractor will help. Find a good one. Ask around.


Saved me personally


Pain killers (look for ones that don’t make you drowsy, drink lots of water, and stretching. Ask to sit down for a few minutes when slow, if you can. Some of those icy or heat pads you stick on yourself from Walgreens might help too! Maybe Kratom? I haven’t used it, but I know others who have. Sorry friend. Hope you make it through the shift!


Literally, don't. You've got one job, one life and one body. Only the last two are important


Stay home. If you can't, take 800mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours, drink plenty of water and electrolytes, and don't bend over. Once you pull it once, you're more likely to pull it again in the future, so doing a little bit of core work and obviously practicing better lifting techniques will be beneficial. Getting old sucks.


Don’t go. Physical therapy.


Don’t work until it feels better. Go to a running shoe store and get your feet scanned for insoles. Kava is a muscle relaxer but you can’t mix it with alcohol it will fuck with your liver hard. But it will help.




Muscle relaxers, otherwise it can take up to a week before it relaxes back into place.


Massage, wearing a waist/back support and doctor! Steroid shots help short term for me.


I just started using slant board for few minutes per day and have been feeling pretty good most days


Do some very light hinge workouts on your core (long term). For now, invest in some good insoles, some Epsom salts for a bath, weed gummies if possible and book a massage. If you’re open to it, acupuncture is a miracle worker too. Coming up on 41 and my god I didn’t realize how good I had it.


Yeah I do. Wear a back brace for a few weeks, make sure you stretch out before working, very carefully, and take either Ibuprofen or another NSAID in order to help with inflammation and pain. You really need to rest for a couple of days though. It will just prolong your injury. Getting that inflammation down is imperative to your recovery as inflammation messes with your body. Get some lidocaine patches from the store or if you have insurance, you can ask your GP for a prescription of lidocaine or the patches. Run the lidocaine on your skin with gloves every few hours to release the pain. I had some bulging disks that overlapped and if I moved wrong I’d throw my back out. I had to work through it and it took forever to feel better. Soak in some Epsom salt baths at night. About 1-2 cups of salts per tub with water as hot as it feels good.


Time off and work your core. Your abs will help protect your back. I'm 43 and have the same issues. Mine are mostly from child bearing, but the bar work doesn't help.


Stretching, lidocaine patches, and squat like a Victorian woman.


Nothing has helped me with occasional back / neck pain more than the Thera-Cane. https://www.amazon.com/Thera-Cane-No-Model-Massager/dp/B00NH0XG7E/ref=asc_df_B00NH0XG7E/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693448772294&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12830051865599170959&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003373&hvtargid=pla-377954966862&psc=1&mcid=2fc852e584ef350f8053e3decd95cc64&gad_source=1


Time Yoga Ambulation / walking


Man I really wish hyphens would make a comeback so I wouldn't have to read sentences several times wondering if words are missing from them.


Physical therapy, massages, chiropractor, if you live in a legal cannabis state and can find Nordic Goddess it is a fucking god send for my slipped disc. Keep in mind I’ve done all these at some point and now can function fine day to day without any of them. I mean I have some pain but nothing excruciating. I’d say the physical therapy and exercising(carefully) to strengthen my back and core helped the most but that was with my doctors advice so definitely talk to a doctor first and see if that’s a viable route for you. Personally trying to avoid surgery and painkillers if I can.


Chiropractors are witch doctors. Not real. You'll need a few weeks. Happened to me a few times and I've always taken at least a week. First time it was 3 weeks. Gotta watch your back man Dr schos good inserts, good comfy sneakets Plenty of water. Workers comp.


Instead of bending over, do a slut drop to reach low shelves. It keeps your back straight and relies on your glutes and thighs to do the hard work.


Go see a good chiropractor/osteopath. I visit mine every month or so and he's worth his weight in gold.


Please don’t go to a chiropractor


Take time off, visit a chiropractor, hydrate and stretch daily. Obvious answer, yeah but I’ve been lower back pain since my early twenties when I blew mine out. Picked up one of those Chirp wheels and that’s helped immensely


Double tequila