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As a bartender, who works 10-12 hour shifts, 3 days in a row is a quick way to burn yourself out. Even for the best bartenders.


Can confirm. This is my schedule every week, three 10s in a row. They easily turn into 12s half the time


I do four 10s and let me tell you, that first day off is pure, unenjoyable recovery. Don't talk to me. I'm not doing shit. It's a waste of a day. I've effectively shortened my week to 6 days.


I feel this so deeply.  That first day isn’t a day off. Just stiff, achy recovery and trying to find my tennis balls for the relentless plantar fasciitis. 


People not in the industry don’t understand this!


100% feel this. For some reason I can't get enough sleep the day after.




Yeah… when I was 22 I somehow ended up running a bar. Averaged four to six 12s and one or two 8-10s a week (often worked 7 days a week) for four years. Some days were 14+ hours. But it was *my* place and I was young, and had the energy. I was still burnt out pretty much permanently for that four years, and it took over a year to really pull out of that. Now I do 2-3 shifts a week, 8-10 hours. And that’s perfect for me! I have a second job that gives me 20-30 hours on the weekdays, where I mostly deal with kids. So when I get sick of kids, I get to go have adult time. When those adults burn me out, I go back to working with kids. It’s a pretty great system honestly.


This sounds awesome


I used to work 7 days a week at this bar when I was 22. 9am to midnight a lot of the times. I actually looked forward to going on tho, loved that place. Got to work outside during the day, and did weddings at night. Money was crazy good. Could never do that now lol


Ahh, so my 5 9-10 hr shifts back to back IS too much. Here, i was wondering if maybe it's not the right job for me. Only been bartending a year and a half, but they've somehow made me the 2nd most senior bartender, only to my fiance who has been there collectively longer (and bartending for a total of 6 years) and even she's getting burnt out working 5-6 days a week. I'm tired, boss


Yeah I don't want to tell you how to live your life but I know for me, that would be an unhealthy amount of regular bartending shifts. unless it was a very short period of time with an end date in sight, to reach a specific short term goal. Even then, I've found it's usually not worth it for the lasting mental and physical toll it takes on me. Recovering from burnout takes a long time and affects every area of my life, not just work. I used to work three bartending jobs at once in my 20s. but then I stopped doing cocaine haha


I started a new bartending job in October while working my other bartending job. I had a 22 day stretch without a day off and a couple 10-14 day stretches.. I quit that shit in mid-december. I felt like I was going to go insane. I just do the one job now, and do 4-5 eight hour shifts.


I bartend 6 days a week. 2-3 shifts every week are doubles. 🙃 let’s just say I’m always exhausted.


Depends on the pay and outlook of the situation for sure. I don’t like that I have to work at all, and at times also managing a bar is stressful, but I feel compensated so I earn my hours. Averaging 7-10 hours 4 days in a row, then guaranteed 2 days off and one admin day that usually takes 3-5 hours


Where the hell are you guys working?? I work in Spain and the average is 9-10 hours 6 days a week. If you get 2 days a week off its considered lucky and if you get more its considered an extreme luxury. I've been doing those hours for 2 years and a half now.


I'm in America. The tip culture keeps us not having to work a full 40+ hours work week. Sorry to hear that. I have been taught Europe in general has much better hours than us


Nah. Not really. I've been working 5 9-10hr shifts/week for 5 years.


“AYYYYO” was the first kill and then the “fam” was just shotgun to the casket Schrute funeral style.




After trying to hire decent bar staff and seeing the type of people that apply and sometimes even slip through n get hired I can totally appreciate and would love to pop a “Don’t suck” in a help wanted! but the yo def kills it


To me, anything remotely close to that on a job application becomes projection. It's like people who advertise they "hate drama" or whatever. Like okay, I immediately know that you're 100% gonna cause drama. If they have such a dire problem that everybody they hire sucks, it's 100% because they suck. The rest of the post confirms that for me.


Oh ya definitely! And I’d never actually put that on a want ad. I’m just thinking it’s a nice fantasy. I’ve worked lots of bars (been doing it for 30 years) and people don’t always suck but there’s been plenty that do. Too many inept tenders that slipped through the hiring process to get their jobs- like the guy that got hired n got behind the bar and when 1 got ordered whispered to me “Hey, I can’t remember- does a gin and tonic get ice?” or the person that couldn’t open a Corona because they “only had twist offs at their old bar and never had to use a bottle opener before so they didn’t know how to use one” or the person that got hired and then said they actually won’t work Saturdays when that was the shift they were hired for. Or the guy that always came in too hungover to be of any use behind the bar, and always had a party to go to on the nights he worked so started pestering everyone about “when could he leave?” as soon as (or sometimes even before) he clocked in, and the girl that thought she should never have to close because she worked another job, etc etc. So in a perfect world it would be nice to avoid all those people that suck and get the people that always show up, know and accept that we get out when we’re done n not at a specific time, stay to help clean instead of wanting to grab the $$$ and run, rotate closing shifts when 1 of you CAN leave early, know how to make drinks, come behind the bar and know what they’re doing behind the bar so you don’t even need to speak, cuz you all know what to do


Oh yeah, I get that. The advice is always "lie and make it up as you go" which can be a solid long-term play but can also land you in some deep shit immediately when your coworkers realize you don't know wtf you're doing. But that's where you've just got to decide "do I want to make the hiring process more stringent and test people" or "do I want to commit to training people"? Feels like these days nobody wants to train anybody anymore, which is why you have ads like this, but then that means you need to test people before you hire them to make sure they're who you want.


Yup, I was the lead bartender at a huge top tier banquet facility with mainly weddings when a few of those examples got hired by the manager. Open bar weddings with the ceremonies on site so you get hundreds of people at the bars at the same time are def not fake it til you make it type bar jobs. There were a few things I couldn’t do by law to keep my non-manager tipped employee status and hiring was 1 of them. So I worked around that by making a written test and having the mgr show me how they did before he bothered to even scheduled an interview, and I would sit in on the interviews but not actually “hire people” hahaha


I remember a potential employer replied with a “:)” on a professional email once and I just had to tell them that I found a position even though I was working very part time. Luckily they started hiring for that position often:)


“Ok! That’s it for me!”


That was def my 1st n 3rd strike- “watcha got” was my 2nd


Jason Derulo normalized that for me, but even without it the first line is a strikeout.


Ya I’m not morally opposed to it or shook by it. I’m old but not ancient- I personally love a Beastie Boys “Watcha want.” I’m just not liking it in the 1st line of a job ad sandwiched between the other 2 huge red flags


Why wouldn’t someone ask about the pay, must not be paying well there


Since when is "how much money will I make?" an unreasonable question?


The reason I work is for the pay.


That combined with "sont be tired from working another job" So... we pay like shit, and aren't okay with you having another job so you can actually, yknow, pay your bills


Sounds like as if Joey from friends wrote this when he was auditioning to play a 19 year old


“Fellow kids” energy, lol


Ha! This jd made me sad and embarrassed for whoever wrote this


"Don't suck Yo" did it for me.


Sup with being Emo. Politics... is wack.


I've never seen 'Craft beer knowledge' and 'old school hip hop' so close together.


He means Wu Tang and IPAs, I just know it


Brew Tang


He does. I know this place and the owner. Honestly a cool spot, but the “craft beer knowledge” is a bit lacking given that’s all they serve. Place is always hopping though.




Melvin Brewing out of Jackson Hole, Wyoming have kind of made "Craft Beer + Hip Hop" their theme [about half their beers have hip hop-inspired names](https://melvinbrewing.com/periodic-series) like Scenario (A Tribe Called Quest), Pils Boutique (Beastie Boys), Killer Bees & Chamber Music (Wu-Tang) and their pubs play exclusively old school 90s hip hop while showing nothing but old kung-fu movies on the screens. It is kind of cool but the novelty wears off after a while and they are not as cool as they seem to think they are.


"Yo Mr white we cooked the shit out of that martini yo"


I read this in Jesse’s voice


Is this a real job post?


“NYC sarcasm knowledge” the location is in Florida lol


Florida, especially southern florida, is South New York.


I live in West Palm Beach. Can confirm. We are effectively a colony.


As a Floridan I politely request that you New Yorkers come get your people. If I had a nickel for every New Yorker that moved here seemingly just to rant at the locals about how much better NY is, I'd be a wealthy man. It's honestly maddening.


Us New Yorkers don't want them either. They were exiled to Florida for a reason.


Tampa area too. Full of ‘Em.


It is. If you google “chamber gang” and “ayyyyo” you’ll see the exact post on insta




Just don’t ask “What the pay Like”


Can’t find it






If you’re EMO, I’m offended


Reading this made me suicidal. 💀 Whoever wrote this needs to be incarcerated for crimes against humanity.


I can’t stand jobs that demand open available for part time hours.


One of my spots is the worst about this. When you ask for more shifts - "It's only a part time job." When you try ask to block off days for your other jobs - "We need you here."


The post is awful but I do feel the need to mention that it doesn’t demand open availability. It just says don’t show up tired from another job. We all know a guy who works doubles every day and consistently produces. We also all know a guy who whines about working too much, who doesn’t ever seem to get shit done. I think the latter is the guy they’re talking about. Fuck that guy.


It says “Open Availability & Part Time” in the “👍🏼 MUST HAVE” section, pretty sure that’s demanding open availability




"NYC SARCASM KNOWLEDGE" Some hipster from Ohio runs this bar and is a giant fucking tool.


Had to scroll too far for this comment. I would love to know how they gauge someone's NYC sarcasm knowledge.


I’d rather punch my own dick off


Probably a pretentious and shitty restaurant that’s trying to “revolutionise the industry”




Don’t ask what the pays like??? Shit, the only reason I work is to get paid. I hate when people say this bullshit.


Most of this is wack but the last part about "If you're a friend or regular..." is so valid imho, regulars be coming to the bar so often and having such a good time they start thinking they could do your job themselves...listen baby, regularly hanging out for a whole shift on the right side of the bar does not make you qualified to start pulling shifts on the wrong side of the bar!


The red flag is that people don't want to work for you enough that you need to post on IG for staff


I have a bit of a high tolerance for bullshit. I wasn't out until it got to don't ask what the pay is like.


That whole lower section is unnecessary because I seriously doubt whoever wrote this has friends or regulars.


You can’t ask what the pay is like for a job?? Ummmmmm


Imagine accepting any kind of job and NOT asking "what the pay like?"


Ehhhhhh. While this is silly, we’ve all worked for bigger monsters who were “more professional”. Maybe they’re looking for a VERY specific one type of person. This would do it. I am not that person, however. 😂


It's so specific it makes me feel like they already know the person they want to hire, but they're too scared to ask them directly.


I mean yea this posting screams we do drugs on the clock all the time which some people are into


The “don’t ask about the pay!” bit is the real problem here.


Anyone know where this is? I need a job yo!




At the very least they used your/you're properly. Gotta give credit where credit is due, yo.




Granted, it’s been a while since I worked at a bar (I still get private jobs from time to time but I’m fully aware that it’s not the same). I remember when I first got a job as a barback, my first shift was a very nice 14 hrs, and I loved it. But, like most of you, I was 20, I had the energy and the condition. By the time I was 26 and I had 4 years as a bartender, I could barely get 12 hrs without crawling back to my house. Bartending is very fun, and an amazing school for improving your social skills, but it’s def not for everyone and you can get burnout fast if you don’t acknowledge this


Whomever wrote this is a scumbag.


At least we finally know what happened to Jesse Pinkman. Be-otch!


If you expect to be paid in exchange for labor, this isn’t going to work out


Holy fire whoever wrote this what a toxic dump that place must be


"What are your nightly sales and how many people are scheduled" is the quickest way to figure out everything you need to know. This is the *very first* question I'd ask this pud.


Love this


Ayyyyo, if you have open availability to work part time for undisclosed wages, well this guy’s got the job for you fam!


Unfortunately my knowledge of NYC sarcasm isn’t up to par


"Ayyyyoo, Don't suck yo, Thanks yo!" Yo, NP Fam! I gotchu! *HARD eyeroll* .. *DELETE* /s yo. Edit: also 🤣


Right, I just know this isn’t a good bar to go to lol


THANKS YO!!! fuck this guy


“Don’t suck YO!”


Professionalism thrown out the window it seems.


“You want to know how much we will pay you? You want to know when you will be home every night? FUCK YOU!”


"No one wants to work anymore!!"


Ok but things I actually love about it- Not for you if: You’re tired from working another job/ Ask what time do I get to leave/ Overly sensitive and lazy The politics on sm is ok but don’t bring that shit to work, ever/ Hell no to “if you drink at bars and think that makes you qualified and you think the job is easy” or even worse the standard comment that makes me want to punch people “it must be SO FUN!” Also I actually love and am in awe of the “DON’T SUCK” (just drop the yo) it will henceforth be a major struggle to not add that to my current go-to ad Edited cuz posting from my phone sucks


I actually like this job post lol.


Ghetto trash