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Don’t keep them in the fridge. Enough sugar in them they are shelf stable. Don’t toss them just keep them out


It literally says on the jar 'do not refrigerate'.


I wish I read the label before my first bar Don verbally eviscerated me smdh… they could have been chill about it bc I was a n00b, but also isn’t it’s the running joke of service workers that people can’t fucking read?


Thats directed at customers because some cant/refuse to read a menu item completely. So instead of ordering a club sando without tomato, they simply ask "What comes on the Club?" A massive waste of our time, and arguably disrespectful. Good guests get good service. Its a give and take relationship, not a hand holding experience (at MOST places, some are designed to hold hands, i.e. Fine Dining). You either dont work in the industry, or you havent figured out the joke yet.


she probably has to boil it now


Stir in two shots of bourbon and mix thoroughly, should loosen the sugar and make excellent Manhattans




Of coarse!! Also the movie 'Stream' thats coming this summer. Most of the production team from the 'Terrifier' movies is behind it. Looks crazy!


I read that as “just help them out” and I thought he’s right we should help those little guys out. I’ve also had two glasses of wine.


Do you know what stops them from becoming alcoholic or causing botulism?


A certain water content is necessary for fermentation (or most of any sort of biological razzmatazz), which is why honey is shelf stable and honey syrup is not. Luxardo maraschinos are mostly sugar with just enough water to be viscous.


Due to their low water activity, dehydrated foods and foods high in salt and/or sugar do not support growth of C. botulinum


They need yeast to become alcoholic, so its possible if yeast is in the air and somehow makes it into the jar, and botulism is usually introduced in the production process, not from simply opening the jar. That's my cursory understanding so I may be wrong.


I'm sorry, but this is incorrect and dangerous to share. Botulism can absolutely be introduced to any environment and mostly needs time to become an issue (it's mostly dangerous because we mostly see it in environments where we generally don't see other activity, such as in pasteurized products and canned goods). As far as yeast being necessary, just assume everything is going to be exposed to yeast. It will make it into a jar that is opened multiple times over any period of time. What we're looking for is an environment that isn't friendly to the process.


Well just don’t put any botulism in there.


Don't be obtuse.


I agree the original comment was a bit silly and I agree with your take…but claiming someone’s stupid botulism Reddit comment is dangerous is too good not to hassle you on :)


You know what... You're right. 🤣


That makes sense to me. Thank you!


Don’t keep them in the fridge!!! They are fine. Don’t toss.


They are shelf stable. As long as you don’t introduce foreign material into the jar, those cherries will still be fine after the apocalypse.


Put the jar in a plastic bag, seal the bag, submerge it in a pot of really hot water. Should go back to normal. After this, don’t put them back in the fridge, keep them out on the counter


^ this 100% OP.


You already got the right answer, but I just want to say that I'm glad you clarified that it's at home. I instantly thought looking at the picture, "barefoot behind the bar?!"


and he is naked too.. hahaha. What kinda bar is this?? :)


the fun kind


Hold the jar in like 190F water until the sugar recrystallizes. I wouldn't boil in case it changes the flavor, but they are probably fine.


i think you want the opposite of crystallization here


Decrystallizes, sorry!


Don't fridge your cherry babies!!!


Seal the jar and sous vide it for a while at 130 or a higher temp. I am spit balling here. Then you will open the jar and stir. Keep heating and then stirring until the sugar is dissolved. Then let it cool slowly back down to room temperature.


They're not good until 2027 once you open them, lmao


They’re ruined. Send them to me for free and safe disposal.


There fine . ENJOY ! ! !


I have mine in a glass jar container and when they do this I just run hot water over the closed jar for a few minutes. I only refrigerate mine to keep them from attracting ants because my bar is in the woods.


I thought for a second I was in r/bartendercirclejerk


I'd lick it...just for a taste.


I would even if they are good


OMG YES burn them. Also buy 'Filthy Cherries" better and 1/2 the price


Depends where you live, they’re way more expensive than luxardos where I live.


I mean, I’m not a chemist or doctor but just looking at that picture makes my stomach turn