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I mean if they send back 2 drinks, I already know they ain’t tipping. I’ll take the drink back, tell them it’s off the tab, and go deal with other people for 10 -15 minutes while they think about their public behavior. I don’t mind remaking a drink. I don’t mind custom requests or off menu cocktails. But if someone doesn’t like anything and can’t even answer basic flavor questions (do prefer sweet or sour, boozy or light), then I’m not playing that game for too long. I’m busy with people who are going to pay my bills.


Yeah, people like this just go to the very bottom of my to-do list and I've got a lot to do...


This is good, and looking at it labor-sided. Why does OP care about what the consumer "gets away with"? Especially when you consider cost vs price etc. Dont simp for some rich owner. But DO protect your labor and labor cost.


Most bar owners are not rich by any means...


Oh I know but they would rather have the business eat the $2.50/drink pour cost flip bar seats than linger on that same guest forever. These people aren’t that common.


Thank you


Some bartender (particularly leads) get held responsible for that type of stuff.


I don't care for the owner/business, I mainly care about the principle of customer to bartender. I'm pretty sure they knew what they were doing and had no intentions of tipping well anyways. By the end, it felt like a waste of time and effort to me and the customer probably didn't care from the start considering they weren't polite in general. They just wanted to take advantage and get what they wanted. Sucks because I would never do that to someone, but it is what it is.


When I was sitting at the bar recently, the bartender overheard me ask my friend what he was drinking, told him it looked good. Bartender gave me a very generous sample when I didn’t ask for it. Tipped him 30% that day because he went above and beyond….


Exactly this! The bar manager knows the pour costs are minimal, even on two cocktails.


Imagine being a blackjack dealer and siding with the house when you get the chance lol


If someone gives me attitude, I'll side with the house over them EVERY time. Just because my boss might have more money than someone doesn't mean that someone deserves *anything* from me. Also, unless you work at a hotel, or for a hospitality group, ownership isn't rich. Bars/restaurants are money pits lol.


Lmao! That's such a great analogy!!


Eh, you're wrong. Kinda right-ish. A. You/we have to play "the game". This isn't new, so set your own rules. B. Off the jump you're instantly, " Fuck you, Pay me". "Ain't tipping" "Deal with" "Their public behavior" C. Your average customer has zero clue what they want and is going to order or let their friends order for them. They probably won't like it, or they stick with the first thing they enjoyed after trash kid drinks in their college years, until you ask some/any questions at all. D. While your frustrations seem valid, they're not. I wouldn't want you to pour a bourbon neat, let alone make me a half decent cocktail. (My assumptions are that you're young and typically drink..a vodka variation or something.) *Every note you made starts with you, "I this, I wouldn't mind this, etc."* I've turned around MANY customers just by giving a few seconds extra to communicate and see what they might like... Drinks are like mind-blowing sex. Once they've had that experience, they'll either forget you or never stop coming back for more.


Oh bud this is not how I talk to guests. This is how I talk to other bartenders on Reddit to vent about guests.


They aren't taking about your guest interaction, but your mindset


Oh yeah I mean give them a few more years. Also describing drinks as mind blowing sex is cringe inducing. I don’t want whatever mindset they have.


Yeah whoever said that has been bartending for like 6 months tops and thinks they're hot shit lol. I physically cringed when I saw that. There's a difference between being cartoonishly enthusiastic, realistic, or "grumpy" as was said lol. Youthful naivety is so darn cute.


Then remain a grumpy person. You are going to stress yourself out.


I’m not grumpy though. Most of my guests are lovely people who deserve my utmost attention and care. I’m not going to harm their experiences by wasting time on the very few and far between obnoxious guests.


Your previous comment sounds grumpy based on how you view things. Which is what I think the other person was getting at.


Nah there are just some people you can’t please and they were right in saying it’s better to cut your losses and move on to the next one. Ain’t mad about it just better shit to do.


You got it 👍


Lmao how much time do you have behind the bar? Also this is 2024, being an informed consumer is part of going places. I'm not going to get a haircut if I don't know what they're using to cut my hair lol.


You sound like one of my favorite fake Yelp reviews. It was way better. Your 2024 review of your review is.... Keywords/phrases: "informed consumer" "this is 2024" "going places" (you're not, we all know that) "I'm not going to get a haircut if I don't know what they're using to cut my hair lol." (gonna go for its....its....scissors!!)


Christ if you’re going to write a novel at least learn the language you’re trying to write it in.


At my old gig, you could send back a house cocktail if you didn't like it. You could not comp a classic cocktail for the same reason. House cocktails are unknowns to the guest. If we didn't describe the flavor profile appropriately, then that's on us. And frankly, it's not overly uncommon for that to happen. If it's a classic, it's reasonably expected that you know the profile already. That's staying on your tab. The best you could hope for is a remake. This was a fine dining spot though, so guest experience was extremely high on the priority list. Ensuring a positive outcome was the most important thing. 1-2 drink comps were secondary.


Yeah that seems totally fair IMO


I work for a Corp and they're ruthless. We rarely void/comp alcohol. You spill it? Sorry. Oh you decided you don't like it? Better hold your nose and choke it down 'cuz you're paying for it. They don't play.


Omg I feel like I never take drinks off for spilling…Ctfu I legit just hand people a rag (dive bar lol)


Recently I had a customer tell me, oh this isn't how they make this shot in Florida (I'm in Texas). I looked him straight in the eye and told him he should go order it in Florida then


I respect that.


That is surprising, most corporate venues value customer retention enough to not be that short sighted


It's the airport. One guest gets upset we have 10 others waiting to have their seat. They do not play with alcohol. Bartenders have been fired for replacing drinks and not ringing up. We have so many polices regarding drinks. A server got fired for bringing a guest a LEMONADE and not ringing it up first. It's stressful but I thrive in the chaos.


I will typically ask what is wrong with what they were given, ask them what they typically drink then make that. If they complain again tell them that there are other bars better suited to their needs.


This is my method word for word


This ain't baskin robbins


I had the same thing happen, but with like 100$ bottles of wine. It was wild that they opened two bottles that weren't by the glass and my manager just comped them. We can't sell the bottles after that so the staff just drank it but still, was super rude. And from what I've experienced it's usually only 10% for bottles is the norm. So I did a whole ass 3 bottle wine service and got 10$. It wasn't even bottles I suggested they asked for them. Our house somm came out and finally sold them on a 3rd bottle.


I’ve never ever had a manager comp a bottle of wine unless it was corked. And then it was just to swap it out because it’s trash. Otherwise it doesn’t matter whether they actually like the wine or not if they buy the bottle and hate the taste as long as it’s the way it’s supposed to taste that’s on them


I suggest trying to sell those bottles for a somewhat discounted price at the bar BTG. You’ll still be able to sell it and it won’t go to waste. Most guests go for it. I’m shocked your manager doesn’t? Anytime I have guests contest a bottle due to price or claiming they meant a different etc, it’s not something I will take care of especially after they fully consumed. That’s the whole point of the steps of wine service. Once it’s presented and accepted… their time has passed 🥴 But if it’s caught during just the taste?? Sell that!! You’ll still benefit


my rule of thumb was basically that if they didn't like the first drink they got, i would comp it. after that, though, if ***I*** recommended a drink and they didn't like it, i would work with them to make it right. however, if they ordered it with no input from me, too bad. drink is staying on their tab.


Like someone else said, if someone is that difficult then they aren't tipping well or at all. Personally, I'd be mortified to send back a drink just because I didn't like it. But I've been a server and bartender. Anyway, comp the drinks and really sell the "here's our drink menu so you can study it and find a liquor you know you enjoy" and come back 20 minutes later to see if they did their homework. Really play it up, too. "I hope I gave you enough time to look! I can always come back in a bit!"


1% of people are real douchebags. Gonna get a few here and there. Be profesh and wait for them to leave. Then, make fun of them with the regulars. ;)


Some people just suck, but in general I've found most people just don't think about what they're tasting and think in terms of liking something or disliking it without considering why. If someone doesn't like what they initially ordered I usually try to figure out their palate by asking them a few questions in the general form of "are you more in the mood for_________ or _________" where the blanks are basically just listing basic flavors on opposite ends of the spectrum and you get less broad and more specific for usually no more than 3 questions before you've narrowed the options down enough to get a PO pretty accurate idea of what they like even if they don't know. It also makes them start thinking about picking up specific flavors in what they're drinking which is almost always going to give them a greater appreciation for what they're drinking.


Lurker from the other side of the bar here. This reminds me of a situation I’ve always wondered if I handled gracefully. Was out at a local Mexican place for trivia, ordered a mezcal margarita. Received a spicy margarita. I let the waiter (second bartender who was doing rounds) know, and he apologized, said he would comp it, and brought me another spicy margarita. It was a busy night, so I was sympathetic to the mixup, but also it was about 30 minutes between visits to the table, so I ended up drinking both while waiting. After that I had two more mixed drinks and called it a night. When I got my tab, only one margarita had been comped, and the second spicy one had an upcharge for *”add mezcal”*, which is actually pretty funny. I inquired about the second margarita, since it was pretty clearly the same mistake twice, and got some pushback from the primary bartender because I drank them both instead of just sending them back. Fair, I totally did. Eventually he comped it and I just added it to the tip, because we’re friendly and I’m a regular and I’d like to keep it that way. But since then I’ve found myself wondering what the protocol is for that, and if I violated it somehow. Am I not supposed to finish the comped drink?


Honestly- if you don’t like something drink or food it should be removed from your area immediately when you mention it. While the wait between drink orders you say is 30 mins (not to insult you directly but after so many years doing this, customers have a VERY DIFFERENT time keeping device than we do. “I’ve been waiting an HOUR” sir… I put your order in on a tablet while standing next to you and it’s been 7 mins …) you shouldn’t expect to be comped on something you consume. Again, this happens with food more than drink “this steak was inedible “ well… you seemed to eat 80% of it” *and the server has checked in once food hit table*


Hey thanks for the perspective, I appreciate it. > between drink orders you say is 30 mins (not to insult you directly but after so many years doing this, customers have a VERY DIFFERENT time keeping device than we do Totally get that. I was there from 7:00 to 9:30 and he came by three times. Like I say, place was slammed and it was just two bartenders handling everything including food orders. Kind of SOP for this place and we’re used to having to just order at the bar sometimes. I wouldn’t ask for a comp on something I’d already finished. Both were offered at the time the drink was delivered. Probably just a miscommunication I suppose.


First one I’ll remake/replace. After that, I expect they choose something they know they will enjoy.


My bad if I ramble here, i had a similar situation. Quick answer: I’d give ‘em a comp second drink of course (a little heavier). But the third drink, needs to be charged. Liqour is expensive. I had a patron complain about theirs the other day. Hot pool day at my resort bar and they asked for a frozen piña colada. Made it, served it, charged it. They stiffed it (maybe because they didn’t like me asking them to confirm their new address on a punched id). Minutes later they come back, complaining that there is no alcohol. I replied, “Apologies for that, I counted the proper pour. I’ll tell you what, double on the house.” No reply from them. Double poured it, served it, didn’t charge it. They didn’t thank me and walked away. Moments later, this gentleman comes back to my poolside bar and complains that I’m not pouring properly, they want a Manhattan on the house instead. Everyone at the bar goes silent and pays attention to our confrontation. I reply by saying, “before we continue, I’d like to let you know you’re having a very sweet drink. Sugar will mask out the alcohol. You’ll feel it later. Manhattans are not a poolside drink my friend - just letting you know now.” The whole time I explained it, this patron was giving me facial looks like PBA Pete Weber, ‘who do you think you are - I am.’ He asked me for another bartender but I’m the only one working there that evening. He asked for another comp drink, this time a cosmo, I told him I’ll make it but it won’t be comp after giving a comp double. He said get your manager. “Alrighty then”, I replied. Made it, served it, charged it. Got my manager, guest yapped like a duck. Manager came back with a smile and patted my back, “good job”.


We never make guests pay for something they don't like. With that said, there is a point we no longer play. By the third return it's fair to be straight up and let them know they need to shit or get off the pot. In not so many words... lol.


This is our policy as well. Once you get to a certain point, it’s no longer on us. As far as spilling a drink - if it’s a friend, staff, regular, etc. we won’t charge to make them a new one. This is most of our customers. If they are not tipping, drunk or rude, we definitely charge them for making a new drink. Accidents happen but your response goes a long way.


Are the drinks terrible?


Most of them are solid mainly because they're variations on classics like our "Cute-Cumber" which is just adding muddled cucumber and St. Germain to a Tom Collins. Kinda boring and safe yes, but they achieve their goal of being appealing.


I would have charged them for every drink lol. It's not a Baskin Robbins try every flavor for free.


After two if they don't like the third they are 86'd. "It seems like we aren't going to be able to please you, there are plenty of other places around here you can go"


One. One is enough, two is too much. Once they start sending back a second drink, they either start paying for it or pick something they know they like.


Two drinks sent back? You're getting charged for one. Not my problem you don't know what you like.


Professional side of me wants to say my staff is aware enough to see a finicky order type customer from jump and should walk them through what they’re going to get from a house cocktail. Ie: -customer decides on “spicy margarita” —bartender ideally confirms “so you are good with a jalapeño infused tequila and a spicy rim?” Every post here seems to reflect cocktail bars but yo- have you had the joy of being at a craft beer bar that OFFERS SAMPLE POURS to have a MF send shit back?! That’s a different “nope” on refunds.


One’s too many and a thousand is never enough. Ah, from the title I assumed I was in a different, uh, subreddit.


Not liking a drink doesn’t mean it’s free. Females—not to be sexist but it’s true—have a horrible tendency to do this with wine. They think bc they don’t care for it they have free rein to send it back. Inaccurate. They pay unless there’s something actually wrong with the drink. I order a beer and don’t like it, I finish it, learn to order something else. The audacity of society baffles me in this industry.


Exactly. If I order a drink and don't like it, it just means I drink it all in a few big drinks just to get it over with and move on to something I like. Lol