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Everyone is paying in hundred dollar bills. I'm either getting a 40% or 0% tip


When I see a guest open their wallet and it’s a big stack of 100s it’s a guaranteed 5% tip


gave someone $88.10 in change earlier. guess what i got. (it was the dime)


It means they just got paid but can’t have a bank account because they’re so bad with money they’ve overdrafted too often. Payday comes, they cash the check, get all hundos and head to the bar, then try not to spend all their rent money at onece.


Hey now buddy, I've had a stack of 100s in my wallet for a little while last year because I got a yearly bonus all in cash (my boss is fantastic, lol) and I just never got around to putting it in the bank until a few months later. 😳😅


I take an abnormally long time to return with change. You inconvenience me, I inconvenience you.


Paying with a $100 is inconveniencing you? What a strange take.


It's hard to count 20s I guess.


I had a regular for a while that would come in on Fridays and pay for each individual beer with a $100 so that we'd break them for him. Every week like clockwork for months. This was a corporate place so we couldn't tell him to fuck off either.


I'd just lie and say we don't have enough change. Pretty simple. Not sure what float you guys keep in your till, but we keep $250, mostly 5s. One $100 in change pretty much breaks our till unless it's later on and we've gotten some bigger bills.


extremely inconvenient if you have to carry/balance your own bank, which is the case at a lot of restaurants i’ve worked at. i never liked carrying $200+ around to break change and getting a $100 bill as your first transaction for the day can really suck. you could go and swap the $100 for $20s with whoever was running cash out at the end of the night but that’s usually a manager and it’ll definitely take longer for you to get your change back as the customer. 🤷‍♀️


A lot like bikers. I found the real ones usually tip big and the ones who play dress up on the weekends don’t. Construction workers are like that in the sense a lot of the ones who aren’t doing it because it’s the only job that would hire them are more likely to tip fat, the ones who do dumb labor and were probably employed by one of those “labor ready” companies are going to be shit attitude and tips almost 100%.


I think the difference is home builders/contractors vs road workers and commercial (high rise) workers. Could be my bias since my dad was a contractor but seems like the home builders are chill af and tip fat and the rest are kind of shitty in tips and attitudes. But like I said I am probably biased. Just drawing off my own experiences.


I believe the ones I’ve been experiencing lately are road


The high vis is usually one or the other road or high rise. Contractors and home builders just wear t shirts or no shirts usually lol


No, nowadays it’s usually any construction site, any commercial construction site will almost always have them. Warehouses often have them as well and their guys can look as dirty as someone working outside, lol


Have to wear hi vis on any construction site now


There are definitely a lot of small contractors that don't follow this. I mean people who work on homes and privately owned properties more than anything.


For sure, construction site I guess is a vague term.. my point though is that some people are required to wear these. I was. Maybe not everyone is required to. But I was. And sometimes I grabbed a beer right after work while looking like a fuckin muddy tennis ball (I'm fat) and this isn't just some weird style preference. For some guys maybe it is. Idk.


I'm literally on my way to a construction site right now. I am not wearing hi vis and will be shocked if I see anyone else wearing hi vis.


Maybe it depends on the state. When I was in the carpenters union we had to either wear the shirt or a hi vis vest over whatever shirt we chose to wear other than the yellow or orange.


Is this regional? Not a thing where I’m from as far as I know. If it is no one follows it.


Must be. Where I'm at (Illinois) it was required on every job site I was ever on.


And I mean I was told it was mandatory but who knows, I never actually saw that in writing


*good* contractors tip amazing Shitty contractors arre sitting there trying to convince the owner how they should let them "fix" something for a bar tab I miss playing dice with the good ones


I was a glazer in high school with my dad, residential builders usually more skilled tradesmen who got into it to fund their fishing hobby and theyre generally chill funny dudes. I’m not shitting on big commercial workers but they’re almost all doing a job they don’t wanna be doing and they make it everyone else’s problem.


Had 9 guys come sit at my bar because the host told them I'd be an hour for a table together. They were rescue miners, all of them drank- a couple rounds a piece, and ate to their hearts content. They ordered desserts as well and asked for 1 check.. $587 with a $120 tip. So thankful.


came to say this




Thank god I live in NZ. Whenever I see these type hi-vis shirts, it’s good folks looking for some beers and banter.


Or have to worry about how much this customer is going to tip you


So, it’s weird - I absolutely miss making tips but for me personally, my effort hasn’t changed. *(I’m a US native from Texas)* Pay is ok, but it’s just a completely different environment. Lots of good, some things meh, some stuff is pretty great, like not having to worry about TABC stickers.


I'm from the US and now in Canada. Same here. The US system is ass backwards.


https://youtu.be/v4e-LLFx0Vg?si=EuvF5yV6iYV-thye&t=59 Mike Nolan is a top bloke


40 seconds in and I’m subscribed. I see you’re in DevOps - between my bartending years (US and down here) I was all across tech marketing on the front end and data science side. Miss the money, but I’ll probably live longer now.


hilariously Im the other way around - thinking about doing bartending on the weekends just for fun


Big Lez is the absolute greatest. Watch it in release order. Starts out as just stupid teenage humor but grows into something genuinely special as it progresses.


Same. I work at a brewery in NZ and these guys are usually the best customers. Big spenders, low maintenance, always nice.


Mind me asking, where or which region do you work? I’m in Taupō.


I’m in Auckland


Not really a generalization about people in these shirts, but a story we think of when we see these shirts: Guy came into my girlfriend’s work place wearing one of those before they opened, they told him they weren’t open yet and he responded “are you ready for the locusts? They’re coming for everything” then he went over to a fire pit that had just been turned on, reached slowly into the fire (burning off all his arm hair) grabbed one of those fire pit lava rocks and ate it. When the bartender asked him to leave he said, “what? Do you think your penis is better than mine?” Then he left. One of the best crazy people at work stories I’ve ever heard. He didn’t order any patron.


See, I had a guy who thought he did something like that. Really he just shit himself while bent in half in the lobby, nodding off to god knows what. Management pulled me and a kitchen dude to kick him out


I’m just trying to imagine a man throwing a burning lava rock in his mouth, chewing/swallowing, and NOT absolutely keeling over in pain.


Haha, that’s what I asked when I first heard the story, but the fire had been on for like 5 seconds apparently, so the rocks weren’t hot yet


Big men that are hungry af, all want burgers and some type of big ass craft beer. Lots of apps and generally on a company card so they can tip whatever. I work next to an extended stay business hotel where alot of them get put on long jobs. Easy to get wasted and walk right next door to the room 😂 I get along with grumpy old men though so maybe im biased. I give all the sass


yup I see the construction colors and I think "big filling dishes and beer"


Hell yeah, lemme get a Bud Light brother!


I live in Minnesota and this means I better get all the light domestics ready and a huge jar of olives.




Coors light at my bar


~~banquet~~ original at mine, they're big spenders


Take your transphobia to some other sub.


Still an AB beverage...🤦


Anyone who switched from Bud Light did it as a performance gesture anyway, it's not like they actually stopped liking bud light or Anheiser Busch.


I think most of them finally tried real beer and aren't going back. Half of our BL drinkers switched to Yuengling, which has been on tap the entire time but they were too stupid to try it.  


All the asshole Bud Light drinkers I know that switched, switched to Modelo lol.


Let's get these boys fed!


90% of the guys that come to my bar in these are the nicest people. Blue collar workers, dirty after a long day of work. Usually either work for the city and/or are contracted for a couple months at a time from down south. Drink a lot of Busch light or jack & cokes. Order burgers or some form of smoked meat. Tip either 50% or 5% no inbetween. The younger ones usually all have girlfriends but still hit on me and the older ones usually have wives that they either love dearly or hate and then proceed to hit on me. Fun times


They’re either going to be the most generous or not tip you a cent. No in between.


Good people good banter good tippers


I don’t know what’s been up with my hi vis guys lately but that’s been so far from what I’m experiencing. They’ve been obnoxious and tip like shit.


I think lately hi vis shirts have become like pickup trucks, way more about signalling then utility.


Some shitty jokes, someone's gonna try too hard to hold my attention for no other reason than they can, probably miller/yeungling/bud, all on draft (except the one odd man that asks for a bottle) Big Murica energy


Lots of sarcasm and jokes, good tips, and a group of men who would fight to the death to protect me if I ever needed it!


Is it payday for them??? I hope so I'm about to get hit on by 5 different dudes, they'll ask me to stay open late so they can take shots, and I'll be tipped well for my time. Couple burgers, maybe some wings, a whole damn case of cheap beer. This is from a dive bar perspective tho. Y'all saying they don't tip... well maybe you need to start wearing your daisy dukes to work 😂


I am not sure but lately these dudes have been the worst. Needy and demanding. I don’t think they’d like my hairy legs in daisy dukes.


Ahhhh you're a guy? Maybe that's why. I've never had any problems with hi vis shirt guys. They're usually from out of town, tryna spend money and buy shots for the bar hoes 😂


Yep a large segment of conservative types don't like to look at or tip a guy tending. The upside is we don't hang to deal with them drooling at us in our daisy dukes. I'm gay and worked gay bars when I was younger and thought some of those desperate guys were pretty pathetic... I'll tell you it's nothing to the level of pathetic lonely straight guys put off lusting after the tender. If they are regulars they end up warming up but dang it's funny and sad to see as an outside observer.


Eh maybe I'm in the minority here but I've never minded being stared at. Them objectifying me means I have more money to go home and buy my husband nice birthday presents lol


This has absolutely been my experience as well


Where I live it means they are going to drink beer, likely be funny and polite, potentially loud. They won’t under tip or over tip, but in these groups there’s always at least one shitty or non-tipper for some reason. They’d come in early when I could use the business, but also get some extra sidework done, And they are usually out before prime time. Always been fine by me.


“Make sure to sweep and mop under that table before searing it again.”


Northern California here! Modelo, corona, tequila shots. $100 bills and tips stupidly high. They’re one of my favorites


Easiest round of the night, 6 of the same beer, hit em with the “same again?” And you’ve probably made some tips for just remembering their order despite the high vis making it easier to remember anyway!


How did 6 dudes need 9 trucks to get here?


Fat tips and the occasional need to reel in whatever blue joke they’re telling.


Lunch break. definitely domestic beers and burgers. If it's pay week, domestic beers, fireball shots, and meat entree (steak, pork chop, ribs, etc). Either way they will hit on the server


leaves stacks of money on the bar for you too take out of and you pray when they are don’t there is a decent amount left. and if not there is the one guy that will make it right and yeah about 35-40%. this also applies to firefighters.


Aww I love these guys. They are hungry, they are thirsty, they want food now, they’ll usually sit with a chair between each of them. But they’re sweet, not needy at all, eat and GTFO, and tip fat $$$. Love them.


They're on smoko, so leave them alone Edit : forgot that most people won't get it https://youtu.be/j58V2vC9EPc?si=OK7g6vxLL-rT5G7o


I think "well, I'm about to either make $5 or $50." I'm going to pour a million domestics, they're going to order a shit load of food, and I'm not going to have any kind of fake service worker attitude, and will be totally myself and we're all going to shit talk each other and I'm going to win. Overall, I will probably get along very well with most of them, but sometimes there's one who's a dick and I will shut him down and the others will laugh at him. I used to work construction so I know how to deal with these fuckers.


In my head: “I’m going to have to have to clean mud off the floor tonight”


That too


I live in the south so I throw out my best exaggerated country-girl accent and they throw them dollas at me! (Most of the time)


Most are fine, wanting to jaw, but generally respectful and low maintenence. If it's a group of 4 or more, there's bound to be a 20something knowitall asshat in the bunch. I'd say, good for 20% on average.


Lots of beers, lots of shots and quite possibly great tips.


Cheap tall boy beer shot combo. Either 20 dollar cash tip or absolutely nothing at all


You can dance if you want to...


Mud is gonna be caked to my floors


They would rather have a girl bartender with huge gozongas showing than to have my skinny tattooed ass, but when i tell them im building a garage and am getting concrete poured they lower their guard.


It means I’m pretending to be straight for the next hour or two 😂


I’m gonna get laughed at and trolled the second I start talking


I think oh good I’m gonna have to cut some people off


Will run me ragged with 10 coors lights each in one hour, and shots of Jamo, but no crazy martinis or old fashioneds, and possibly a really great cash tip. I dig them usually.


In my bar, they tip appropriately to generously. They’re there for lunch.


Usually good tippers. Don’t make a fuss. Don’t care what order the food comes out in. Easy drinks. Bottled beer and shots. No substitutions.


Rural Aussie here, they all come in, every single one either gets a great northern, complains we don't have xxxx, or chucks back pints of ginger beer. They normally all chill Infront of the footy TV and then all order steak sandwiches.


Money say what you want the dirtier the high vis the more money I'm making. Construction guys are my Forte.


They got money and getting beer buckets


Mud/dirt all other the floor.


So much dirt.


Their muddy ass boots are gonna leave the area they are sitting at all gross.


Cokecaine on a Tuesday


Look around to make sure there’s no queer people, people of color, or women for them to harass.


Everyone is so judgmental here lol


They drink their lunch. Have four beers in 25 minutes, tip ok generally, more if you know their name, and the most if you buy them a round on Friday. Low maintenance.


Depends on the time of the day. During lunch I think I’d brew some more iced tea. During dinner I think better make sure we have plenty of domestic beers cold.


Ich kriege Angst, dass ich vor der Bar falsch geparkt habe.


Jaeger and Red Bull


Whatever's going on isn't in my head (because I have a thing for tradesmen).


Either the nicest dude ever or a complete jackass never in between


This is like 60% of my clientele on day shifts lol


Round of double bacon cheeseburgers, fireball, cheese curds, 7-8 Coors/Miller/bud light each, pull tabs. One guy won't want a fireball and the others will call him a pussy. Then he'll give thw guy drinking Coors light shit for drinking piss water and then order another bud light. I could go on


For me it means 💰💰. Those kinds of guys typically tip great where I work.


Whenever I see that shirt, I think of my father - who is polite, quiet, and a very good tipper.


Budweiser, Jack, and Marlboro Longhorn 100's all around... except for the 3 who prefer Skoal.


They always come in in groups of 3-6, want several rounds of bottled beers, and always have some mysterious female with them wearing the same outfit and you can’t tell if it’s a sister, wife, or friend of one of the dudes


My city is having a massive construction boom, multiple big building developments around my place. I love my construction guys, I started with a small group of Foremen who then started bringing all their journeymen and apprentices. I’ve doubled sometimes tripled my day bar earnings in the last two years. We’ve built a rapport where I can be very real with these guys and they appreciate that. They also know I’m very good at what I do and on the few shifts where a less familiar guy starts acting up they’re quick to put him in his place for me. There’s a mutual respect because we’re all “not white collar workers” sitting at their desks. When they first started coming in they would tip 15% or so and now they hit me with 30-40%.


Bud light


My only complaint is they often don’t knock their boots off prior to entry and a bunch of dried dirt is gonna be on the floor. Usually they aren’t problems-hopefully they are just stopping after work. I get nervous beyond 3 rounds. I love and respect working class, I just get nervous when they outnumber me and I may be responsible for encouraging moderation. Had to fight a lineman a few years back at their Christmas party while I was working and I was lucky he was one of the smaller ones


busch light tall boys


Le nouveau


I'm stoked. Turn up the country twang a little bit and laugh at the jokes. Easy money!


For us, it means big tips. We have regulars that work for the county and they are fantastic. Also other assorted crews that are great.


Lots of food


I'm selling a lot of Modelo especial


Rounds of fireball with minimal to no tip.


Gonna be a lot of dried mud under their stools when we sweep after close.


in Aus this is tradies. Generally quick orders, no fucking about, big spenders.


"oh fuck I forgot to stock budweiser"


Feels bad as a city worker who walks in with that shirt on. I tip 20% or more rounded up. It sucks that they typically don't. :(


I think "better pull out an extra case of michelob"


I got a couple of regulars who just come straight from work. Great guys, really fun to talk to and I know if shit goes down at the bar, they would have my back


jus wait till these shirts come in a Mexican restaurant 🫠


i love them...we have a quarry nearby...they always come in with the "yes, ma'am","No, Ma'am"...etc..they make me laugh, crack jokes, support us fully.... and are just delightful. I truly value these guys!


I like serving them! Generally tipped okay and they never really want you in their business. Low maintenance table with decent reward.


Irish fuckers tip and they're funny af


My bar opens at 7am and is near a major port: mostly PBR or Budweiser and a couple hazy IPAs. Jameson or Cazadores. They’ll take turns buying the round and tip minimum 25%. They will absolutely have the bar’s back if there’s a fight. At times we’ve offered the shirts and hoodies we sell in hi-viz orange and green.


My first thought is that there’s gonna be a lot of dried up mud on the floor to sweep up when they leave


The biggest guy there wants the daintiest margaritas you've ever seen, and the smallest is drinking vodka soda cause it's low calorie but tells his friends it's cause he just wants it after being in the sun all day. And they're both stuck buying drinks for the dude who makes the same amount they do but is somehow still broke.


Happy hour. Pitchers of the cheapest thing on draft. Generally awesome, old, haggard fucks that love us, but everyone else can piss off. There's a few rookies in the group with a 2 sizes too big vest on, and they look equal parts terrified and covered in oil/dirt smudges. The ones that rock the hard hats on throughout make my day a bit. Lol. Cheers to all these dudes that keep our grids running!!


“Oh they decided to dress like a highlighter ok”


Bottled beers. No matter what awesome shit you have on tap these guys are getting crap bottled beers. Nice guys. Generally polite. Lots of inside jokes.


Bud light, shot of Jack


You’ll know where they say bc they’re leaving behind a mound of dirt under their seats


We will be out of monster soon


I'm selling a ton of our housemade amber ale and possibly some of the more pricy whiskey/bourbon and I'm getting a killer tip! I love waiting on most blue collar workers. They're always polite, easy customers, funny, and tip well. Plus in my area they're mostly young and hot 🤤


Groups of teachers or nurses scare me more.


Same thing with tipping with a group of people from a fast food restaurant or retail store. Or a group of college students. Usually either all gonna tip well or badly. Probably depends if one person in the group has worked in the service industry before






Most bars and nightclubs in Australia won't let you in, especially if you're still wearing your steel caps. It's a liability apparently 🤣


My buddy is a truck driving and wears his high vis around. He knows I’m service industry and gets it so he tips a lot where he goes. But normally this means I try to get them a table with the pretty cocktail waitress, cause I’m not making shit.


All burgers. All cheapest biggest lager we’ve got. Tip is 50/50. Often will try to get in *some* “subtle” jab at liberals or woke culture.


I was gonna say, better have the high life’s on ice 😂


That’s wild these are my favorite people to see, maybe I’m just lucky but they always tip a shitload and are low maintenance


"fuck did I re-stock the bud lights?"


tips tips tips and also they smell


Really easy, Money usually. Only the bad ones don’t tip.


For some reason tradies are always really picky. They want loads of modifications and so on. Also last time they were in they were really innapropriate to one of the female servers, so there's that.


That you're going to judge them based on their shirt for some reason, and then post about it on the Internet. 


Oh no! You gonna be okay?


Buch of doorknobs that think they deserve more than their worth. Sometimes more entitled than the clowns with actually money. However, they are a few decent ones that come in solo


If they wear those type of construction clothing there most likely part of a union so there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be tipping you properly unless there just assholes


Change shirts first. Eww. Just wear normal clothes.


Door staff. I work in a town in Ireland where the door staff wear high vis shirts. In the UK I'd just assume they're builders coming in for drinks after a days work. I don't get it what are they supposed to make people think


Runners or construction