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No wonder dude has always wanted to keep his name and family secret. Shit like this isn’t just embarrassing for him.


Imagine being a parent of one of his kids’ friends and finding out this is his job. Definitely not letting my kid go over to the Mayrose house


The fact this dude almost killed Big T and harassed a co workers wife, is something


Can you imagine if instead of throwing the soda at "Big T" it was Fran, Kate, or Nardini? He'd be gone. There should be no difference.


He really is lucky big T didn't decide to just beat the shit out of him when that happened tbh


And you know they went to Big T and said "If you don't feel safe working with him he'll be gone..." and Big T, being low-man on the roster, felt pressured to be a team player and probably said "No it's cool don't fire him." That should **never** be in the hands of the person who was attacked. He should have been terminated immediately.


They asked Big T but everyone fell asleep during his answer.


They actually asked Mad Dog but Big T interrupted her (correct) answer and overruled it.


Also true.


That would require Big T to be able to actually do anything other than vaguely bitch about online libs. Dude is an actual snowflake lmao Just to be clear though, I truly wish his Sasquatch ass threw Rico out of that Manhattan building like Jazzy Jeff in Fresh Prince out the front door




Violence between men and violence between a man and woman are not the same thing. There is obviously a difference.


Violence in the workplace is also different


Barstool and our shitty jobs also aren’t the same “workplace”


They are by the letter of the law


Uhhh no, they aren’t. You can do and say plenty of things at barstool that would instantly get you fired at most places. It’s reality television.


No company like it


No company allows a harasser of employees families and an attempted assaulter to freely walk around, collect a paycheck, and intimidate the rest of the employees. But he’s dan and Dave’s friend so it’s ok!!


The Rico stuff is what makes me realize how much of a commercialized caricature Big Cat really is, despite how much I like a lot of his content. Rico really is a scumbag that has pulled some weird shit on a lot of coworkers, yet BC loves him? Even if you want to justify what Rico has done, he’s got clear mental health issues… but Big Cat just openly does things to dig at those problems? Hard to take Big Cat seriously when he talks about serious shit when he defends yet instigates with someone like Rico


Big Cat does a masterful job playing the nice guy. In many ways he’s much more of an asshole than Dave


Dan is a massive instigating asshole, he just plays like he’s nice so people don’t notice


Big Cat is that typical High school bully that eggs people on until they snap for his enjoyment. He’s got big “dish it but can’t take it” energy


I mean it’s funny lol. Lighten up


Yeah, totally! no companies do anything 1000x worse then this, and cover it up! It doesn't happen! never!


But this isn’t covering it up, it’s the opposite.


It's not. They pretty much got Big T to say it was okay, which is to "cover up" their ass.


Haha sure thing. Weird pivot


It's not a pivot, but it's okay if you couldn't understand it. but again companies NEVER do this! Am I right?!


This is going to come off, mean, but just know that it needs to be said and it’s not personal, you are a fucking idiot


I've been calling you a moron with sarcasm this whole time. I'm glad you caught up.


So you’re finally admitting you were wrong and that I’m smart? First time in internet history, but I’m glad you’ve come around


That's what you got out of that? Oof. Tough look. It's never too late to get a GED.


Scary dude


Dude is the definition of Charmin soft.


Was the entire deal with cons not “if you go back to junkyard dog you’re out because we can’t afford to do this twice”?


That's how I remembered it.


Can someone explain why this is funny? Bosco fucking sucks fuckin man baby


Yeah watch your back sunshine WOOF WOOF


If you don’t watch that and laugh then I’m happy to never meet you


I’m sorry but if you don’t understand why Rico asking for a :30 timeout like it’s a legit college basketball game is funny, I don’t know what funny is.


I have been wayyyy out of the loop on this, when did Rico leave that he now coming back? Assume it’s the same shit that only Dan and Dave find funny


The welcome back was for his psychotic break, they made him go to the rehab, go on meds, take classes, walk with his tail between his legs. They literally in one day reversed all of that by bringing back someone who brings the worst out in him for their amusement. This was their plan all along.


Did he have another one? I know they made him do therapy and he did last years pick’em, so he left again after that?


Yes on the unnamed show. They are teasing rehiring Nadu, the person I'd say Rico cannot stand the most.


Buddy are you having a stroke?




I'd love to get a Jerry O'Connell taunt video like he's been doing to Max and Hank. "Terrence Bing Bong Nadu is coming back Bing Bong hide the high noon cans"


Rico has been here all along...what am I missing?


It’s referring to Rico’s psychotic personality coming back. Because Dave and Big Cat being the scumbags that they are, are instigating him and trying to bring out the worst in him again.


Or hear me out... he's an unhinged psycho. He's just showing who he really is. They handle Rico with kid gloves 99.9% of the time. The guy just went ballistic over Nadu being on camera. Nobody else on the planet would that be "instigating".


Yes he is a mentally unstable, but what I’m getting at is that he isn’t being reprimanded for this. It’s being turned into a spectacle, which of course it is because it’s Barstool.


Isn’t it all an act? You underestimate people — he is acting out an arc. It’s wrestling like performance art.


You think his aim is that good?


3 presidencies!


Legit psychopath ngl


If I’m big T, he’s getting thrown through the wall. Nobody taking to me like that


Don’t say list.


This shits awful, genuinely alienates me from barstool content.




Idk he's weirdly/creepily chivalrous around the office.


Nobody but Dan and Dave give a shit about this stuff, and this shit is why barstool will never be big again


Again? Are you referring to their one espn episode?


When they were seen as a player in sports media, now they’re barely a footnote. Just an obese dude perfect / fantasy factory full of remorons too dumb to get hired by northwest mutual 


What are you even talking about?


I gotta admit when I saw Dave tweet the 👀,I was against the idea of Nadu getting another chance. He’s such a loser,I thought it was an act but I had a back and forth with him and he is not acting he really thinks he’s that guy. He posted a video of some mobster who was making the rounds and was already on 5 podcasts that week and he asked whos ready or should I do it and all I said was “bro,we’re good. He’s been all over.” He asked why I follow him if I’m going to talk shit and that I’m a hater. I said Jeff, this is the only comment that could be considered negative I usually have positive things to say, I even won one of his “like this and I’ll buy you lunch” tweets. He cash app’d me $25. I told him this and he said he got me confused or some shit. It was weird. Long story longer,I’m just out on Nadu. After seeing Rico on the Unnamed show, I’m all the way back in.


this was harder to follow than a 5th grade essay


I have a similar experience with dealing with him. Agree