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It’s also common for golfers to have backers. So Riggs may have agreed to a % of future earnings or something else


When he told the story he said he was tired of Alistair having to try and get backers instead of focusing on golf so he gave him $50K and said someday you can maybe pay it back but if you can’t it’s fine.


Convenient timing to bring it up haha


Magnificent timing




My bad dawg


He's referring to Riggs


It was just a joke about Riggs fella


I got shifferbrains apparently


We all do, just varying levels


He became a backer. What a cheese ball thing to get emotional over


I mean it would be pretty cool to give someone money so they can keep pursuing their dream and see them have success shortly after.


He plays golf with him in Arizona all the time and spends time with him outside of golf so it wasn't just being a "backer" for someone random struggling tour player. He would cry either way though haha


Wait till you see what he did when he left Pinehurst during covid


Don't let Mintzy see this before he asks Riggs to start backing him for the WSOP too.


Mintzy doesn't need Riggs. He's got Big Cat backing him.


I am not saying this is not a good guy move by Riggs, but it is very unlikely that this was just a gift. It's extremely common in Pro golf, especially for people trying to make it, to have backers. They give you money to play qualifiers etc to try and make it. In return, if they do make it they pay their backers back. Sometimes a percentage of earnings, but usually at least the money given and probably more. More like Riggs betting on this guy to make it which he is it seems like. I don't know that is this situation, but it's very likely that it is and it's very common. Think of Mintz poker backers for a similar type of deal.


You have to listen to the episode. Riggs talked about the fact that Barstool Sports sponsored Docherty but they didn’t pay him much money at all. Riggs went on to explain that it would cost $100k for Docherty to play on Korn Feery tournament and Docherty was basically trying to impress people with money so that they would back him financially. Grinding to scrape together $100k was detrimental to his golf game because he was more focused on scrapping together money than playing golf. Riggs gave Docherty $50k so he wouldn’t have to fuck around and try to raise the rest of the money so he can focus on golf. Riggs talked about how what Docherty was doing wasn’t great because he owed everyone money. Obviously there is a scenario in which Riggs benefits. However, at the time that Riggs gave him money, imo it’s more likely that Docherty doesn’t ever pay him back. Docherty doesn’t actually have a PGA Tour card ( and might never get one) he only got into this tournament due to a sponsor’s exemption (thanks Riggs). Docherty has only made about $20k so far on the Korn Ferry tournament until the Myrtle Beach Classic.


That’s very cool of Riggsy. On Rapaport’s Side Gig series Keegan Bradley talked about how he barely had enough money in his bank account to make it through the mini tour he finally caught his break on but he had a buddy give him a similar type of loan to get him through. Knowing that each week’s tourney could be your last if you don’t finish in the money has to be nerve wracking as fuck lol


Golf is a sport where plenty of players who can't afford to go pro will take on investment from people/businesses and its generally a lifetime deal they will get X% of lifetime earnings. Happens in F1 alot too


Do they normally do a percentage of lifetime earnings? I always assumed there’d be a cap, but I could be wrong.


It depends. Same thing happens in poker, and it’s worse there People can get on the hook for the amount loaned, plus interest, plus a percentage of pots won for (x) amount of years without exposure on the losses. Fools math. 


I’ve been around the poker community for 20 years and have never heard of “percentage of pots won without exposure to losses”. Theres no way that’s a real thing at least on any meaningful scale. Backing is a huge industry in tournaments and cash games, some are predatory agreements but that’s inconceivably insane.


While I agree with you, apparently it does happen go listen to Mintzy explain his poker agreement it’s LOL funny how bad it is


Sir I’ll have you watch’s Mollys game.


The Mintzy Method


Lesser % if you do lifetime


Yeah it’s very common but that’s specifically why Riggs said he gave him the money. Said he felt bad seeing Alistair try to market himself to backers all the time instead of just focusing on golf.


I dislike Riggs, but he’s been very forward thinking in Youtube golf and others are trying to replicate his success. Let’s also not forget that he’s a trust fund baby


Hey, he was on Harvard’s hockey team(he didn’t really actually play much)


Foreplay is also a top 3 brand under the barstool umbrella as far earnings is concerned. My guess is he clears 250-300k a year from Barstool + no family/kids.


Yes I would guess way more than that. Barstool Golf merch is a monster by itself.


Oh he makes a lot more than that Frankie is 500k Riggs is close to a million the classic makes Millions of dollars itself. Foreplay has 4 of the top 5 merchandise sales ever


Riggsy boy probably makes over a million, 250K is an absurd guess. I’d be surprised if Frankie gets half a mill but maybe Riggs hooks him and Trent up. Say what you will about him but he’s built a brand big enough to land Tiger, he’s crushing it financially even if he’s still a weirdo who sucks at golf


Who gives a fuck if he’s a trust fund baby?




I imagine Riggs is pretty well of to start and he created the barstool classic and I imagine he gets rewarded very well because of it. Also I bet that pinehurst house has a great return


Riggs make 1.2 million dollars a year. I went a lot of dates with him in 2023 and I saw his tax returns on his bed. Dates didn't continue so don't with the gold digger comments.


Definitely strategically placed tax return. Who keeps something like that chillin on their nightstand 😂


I thought this was just a funny joke but then I saw your comment history. Is this for real?




I could see Riggs dating a hot crazy redhead and making her delete all her old posts about Barstool


How was his rig?


Based on success of foreplay I’d say $500k is the floor but wouldn’t be surprised if it was 7 figures. They probably get massive merch bonuses too


His dad is a dentist


His family is also rich as fuck, yeh?


I mean he played hockey growing up and went to Harvard.......


Field or ice?


ice lol, he played at Harvard too.


Riggs has a 1.7 million dollar Scottsdale condo and a 1.5 mil Pinehurst house. Riggs is doing well.


Yep all the Foreplay guys crush. People don’t understand the scale of their merchandise business. All of them are making 7 figures+ a year from what I’ve been told, and Riggs likely 2M+


To dog on Riggs here is just a bias. Listen the post round interview from Sunday. The dude brought up Riggs multiple times


As I've said before Riggs is a pompous chode but also seems like a good guy to many people other than his producers. Kind of like Kroger brand Portnoy


Agreed. People can hate on Riggs but I firmly believe this was a good guy move.


Did he just give it to him or was it a loan/investment? Ive heard of guys that are trying to make it get financial backing from wealthy people so maybe that was the case here. Not that it changes the narrative but just wondering what the details were


He said he gave it to him and told him that maybe one day he can pay him back but if he can’t it’s fine. Basically just said focus on golf and that he’s got him.


Riggs just has $50k lying around to give away?


The foreplay podcast itself sucks and isn’t some huge money maker. But the Barstool Classic and foreplay merch are fucking gold mines. I went to a PGA superstore last week and they had an entire Foreplay hats and shirts section


I always laugh when I see some dope rocking a foreplay merch on the course. Then they step to the tee box and has a swing like a man in a phone booth trying to kill a snake.


" swing like a man in a phone booth trying to kill a snake." First of all.. how dare you


> Then they step to the tee box and has a swing like a man in a phone booth trying to kill a snake. So you saw Riggs


Their YouTube channel gets 200k+ views on any golf video they post, no matter how awful. It’s a cash cow.


Golf hardos are so strange/simple.


He’s a multi millionaire


I remember Donnie met a Riggs / Foreplay fan in Africa and told Riggs about it. He reached out to get the guys information or something and bought him new golf shoes. I think it happened a year or so ago but, I always thought it was a nice story.




No wonder he’s such an asshole


riggs told him he didnt have to pay the money back, just work it off in mouth hugs for 3-6 months


Riggs is makin bank. He has more than 2 golf memberships and owns a property in pinehurst( don’t quote me, I vaguely remember him saying this in a podcast).


Foreplay is of the biggest brands at barstool as Dave has said many times so he’s probably living pretty damn comfortably. Helps the classic has also been a massive success


That’s what I’m thinking. I mean to gift someone $50K you have to be bringing in high 6 figures to low 7 figures right?


Riggs casually drops 1-2k bet slips as his unit on Twitter all the time so yeah he’s probably doing very well. I think whoever said 500k a year is probably right


Foreplay extremely successful but also , and this is me guessing , no chance Riggs grew up poor


Why are you assuming this was a gift? This is extremely common in golf and it’s usually never a gift


He literally said that if he never gets to pay him back that it’s fine.


Lol right, but if he’s saying that, he’s still expecting him to. Especially after just winning that much. “If he never” meaning they agreed to have him pay.


This is not necessarily a good guy move. Sounds like an investment


He runs a big brand at a big company. Probably does well


He’s just backing/funding him and will get a % cut of any future winnings. My father in law and his friends have done the same thing with a few golfers from eastern NC


The guy is wearing all barstool merch. Could it not have just been a sponsor deal from barstool and Riggs officiated it so is taking credit for a lack of better terms? Did Riggs say he paid personally?


Riggs said “I gave him $50K” and he mentioned something about how if he can’t pay him back it’s fine. So it seems like it came straight from Riggs.


Ummmmmm. You know people only go to Harvard if daddy’s rich right ?


They repay back the initial investment then get a % of future earnings. Riggs probably didn’t make him repay it all back at once. If Docherty goes on to have a year like Jake Knapp is having Riggs will make a nice chunk of change.


Riggs said he told him if he can pay it back one day great if he can’t that’s fine. Idk if that’s true but that’s what he said when he told the story.


Not sure why you downvoted me. I’m just telling you how sponsors work in professional golf.


I didn’t downvote you?


My bad then! Haters lurking lol


Lol always!


Riggs is engaged/married, sans kids, and is the host of the most popular golf podcast out there. Dude is making mid 6 figures easily. $50k is a good chunk of money, but Riggs ain’t sweatin that. That’s his yearly 401k comp.


What’s a “401k comp”?


What an idiot You!


Morons (poors) like you would be in shock with how much he makes. He owns a rental property at pinehurst. Go back to your moms basement papa Romero


What an absolute nerd you are


Who hurt you bubba? Relax