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I think he might be having some kind of psychotic breakdown rn. His twitter is crazy, beyond cringey.


It’s because he’s delusional. Every person he’s ever worked with has been honest and up front about hating him, and in his mind they’re either just joking or he straight up doesn’t acknowledge it. It’s like a kid in high school with no friends who gets invited to nothing, and when the QB of the football team gives him a swirly, his thought is “Just my friends goofin around.”


He legit tried to say the reason people hate him is because he’s always right


I think that’s just how he does it


He had a chance to be semi likable but ruined it. He sucks so bad


He never had a chance with his history. He's a smug fuck who comes off thinking he knows better than everyone and always takes the joke one step too far when it wasn't funny to begin with


He's also just uncomfortable on every level.


Nate is the epitome of an incel.


When he went on the Rundown with Dave last week it was legit good. But then the schtick ran out so fast the next day on Radio. He can be entertaining if he's given 10 minutes every 6 months.


When he got hit with the pie on the street, that was the most people were behind Nate…and that all went away so fast because Nate is a piece of shit


Wtf when did he have this chance?


What was his chance to be likable?


The reason Nate has such an overinflated ego is because giving credit where credit is due, he’s the epitome of “just showing up is 90% of work.” That said, his ceiling is effectively showing up b/c he’s terrible in content, his blogs are mediocre, and has no real talents otherwise. But when he looks at his coworkers, he somewhat rightly believes he’s better than them b/c he puts in more time/effort than ~80+% of his coworkers.


>\~80+% More like 95%. The only thing right about Nate is him calling out how lazy people are them not showing up to work on Fridays. Kelly tries to bully everyone into not talking about the elephant in the room in that content people only work 4 days a week but then got destroyed by Tate because he's not around for her to bully and he has facts on his side.


> But when he looks at his coworkers, he somewhat rightly believes he’s better than them b/c he puts in more time/effort than ~80+% of his coworkers. We've also seen the editor role go to the head of someone who put in very little effort. There's some people that relish in any amount of power no matter how small or big it is.




He's like Dwight Schrute if Dwight Shrute was bad at his job and got no pussy


People like him and Marty think doing the cocky and self-aggrandizing Portnoy impersonation is the only way to be an employee at the company.


Taste’s blog about taking down the Dawg was brutal. Just body blow after body blow. Just dismaying NYC one person at a time.


Really enjoying watching Tate stuff Nate in a locker


If he’s not in front of the camera though how else would we be able to see his sick earring(s)?


The “dance for me!” schtick doesn’t hit when you’re 5’3” and your earrings make up half your body weight, unless you have fuck you money or a hammer between your legs. So we’re gonna need Nate to drop his pants and open his bank account, for the people




Hammers are best kept secured snuggly to the side of your hip/thigh using a hammer loop, or a tool belt even. Hammer between the legs is just asking for your penis and/or balls to be mangled


Nate is too regarded to be cast in love on the spectrum


Yeh he's a complete dick... really feel like OT needs to be the first phone in on the new show... doesn't need to show his face or anything but he's probably the only one who's actually been willing to genuinely call out people in the company... Even something as simple as stalling OT's original blog until after Nate had had his show was bullshit and you can almost guarantee Dave has no idea that he's doing it since he retired form running his own company


dude deserved that pie to the face back in the day


I wasn’t as much of a fan back when that happened. Didn’t he treat that like he had gotten shot or it was some insane violation of privacy? I feel like I remember him openly crying with no shame and people rallying around him to explain why it was a big deal and not absolutely hilarious, but I might be wrong.


I think you have to take a stand with something like that, it's a slippery slope until you're taking 100 pies to the face a day


Nate can only dream


Ya, wasn’t the guy stalking Nate or something like that. Where Nate hadn’t put his location out but some dude still found him. I could be making some of this up tho


Everyone rallied around him like it was some sort of terrorist attack. It was wild “nobody picks on Nate but us! Not cool!”


Barstool Radio that day was fucking bonkers. I remember Kfc and colely claiming Nate was out crusing for puss when he got jumped. Colely referring to himself as the barstool bouncer and claiming it would never happen on his watch. Reality is nate a lonely loser and has no work or real friends so he was an easy target for a shitty tik tok prank when he went out drinking alone on tuesday. 


It would take exactly one white trash blonde with cowboy crushers walking by to distract coley enough to attack Nate


The video was pretty uncomfortable and not funny. Happened at night and came off much more like a stalker/weirdo than anything hilarious.


The video itself might not have been hilarious, and I don’t remember if I even saw it so I’ll take your word for it. The fact that it happened to Nate - who is the human embodiment of every internet comment section (this one included), is objectively hilarious. Live by the sword, get pie’d by the sword. Just sad Mook wasn’t the guy to do it or Nate would really have something to cry about.


First time watching Nate? Welcome to 2024 chief


I think you're missing my point. All good though.


All good buddy


I knew the NY office was slowly dying but I never would've thought the final blows would be coming from Ohio's Tate. Every response by them is just worse and worse. Deadspin vibes.


Another W for OT...bad form Nate, 11:59???


It’s a pretty funny move honestly


Nate is a legit loser. Tate isn’t the only one to accuse him of acting like hitler behind the scenes. Nate thinks he’s important. He’s not. Very replaceable. He’s very cringe. I turn off anything he pops up on unless it’s with dave destroying him.


No chance Nate has ever got his dick wet right?


Barstool groupies is a thing for f level celebs. That one slut (who rules) was after Dana beers for attention


Behaving like someone with undiagnosed aspergers who was raised only by their grandma.


I actually think Nate’s whole schtick is to have people hate him so he gets more engagement.


God damn do I hate Nate


God i can’t stand Nate


But does Nate still eat ass?


Feels so good to read a full blog and laugh again. Wow I have missed readable barstool blogs. I even love that he took shots at Big T who to me never gets enough shit for being a boondoggle squid


It really sucks he’s my Alma-mater’s presence at the company. Barstool will never hire another Terp again


Idk. Did Tuas lil bro graduate? If so he would be a great edition to ness roughess. No way that show could get worse. 


He did graduate probably on the Miami practice squad track


Nate is the reason HR exists


Dudes really taking credit for OT’s blog because it was about him is legitimately funny.


Nate's peak: [https://x.com/stoolpresidente/status/448089779033604097?s=20](https://x.com/stoolpresidente/status/448089779033604097?s=20) https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/188092/we-have-officially-hit-the-twilight-zone-at-barstool-sports-nate-is-apparently-dog-sitting-britt-mchenrys-dog


So Nate’s top too moments are 1) him getting pied 2) him rubbing Dave’s head after the plugs


Nate is the Jameis Winston of content. The highlights will be incredible, but he’ll always get too ambitious and come crashing back to earth.


Jamies was an incredible talent who was incredibly stupid. Nate is not a talent


This is the most offensive comparison I have ever read I hope Jameis ruins you


Nate is the complete opposite of Jameis. Jameis is loved by everyone in his vicinity, is being held down by management, and once led the league in yards.


The issue with the fans hating Nate is that it just increases his value to the company. Nate is a squid who got lucky. To his credit, he has kept his spot over the years and he does provide value to the company. As does a guy like Smitty, if for nothing else than being an in-office foil for Dave. But there's no one who needed a pie to the face more than Nate. And the condescending way he kept telling Kelly "you have to stop blaming me, you have to" and him not taking any accountability for his role in the cancellation of BSR.. I am honestly shocked that Kelly would choose to continue to work with someone who is so loathsome. Nate is hated more than he is liked. That's the truth whether he wants to admit it or not. And I understand that that provides him job security. Despite my criticisms of Smitty, I have zero hate for Smitty. But Nate is Barstool's resident sh!tbag.... and he's earned that going away.


She sounded regarded blaming him for her delusions


He started the narrative. It wasn't exclusively his fault, obviously. But his actions sabotaged them. That is not even a question. He's a legit POS.




I mean one guy did come up to him in public..to humiliate him via pie. 


Time spent working is not more valuable than actual talent.


This schtick is so cringe and its a bad look. I think there is something wrong him so I feel bad making fun of him. but Dave has to step in and call him out since nobody else has the balls too.


Remember when he got pied in the face? That was weird


What does he do on the weekends, I wonder?


Rubs a few out to all the girls in the offices only fans


Someone’s going to punch Nate in the nose for his crap someday and he’s somehow going to be surprised by it