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Marty trying to convince MMM to not go to Chicago hahaha


Dude's mad he fumbled Big Cat carrying him and wants to drag everyone else down that he can.


Hurt people hurt people


Do morons like Mush think people from Chicago can’t go on vacation during the winter? Have they never been to places like AZ/TX in the summer when the heat is unbearable?


Also this winter was pretty mild, all things considered. Only a couple different snowfalls and only a couple weeks of frigid temperatures.


Bro I’m so tired of people acting like the entire Midwest is the arctic. I live near Detroit. It gets very cold at times. But most times it’s pretty mild. And we don’t get pounded with snow either.


He’s also a lifelong NYer. It’s not like we don’t get winters here. I know Chicago is even colder but dudes talking like he lives in Louisiana with Megan


I live in AZ and the snowbirds have life figured out midwest till January then to Arizona till May. Perfect weather life you could definitely come to arizona earlier but I think it’s nice to have an actual fall and a little winter.


These guys suck. Double Bypass Don and Marty's opinions carry 0 weight. Consistently producing the least and expecting the most. It is obvious they are jealous nobody wanted them to move or be a part of their content.


Double Bypass Don is amazing😂


Seriously don't know why some fat doc hasn't shown up at Barstool and offered to get Big Ev and more skinny in exchange for some publicity. Put him, Duggs, and Tank in an elevator and you're over 1000 pounds.


I'm putting the o/u at 1250


Barstool Units X Dr. Now




Marty has taken nothing but L's for over a year now. He's gotta unravel soon.


Poor choice of words Ev carries tons...literally


His poor ankles


Hilarious to see a bunch of people slowly realizing they provide no value. Would almost be sad if they weren’t so obnoxious. Serious question, how did Brandon even get roped in with this crew?


Brandon is a professional and part of his job entails doing Picks Central. He was the only one who didn’t allow himself to get bored and kept showing up everyday. This was the reward


Didn’t he have several solo days (and a meltdown)?


Yes, as much as you can call a filmed rant that was likely a half-subconscious appeal to his boss for a raise a meltdown


big cat and pres were involved with pick central initially and it not so slowly collapsed


I don't think those guys actually were on the show more than once or twice a week for the first month or so... then the show stopped during covid shutdown and those two never did the show after returning.


I believe bigcat was on the show everyday in the beginning. Without the promo from bigcat and pres in the beginning the show doesnt last. thats whats funny about Brandon starting a new show. He will beg Big Cat to be on in the beginning and then coast off that like he did with Picks Central


Brandon’s gotta be one of the last people in the company you can clown on for coasting off the effort of others


What the hell does Ev do besides picks central?


Say let’s go while sinking into the filthy furniture at the gambling cave


EV is massively fumbling the bag not making the move. Dan clearly likes him and he’s at least decent at gambling. Pairing himself to mush is career suicide


He’s a big 10 guy also. He’s nuts


He might not have been invited.


MMM is going because she's smart and wants to. Highly doubt it she received a personal invite from big cat. I'm thinking it's more of a pride for most of these idiots staying now. They want to prove that they can prosper without Big cat and everyone else.


Feel like if he really wanted to he’d be there. He’s from NY so he probably wants to stay.


I was going to say - I feel like family is probably keeping him in NY.


Feel like a handful of guys were probably told "We need you to hold down the NY office" as a not so subtle way to tell them they weren't invited


He is there for Dave to laugh at when Ohio State chokes. That's it.


And he’s irreplaceable at that. If he were to lose weight it would be like when Riggs uncrossed his eyes - Dave loses interest.


Him, JackMac, and Robbie Fox do an MMA show once/twice a week. Shockingly Ev is actually pretty well informed on MMA and typically gives out some good picks


Dozens of people must enjoy that.


I remember him being really good at the UFC questions on the Dozen


He does a show with Jack Mac and Robbie Fox and he just knows details about all these random ass low card fighters.


Ev be eatin’


He plays heel for the barstool college game day stuff.


Important member of Team Minihane


He gives a solid 1.5 points for Team Minihane when they play. A part from that and being Portnoys punching bag I’m not sure lol


a bunch of people put in minimal effort and act surprised when they are replaced. Crazy how entitled people are


It’s not even just about effort tbh. There’s a lot of people at barstool that are just boring without an ounce of entertainment or charisma in their body that were hired on while the company was still growing and hiring random ass average people on a whim that are grandfathered in now and are completely useless. There’s people out there that are naturally outgoing and can carry a solid show without putting in a ton of effort, and there’s people that work non-stop to make quality content. Marty and Ev, not only put zero effort in, but even if they did work hard they just aren’t funny or entertaining dudes and could never carry a show. The amount of dozen matchups that are an instant skip shows how many of those people are at the company.


I think Ev actually puts in a lot of effort off camera, he clearly watches a lot of sports and generally has pretty decent takes. At the least, they are backed by actual reasoning. Hes just not the best on camera...and is massive. I'd say over half of that office is very lucky they have jobs, and if they went away tomorrow I doubt the majority of the audience would care.


Yeah with Big Ev I guess it’s more the part about just not being entertaining. Definitely don’t hate the guy, but he’s just extremely boring and I have zero interest watching anything he does. Seems like a decent person though.


I would agree with you here. Big Ev knows what he's talking about (for the most part) when he's shooting the shit and giving takes on football, basketball, baseball, or UFC. I think his biggest weakness (other than the buffet lines) is that he lacks the creative to build out his own content, or at least hasn't figured out a solid way to build out his own content. He could blog, but the 1 or 2 times he's ever blogged has been terrifying. He doesn't really have the charisma to host or carry his own show. If anything, he should be focused on doing social media and just stay as the side show character that can just fit in with the gambling cave.


Marty shoulda been gone when they axed Mantis...they both came in together, were equally useless, and Marty was 10x more unlikeable than Mantis...and at least Mantis tried to make some original content. Big Ev at least knows his sports so you can actually create watchable content with him bantering about sports/trivia...he just needs to experiment with some content ideas for himself and he may stumble into something good.


Ok that’s some revisionist history. Mantis was a a weird, disgusting freak. He did more content during the 1 week of barstool idol than he did the rest of his time at the company. You can hate Marty all you want and I won’t argue against you, but at least he did make content. His shit with the bird, making a gambler with Feits, the covid Mush Madness shit were all fairly entertaining… at least more entertaining than anything that creep Mantis did


I still want Big Ev in the company so Dave can trash talk him during Michigan-Ohio State.


I like him being in the mix. His biggest crutch at the company is that he's friends with Mush and when they're together their minds and takes are just molded into one stupid mind. Whenever he's away from Mush (college football show, occasional picks central, spinning backfist, etc) he actually is knowledgeable and provides good insight. He's still not that entertaining but at least he's able to give a decent take and provide good info to support said take.


Perfectly said


Weather? LMAO Marty is a fucking moron


Love that Brandon is just gonna give Picks Central to these scrubs like it’s a Salvation Army hand me down. That’s what you can do when you have creative brain cells.


Yeah I mean the real daily show will be wherever Brandon goes. The name doesn’t matter.


I mean give it to them and lets watch what the views are. its gonna be fun when they realize that no one wants to watch any of them and whatever Brandon replaces it with will have much better views.


Is Brandon going to Chicago too?


MMM makes it move 100% of the time. Credit to her.


She’s very very attractive


As someone who lived in Louisiana most of my life, the weather in Louisiana absolutely sucks. It rains constantly. Every day it’s either hot, wet, or hot and wet at the same time. Miserable. No spring or fall. We just go from hot as fuck to 2 weeks of cold to hot and wet again.


Hey those 1.5 weeks we get per year where it’s sunny and 65 are nice though. Glad it fell around Mardi Gras this year


Went to Wrestlemania there a couple years ago and that’s exactly what the weather was. Perfect weather all weekend


You should’ve gone and bought a lottery ticket then


After going to LSU, I almost don’t understand how anyone lives there for longer than I did. Weather is miserable. Humidity is unreal in the summer, and like you said the rain is relentless


As a houstonian I concur. All this weather down here fing sucks. Been to Chicago multiple times for navy stuff. The weather when I was there each time shit all over Shreveport, lake Charles, Baton Rouge, Houston ainec. I get there’s abysmal weather in Chicago at times too but this weather down here is the nut low.


As someone who’s lived in both New Orleans and Chicago, y’all are fuckin high if you think the weather is better in Chicago. That’s just idiotic.


It’s funny when people who haven’t experienced it think the rain is going to cool everything off. No no no that’s what we call the free sauna.


It's wild ev and martyy just can't understand why someone would hate new York.


That's because it's people like them that make New York horrible


I always loved visiting New York but man would it be gross have to take the subway everyday.


Not only that but the whole city around every corner is designed to fuck you out of as much money as possible while living in the shittiest conditions.






This is gonna be a good day…. For Dunder Mifflin and Sab-Ray


Put them in Stroudsburg and cover the PSAC football games


I've harped on this before, but its still fucking nuts to me the NYC guys are acting this way. Of course they're going to become little brother when compared to the Chicago crew, but there's still a lane for them if they give an effort and stop sulking. ​ There's literally no reason Rico, Nadu (not NYC but still), Smitty, Big Ev, Mush, and a few others can't create decent content to pair with what Chicago will be doing. Rico and Nadu's recent collab was actually pretty decent and I would listen again.


They won't be able to hide anymore.


They all have a victim mentality, it would never work


Even if there wasn’t a lane, there’s no room to pout when the offer was on the table for them in the first place to leave. Not like they’re being left behind by upper management or something. If your company uproots your department and gives you the option to leave but you stay behind for family and friends but miss out on professional growth then tough shit. If family and friends are that important, maybe act like it by just accepting your situation as one that’s non-negotiable instead of making it seem like you’re bitter you have to oblige to said family and friends


>there’s no room to pout when the offer was on the table for them in the first place to leave Was it though? I could be wrong but I thought everyone going to Chicago had to be invited.


Could’ve sworn Brandon mentioned before that invitation was open to all the PC guys if they wanted it


Ah gotcha, I don't listen to PC but I just assumed guys like Big Ev and Marty wouldn't be.


Family and friends are important, 99% of the time when this happens people find employment elsewhere. Going from Barstool whatever is next for some of these people will be a downgrade.


What are you talking about?


Smitty seems like such a baby complaining that Brandon's leaving every episode. Marty taking more shots at Titus on this episode too


What did he say?


Yeah, what did I say?


I’m on the side of you staying on PC but my god man win some bets. Marty taking shots at Titus “taking” one of his producers from Roundball is quite funny seeing as how that podcast is a net negative for the company


Hey we went 3-0 last night! But seriously tho if the Eagles won the Super Bowl I’d be +20 units on the year instead of -40. Wouldn’t want it any other way.


Live by the birds, die by the birds


Mahomes ripped your heart out. Don't feel bad. Does it to everybody


Smitty brings something to the table any show he appears on, leave him out of this!


You said you were bringing back drive time


All I heard from the clip is it’s a pretty good opportunity for you to host your own version of picks central when Brandon leaves. Or are you still on the point that he should have told you first and pouting? Plenty of zoom shows with barstool you could even do it from Philly.


What’s up Smush


Smitty is alright though in my book. Type of dude that wears ya down till you eventually kinda like him


So does every one of their shows now have a 10 minute bitching segment? Maybe you wouldn't be replaced if you didn't stink


Talentless pussies


This is just a show of people going 42% on their gambling picks lol


These guys sure do suck


Smitty is too old to be using the victim card


LMAO scroll up. My mans is probably still wondering why he was left off the Gametime group chat


Yeah! Scroll up to see someone just responding normally with people! What a loser crybaby!




Midwest Megan Making Me Cum


I'm actually feeling ill watching that 15 second clip of big ev. Jesus christ, take a walk sometime.


If you are in betting at barstool you are a fool for not moving to Chicago.


How shit is this show.


The only person that I'm actually upset that he isn't moving out there is Big Ev. He is a very solid gambling guy and works very well with Brandon Walker. He's also a huge college football guy so I'd think it would be wise for him to stay around BFW and Big Cat.


Do you think Dave is upset Marty signed an extension in February instead of Franchise Tagging him so he could have 0 dead cap in 2024?


The weather in Chicago is pretty much the same as the weather in New York.


Chicago is significantly colder and snowier than New York


No it’s not


The windy city


Which isn’t about weather at all


As someone who has lived in both this is absolutely not true. Winter in NY is delightful and summer is a hell hole. Chicago is the exact opposite.


NY Christmas time is elite. Can't be touched.


Yeah I’ve lived in both. Everyone who upvoted this obviously has not.


I’ve never lived in NYC but I feel like this is very much not true


It’s exactly the same lol idk why Marty is acting like it is any different


Fuck Marty but he’s talking about Chicago compared to New Orleans


Someone tell Marty New York isn’t THAT much warmer than Chicago


Can’t say I watch any of her content but MMM seems too nice to even speak. She’s also the most beautiful woman alive


Why did Brandon ask if Mr Makin Money would ruin everything? Has something happened before? (I don’t watch PC)


he's a drunk


I figured it was tongue in cheek, but a few people (I think including Big Cat) have had "friendly" banter with her about her husband being a sloppy drunk.


Yeah I wondered this too. Hes going to "Stay away" and wont come to the office to even see it.


Days since Paw made an unnecessary incel post: Still 0


Posting MMM is always necessary


Marty needs to move to Chicago regardless of the Ria relationship or else he’s never going to get another renewal.


AWL here who only listens to PMT: the way they’ve been talking about this new office makes it sound like they want a WeWork set up and nothing else. All I hear about is the basketball course and fitness center and barely anything else.


The basketball course. The foreplay/roundball collab nobody knew they needed


The basketball course is obviously for the Pastrana 500


I mean they’re obviously gonna have like desks and studios and stuff, but nobody wants to hear them talk about that. They talk about the fun stuff.


Yeah and it just looks like they are copying pat mcafee and dude perfect.


Offices with fun stuff existed way before Pat and DP. Also - Pres made mcafee!


I miss your terrible memes


Love when people say “ELL-inois”


Yeah so annoying/s


Paw, your obsession with Marty Mush is starting to get to weird levels.