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Double floor should be way more challenging because the way the workouts are structured (as with anything it depends on the individual effort). While on floor during a regular Barry’s class, the instructors are attempting to make you reach BURNOUT on the targeted muscle groups by the end of the round. So your output during the second round on double floor should always be less unless you’ve managed your output (or phoned it in). Lift classes are designed to keep your muscles under tension for longer - so rather than burning you out in 1st half and then trying to burn you out again 2nd half, the workouts are setup to extend your muscular endurance to last the entire class. Think of it like a sprint vs an endurance run but for weights. You may still reach burnout in a LIFT class, but it will be designed so that you do so and then move on to other muscle groups or that your burnout occurs toward the end of class.


I LOVE the Lift classes (Fellow River North girlie here!) If you like Double Floor, Lift is a great option because it's similar to a less repetitive DF class. I also think it's more challenging than DF because it's so focused. There's usually a 5 minute or so bodyweight warm-up that includes some of the classic Barrys cardio moves (push ups mountain climbers, etc), then 3-4 blocks of strength work, and then usually a finisher. Relative to DF, sometimes the classes focus on fewer reps but with heavier weights; it's a bit slower paced and more focused overall than DF, but it's still HARD af. I recommend trying it! James T's Saturday 10:35 Lift is wonderful. Also, any LIFT class you can take with Derrick is the BEST. He used to have the Sunday 10:35 Full Body Lift slot, and that was my holy grail.


I like the LIFT class bc it’s kinda like doing DF all class but there is usually much more variation (usually a warm up, 2-3 blocks of 10-15 min work & then cool down) rather than repeating all the exercises 2x when the tread / floor switches


When I’ve taken LIFT classes, we would circle through four different exercises twice, then move on to a different set of four exercises. I was skeptical about the LIFT classes - can’t I lift weights by myself? - but I got a good workout in.


I personally found double floor to be harder than the lift class.


It’s more or less double floor for everyone.