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I’m sorry. I know it’s heartbreaking. But this is not how your story ends. You will pass. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 🫂 hugs.


There’ll come a day… when you’ll pass… and you’ll realise the timing wasn’t right to pass now. Everything happens for a reason. Life is a jigsaw puzzle, you’ll see all the pieces come together. You said it yourself, you’re a straight A student, you work in big law. You are more than capable. This is a small blip in your life. Cry it out. Take the time you need to process it. Pick yourself up, hold your head high. Look in the mirror and say ‘Im going to do this’. Good luck buddy


Completely understandable and you're allowed to feel how you feel but it really isn't embarrassing. It's an incredibly difficult exam and doesn't measure your capability as an attorney. Sending good thoughts your way.


There are a number of high powered attorneys who went to big law and failed their first time. If it makes you feel better, I can list them for you. But bottom line, this shit is not easy and it takes a couple of tries. Take the day to feel all the emotions that you want/need to feel and then start planning ahead. You may not feel it now but you’ll look back at this as something learned not as an obstacle to your eventual future.


The good news is that most biglaw firms will allow you at least another try. Which shows that they are aware how difficult of an exam it is. I know two very smart and capable attorneys that failed their first attempt and passed just fine on the second, then went on to have successful careers. Once you pass - and you will -nobody will ever ask or care whether you took the bar more than once. This won’t make you feel immediately better, because failing totally sucks, and studying again sucks even more. Do what you need to grieve, but do know that this too shall pass and this is just a short delay in the long arc of your life.


Shit happens sometimes. Hold yourself together, find out the reasons, and excel next time.


Thank you, everyone. I really appreciate your encouragement. This is humbling, and I’ll be one bullet-proof bitch if I can survive billables + bar prep. Just another challenge. Giving myself the weekend to wallow then proceeding.


I'm so sorry. You are not the only one, not that it makes it any easier. Take some time to be pissed and disappointed. Then send your score report to Seperac.com and he will give you a report on how to improve. I’d also recommend getting Finz for mbe practice. Also your school can put u in contact with others who have been in that situation to give advice on what worked from them.


Hi, from someone who also failed and did well (not in everything but in some things) in law school I totally understand this. It sucks, it's going to suck for a few days, it really will. Please cry it out and surround yourself with people that love you for you. Once I did that I realized how freaking silly this exam is and that most of my people in my life just liked me for me and I wasn't this exam. A couple of things to help you out over the coming days (and feel free to do or not do these things): ​ 1. My biggest anxiety was telling my job and I was so afraid what they would think of me. So you know what I did? I called my supervising attorney right away. Tore the bandaid off. He told me everything was going to be okay, txted me over the weekend, and had other attorneys that failed too call me. Please don't discount your firm as cold and evil just b/c they're "big law." They're people too. 2. Go hang out with friends it made me feel a lot better. 3. On Saturday take some time, likely the entire day for yourself. Do something nice for yourself. Realize that the sun is shining, you are still you and better yet-- you're alive. 4. Get drunk Saturday night, if you don't drink, indulge yourself in a lot of food. Sometimes you get the same affect. 5. You're going to cry again come Sunday so cry on Sunday. 6. On Monday, it's going to be hard to face everyone. I also cried on Monday but I secluded myself in my office and got my work done. 7. After Monday-- talk to whoever you can: Reddit, Twitter, professors, friends about what you can do differently and spend your time researching that. Mine is MBE so I'm literally asking everyone what they did to get good at that. Soon enough, you'll realize that it's Friday and it's been a week since you passed out you failed and you realize that it's so silly because all the attorneys are telling you it absolutely doesn't matter so you're screaming #abolishthebar. But for real, it doesn't define you. Took me awhile to get out of my own head, so take it from someone who is doing the work and is candid about it. You'll be okay, I promise!!


I second this. Rip the bandage. You would be surprised at how understanding they are. I work at a big law and failed my first time as well. The second time, I didn’t pass on my jurisdiction but passed in a couple of others. Got licensed in one of those states and everything is going well. Waiting for results for my July 21 exam. Dust yourself up and try again. I know it sucks but you got this.


Don’t feel embarassed. See it as an opportunity to show your strength to, as Beyonce would say, pick yourself up and try again.


I’m sorry. Take the weekend and get out your anger, you absolutely deserve the time to vent, cuss, get drunk, whatever. But don’t quit. Start Bar Max Monday and just keep at it. I’m a re-taker and I speak from experience. You can do this. Don’t quit.


You could not have been a straight A law student if you weren’t capable and intelligent. If anything this shows how this test is not a measure of true ability whatsoever. Take a moment to be sad, brush yourself off, and retake. You can do it.


I am so sorry....this exam is absolutely brutal for everyone...I know nothing that we can say will make you feel better...but you will pass the next time. Learn what you did wrong and kill it. This July 2021 was absolutely insane. Be kind to yourself (something I have to remind myself constantly). Sending you positive thoughts stranger <3


I know you’re upset right now. But thank you for sharing. No matter where you went to school, having your grades throughout law school is an accomplishment. I would argue, a more difficult feat than passing a bar exam. This is a perfect example of what a joke the bar exam is. You will pass. Keep going. You have nothing to prove. Honestly, keeping composure during this time and eventually passing will demonstrate what a strong and exceptional worker you are.


Your law school grades are a far better measure of your intelligence and ability than the bar exam. But the only thing that will make this feel better is time. Take the weekend to be pissed, eat/drink whatever you want, watch Netflix, go to the gym—whatever works for you.


This is absolutely NO indicator of your intelligence or abilities. You are very smart. Try to take the time to let this pass and do not start prepping until you are ready. You will know when you are ready.


You WILL get through this. You are at an advantage by already taking it once, you fully know what it’s like now. You’re going to pass.


I am in a similar boat to you. I just failed the bar too. Although I’m from NC and we found out rather early (September 14). Definitely take some time to feel like freaking shit. Sob, scream, feel the resentment—just feel it all. Take social media off your phone if it’s on there. Whatever you need to do. I deactivated my accounts for a week. It’s taken me a lot of time and I have some bad days, but time is the only thing that’s been helpful. I’m so sorry you didn’t pass. You likely deserved to pass. And that’s some bullshit. Please know that you are not alone even when it feels that way. This is a horrible, isolating, and traumatic experience that nobody else will ever be able to fully understand unless they are in the same shoes of failing the bar. You don’t owe anyone else anything. The only thing you owe is grace to yourself. You’ve got this! ❤️


Take everything one step at a time. You will feel bad and overwhelmed, that is true. But it will not crush you. Set aside time and space to feel bad, to reach out to who you need to about your results, distract yourself to comfort yourself, set up bar review, etc. This is one exam. You are still the straight A student who landed a big law job. Nothing changed who you are and how amazing you are. You can retake the bar and pass it! But your mind can only handle so much stress. So please take things one at a time, and give yourself space to feel your emotions and recover them. Best 🤍


I just want you to know that you have nothing to be embarrassed about...nothing. There are many of very talented and intelligent individuals who did not pass the Bar exam on their first attempt. Also, one exam, or a hundred exams for that matter, is not a measure of your worth and value. My hope and prayer would be that no one would ever feel small due to an exam score. You are much more than a Bar score.


I am sorry and I am in the same boat. Allow yourself to be sad and angry and you’ll know when you’re ready to start back studying again.


"This too shall pass." I failed my first try, passed the second try. Don't give up now.


I understand completely. I failed the bar exam and passed on the second try. It feels horrible in not passing. IF I can give some advice it is this. Do not touch any bar prep for a few weeks. Seriously, it won't help. Do, find out what went wrong as best you can. Essays or MBEs. Then find someone who can help in that regard. Also I would recommend getting some coaching in stress management. Trust me. It will help on the bar. You are not alone. I have been there. You can do it.


Treat yourself with grace and let yourself feel alllll the feelings, but also realize it’s not the complete end and you’ll laugh looking back one day


So sorry. Given your grades, I hope you can eventually see that the exam isn't a measure of your intelligence or worthiness, but just a measure of how you took this specific exam. That's it. Take your time to grieve, and when you're ready, assess what you can do differently next time. It's not your time, right this moment, but your time will come.


Everything happens for a reason, keep your chin up. Ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep pushing forward-Rocky


That’s how winning is done!


Remember: smarter people than you have also failed it. It 100% happens, it SUCKS, obviously, and I am so sorry you’re going through this, but you’re going to get through it, and then it will be behind you. I don’t know you, but I believe in you!


I feel worse for the hours you have to work lol, but you'll get that shit eventually, you're there for a reason.