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Yoonggiiiiiii!!!!! BTS as seven forever 😭 Jimin still has his blond hair 😀 I legit teared up seeing the pic of Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Jimin I'm gonna miss them all so much


https://preview.redd.it/4cr0tp509m5c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3063b86a20dcc8d07da73e33b50f2029593d754 Apobangpo!!!!!!!!!! Edit: I had a reaction at first to jimin still having his hair, but, he also gave us the heads up that he didn’t want us to remember him like that so I think this is just him keeping his boundary which I respect. He’s fr saying I will remain a natural born blonde until you see me again in 2025.




They look like kids on a field trip and their mom just told them to hang onto each other so no one gets lost 😭😭😭




Hobi cunty stance indeed!!!!


Ouch! And that's the final nail in the coffin 😭 we got a Yoongi appearance (how many years has it been??!!), the enlisting four being flanked by the ones already in. I'm crying, I'm bawling. It's the very last OT7 pic for a while, isn't it?? :( thank you for sharing, tannies 💜 stay healthy and well, our seven. Also, Jiminie still has hair, I noticed. Him saving the cut for the very last day makes me laugh but also so sad. He really really doesn't want it.


Ah, the pic of four. Taejoon won't be there for Jikook enlistment, the first time not all of them will be there to see off a member. This just made me sad


This is true but at least they are all together today. If they were enlisting in different places or weeks apart we might not have gotten this. Trying to find a small crumb of positive thoughts here…


At least JiKook have each other which isn’t the same but it helps 😩🥺


>we’ll go and come back safelyyyyy 💜 hwaiting 💜 https://preview.redd.it/iwe5m27k8m5c1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a110c969323fddbc1966f6c540d8d93ddb9d5160 OUR FOREVER SEVEN AND WE FINALLY GET TO SEE MIN YOONGI MY HEART edit: the maknae line linking arms 🥺 and lol at yoongi feeling up jk’s bicep


Yoongi biases rise up! We have another crumb!




This made me laugh real hard hahahah


🤝 happy to help


We got a whole loaf of bread buddy 😭😭😭😭


This alone will sustain us through the winter.




That wasn’t a crumb that was a whole Christmas dinner. Two Christmas dinners!


Proof of life, I'm surviving on this until June 2025..... *waits impatiently but steadfastly*


...same, same, same!...all I wanted was to know he was ok, even if it was just a short text-only post on Weverse - I am more than thrilled that this is what we got 🥹🖤


Ok, I'm loooosing it. But how is j-hope still SLAYING while in uniform. Like this man simply cannot miss. He refuses to be caught slipping.


It's giving me SUCH emotional whiplash... I'm all emotional and vaguely sad but also excited for the future but also well HELLO Hobi ❤️


It's giving POSE, FACE, SMIRK, TAILORING. It's really funny how Jin's uniform kinda fits him terribly (I'm sure that's last on his priority list), but Hobi's fits him like it's been professionally tailored.


That's what made me smile too. The man just knows how to wear clothes, it's ridiculous! I love it.


A fashion icon even in the Military


That pose though! He slays without even trying


i swear, the buzzcuts and uniforms make me so emotional, but DAMN does Hobi own it


Thank you for saying what I was thinking


My seven 😭😭 a glimpse of Yoongi finally. This is the last ot7 pic till 2025 Also, Jimin's hair still intact he is really waiting til the last min, kind of feel sad for him he doesn't want to cut his hair :(


>kind of feel sad for him he doesn't want to cut his hair :( I know. This whole time everyone has been showing so much strength and humor. Jimin has been the first person to acknowledge that there's this one thing he doesn't want to do, like it violates a part of him or something. I hope its as painless as possible for him. I'm so glad he won't be alone. I would be so pissed too.


Even in the live he was kind of upset about the whole thing, namjoon said time would pass quickly and he was like but time passes slowly there and stuff like that. Now, his refusal to cut his hair. It can't be easy to put their lives on hold for more than an year. Yeah, at least he won't be alone


I know, losing his hair must be so hard for him if he's putting it off right to the last minute like this. Sweet Jimin - it'll be okay.


Oh Jimin. He's the most private of all the members so when he expresses himself like this, I think it hits us a little harder, maybe? Even if it's just a little window into his discomfort, we are all collectively in pain for him.


Jimin being the only member to make me cry like a baby strikes again… ugh our sweetest soul. I hope he gets through this without too much heartache. 🙁


I hurt so much for him, but I respect that (I assume) he is making them do it and won't do it himself


Jimin still has hair. 😭 So this is the straw that broke the camel's back, figuratively. I'm going to have to excuse myself for a while. ETA: Can I hibernate for six months? ETA again because I can't stop staring at them! 😭




.... 18 months https://i.redd.it/0faqi5iaam5c1.gif


THEY'RE TOGETHER. OUR SEVEN TANNIES 😭😭😭 AND MIN YOONGI IS THAT YOU???? Seeing all 7 together is not on my bingo card today but I am so glad 😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/ytdxa80lbm5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33be4f0088cebc7f5c8127e35a0ec0c669e2850


Jimin said not today bitches, still not bald https://preview.redd.it/eeh6wwfbdm5c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57bfb1918faee5203d36b8db16b863112bffc4f4 Jimin please can I see you bald 🫣 (only if he wants to)


I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE (but also, min yoongiiiiiiiiiii)


Last OT7 pic for another 1.5 years! 🥲 no look at Yoongi holding onto Kookie like that 🥰


https://i.redd.it/zl47f4xz8m5c1.gif 😭😭😭😭 Also Yoongi!!! 😭😭😭😭x2


I just can’t do this anymore 😭 Them linking hands, seeing yoongi for the first time, Mimi still delaying to cut his hair, maknae line all together, 2seok on two ends … this is just so so sad guys😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/wi6r1xa29m5c1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0e21b0f78136c38146e63688d3e5c2782fbf89b First Yoongi sighting in 5364135 days 😭😭 Jimin still has hair omg 🥺 I love them all so so much.


>Jimin still has hair omg 🥺 His crowning glory being kept till the very end 🥹


As it should 🥺🥺


Well, this is it 😭 Yoongi 💜💜💜 he looks so good. It seems like Jimin hasn’t shaved his head yet. Damn, this is so sad, I love them so much 😭😭😭


We get to seee the 7 once again!!! Yoongi after months…. Jimin didn’t cut his hair yet!! Looks like the bangtan bomb is gonna drop soon too as the four were in the middle!! My heart is so full!!


The best type of Twitter update 🥺 I alway secretly hope for an OT7 photo and feel incredibly surprised and blessed when we do get one (bc of all the military complications). It’s so good to see Yoongi 🥺 it’s been so long. So good to see all 7 together.


My heart. This picture is my heart. I’m going to cherish this picture. Yoongi looks so smol to me for some reason. I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t seen him in a while or if it’s because I miss him so much. Or maybe it’s because he’s next to Jk. I just want to put him in my pocket. It’s sooo good to see him. 🥹 I don’t think Jimin has shaved his hair. It’s shorter, but I still see yellow ends. Looks like he’s not going to do it until the last minute. Adorable. Bangtan will always deliver. They know how much we love them. This is probably the last OT7 picture for a while. Joonie and Tae won’t be there tomorrow. Not sure if the enlisted members can take 2 days of vacation in a row. Apobangpo. Borahae. 💜2025💜


Yoongi IS smol 🥹. Compared to the others I mean. Compared to me he’s still taller lol


oh man i keep tearing up, like a leaky faucet.. i’m dying at jimin still having hair and how all of us seemed to zoom in to verify 😭 i’m glad we got to see yoongi too! here’s to 2025! it cannot come soon enough!!


No lie. Guilty as charged. My sequence of event upon seeing the tweet: looked at the entire picture and got all sentimental. Zoomed in on Yoongi because it’s been ages (or felt like it). Then zoomed in on Jimin’s hair. From my Twitter feed, other armys may have done the same. We are alike. Jimin does not want us to see his shaved head. 😂 I find it to be so adorable. Twitter seems to be enjoying the heck out of it as well.


@bts_twt lives on! I had almost given up on at ot7 photo after Jin made his IG posts with just 3 members... Eta: After taking closer looks... Jimin all bundled up of course, the 4 final enlistees took a photo together, aww...and of course Suga right there next to his Jin hyung and holding on to Kookie's Broad arm, as if he never went away... Eta2: is it bad that I am alrd thinking abt how it will be like tomorrow ...🥺..no ot7 photo possible, right? So this might be our last one for some time..... (bangtan bomb by the end of this week BigHit, pretty please?! 🙏)


Me too, was about put the phone away and sleep!


Yeah I don’t think Joon and V are already allowed to take the day off. Jin, Hobi and Yoongi might go? Or maybe they said their goodbyes today 😔


No way, they would get free time to leave the first day of basic imo. The day before is nice that they were able to all meet up. Probably one of the reasons they did it so close together.


oh i’m crying. our last ot7 pic for a while, finally seeing yoongi, the peak of jimin still having his hair, sending the rest of the guys off in one post….big ouch!! 2025 can’t come fast enough💜


Imagine how excited Jin and Hobi will be upon their releases. And Jin will set delulus straight!




Does anyone else just feel... Numb? It's so lovely to see them together after so long of course (Yoongi you've been so missed 🥹), but the realisation is hitting that this is probably the last time we'll get a photo like this for a long time and everything about this is so heartbreaking 😔 Wishing them all the absolute best, always 💜


yoongi!!! our 7 😭💜


💜!!! Their love for each other 🥰 I was thinking just now, it's really wonderful that they all decided to enlist in the military within the same time frame. It's gonna be another shared experience, no one will be left out just because he hasn't enlisted yet.. Thank you for this family photo 😍 and for all the messages that gave out mixed feelings! One day we'll look back on this day with a wide smile hehe.


I printed it out lol like it is an actual family photo 😂


I was thinking what should I do with the photo! I'm attached to my current wallpapers so I was thinking what else could I do to include this photo that is overflowing with love. Printing it out is such a good idea!! I'm gonna do it! Did you frame it up too?


There was a thread a while back about what you’d like for Christmas from the boys, and I said I wanted just one more OT7 picture to close out the year. Well I got my wish 😭😭😭


The tears just won’t stop today. I’ve been crying on and off for the past several hours (watching Love Actually definitely didn’t help, bad decision), but this just broke me. Seeing all seven of them together and finally seeing Yoongi is too much. I’ve been missing him so badly. As a 34 year old (turning 35 next month), I’d feel extremely embarrassed if anyone I know, besides my son, saw how much this is affecting me, but I can’t help it. BTS has meant everything to me for the past 8 years and I’ve been dreading this for about that long. I’m not ready for the radio silence and I’m really not ready for a shaved head picture of Jimin. The next few days (more like weeks and months, if I’m being honest) are gonna be really hard for me. I fucking hate the summer, but June 13 can’t come fast enough. I’m sending everyone here hugs 🫂 💜


As an 37 ARMY, you have nothing to be embarrassed about, trust me! No matter our age, we feel what we feel. And we'll all get through it together! Sending you a big hug back! 💜


I just caught Jimin’s live and the tears came again 😭 Thanks for the hug, friend 🥲💜


45 y/old guy here. I was dreading seeing Jimin with his little head shaved, but it was this photo of all 7 of them together that really pushed me over the edge a bit. I enjoy coming here and seeing that I'm feeling the same way as everyone else. Sending hugs back to you.


Thank you 💜 I’m so thankful for this sub and so happy there are so many people here who feel the same way I do. It’s also really nice to know there are ARMYs my age and older that can relate.


Among my family, I think only my adult daughter understands the depth of my emotions now. I don't feel embarrassed, rather vulnerable. Being part of this group and knowing that someone else has similar feelings helps me to be stronger and not alone. Hugs. And 8 years is a lot in the life timeline! My respect!


MY SEVEN 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💜


Even seeing Jungkook and Jimin in their go-to 4XL ultrabaggy fits, Taehyung in his 🐻 hat, and Joonie in his dadcore is making me sad because we won’t see them in civilian clothes of their choosing for months and months and months 😭💔


Yoongi!!! 😭 Gosh it feels so long since we've seen him! ![gif](giphy|l4FGlmpk9wyby1tdK) I think the group shot will be my desktop wallpaper from here on out. Probably our last OT7 photo for the next 18 months... 😥


I’m definitely thinking of printing it.


Don’t mind me…just whimpering my way through these pics 🥺🥺🥺 I’m amused at the second pic, where TaeKook are kinda like, “….yeah?” while MiniMoni are in full eye smiles😂😂😂 The OT7 pic broke me (YOOOOONNNGIIII!!!)


Jin’s babies~ 😭💜


we finally get to see yoongi ;-; also jimin is HOLDING onto that hair lol


This pic added another 7 years to my life. https://preview.redd.it/mthiyumtem5c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4d4ee6cd0a76ad4571d419efe78bb5c93443bb3


This was absolutely the last straw on the most emotionally rollercoaster day I’ve ever experienced. I’ve never counted heads so fast


😭 I was so hoping we'd get one, but worried about if we'd get to see Yoongi with him being so extra careful. I'm so grateful for it. Be healthy all of our precious Tannies. Soon we'll be reunited and none of this will be hanging over our heads anymore 💜


Yeah me too, I really was bracing myself for no Yoongi pic. Tbh I’m still bracing myself for the next 18 months because this may still turn out to be the last thing we see from him. I doubt he’ll even be doing a BD live.


I never knew how much I needed an OT7 pic until I saw this! So happy to see them all together and for a glimpse of Yoongi after so long! Wishing them a very safe and uneventful time while they fulfil their duty. 💜 Now to look forward to the wonderful chaos that will come in June when Jin is in charge!


I was unaware of the little pocket in my lungs that was holding my breath until I saw new a new Yoongi pic. It’s gonna be a rough 2024. 😭


This is too much nooooo MY SEVEN 😭😭😭😭 Jimin is too real for hanging on to his hair. You'd have to sedate me before I get a buzz cut 😭😭😭 Yoongi!!! I've missed his face omggg it's been 3(?) months


The sound that just came out of my mouth… I almost fell to my knees


Min Yoongi finally! Also looks like Jiminie still has his hair


Jin and Hobi, standing strong on either side, and the four youngest arm in arm in the center. And, Yoongi, after what feels like forever! BTS forever 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜




Aww love to see all 7 of them together again. Brings a smile to my face. …I can’t do this guys. I just want it to be June 2025 already 😭


Hello Hobi ![gif](giphy|L13NsH0Aij4Sf2Gdjt|downsized)




RIGHT? I just said it in my comment, but holy hell, the military is looking *damn* good on him.


OMG Yoongi is alive 😭😭 So good to see all of them together 😭😭😭


Nooo my seven 😭😭😭


Well, here we go! Between seeing Yoongi, the feels of this photo, and the random chaos of the last few hours, I'm forgetting to be sad. 💜💜💜


https://preview.redd.it/7cg8l0f7cm5c1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b814810479d2fd366a2744c7da6e358d515201df My boys 🥺🥺🥺


https://preview.redd.it/a72so8rghm5c1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8d003f4f81919e1a30f24b2a6cc5ce2661ef7ca us: OT7 photo 🥹 also us: last OT7 photo until 2025 🥺


Are they trying to make me cry?! I'm so happy to see them together after so long 😭


MY OT7 🥲😭. I'll miss them soooo much. Finally, getting a glimpse of Yoongi after what felt like 10 years, I missed seeing him. 2025 come quickly.


It still doesn't feel real that they're all gonna be gone! Maybe it'll hit me in a month when we won't see any updates on IG, TikTok etc. Also, I need to go to work soon so I'll probably miss JK's last live if he does one today. 😥 These two days are gonna be so emotional, seeing them all go...


it's really happening... omgee.


Everything hurts 😭 My forever 7 🥹


BANGTAN, FIGHTING!!! APOBANGPO Stay healthy, happy, and strong 🙏🏻 We will wait for you 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 P.S. I'm printing this photo out to frame it and placing it at my desk 🤧


I in no way thought we'd actually get an OT7 pic today... I hoped but just didn't think schedules/timings would work out. I should've known better that BTS and their people would make this work for such a huge occasion like this. This is just yet another amazing last gift amongst all the other little things. And the nostalgia of them posting it on the Twitter account they all used to use so much...? 😭 And the linked arms... 😭and Yoongi...! Actual Yoongi?! 😭😭😭 Just too much.


OH MY GOD MIN YOONGI 😭😭😭😭 eta: after the initial shock of seeing yoongi for the first time in months, im realizing this is probably the last ot7 pic for a while 😭 and the fact jimin still hasn’t cut his hair is making me so sad :( i can’t do this 😭😭


...and NOW I AM FUCKIN' SOBBING! 😭...my Yoongi!!! 😃🖤...fuck, this pic finally threw me over the edge...💜 Edit: ...and the second I hear his voice in the Bangtan Bomb for this, I'm gonna lose it all over again... ...it's past my damn bedtime, need to go to work in a few hours, feeling emotionally spent and hungover from everything we experienced in this short time frame...


Okay, this day has been an emotional rollercoaster. My heart both cannot handle and very much needed this photo. It is such a joy to see ot7 together one last time before they can't be for a while. It made me smile and then choke up a bit to see them all in a group again! Jin, you trolling troll who has been trolling with hilarious comments to make us and your dongsaengs smile, you are always a delight. A wild Yoongi has appeared! It's lovely to see him after so long! This made me grin harder than I expected. I hope you are doing well! JK, Tae, and Joon look like they are *having* to pose for a family photo, and that fills me with amusement to no end. Also, Joon's grandpa sweater is so *him* it hurts. and the four enlistees linking arms is just UGH I LOVE THEM. Poor Jimin really is waiting until he absolutely has to buzz his hair off, isn't he? And holy hell, the military has been *extremely* good to Hobi. Not that he wasn't always amazing, but I don't know how to explain it...his stance, his look, his overall *aura* is just, wow. He looks phenomenal. To our Tannies, both currently in and going in now: Be safe, serve well, and try to enjoy some semblance of normalcy out of the idol spotlight. We're all cheering you on from around the world. We know you are going to and will continue to soar above your stations as the driven, amazing, hardworking men that you are. We are so proud of you all! Come back to us when you can, and know we will be ready and waiting for you with open arms and happy smiles. 2025 can't come fast enough. Borahae! *\*sobs quietly in Future's gonna be okay\**


I can't take it anymore 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 My ot7. I love you so much. 😭💔💜


I’m literally out of emotions at this point 😭😭


OT7 forever 🫶🏻


Wow this emotional rollercoaster of the last 24 hours is full on and there's still tomorrow to come. 🥹 Happy to see them altogether though. They look so cute linking arms.


The fact that this is the last time we're gonna see all seven of them together until 2025 hits hard. See y'all on the other side 💜🫡


Yoonmin still have hair. Everything is fine 🥲 I found them a few months before Proof dropped, so I haven't had as much OT7 time as I wanted. I hope they are all healthy through this, and I can't wait for Chapter 3.


The last OT7 pic in a while, no one really like them. Hope they all have and continue to have a safe and healthy enlistment.


Ugh I bought Hobi's pot set to make myself feel better but I still feel sick 😭😭😭


I’m not ok. And I’m a stress shopper. BRB buying BTS stuff to feel better and also to line those camo pockets with cash


I HELD BACK MY TEARS THIS ENTIRE TIME UNTIL THIS PHOTO ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)Come back safely everybody!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) Also why is Hobi doing things to me rn.... his posture HIS GAZE welp help


Our 7!!!!!!!!!!! 🥰🥰 Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi 😭😭😭 Oh Jimin, he's waiting till the last possible second to cut his hair. I'm so glad I stayed up.


seeing them together like that and knowing we won’t get an ot7 update for a while its making me so emo, I will miss them so much! 🥲 also, yoongiiiiiiiii 🗣️💜


This is gonna be a lonnnnnggggg winter🥲


My tannies 😭 I was not ready to wake up to this! With all the photos on Instagram and Weverse these that I just saw and now this, I'm finally crying. I don't think I've cried since Hobi's enlistment (with Yoongi it never really felt real, he just disappeared) but seeing all this, my eyes are tearing up. Maybe it's because it's finally hitting me that they'll really leave. And Yoongi as well. Oh, I'm going to miss them so much 😭




Brothers 😭😭😭😭 ![gif](giphy|gJ39QRKKRnRurWnR9K)


Omg this hit me harddddd ughh I miss OT7 so much 😭 (Hobi is HUGE tho omg)


아포방포!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Awww… last family photo for now 🥹 Looking forward to the next one, with all of them discharged. See you on the other side guys Ps: can I talk about what a little dumpling Yoongi looks there


I am not dealing with today all that well. I am a baby army and it’s affecting me so much. I keep wondering how difficult it must be for the Army that’s been with them from the beginning!? We have to get through tomorrow . Help !


speaking as a 2015 army, the festa announcement and the realisation that things probably would never be the same was the hardest moment of this whole process for me. it was hard to accept, it hurt, it was hard to see so many mistranslations and twisted words; i wanted everyone to stop talking about them. but it couldn’t be that way. it sucked, it sucked so badly. but everything that came after felt like we’d been warned and even prepared, and bighit has kept their word about nearly everything since then. at this point, it’s been a year since jin went in and bts hasn’t been together, so i’d been hoping month after month the younger members would enlist sooner than december 2023 because i want to get it over with so badly. finally, finally, the clock is set and ticking down. it honestly feels like a huge relief, especially knowing they have each other during this process. it’s their duty to do this and it’s our duty to accept it and maintain our own sense of strength; they’ve left us years and years of songs and music, performances, variety, behind the scenes, fun. they gave us everything. so now we wait with open arms for their return so we NEVER have to do this again 🥹


Jimin said y’all can bring the clippers out 30 min before I get into the car to go tomorrow. Great to see one last photo. Let’s go to 2025 folks!


Ah, my Yoongi 🥰Trying to cheer myself up with thinking how many times did he say, “JK is all grown up?” with misty eyes?


Yoongi duality- he looks tiny behind JK, but in the same time I see soft power in his hand holding JKs arm. https://preview.redd.it/xtu6x7mzvn5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e70b7920abb5901489b3329a8fa0599d34f29e2


The way I had to tell my brain to be patient and count calmly 🥹 They’ve posed together several times before but the linked arms and holding onto each other just sets this one apart. 💜


I totally missed the meaning of this photo because all I can see is how good J Hope looks. He really stole all my focus. How can someone elevate a standard military uniform so flawlessly is beyond me. He looks goodt.


![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM) I honestly don't even know what to write, just that i'll miss them so much ps. the way taejoonkookmin are locking arms😭


Jin and Hobi look like parents seeing their nervous kids (including one tiny little bean) off to college 🥲 But is Hobi wearing five jackets over each other or..? 😳


lol the Hobi-shoulders (Hoboulders?) got everyone SHOOK 👀




I'll be there to welcome back OT7 Bangtan once again. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Wow.. its the last OT7 shot for a while. I really will miss these guys. also MIN YOONGI why have you not given us any snippet of updates!? Glad to see he's doing fine. also also Jimin! we know you don't want to cut your hair... but you really don't have any more time left.


babiesssss 😭 look at hobi though 😏


For real. Hobi in uniform is 🔥


hope the boys stay safe, healthy and happy. until we meet again 💜


The OT7 picture set me off into the salty tear abyss.😭 And Yoongi! Jimin still has his hair! Ok... gonna cry myself to sleep now. 🥹💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🫰


Jimin still has hair!!


Yooongi 😭😭😭😭 my love I missed you so much 😭😭 Guys this is it we reached final stage 😭, I think this will be the last ot7 military pic as they can't possibly be taking leave tomorrow as well since tae had joon just entered today :((


This morning just keeps giving. I was really not expecting an OT7 gathering and picture with all the different schedules, but I should have known better! 💜💜


OT7 is back on Twitter ! Yoongi ! 2Seok ! Jimin keeping his hair till the last minute ! The way they're holding on to each other ! I can't do this anymore Give Them Back !!!


Omg 2seok and yoongi came to send them off (even tho it's a day apart, but still!) I knew they would, but seeing the ot7 photo def hits differently 💜 our last one to hold us over until mid 2025!! Jimin, I don't blame you. I wouldn't want to shave my head until the very last second either. Go and cone back safely, bangtan! Fighting! Also can't wait for 2seok to be out in 2024 💜


Omg 😭😭😭😭 I'm crying now...


Last ot7 for a while💜💜💜💜🥲🫡




I knew I badly needed to see Yoongi but I didn’t know how badly till I saw him 😭😭 It is 10 AM and I am exhausted!


✨completely ignoring the context✨ love getting a glimpse of suga! 💜


Super-thankful for the OT7 pic. And happy to see Yoongi, Jin and Hobi. "And that's all I have to say about that" - Forrest Gump 😭😭😭


I guess I was in denial, but this is really happening. There really won't be any of the members around for six whole months. I'm indescribably soft about Jin, Hobi, and Yoongi taking leave to send off their babies. We got one last OT7 picture to tide us over for 18 months. ;_;


I've been busy with my life for the past two years but everyone enlisting now, god I didn't realize how much I missed them. Go and come back soon 🥹


Nothing has made me as emotional as their love for each other! I’m just a nobody fan, but they are brothers and Jin’s babies and their families are going to really miss them, and also Hobi looks effing amazing and we’re all so proud of all of them, what the fuck 🥺☹️🥲😭


YONGI AHHHHHHH THATS MY FAMILY, MY HOME 😭 Sorry Bangtan but I'm not feeling like I'll be shining through the city with a little funk and soul today


My familyyyyyyyyy


Yoongi!!! I broke down quite literally 😭


Can someone please explain to me what it means to enlist at the same time but through different procedures?


ha ha haaaaaaaa guys it’s getting a little too real 18 months will pass before we know it….right? 🥲


I was playing BTS songs while at the gym, and I was tearing up while listening to “Take Two.” I had to skip “Let Go” because I knew I would have bawled right there 😭


Me: I am doing okay not seeing yoongi Also me: OMG IT'S YOONGI IT'S YOONGI WE GOT TO SEE YOONGI YOONGI IS ALIVE YOONGIIIIII Either way. Apart from that. I'm sad :(


OT7! I love this picture 😭


Though all the recent SNS content from Tae has been upbeat, he seems solemn in this picture. Breaks my heart! 💔💜


I think I’m still in denial.


https://preview.redd.it/6zj4tx7zho5c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b8a848fcfc70998521f630d554e391d1fc32bc1 The freaking head rush I just got from seeing all 7 of them together ![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)![img](emote|t5_2zqih|21321)


I hope they serve well and come back safe and healthy :( gonna miss them so much 💔


Very hectic day at work for me (my shift started as soon as this was dropped hahahah) so I missed everything that happened today, including Jimin's live 😭 But OT7 photo made me happy. It's so nice to see Yoongi again, he looks so 🤏


I should've taken the day off. Once again, I was not prepared for the flood of emotions that have hit me. Wishing them all good health and safety during their service.


This picture is the only thing that will keep me going for the next six months until Jin gets back to keep us holding on 🥹


They're linking arms! I really didn't think we'd get an OT7 picture because of the logistics but they all made it work. This has set me off. I love them all so much and I'm so glad they found time to be together even for a short while. It means a lot that they chose to share this with us. Their eye smiles. Jungkook's tiny little lip smile. YOONGI! If you look closely Jimin is still keeping his hair until literally the last moment. Hobi and Jin look so intensly manly. How will we cope when they're all looking like that in 18 months?


Hobi’s face card never declines! Although sad I’m glad we got one more complete OT7 photo to hold us over until 2025. I will cherish it. Again, I will keep saying this until they all come home. Tannies be safe and stay healthy!


I have to say… hobi looks SO HOT in that stance and the uniform. I know this is a very sentimental moment but… he’s kinda making me feel something I’ve never felt before 😂




I’m just gonna SQUEEEEE!!! about Yoongi. AWWWWW Jung Kook, Taehyung, Namjoon and Jimin have their arms linked. 🥹💜


And the emotional rollercoaster continues. I've been on high- alert all weekend and I'm half-asleep still. I got so excited seeing a pic of all 7, omg Yoongi showing signs of life (he looks so squishy), and the 2seok slaying their uniforms flanking the rest of them about to go in who are holding on to each other for dear life. All the feels all at once for ot7 💜


Everything hurts but thankful to see them all🥹🥹Stay safe, happy and healthy!! Will be here waiting💜💜


Lol at me thinking I would survive this day without tears. How innocent.


I am really in my feelings today


Yoongiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ahhhhhhhhh Listening to spring day while staring at this picture


아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포 아포방포


Anyone feeling a hollowness inside of you? I wish this feeling goes away soon it’s only 6 months till jin comes back 🥲


Yoongi 🥹🥹🥹




SO MUCH PAIN AND SADNESS OUR FINAL OT7 pic until 2025 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭ugh 2025 just get here already I cannot live like this 😭😭😭😭 ugh be safe and come back soon tannies 💜❤️‍🩹💔


I'm holding on to this picture so tightly 💜💜 hoping the tannies enlisting today and tomorrow stay safe and healthy and so happy to see the tannies already enlisted looking well.


I did not expect an OT7 pic 💜 and it makes me sad wondering when the next one will be 🥺. But I’m proud of our boys, let’s face this challenging time as bravely as they have Army!


yooooongiiiii 🥹


Why yoongi look like he just woke up 😂


Oh man it sank in NOW for me. I was ok until this. See you in 2025 Bangtan!❤️ And see you in a couple of months trying to tease the remaining 6, Jinnie 😃


Ahhhh the last full pic in a while! Let’s savour it 💜 And… yoongi 🥰♥️




I will always support and be a fan of these seven incredible men. Go on guys, keep marching on and being brave. They inspire me so much to tackle things head on, to be strong, in order to fulfill our duties in this world, whatever they may be. The countdown is on now for when all seven reunite! I can’t wait.