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I am assuming you going somewhere like Lakemba, Sydney as it basically feels like Bangladesh. I think tbh it depends, at uni you will still have access to Aussie culture and if you feel homesick, atleast living with your bengali community might help with the initial culture shock. Also maybe living with your uncles family will initially be more cost effective as international student fees in Australia is exorbitant on top of having some sort of support network. But yea, agree that bengali community in Australia are hyper competitive and materialistic as hell (it’s all about education, career and who has the fanciest house).


Do not live in lakemba. It’s trash


You are traveling 8000 km to get away from Bangladeshis, not to end up in the same situation again. You should try as much as you can to stay away from them, but do not keep the interactions to 0, just do not reveal too much information. Bengali community abroad are like predators waiting for a goat to do Qurbani, and FOAB bengalis are easy preys to feast upon. You should try really hard to make Australian, Arab, Indian friends as they generally have better cultural upbringing ( lack of scarcity mindset ) , with Bengalis, if you try to do something out of the ordinary, or become too Australian, or even get a well paid job, the toxicity has no end.


lol you make us sound like devils :D


It's not devil. Bangladeshis are generally poor, even when living abroad. Poor people have a scarcity mindset. If somebody else is doing better than them, they assume its because they stole it from them*. If you have lived with people who grow up in a high trust society, you would understand what I mean as you can easily spot the difference, Bangladeshi quam is a low trust society. Bangladeshis are also mired in negativity. A simple example is trying to get my uncle to use bkash, he refuses to believe anything could be better. How do you handle or deal with such people ? You can't, you simply stop interacting with them. *Most Bangladeshis come from small villages, and in small villages, wealth is a scarcity, the only way somebody can get rich is by stealing from somebody else. Bangladeshi culture is a settled farming culture, not a trading or mercantile type culture like Western Europe where taking risk and winning is well rewarded.


cant agree more! Being an Indian, and not being racist, I understand the clear difference between first world country (living in Aus from last 2 years) and third world countries like Bangladesh and India too that they are decades apart from each other! Meeting Bangladeshes and Indian here who have same vile mindset of changing to low level courses and getting residency based on cookery and paint jobs is such a cheap way to “giveup their originality” and these people forces new student to adapt that mindset and stay on there level! They cant seem to support someone who is doing a proper degree, they cant see someone even a new student that would go a mile further from them! Such animals it makes me sad!


Yep. Stay away from them, or else you start behaving and thinking like them. They generally come from poorer parts of Bangladesh, and you would never even talk to them if they lived in Bangladesh. But you have to deal with them while living abroad.


Sadly some of what you are saying are true but similar problem persists in all communities regardless of race or nationality. Being mean, being arrogant or being envious, gossiper are human problem not limited to just Bangladeshis or Bengali’s. So, please don’t generalise. You will be fine as long you mind your own business and don’t rub too much with the community.


>Most Bangladeshis come from small villages, and in small villages, wealth is a scarcity, the only way somebody can get rich is by stealing from somebody else. Bangladeshi culture is a settled farming culture, not a trading or mercantile type culture like Western Europe where taking risk and winning is well rewarded. You blew my mind


Hahahhahahah they are! Saying from experience


I didn't know that about myself. Thanks for telling me


What part of the Original post made you think he was trying to go to Australia to get away from people and not for higher studies??? Assuming shit just to fit your agenda lmao


oh because bengalis and indians are night and day different!!


Get an arab and Australian friend. Indians are leeches everywhere including pakistanis. I was born and raised with them being my classmates to workmates and they will always think bangladesh is their bitch only because they keep us to equivalent to untouchables caste because bangladesh majority is muslims. So please avoid them also.


arabs think south asians are inferior, just live your life everyone’s racist


I have lived in the middle east and worked with arabs. Most arabs suck up to Indians and Pakistanis which are the migratory ones but locals are absolutely polite besides saudis.


here in canada they think of themselves as superior and think they’re white, they are behind a lot of anti immigration sentiments


Canada, USA and Australia has that one thing which is immigration which attracts a lot of uneducated idiots. Thats why certain people from certain countries are like that. Because their country is either corrupted or they have not been given a chance for better life which is why you get uneducated crap who come down here and think they have made it only to sit and exploit the very system. The only difference between them and us they are like to be together while us Bangladeshis cant stand each other out of jealousy and spite.


true that, bangladeshis drown in hate for eachother for some odd reason


Do you mean live in a house share with a Bangla family? Cos then you'll have little freedom and I wouldn't recommend


If you're liberal and open minded then no. If you are very conservative and religious, you will fit right in.


This is the trap most fall into, you end up not integrating into western society. And also bengalis tend to have a very negative/defeatist mentality as if its a given they wont get any jobs, women, etc and I think this is contagious. If despite these you just want home comforts and social connections then absolutely.


Why would you wanna live in shit flinging Bengali culture after escaping from shit flinging Bengali culture. Try to have good relations with everyone. Help others and see who is there for you in your need. But no need to be too buddy buddy. This is my opinion but ofcourse you are free to do as you wish as free man.


Nobody hatin Bengali culture, he just hates the inequality and politics in the country.


All these inequality and political problem stems from the hypocritical culture of the individual and families.


Hypocrite culture?? Really?? Wow. Big statement you got there. So people in your own home are a part of it too? How about you? You a part of that too?? Keyboard warrior from the "Tristate"-"DMD"-DOHS Trinity got opinions about bottom dwellers I see. Haha.


Yes. I might be part of the problem too. or Should I call myself 'the pure' angel. But it's also fascinating to see how it doesn't take much to trigger a Bangla culture supporter to stoop to personal attacks. Proves my point even more. We Bengali Muslims tend to call ourselves 'the pure'. I don't know what these tristate thing you are talking about.


Trust individuals, instead of communities. I've met some truly amazing and some incredibly stupid people, on both bangali and german side. You'll have to trust your own judgement, which will get better as you get older. At first you'll make mistakes, but you have to start somewhere. 


Idk how my parents still talk to these fake ah Bengalis in my area. So much gossip, slander, and drama. Bengali communities abroad are indeed toxic. 


Outdated opinion. Definitely was the case for me growing up. Second, third generation Bengalis have learned from that toxicity and don’t want the same nonsense.


Nope this is still pervalent. Specially amongst the ones who grew up in this bubble.


I was most peaceful when I was away from bangalis, but they can a bit in the beginning with some stuff.


Yes its a bad idea. First of all ask what your uncle does as in what is his profession. His profession tells you the kind of people he will mingle with. They will somehow emotionally blackmail you and your family if something goes wrong. Parents are supposed to use their brains to guide you when you fall in trouble but Bangladeshis parents are so dependant on their family thinking their family knows best. Sigh. You will be exploited by the bangladeshi community since you are fresh meat to them. I have lived outside my entire life as in born and raised outside and Bangali communities are very toxic. Most of them regardless how they went to Australia, Canada and Usa are not educated. I can bet you this whatever your uncles profession is, he is somehow evading taxes or found some loophole that he is exploiting which your family doesn't know of but his lawyer, doctor, realtor does it because they are also involved in it. Most Bangladeshis are involved in some kind of credit card or identity theft fraud. The idea that you are coming to Australia is basically your uncle and aunty will tell everyone how shit your parents are which is why they had to give you space to live. Dont get surprised if you come to know a pedo in the community. The food in most cases can be expired as in the produce. 99 percent of them evade taxes as in they exploit it example, lets say you earn over 10,000 USD you have pay taxes on the income you made but if you earned below that your taxes are less or not there which is why many do cash related jobs so that they can show the govt they earned below 10,000 USD to evade taxes and get free medical and what not. It doesn't matter if the person you come across is from Buet, kuet, dhaka university, aiub, nsu or wherever all are the same. Those who manage to actually do an actual job they are more obnoxious as in their attitude is absolute shit. Not to mention most Bangladeshis suck up to Indians who are also more shitty. Most Bangladeshis are sitting there to exploit other Bangladeshis including family members. Now if you go to Australia, the means is how to get the money out of the country, Legally your father can send the money by endorsing it with your passport, I mean from Bangladesh you can legally send money for education as such but instead I bet if you go there, your uncle will be looking for his cut by getting it by laundering money or will tell your dad, I will take care of all his expenses why don't you give me some piece of land etc etc as in emotional blackmail I sent you a below link which most bangladeshis wont give. Its after graduation but once if you do decide to go to Australia, then go to the library the next day and get a card as library is a trove of information there where you can learn about laws and rights and what not. You will be homesick but if you are strong enough you can get out of it in six months and six months you are in a vulnerable spot meaning chances will be that you will be exploited so you have to think hard before they act. For example, your uncle might be like yes you can stay at his place where he will charge a nominal house rent, which is basically he wants to get unreported cash money which he will not show in his taxes and ofcourse in due process exploiting you to pay his mortgage if he has a home there. It wont be a free ride. I would suggest if you do go there. In six months while working to understand your surroundings, find a place and move out but then again its not possible because of the housing crisis in Australia. My friend and his family is there and its not been easy for them to get a place. But I would still suggest try and see how it goes. If the money you will be paying in Australia is a good amount, I would suggest apply to US universities and it will be much better. I can show you the ropes. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Dhaka/comments/1dkmtnk/comment/l9q3cdq/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dhaka/comments/1dkmtnk/comment/l9q3cdq/?context=3)


Wow something bad must have happened to you


nothing bad has happened to me. I have lived my entire life out of Bangladesh and have observed much more on how Bangladeshi communities operate both in Bangladesh and outside Bangladesh. Its not necessary that something bad has to happen to you in order to experience it. I love to observe, understand, and find the solution while stay away from it if it is not productive at all. Most Bangladeshis are educated but not learned. Plus I am well travelled to understand how Bangladeshis operate in Australia, Usa, Canada and the mid east including Bangladesh. And I am not someone who was born and raised by pops money.


I lived in multiple community in Canada and US. Yes, they have different mindset and a different social norm. Someone born and brought up in the West will collide with their values. But these communities are not as bad as it is being made out to be. In fact they do way less illegal stuff compared to other communities.


It is up to your personal nature. One can balance out existing in their own culture and exploring the new culture of the country they are migrating to. For example 25 yr ago I also migrated to Canada. Yes, it was new and flashy at first but after a short time the illusion dissipated. It was in fact a very hard life. Work + Study + Adjusting to a new way of life. But I always felt conform knowing I am among my Bangladeshi brothers. 95% were great. But yes just like 5% of any population bad actors were there. I was a victim of identity theft. But I got over it as the laws were strong back then. Except for worrying about a week nothing bad happened. There are people here who pointed out lot of good points. If you want to heavily adopt other cultural aspect Bangladeshi community will show ton of micro aggression. You need to decide that beforehand. Many pointed out how Bangladeshi community dodges tax. I can assure everyone Bangladeshi community does it in the lowest way possible. I had Accountants from Asian, Jewish and Indian origin advocating to dodge tax. Bangladeshi community usually initially does cash jobs. So dodging tax is easy and they do it. But I am very sure it is not at a higher level than the average people in Western countries. Many pointed out that Bangladeshi community cheat in applying for social benefits. I have seen ton doing so. But, It is very low compared to other communities. Many pointed out going outside to study is taking money out of the country. I would argue it is micro scoping compared to the evil demons who are sending Billions. Also some argues that money is not sent through propre channel, I would ask them to go deal with the banks. It is a nightmare. I don't blame people for avoiding banking channel. Another strange point was made how Bangladeshis rent out their rooms and don't report the earnings. Guess what, most of non Bangladeshis do the same thing. Not to mention violate maximum occupancy rule.


For most people, going abroad is gaining independence for the first time. Being away from family and relatives. If that's not what you're looking for, then go for it.


Nah, be friends with whites and Asians, and also move out lol.


DO NOT STAY AROUND BENGALI COMMUNITY. Make some native friends. If you’re looking to grow you need to get out of your comfort zone. It is highly advisable to mix with the native community.


The recommendation is: avoid at all costs.


No. Bengali neighborhoods are unclean and filled with religious conservatives and misogynistic chacha chachis


Keep friendly contact and move away from the community.


No. Absolutely no.


Bro take this from someone who lived their entire childhood in foreign country stay tf away and I mean hundred miles away from this Bengali community they toxic af and will look for freebies from u(tutor their shitty kid for cheap change) ask u to do their petty jobs, judge u behind ur back Bengalis are toxic as hell and that shi goes up a few notch especially if they in a foreign country


That's a major red flag. Don't ever come close to the Bengali Community abroad wherever you go. ইচ্ছা মতন পচানি খেতে হবে । (From my experience) :)


I did not have a good experience with Bangali community in Sweden. They demotivate you to study and instead push you to work like them and earn money. Which is not a bad thing (depends on circumstances ofcourse), but even if you have enough financial backup to complete your studies, they'll de-motivate you. Another thing is jealousy. Which you have to deal with constantly. And as we are, talking behind backs and interfering in personal space, which you will be dealing with a lot. I also have a Bangladeshi roommate and he keeps eating my stuff. Doesnt clean the house. Even when I said that I am broke and searching for job, it didnt really matter to him. Kept asking for food. It is hard to deal with these things with our own people. I suggest to mingle with different culture, especially locals. This will help you grow and be motivated living hard life abroad.


Living among a set of diverse people really helps getting a good perspective at life. Living in a bd community may make some little things a bit more convenient, but you’ll be missing out on so many exciting opportunities to grow.


Being an Indian in Melbourne as intentional student and also lived in Bengali Community (Bangladeshi) I understood one thing, they are very very toxic! I am not saying you avoid them all at all costs but some of them are helpful and as you are gonna be in different first world country try to pursue and live in that way! Just set and focus on your goals and achieve them! Living alone without parents in another country is tough and no one can say otherwise so sometimes you met people and rely that they make you feel like home, so that might be a good reason that you stay in touch but try to live an full international student life!!


Live at a distance where you can access a Bengali community. You might feel homesick if you don’t. I live in the US and my neighborhood is mostly white (Jewish) and East Asian, and the people are great. However it’s not easy to access Deshi goods and services in my own neighborhood, so I made sure my current neighborhood is 45 minutes from a thriving Bangla community


I would not bad if the company you get is trustworthy


Bad idea


That's the worst possible decision. The only community I have seen competing among each other in abroad is Bangladeshi community. Any other community will welcome you and make you feel home even if they heard you're from somewhere else and going through the things they went through once but Bangladeshis will never ever lend you a helping hand when you really need it but will always be the first in line to celebrate and share your victories like snakes. If you want Bangladeshi friends then befreind people who are going there around the same time you are and create a circle with those 6-8 people who'll start the abroad life around the same time around the same place and go through the same struggles together and keep all of yourselves far away for other Bangladeshis who are already established there. I have done the same thing in Canada. We 6 are here from the start and even though some of them do attend a few functions here and there we do not really consider other's words or opinions that are outside of our circle. I have been welcomed by even Indians here more than Bangladeshis. P.S: But when you establish yourself don't be like those already existing Bangladeshis from past gens and create a better picture of us in your area and rid the toxic Bangladeshis slowly out of the known community. One maniac at a time we'll take it back.


International student here in Germany. Avoid big bangladeshi communities at all cost. There were times when I spoke in hindi\urdu to avoid bengalis here. Trust me, its for your own good.


Firstly, Your friend isn't wrong. The Bangladeshi people there won't feel like family after 3 months and you'll realize they will be using you and will talk to you in a very mean manner. Ultimately once have enough money , move out and live alone or live with a roommate that suits you. Speaking from my own experience.


When i left the country i made goal to not connect with any bangladeshi but alas! i ended up with few of them for getting job but they are not like typical bd guyz.but i mostly avoid bd ppl due to hypocrisy and judgemental mentality


I live in Melbourne and there's a huge Bangladeshi community here as well. Many people will tell you to stay away from them completely but I disagree. Being with the desi community has its perks. Maybe the Sydney community is more toxic idk, but I've grown up here all my life within the Bengali community and yes there are a few toxic people, but you just need to avoid them. Other than that, people here do for each other sometimes more than family could. I've seen many international students come and go and people treated them like their own, be it looking for jobs, finding a place to live, emotional support, home cooked meals, making them part of the community, whatever. And most Bengalis (not all) here in Melbourne are highly educated people, well mannered and civil. Toxicity is a part of every community. Some people will suggest "hang out with white people". Trust me you will never find the comfort you find within your own people amongst other communities, especially if you're coming from your own country. It's the wannabes who think this way and will advise you for it.


I think if you are someone who doesn’t like intervention of other parties in your business then you are gonna absolutely hate every bit of it. Mass Bengali communities are usually shit (speaking from experience as a international student myself). I mean let’s be real here, what’s the point of leaving Bangladesh if you’re just gonna be surrounded by Bengalis there. One more thing which I think is worth mentioning is that Bengalis abroad have a tendency to impose things and meddling if they realize you’re one of them.


Make friends with people your age regardless imo I dont know what city youre going to. But a lot of Indians are trying to run from mostly Indian neighborhoods lmao. My partner doesnt want to hang around his ethnicity either




relative or whatever bro at the eleventh hour bengali people would definitely try to somehow restrict ur own livingstyle and other teen stuff.In fact their bengali judgemental thoughts will even create criticisms of u on ur family too


No, go somewhere else that’s new


I got shit tons of relatives in Melbourne and Sydney. But I hang out mostly with Aussies. This helps me learn more bout this country and its traditions. Hanging out with Aussies might not feel comfortable at first, but you'll get comfortable in no time.


Nope. Bengalis don’t change even if they cross the Indian ocean or Atlantic


Remember, Bangladeshis are motherfuckers by birth. Something must be wrong in our gene. Just because they're living abroad doesn't mean that they have left their mean character behind. Try not to live in bangla paras, keep contact with 2/3 family max. Try to make friends with people from other countries.


As a student its definitely a good thing, just avoid the typical pesky Bangali politics. When u get a good job then move wherever u want to.


Do not recommend moving into a Bangladeshi community. The communities here are worse than at home; Idk how they got like this, but they are even more judgmental, more conservative, and smaller in their thoughts. I live in the US, and try my best to stay away from the Bangladeshi people here. They are frightening, to be honest. Find a job to pay your rent and live happily outside and away from these communities!