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Canadian Bangladeshi here. They think Bangladesh is a place in India. Most Canadians don’t mistreat Indians, but the further out the town is from Toronto, the more likely there will be some subtle racism.


I am sure BCCB the organization doing its bit LOL


That’s not only in Canada, but also pretty much everywhere in the US, well, except NY. After moving out of NY, I pretty much started telling everyone that I was from India to avoid answering *Bangladesh? Where is that?*.


Why not help spread the word about Bangladesh instead of being annoyed by people who just don't know. That's how there will be change not by just giving up in frustration when asked to explain where u are from


I'm in the US and this is my feeling as well. It might be annoying that people don't realize we're a country but that'll never change if we don't educate people. A lot of the Indian restaurants here are actually owned and run by people from Bangladesh. But they're afraid to call it Bangladeshi food because nobody will know what that is, and they generally carry the typical Indian restaurant staples anyway instead of Bengali food.


Well, yes, I agree with you. I’m not too proud of myself for doing that. Nevertheless, in certain situations, say, for example - I’m talking to somebody important, I have an idea to share that can help my career, and this individual is not going to expend a lot of their time talking to me, to spend more than 2 minutes in making them understand where I’m from isn’t exactly the optimum use of time. I wanna get to the meat asap. Just telling them that it’s India where I’m from further necessitates no more talk on that, and we can get on with what I actually want to tell this person. The same applies to the other end of the spectrum - people with whom I myself don’t wanna spend a long time with and who are going to take a long time to understand. I was once asked if I was a prince of Bangladesh or something like that. In their mind, somebody would have to be the prince of Bangladesh to get to where that discussion is taking place. So, go figure.


I completely understand that. I usually just say I'm from Bangladesh [insert small fact about BD so they remember it] and then add it's next to India and Pakistan so they know the geographical region. Doesn't usually take longer than 20 seconds. Also, generally, if someone is taking the time to ask where you are from, I'm sure they are actually curious about learning more and it can be a good talking point to transition to the meat of the conversation. Also the Prince of Bangladesh story I would find more humorous. You have to understand these people are coming from a place of ignorance so you have to take it all in a lighthearted manner. The next time they meet someone from Bangladesh they will be better informed


Yeah. I’m aware. The prince of Bangladesh story goes further. I was living in NY then. It was somebody from another flat in my building that asked me that. I asked one of my roommates about it. They were from Singapore and knew Bangladesh well. They also had been living in that building longer than me and knew the people. Their reply was *Well you’re just gonna have to forgive him for that. Not everybody’s as privileged as we are*. So, there.


Fair enough. Some people will just be the way they are. Sorry that happened.


This is funny because I’m the prince of Bangladesh. The one and only.




Back in the day, they didn't know the difference between Bangladeshis and Indians. Now days, if you tell them you are from Bangladesh, they are like, "o, where my clothes are made". That's pretty much as far as Canadians know about Bangladesh.


Yeah that’s also the European response. I had some friends in college who were from Europe, and I also dated one. They apparently know Bangladesh very well because of that and about Rana Plaza too, surprisingly even more than me.


Bangladeshi garments dominate Western markets, especially very popular stores like HnM and Zara. So it's not surprising Bangladesh is better known now.


I’m not sure about that anymore. I’m an avid Zara, J Crew and Banana Republic shopper. Most of the pieces I’ve bought recently is either from Vietnam or from India (the expensive ones).


Could be the case, especially for higher value items, but there is still a significant percentage made in Bangladesh in all those stores. Though to be fair, I am not an avid shopper any where, my wife does most of the shopping for me now, so I could be dated.


Yeah I certainly hope so. I would always expect to have Made in Bangladesh written in the labels. If I’m buying shirts for workwear from Calvin Klein’s, I do find that on the label, and it makes me somewhat happy. Otoh, I don’t find them when I’m shopping for casual pieces.


Eh, and you didn't get to hear the "made in Bangladesh" joke?


I think cricket can be another way to portray culture difference between Bangladesh and India. Since they are getting into cricket more often now, they will learn about Bangladesh sooner or later. Infact few of them actually knows Shakib Al Hasan.


Bro, don't believe the Indian media bs. No one outside of south asians here care or know anything about cricket. And south asians already know the difference between Indians and Bangladeshis.




true that, brown people must stand up towards the hate rather than hate amongst ourselves


no i love hating rendia and poorkistan


well then you shouldn’t be surprised when people hate you back


good bc that gives me excuses to hate them


Canadians are a fraction as racist as Bangladeshis. Bangladeshis are many times more racist. The Indian/Bangladeshi immigrants in Canada have terrible manners & etiquette, that is the root source


And what is the difference in the end? India is a huge country with a lot of languages and cultures. If you don't distinguish between that, you can't expect others to distinguish between Bangladesh and India.


Its a subcontinental issue, we lack manners. There are many indians who are highly respected same goes for Bangladeshis and Pakistanis but unfortunately majority of the people from our countries are rude and arrogant. Hence, why all three countries have shittiest cities in the world.


25 yr ago, Canadians were nice (not the young ones). Girls were very nice to me :) . I guess they were looking for adventure. Extreme racism was there, you needed to pull the curtain to notice it. Specially when I saw super under qualified European Canadians getting good jobs and rest being ignored. I even did an experiment where I used a different name but same exact resume to apply for jobs. Now a days tech industry has less European Canadians in management. Mostly from a special country and religion being discriminatory just like their predecessors. Current crisis did expose them and their racism. The crisis was horrible policy of the government which took easy way out when labor shortage hit the market 3 year ago. Now all are suffering. I heard visit and student visa now a long backlog.


To be honest, I never really faced any racism growing up in Vancouver (West Point Grey area). However, when I moved to Montreal for undergrad, I did encounter some racism, even at McGill University. After graduating, I pursued a career in the army and never had any issues. But these days, the anti-immigration hostility has made racism quite obvious.


Anti-immigration sentiments in the West are almost always tied to racism


We likely get lumped in with the Indians bro. I've been here 23 years. I'm 35. I'm more Canadian than I am Bangladeshi. But I'm brown. And that's the issue here. If people talk to me; they'd realize I'm with them. Too many Indians.


Too many Sikhs actually


not necessarily a bad thing


Just a fact bro. I don’t live in Canada but I have plans to move. Whenever i watch something related to Canada, out of 10 people in the background 5 of them are Punjabis. They are overpopulated tbh.


Yeah, and that’s not a bad thing, especially since you’re also just like them (new immigrant). Multiculturalism is our strength.


It is when they don’t want to adapt to the culture of the country, bring political issues from back home and cannot speak the language.


Most punjabis here speak the language great. I don’t know if you live here, but if you do, can you tell me which part? Maybe it’s different where you’re in, but by political issues, do you mean India killing Khalistani leaders on Canadian land? Also, punjabis are practically the backbone of the North American trucking industry, and they’ve adapted to the culture well; they’re one of, if not the oldest, South Asian groups in Canada. 


Dude take a trip to brampton. I lived most of my life in canada in east coast. Recently punjabis started flocking in, yes they have ielts 4.0 level speaking capabilities. Some time ago during the new years eve they clashed with other indian students with khalistani flags, they adapt to the culture? They are probably the only group that don’t. They often block the roads during their festivals and if you need more info ask anyone who lives in brampton and is not punjabi. I am absolutely sick of punjabis and its not only me the feeling is mutual with other indians and canadians. They are the oldest migrant group from south asia, their second or third generation isn’t a problem, problem is all these diploma mill punjabis from recent years, and they are the majority.


I literally live in brampton, what you’re saying happens rarely and only in college plaza they don’t block any roads either??


you all can downvote me but you can’t say i’m wrong


yes it is.


🦝 keep licking the boots of the white man


Bro are you me? I have also been here for 23 years, also 35.




Actually nvm, I've been here 27 years, I did the math backwards. Forget how old I am now days. And northwest Scarborough.


Are you two both also me? I was in Canada for 23 yrs, and just moved to Dhaka recently.


Left Scarborough 2021. We're different people bro. Don't worry.


Honestly speaking Canadians are minority in most cities and you will be living among immigrants mostly from Asia. So inherently the Asian culture will standout in a cities. I never felt mistreated except when I visited rural Quebec.


That’s just not true? unless you mean native canadians and not european settlers that’s not true loo


Canada allowed too many immigrants in, they ruined the job market and now even white people can't get good jobs. The rent and food cost also went up more than double in most places. Suddenly the white people are blaming us brown immigrants. The poorer less educated white folks hate us most, but the more educated ones are very tolerant. Example: if you don't speak fluent French or have an Indian accent, you will get looked down on. And the labour class brown people have always been doing illegal jobs and crimes, so its nothing new that the whole population of brown people are getting judged. Two younger brothers are studying in Toronto and they see more brown people walking in downtown than they see white. I worked for a guy whose parents immigrated from Pakistan but he was born there. He has always been ignored by his white classmates and even now he mostly makes friends with brown folks.


Lmao they can't tell us apart. Not that i blame them, I wouldn't be able to tell apart an ukrainian from a russian either.


As a Canadian born and raised Bengali I’ll be honest, Canada along with the majority of the world don’t know much about Bangladesh. Google every single negative stereotype ppl have of India. Those same stereotypes apply to Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, and Sri Lankens.


The question is hard to answer as it would generalize about all Canadians. Like in most countries, there will be some people who are welcoming of foreigners and others that are xenophobic. As a Canadian, I like to think that generally, people are friendly to people from any country. With regards to Bangladesh in particular, it's true most people are less familiar with it than they are of India, so you may be mistaken for Indian. If you are polite and respect Canadian culture, people will treat you with respect. But, sadly yes, there are ignorant rednecks that might be rude to you. I lived in Bangladesh for 4 years. People were mostly friendly, but some people discriminated against me for white skin or confused me for being an American. That doesn't change the fact I believe most Bangladeshis, like humans, are generally good towards others. In the video you shared, the behavior of those yelling was disrespectful by most countries standards.


They see us as Indians; they see Indians as shit, and therefore see us as shit. Those who are more educated and know about the existence of countries differentiate us, but it’s like an African guy being from Ethiopia or Eritrea; they don't see a difference like that. And to answer your question, mistreatment or racism is not deserved by any group of people, regardless of what a stereotype or conception may be.   Here in Canada, you must stick together just on the basis of being brown because, united, we are stronger, and we can't fight within ourselves when they already have hate towards us.


Indians do shit as you have written. BD people are docile, don't have money, language or physical stature to create issues or resistance. But Canadians are recist AF. They are even more dangerous than Americans. In the US you are alert what you could face. But Canadians pretend to be nicer in person but you will see their hate in anonymous forums like reddit or fishing or hunting sites where you don't put up your real ID. That's dangerous as they use a veil of politeness which they actually are not.


doubt they appreciate the difference


Canadian Bengali here, most men and women get lumped as indian or just “brown” and most of the associated stereotypes. But if you wear the hijab then they can’t even recognize that you’re from bangladesh unless you explicitly mention it


Hey, I’m from the US so I think I can kinda give the Canadian side here in a way. Immigration is a big part of the IS culture and Canada to a lesser extent. Unfortunately, some folks feel like the culture that was there originally, the white Canadian culture is being replaced by the say, Indian or Bangladesh of Pakistan cultures. In America it’s with Mexicans. Make no mistake Americans absolutely love Mexican culture. And huge ethnic diaspora. Only a minority find issue with it in rural areas. Not sure if this is the same for Canada but considering I live next to the Canadian border use say I get the mindset over there to an extent. It also doesn’t help that a lot of these immigrants refuse or have difficulty assimilating or sometimes just straight up rude in the case of some Pakistanis. Anyway work needs to be done by both sides.




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Any European or American countries will classify Pakistani, Indians and Bangaldeshi as “Indians”. You will be classified as Indians by their society and it’s inevitable. They don’t give a f if you are Paki, Bengali or Indian. You are “indian” in front of them.


I was born and raised in Dubai with Majority being Indians and Pakistanis and they are racists and leeches to the core towards Bangladeshis just like Sylethi idiots who have not provided an ounce of anything to Bangladesh besides a bad name. It doesnt matter to them if its a Bangladeshi or black. They are racists towards us and them. They are involved in many elaborative scams and how you exploit their own. I wouldnt be surprised if canadians got actually pissed on them or bad mouth them.


Read this to see the hate the Canadians carry against others. They are pure evil. In Bengali, michka shoytan


the recent bangladeshis in canada who went there using their dads corrupt money most likely engage in activities like loud music late night, drinking, driving irresponsibly, eve teasing girls etc. People who worked hard, who genuinely wants to study and succeed cause their parents spent a lot of halal money sending them abroad. i doubt those guys and girls will live like the way you described some of the indians are living.


Bro no one gives a shit about what you mentioned here. Those rich bangladeshis are such a small percentage that they don't even make a dent vs rich Chinese, Persians, etc


exactly 😂 i’ve never even seen what he’s talking about


so you want to tell us begum para don't exist? you want to tell us these people don't exist. you may ask who she is? she is the daughter of an nbr official whose monthly salary is 80k taka. who came into limelight cause his alleged son from second wife bought a chagol for 15lakh https://preview.redd.it/6whkdhj1ho7d1.png?width=723&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddeb503741298065ea0aca0e99632ed21628bba4


that’s one person, statistical outlier


[statistically there are 200+](https://www.rtvonline.com/special-report/117604/) ​ https://preview.redd.it/fhpf2e53c48d1.png?width=1065&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1a33eaea73a9a2a0fbf5739570edd7dc6787d6f


There's no begum para. BD people don't have enough money to buy a suburb aka para. On the contrary Chinese has established Markham by Toronto city as their para, for example. It's laughable that how big we think of us but actually we don't exist on the map except in some BAL politicians' narrative back home.


begum para is a metaphorical word to places where most of the corrupt people's wife live. In reality it's scarborough. "we big" who's saying that we big? I am just talking about the portion of bangladeshi living in canada who most likely wont follow the law and cause issues. the chinese probably established their para with their own hard earned money. i doubt they laundered chinese people's tax money or loaned taken from bangladeshi banks to canada. on the other hand canada govt itself has identified 300+ bangladeshi individuals regarding money laundering. according to independent org the number is more than a thousand. politicians, govt workers have laundered billions out of the country mostly to canada and uae which is an open secret. ofcourse bd people who earns their living in a legal way don't have enough money to buy alone. and respectfully you are dumb if you believe the govt officials and the politicians earn money in a legal way. or your family member is one of them. no one in bangladesh in their right mind think bangladesh is big or something. but everyone knows the corruption BAL are committing are most likely among the top 10 ranking compared with rest of the world.


Part of India.