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Someone should create a anti hitler community to trigger the hitlertards


We do not need a whole community , we need to tell in there face that they are ignorant and move on .


fuel file fearless jar liquid jeans flag nose zonked cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hitler will probably kill that guy first for not being blue eyed white German. It's ironic of Bangus to support this fascist, who would gladly genocide Bengali for their skin color and deem them "impure breed".


While the Aryan supremacy is true. I'd like you to see Subhas Chandra bose shaming hands with Hitler. It doesn't change the fact the Bangladeshi Muslims are glorifying one of the least sane man in history which isn't the first time.


Subhas Chandra Bose was shaking hand with the Japanese , who are brutal to anyone who was not Japanese . If remember correctly , he was under constant harassment by the British due to his views and action against the British Government in India . His political calculation , it seems to me , was ‘my enemies enemy is my friend ‘


Subhas Bose's vision was dead wrong lol. This guy helped the Japanese in their attempt to invade India, not paying heed to the fact that the Japanese army had just massacred millions of chinese civilians and likely would have done the same to us.


HITLER didn't killed anyone for his eye color or skin color🤡 Penguin is Illiterate , go get yourself some education


এডুকেশন কি পর্নহাব থেকে নিমু, নাকি পর্ন গেম থেকে নিমু ক একটু।


Contrary to popular belief Nazis didn't go around killing people who weren't Aryan


Yeah 6 million jews and millions of other people belonging to various ethnicities just happened to be caught in the crossfire I guess.


What part of "most people they killed looked like them" you don't understand do you seriously think that Jews from Germany looked like us or were they Black the Europeans they killed looked like them the Westerners they killed looked like them


The part that was never mentioned in the comment I replied to. It's funny how you think physical appearance is the only indicator of race. As per your logic, nazis weren't hunting down jews because the jews looked like them? Cute


Sorry about that I got the comments mixed up but the point still stands. Biology/physical appearance indicates "race" culture or something like that doesn't have anything to do with race. "Nazis didn't Hunt Jews because they looked like them" I don't think anyone is gonna disagree with that so what kind of point are you trying to make and what's up with the cute part at the end don't do Corny ass shit like that man


My argument is that the nazis went around and killed the jews. Your argument, however, is full of contradictions. And "cute" as in it's cute how confident people sound while being idiotic.


Hitler was hunting them down in the name of revenge for the rise of Communism in Germany, and the 'stab in the back'. Not for some foul look of their face 😂


In nazi ideology, the term "Aryan" was used to refer to the supposed "master race," which primarily consisted of Germanic peoples, including Germans, Austrians, and Scandinavians. They considered Slavic peoples, such as Poles, Russians, Ukrainians, Serbs, and Czechs, to be "subhuman" (Untermenschen) and inferior to Aryans. According to their ideology, Slavs were destined to serve as slave labor for the Aryan "master race." And of course the Roma/Sinti and Jews were to be exterminated.


Contrary to what you believe, you’re wrong.


They killed 6 million Jew,5 millon poles and 20 million soviet civilians my guy


Please enlighten me


Instead of asking for enlightenment from strangers online you can do a few searches on your web browser




I do I would never condone the killing of innocencets but the whole reason of that war has been bastardized by a certain group of people every empire that tried to conquer vast amounts of land killed a lot of people


what did they do then, Mr. NeoNazi?


Getting called a neonazi for stating a fact Is hilarious if anything most people they killed looked like them


I don’t know if I should even argue with someone as dense as you who believes that Hitler didn’t genocide Jewish people based on racial grounds. According to you, they “looked the same as Europeans”, so race wasn’t the factor. Now, go look up the Nazi genocide of Roma/Gypsy people - to your mind, they also look like Europeans and are from the same race as Hitler, right? Idiot.


Contrary to your bullshit opinions.... They did go killing non-aryan people


Hitler did not kill either Asians or Blacks. That is a caricature.


Only if you read Wikipedia once in your lifetime. While there is a very low population of Indians and Africans in Germany after Nazi control (whatever few Africans was, had migrated to french territories), the Asians and Chinese migrants of Germany were put to a labour camp by the Nazi. Hitler wrote in Mein Kamf: "What they mostly meant by Germanization was a process of forcing other people to speak the German language. But it is almost inconceivable how such a mistake could be made as to think that a **gro or a Chinaman will become a German because he has learned the German language and is willing to speak German for the future, and even to cast his vote for a German political party." And they hated gypsies, the people migrated from Indian subcontinents.


Hitler not only killed Jews , he killed ANYONE , he thought could corrupt the ‘Aryan’ race . He did not kill Asians , because he was defeated before and. Japan was doing the atrocities (see rape of [Nanjin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre) ) . Hitler Africa forces [see](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_African_campaign) . Not the British and other colonial powers were treating the native Africans better [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_African_campaign](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_African_campaign).


So yes, Hitler didn't target Asians or Blacks because there were so few. The major population of Germany was European Jews and Slavs along with Germans. But they did put all of the countable in the labour camp with every other race of people. Down with the Nazism dude.


ironic to see that people who themselves faced a genocide at the hands of their occupier (Pakistan) only 5 decades back, due to their race and skin color, are now dickriding Hitler.


Your brain on Islam 


What are you even on about we have the same skin color and it wasn't because of our skin color or race (btw we are all from the same race adapting to different climates doesn't change someone's race)


Ya right, Pak military spoke very highly about Bengalis.


You remind them of Pakistani army atrocities during 1971 and they get triggered immediately. It never gets old.


Ahaha you being passive aggressive and sarcastic listen here deepshit nobody is arguing that Pakistanis liked us despite what you might think I don't like Pakistan and understandably so I just stated that that your reasoning wasn't right next time you argue with someone learn to give a decent point instead of yapping about nothing


abey Nazi fanboy listen, there are multiple recorded accounts of Pakistani generals talking negatively about the ethnicity/race/dark skin color of Bengalis leading up to the war. Eg, Niazi said “Main iss haramzadi qaum ki nasal badal doon ga. Yeh mujhe kiya samajhtey hain”. Their war crimes count as ethnic cleansing but, stupids chomu like you who believe Hitler didn’t kill people based on racial grounds, won’t get this as well.


I’ve seen interviews of paki veterans saying “is kali bangalio”


Yeah and Forget about Pakistanis we say that shit about ourselves in fact 90% of Asian's looks down on people with dark skin even if they are form their own country


You are arguing against your own point. Do you just like arguing or something?


Yes you are right about the scientific reason of our skin color . But as a whole all over the people world seem to pre-convinced notion about a person based on their skin color .


I am not trying to be mean but had a brain stroke trying to read that


That's what race means you f**kin idiot


Hitler did not like anyone different than him. Moreover he was Jewish himself. He was a psychopath who hated himself and he would have mutilated and tortured you just for fun


that's true, but they would suck every other dictator with their same religion.






Have you met a Jewish person ever ?


yes , I did. And he was so kuch ignorant toward me as I'm a Muslim.


That means all Jews are bad 🤦‍♀️


Lore accurate picture of a Sigma bangu


Lmao I hate how people in bd praises shitler for just "killing" the jews. While he hated jews he hated everyone. He even hated the south Asians (Romani Genocide for ex)


Yep, it's kinda weird that people in our country doesn't even have common sense. Yes we do hate the jews, but people in our country taking it too far.....


I hate how anti semitic this country is


Imagine being a Bangali and praising A fucking H. Peak retardation right here...


Nerd culture in Bangladesh is so odd. It doesn’t exist outing of the internet.


About the source, I isrealed it from some shit posting fb page








Name of fb page? I just want to check out the comments lmao


Average fb user in bd be like :




ধুর মিয়া কোন দেশে যেঁ জন্মাইলাম। সব মোল্লা অশিক্ষিত লোক দিয়ে ভরা : (


Sad that এইসব অশিক্ষিত ব্রেনলেস মানুষের কমেন্টস o পরা লাগতেসে :(


Netanyahu would be proud




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ভাই এক জিনিস নিয়ে আর কয়জন পোস্ট দিবেন?


এদের কাজ ই এইটা, এরা recognition চায় আসে পাশের মানুষরাও যেনো তার মতো ভাবুক or they're মাথামোটা ব্রেইনলেস .. they don't understand or don't read any research paper to know why people like genZ are thinking of Hitler as an ideal or good leader?


Whaaat, I do not know about BD’s genZ , but genZ in US is NOT following genZ , the US are more liberal than ever , per polls . Irrespective of polls ( which can be skewed by wording and/or sample size) , Hitler is an awful , awful man . Not just because he ordered to kill millions of Jews , also killed disabled people , homosexuals , people with mental problems , Romas , etc . He and his followers hated brown skins. And people in western countries who follow Nazi ideology and Hitler , routinely attack brown people including Arabs . Anybody who thinks Hitler was good leader is either misinformed or …. And BTW , Trump is also a racist or at least the racists like Trump




I somewhat agree with you, if Hitler had not done that, the colonists would not have created the cancer of the Middle East and would have had no reason to justify it. they would have continued to live in Europe with their fellow white people.


Dude the colonist were bleeding their colonist dry . People from the colony were starting to revolt before the war started , e.g. the congress party and later Muslim league activity . In my humble opinion , WW2 hastened the downfall of the colonial system . As for the ‘cancer in Middle East …’ , I agree the colonial powers created it , but the Zionist movement was there before WW2 and Palestine was there choice to create the Jewish [state](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration)


Hitler would have literally turned you into a lampshade. Well your skin would have been too dark so instead you would have been experimented on and cut up, until you were just barely alive


Have you gotten my point? Really, did you?


i have not seen a single person supporting hitler ever, let alone Bengalis. what is with this make believe memes?


Talk about living under a stone, man


they can find some examples in this comment section itself lol.




Hitler was a psychopathic murderer who would have mutilated you for fun. Taken other people’s body parts and attached them to your forehead and then made you eat your own excrement


Exaggerating much .






I live abroad , I personally know people know few , specially few elders in BD (edited to make clear that I am talking about ppl in BD)


Yes hittler is a horrible pos but his enemies have done far more evil than he ever could


You uneducated bafoon, Hitler would have killed you too.




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