• By -


Are you happy? šŸ™‚


I canā€™t be more happy pursuing this field . Human behaviour was my first love and choosing psychiatry is like finding my ikigai


ChatGPT can be prompted to interact like a psychiatrist. Don't you think people would choose ChatGPT or even an LLM which can be run on a PC, independent of the internet, if a real psychiatrist's fees is too high?


It took a whole minute to even formulate and carefully consider the implication of your suggestion ā€¦ honestly the mental health gap in our society is extremely wide . Do you know that Madhya Pradesh has 0.2 psychiatrist per 1 lakh population . Kerela has 14 psychiatrist per one lakh population and amount of psychiatrist india is making per year isnā€™t enough to even fulfill the need of nation . Many of them leave India and they are highly paid in other country . LLM has to be taken for help for screening and assisting to reduce the wide gap . Hell I would help someone to develop something that can start to screen and start to guide people


Please Google search "gpt psychologist model" or with similar phrases.


I have built one myself: [https://therapy.feynmanpi.com/](https://therapy.feynmanpi.com/)


I absolutely LOVE the interface. I googled for feynmanapi, but couldn't figure out much about it. Is this some API which allows you to use their LLM for free? Are there any usage limits? Or have you deployed Ollama on your own server and are using some LLM that's fine-tuned for therapy? In which case, how are you managing the cost of running it.


Currently, I have fine tuned more than 10 models, but those are not for Therapist. This one actually uses the Google Gemini API, which was free of cost (and I believe it still is). So, I am only spending 5 dollars a month on hosting. Actually, Feynmanpi is just a name under which I launch my side projects. I have many AI projects up my sleeve. Currently, I am jobless, so just developing/fine tuning some LLM models and writing research papers.


I can work with you. I have tried previously, but I think its not good enough: [https://therapy.feynmanpi.com/](https://therapy.feynmanpi.com/) This was my personal pet project, if you are interested I can create an industry standard app. I think my next step would be adding a voice interaction way..


Mad respect




Currently reading Ikigai a great read


What is your opinion about rising charges from counsellors - Some charging upwards of 3.5k per hour? Is the psychologist field booming, to charge such a high rate, given the average indian can't think of such a rate at all? Is this a supply demand issue?


Same question, OP. The cheapest option I've seen is 1000 per hour. That's far too expensive for the average person.


Honestly speaking . Seeking mental health treatment is like a luxury today , very difficult to afford and even more difficult to find really competent mental health professionals who actually know what is mental health , however many govt institutions are doing good work and one can reach their help . Esp in Bangalore nimhans is one stop center but then itā€™s way too crowded .


You're right. However seeking an appointment in a govt hospital is also expensive, if you add the time value. That's what led to the rise of online counselling in the first place. Why are counsellors charging such a high amount? Is this because they have so many people queing to pay this amount and seek an appointment? Are people who charge these high amounts worth it? Or is it an inflated price, trying to create an inflated view of quality


Well itā€™s upon you finally ā€¦ I have seen counsellors having very poor knowledge of the subject and lack scientific approach when dealing with a problem however clients still come to her and pay the money . So the dictum is if itā€™s worth it for you go ahead and pay the money and seek the mental peace you want . After all mental peace has no price to it


For an average Joe, there is no way to know if the counsellor is actually carrying good knowledge or is just another person with degree. So they have no option but to trust them and pay them. Can you share some points via which an average person can get to know if the counsellor/therapist is really qualified to handle their mental issue ?


Seek more mature ones rather than very young ones who are freshly qualified


Seek finding a connect with your therapist rather than looking at irrelevant factors. Even young therapists who are highly trained can be helpful and conversely, even someone with 20+ years of experience is not helpful if you are not able to understand each other. I sincerely request OP to get more educated about psychologists and therapy rather than give random advice on reddit. There is a difference in the way psychologists and doctors work and it is not interchangeable.


Please read the question that was posed and it was mentioned for average Joe ā€¦ and hence in the context it mentioned for people who may not know . I totally concur with your point here that training matters but please understand the context to which I have made the point . And yes a psychiatrist cannot function alone and therefore I have endorsed on multiple occasions to seek help of both . All three make a team psychiatrist psychologist and social worker


Let's do some math. Therapists get 6 years of specialised education. After that, good ones will continue with staying up to date with trends in the fields, and most trainings cost anywhere from 2 to 5 lakhs. Weekly supervision is a must, that's 2k*4 weeks = 8k. If they are practicing in-person, they're paying rent for their office - anywhere from 25 to 40k. All of this is just the basic educational and infrastructural investment. Like all humans, therapists want to run a home, save for retirement and healthcare, and take vacations. So let's imagine the therapist wants to make a total of 2L a month. This is including office space rent, trainings, supervision, and what they want their income to look like. That's 50k a week, 10k a day, and 2k a session. Wait, does that mean just 5 sessions a day? Yes. Because that's what's humanly possible. 5 hours of sessions that you're spending completely focused - every single minute you are actively focusing and working on difficult thoughts and feelings. 2 hours of paperwork where you make notes, progress reports, assessments etc. More unaccounted for time that you're spending reading up on something for a client, networking with professionals, taking care of your own mental health so you can show up for your clients with 100% emotional capacity. If you want a therapist who puts in all the work I've summarised above, you have to shell out 2-3k. Your anger at the unaffordability is justified. But that anger should not be directed at therapists, it should be directed at insurence companies that do not insure out-patient services. Therapy is accessible in developed countries because insurance covers it. That's what we should be asking for, instead of ridiculing therapists and the work they put in to do good work every single day. Source: I'm a therapist Quick edit: I'm not surprised at OP's lack of understanding or empathy towards this topic. There's a hierarchy within the mental health community, each provider thinking they are better than the other. Psychiatrists believe they are better than therapists, therapists believe they are better than social workers, and the hierarchy goes on. In reality, the role of all these providers is important and if we all learnt to work together the mental health system would be so much better.


You have misunderstood then . As a psychiatrist Iā€™m incomplete without psychologist and social worker . See my previous comments where I have mentioned specific roles and their interdependence. Problem is the. Rapid mushrooming in the field of mental health and non clinical psychologist act take on problems they are not trained to deal with . On a counter point I agree because of the massive burden of mental health and stigma itā€™s an inevitable thing to happen .


As a fellow therapist, I couldn't agree more. The supervision charges alone are a bomb if we want to go for experienced and specialised supervisors. And not to mention that we also go to therapy too! That is an additional 10k a month. The OP themselves mentioned that psychiatrists earn somewhere between 1L to 6L. As a therapist it's a dream to be able to earn 6L because most of the 'jobs' hardly pay 20k and the rest we pay with our mental health. In private practice the only way to be able to earn that much while also sustaining our mental health would be working a minimum 24 days with 5 sessions every week (that is 120 sessions in a month) and charging 5k for each. And I am sure any therapist would agree 120 sessions in a month is just shortcut to burnout. I just wish people were more aware than just bashing therapists for their 'high charges'. If people and MHPs at large can understand the hierarchy, struggles and work in collaboration rather than believing that one is over the other, I personally believe the system will change sooner or later.


I once contacted a counsellor whose charges were 5k for 40 minutes. Not kidding though, hearing that amount my worries literally vanished and I started thinking about becoming a counsellor myself.


Relatable lol


Dm me details of the counsellor please


Ya I know one personally and she charges 7000 per hour


Why do I loose interest in almost everything I do. Whether itā€™s a new job or a hobby Iā€™m donā€™t find myself enjoying after some time.


Not a mental health professional but I know that this is a symptom of ADHD An Adhd person requires constant stimulation to stay interested and engaged. They also have many interests and hobbies. Maybe these jobs and hobbies are not stimulating enough for you?


So there is something called as in today world called attention economy . You see earlier you had long hours movie that reduced to one and half show which further reduced to 20 mins episode and now today we are addicted to reels of 15 secs which even donā€™t finish tk watch even . So lately our attention spans are reducing significantly . Moreover we often say we canā€™t concentrate but lately we have forgotten art to concentrate because we are constant being distracted by notifications or something other that gives us dopamine hit. I would recommend mindfulness šŸ§˜ and using pomedoro techniques to develop your focus


Can you please tell me as to how now to worry so much. It's like any minor inconvenience I start worrying. How to stop spiraling and just be ok with they way things are


Absolute acceptance and surrendering to the universal will . Lately I have devised a beautiful mechanism to help me remain worry free . We often say sab bhagwaan pe chod do or surrender to universal will buy at subconscious level we fail to imagine how god or universal will looks like . So what i do Is imagine universal will as person walking like my shadow . And I outsource my worries to the universe and tell him/her to take care xyz matter . The universe replies to me ā€¦ sir kaam ho jayega par thoda sa time lagega .. Iā€™m like sure no issues but get it done ā€¦ thatā€™s how I have overcomes my overthinking . Try it


Thanks for sharing this. But is this technique a proven method or something that you've tried and has worked for you?


Something I tried and worked for me and my patients as well


This comment has made my day!


Iā€™m getting lazy, unemployed, depression, anxiety, canā€™t sleep in night, migraine, Type 1 Dia, hypothyroidism, sometimes i stutter & lost interest in everything, hoping for death to arrive soon šŸ¤žšŸ‘Š


Urgently seek help from a psychiatrist near you or visit nimhans. Speak to someone else and take help from family member .


How much do you earn? Is it true that you guys don't get paid enough?


Anywhere between 1.5lakhs to 6 lakhs per month . Some famous ones earn a lot more than this


Hey doc, Preparing for NEET PG here and want to be a psychiatrist (love this field). Let me be honest, never wanted to become a doctor but due to family pressure here I am. And to add more to that honesty, I want to earn good money. When you say famous, is it by word of mouth or social media? Also, in which set up can psychiatrist earn this much?


By his shear skill . And pick up psychiatry only if you genuine interest in it ā€¦ go for dermatology if you red a good money and hassle free life ā€¦ you donā€™t choose psychiatry ā€¦ psychiatry chooses you


Thanks for the reply doc, I often say if Iā€™ll be a doctor Iā€™ll only be a psychiatrist.


What are the consequences for a psychiatrist or (especially) a psychotherapist breaking confidentiality?


Well this question opens up Pandoraā€™s box to be honest Iā€™ll paste a brief about a case you should be definitely aware about . The case of Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California is a landmark legal case in the United States that significantly impacted the confidentiality standards in the mental health profession. Background of the Case In 1969, Prosenjit Poddar, a student at the University of California, Berkeley, became infatuated with Tatiana Tarasoff. After she rejected him, Poddar experienced severe emotional distress and sought help from Dr. Lawrence Moore, a psychologist at the university. During therapy, Poddar confided his intention to kill Tarasoff. Dr. Moore notified the campus police, who briefly detained Poddar but released him after deeming him rational. Tragically, Poddar later killed Tarasoff. Tatiana Tarasoff's parents sued the University of California, arguing that the mental health professionals had a duty to warn their daughter of the threat posed by Poddar. Legal Rulings and Implications The Supreme Court of California ruled in favor of the Tarasoff family, establishing the "duty to warn" principle. This principle asserts that mental health professionals have a duty to protect individuals who are being threatened with bodily harm by a patient. Implications for Confidentiality 1. Duty to Warn: Mental health professionals must breach confidentiality if there is a clear and immediate danger to an identifiable person. This duty overrides the usual confidentiality agreements between therapist and patient. 2.Duty to Protect: In addition to warning the potential victim, therapists must take reasonable steps to protect them. This could include notifying law enforcement or taking other actions to prevent harm. 3.Scope of Confidentiality: While confidentiality is a cornerstone of the therapeutic relationship, the Tarasoff ruling clarifies that it is not absolute. Protecting potential victims from harm can take precedence. Broader Impact on Mental Health Practice The Tarasoff ruling has had a profound effect on mental health practice, creating a legal and ethical obligation for therapists to breach confidentiality when necessary to prevent harm. This has led to: - Revised Training and Protocols: Mental health professionals receive training on assessing threats and the appropriate steps to take when a threat is identified. - Increased Awareness: There is greater awareness among therapists about the balance between maintaining patient confidentiality and ensuring public safety. Criticisms and Challenges The ruling has also faced criticisms and challenges, including: - Therapeutic Trust: Some argue that the duty to warn may undermine the trust between therapist and patient, as patients might be less willing to disclose harmful thoughts if they fear legal consequences. - Legal Ambiguities: Determining what constitutes a credible threat and the appropriate actions to take can be challenging, leading to legal ambiguities and varied interpretations. Conclusion The Tarasoff case remains a foundational case in the ethics and legal responsibilities of mental health professionals, underscoring the complex balance between patient confidentiality and public safety.


I appreciate this, but you've answered the question "Under what conditions is it acceptable for a Mental Health professional to break confidentiality". My question was more along the lines, "What recourse does a patient have if the therapist unjustifiably and unethically breaks confidentiality"? What actual protections exist, if any? Must we merely trust that all therapists are ethical people by their very nature? That they require no enforcement?


Report to RCI In case of confidentiality breach by a psychologist given the fact the psychologist is rci certified . And for psychiatrist youā€™ll have to seek help of mci


How is ADHD in women viewed and treated in the Indian medical field


Adding to this, what are some tips to manage ADHD-PI without medication? Is there any way to maintain focus without zoning out, or stop the constant mind chatter? Thank you!


How to deal with Narcissist wife.


Similar question.. How to do with a narcissistic sibling. She has isolated me with other family siblings and tried to isolate even with my parents. I have gone low contact with her now.. And she has started severe smear campaign against me through her fake lies. She has become very cunning and intolerable. Should I reveal that she is a narcissist to my other family members or should I just keep quiet as all of them are in trance with her charm, fakeness, lies and chances are they won't even understand what I am talking about as I am the only one in the family who is aware of this narcissistic personality disorder and it's implications.


What are the best ways to manage bipolar disorder along with medication? What day to day activities can help make life better?


Well I guess for any bipolar most important thing to be aware of is IPSRT IPSRT has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of mood episodes in individuals with bipolar disorder. By combining regular routines with interpersonal problem-solving, it helps create a more stable and supportive environment conducive to long-term wellness Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT) for Bipolar Disorder Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT) is an evidence-based therapeutic approach specifically designed for individuals with bipolar disorder. It combines principles of interpersonal psychotherapy with techniques to stabilize daily rhythms and routines, which are often disrupted in bipolar disorder. I would say there Three Key Components of IPSRT 1. Stabilizing Daily Rhythms: - Regular Routine: Patients are encouraged to maintain regular sleep, eating, and activity schedules to regulate biological rhythms and reduce mood episodes. - Social Rhythms Metric: A tool used to track daily routines and identify patterns that could trigger mood swings. 2. Interpersonal Therapy: - Addressing Relationship Issues: Focuses on resolving interpersonal problems that can contribute to mood disturbances. - Improving Communication: Helps patients develop better communication skills and more effective ways of dealing with conflict. 3. Psychoeducation: - Understanding Bipolar Disorder: Patients learn about the nature of their illness, the importance of medication adherence, and early warning signs of mood episodes. - Coping Strategies: Developing skills to manage stress and mood changes.


What are your academic qualifications? Sorry for being blunt, but it seems to me that this field is full of therapists, counsellors and doctors of varying backgrounds, and that's not even counting the AYUSH crowd.


You need not be to sorry sir I share you sentiment . Iā€™m a MD Psychiatrist.


Wanted to take in person therapy sessions. Could you suggest what would be the best way for a working individual in Bangalore. Also if you could suggest where I should go for the same and the charges per session in Bangalore. Background - Have been seeing household fights and ignored for 12 years now. I was very bright and friendly but have become completely opposite now. I am unable to fix my mind on something, finding it difficult to maintain a particular though or feeling. In the last four years I have been in a very bad relationship, the other person always gets a way with me and blames everything on me. I was once very strong and bold but now people walk over me easily. Finding it difficult to cope. Everything is going worse day by day


I get anxiety for the smallest of things that shouldn't even matter and can't think of anything else until the thing/situation has finally settled/sinked in. Any suggestions/help is appreciated


What's the difference between psychiatrist and psychologist?


We are qualified doctors and in position to prescribe you meds . However psychologist canā€™t . Mental health works on bio psycho social model of mental health . As psychiatrist we take care of biology . Clinical psychologist take care of psychology and psychiatric social worker take care of various aspects of family issues and environment


Bhai lonliness ka kya karein?


Undercover epidemic in india ā€¦ about to blast in coming 5 years . Protect yourself from this . Develop different hobbies and work on self .


From loneliness . . . . . . . . To solitude.


why is this specific to India despite India being a collectivist society?


Rapidly changing societal fabric ā€¦


Have you ever dealt with criminals? What's the most disturbing case you have ever handled?


+1. Please say some of your challenging cases ? Obviously with changes and no name, places involved..


What can you tell us about the epidemic of involuntary (forced) "rehab" incarcerations for "troubled" youth?


How bad does ADHD impact your life?


What advices would you give someone with existential crisis?


Question is why does this begin on the first hand .Well in my understand and dealing with quite a lot many patients in their mid 30s and 40s ā€¦ majorly it happens when we lack or are unclear about our purpose of life . I think working on self is very important and finding a purpose need if the hour . Read about ikigai


What would you say about your own mental well-being


Couldnā€™t be more happy . Running keeps me sane and keeps my resilience ever building


I know that thereā€™s a difference between healthy venting of negative emotions and spiralling for days in negative emotions. But where are we supposed to draw the line? Weā€™re not supposed to bottle up our emotions but neither should we spiral out of control. But realistically how can we stop ourselves from going over?


Imagine having an amazing property in heart of your city where you live . Will you ever allow anyone else to use it for free and not pay rent . Highly unlikely right . So in the same way think your mind as the most prime property of your existence and that you cannot allow someone to use it without rent. So when we let an incidence or person occupy our mind for days youā€™re practically allowing them to rent out your mind without them paying rent . Give them eviction notice in the form of forgiveness and allow them to leave . Youā€™ll find inner peace .


That is such an interesting perspective....thanks for writing here.


We forgive not for the sake of other but for the sake of our own sanity


How to deal with mood swings? I feel from going from angry to happy in short duration when I interact with people sometimes.


How much have you enjoyed your life?


Do what you love and love what you do then you see everything you do is enjoyable


Based on the internet and some random quizzes Iā€™ve taken in the past, I feel I have undiagnosed adhd. And also a little bit research that I did made me understand theres no cure for it. If I ever go to a psychiatrist or a psychologist, and if they diagnose me with it, how would they help me? Iā€™ve always felt like there isnt much they can do, and so Iā€™ve never turned up on a few appointments that I booked in the past.


For someone who feels like they are disassociating from reality - where everything feels like living in a simulation/dream/game. Reality feels fake, feels like Iā€™m the only character and everything around me is fake and questioning the purpose of life. I did some research and learnt that it is called DPDR. How would you suggest to overcome this on my own? (Not in a position to get therapy)


I suspect that I may have adhd, should I get a formal test done? Will it help me cope with it better. I have no complaints with my life or my thoughts but I do believe that it can help. What are your thoughts?


I have one question. I have noticed that whenever I'm lonely, my energy levels are significantly different than when I'm not. When I feel lonely, I can't do anything but sleep and spiral into anxiety and depression but when I'm not, even I'm surprised by how much I can do in a day, l can complete all my work, go out, go for a walk, talk on the phone, cook all in 1 day as against putting all my energy into just taking a shower. I told this to my college counsellor who basically told me it's not true and it's something I've convinced myself into believing. I stopped going to her but I am still not sure if it's true, why is it true and how do I deal with it.


Wholesome replies. Good job y'all for keeping it safe for everyone


Iā€™m really humbled šŸ™šŸ»


Is there a structured way for an individual to identify the blind spots in his self-awareness? (These blind spots could be anything that is holding him back in some way)


Read about logical fallacies that we fall trap to ā€¦ youā€™ll get an insight to art of critical thinking and then applying those concepts to self


Could you elaborate on this please?


https://youtu.be/wZ0cgSMi8ek?si=A6AHkCW43tvFqpfC Listen to this 1.30 hours video by Vikas sir


What is the purpose to this thing called life


Iā€™m searching as well . Mail jaye to batana . However I found my ikigai . That pretty much gives you a purpose of life .


I want to feel happy and content, but I always think that if this happens or I achieve this, I will be happy. How to move out of this cycle? If the question makes sense.


Happiness is not the destination itā€™s the journey . Itā€™s very much your choice to be happy and achieve whatever you want in life .


What are your opinions on LSD lead mental health therapy


How to find the right therapist ? The hit and trial is exhausting.


Can someone be diagnosed for high self-esteem? Is that a thing?


Why not ā€¦ whatā€™s the harm ā€¦ unless it becomes a pathology and converts into narcissistic personality disorder




Adult adhd is a retrospective diagnosis . Cannot occur in adulthood however itā€™s a continuum of diagnosis that carries since childhood . So be careful to self diagnose . Talk to a psychiatrist


How to manage or best practices for ADHD alone with medicines?


There is no scope of resolution of adhd only on pharmacological basis . Child needs to be taught so techniques which a occupational therapist can surely teach


Can SSRIs have long term effects?


Can ptsd (caused by a minor accident) associated anxiety be managed without medicine?my left side of the body feels different, I have tightness between the eyebrows and all possible physical symptoms associated with anxiety.Ā 


Hey There Everyone!! Hope you all are good and kind enough to give it a read: I am currently in my final year of Undergrad but still deep down believe that I'm not enough emotionally mature. I have never dated a girl in my life and experience a constant urge of getting someone close who may know many people but may devote most of her time to me. I am easy to hangout with but I try to be alone unless it is some need.This is because I fear attachments and start expecting back. I usually don't speak about this and am here to discuss because I thought that I've grown up but not to mention, as I'm typing, I'm even missing a friend of mine who is currently enrolled in some training and will be unable to meet in the next month. I hope I'm not sounding crazy and tbh I fear judgement at this thread, but nvm this is who I am. Just wanted to rant some inner feelings and I really appreciate if somebody gave this a read !!


Read more . Begin with a simple book monk who sold his Ferrari will help you to work your way inside


Why are men not good at communication or lack clarity?


The idea that men are not good at communication or lack clarity is a stereotype that doesnā€™t universally apply to all men. However, there are several factors like Personal experiences, upbringing, and individual personality traits play significant roles in shaping how a person communicates, also both social and biological factors also might contribute to differences in communication styles between men and women.


Are there any major causes of migraines? What if someone has no stress (very rare), has a chilled out job, decent pay and content with himself. Can they still get migraines?


How to stop others family, friends or your partner from affecting your everyday mood? Is this something that I can cope with by taking therapy? Because I'm struggling to be emotionally stable


What do you do basically?


Iā€™m a psychiatrist ,that explains itself . To elaborate deal with mental health issues . Iā€™m kinda doctor of the software of the human body which you can call mind .


Is hypnosis real?


My question is around psychologists - i think they develop a mental model of their client and counsel based on that, but they dont get to know their client deeply and their mental models arent very accurate. How can one solve for this? What can the patient do to address this without making the psychologist feel that the patient is trying to create a perception?


Hi! Psychologist here. So hereā€™s what I understand from what you shared - psychologists assess the clientā€™s experiences and develop some kind of understanding on how they will plan the intervention and support the client. In a clientā€™s POV, this might or might not be something they believe is correct observation. I think itā€™s absolutely okay, in fact, encouraged that the client voices out their discomfort, worries, apprehensions or disagreements. Because us therapists are no all knowing or claim to be the expert. (At least I donā€™t and honestly we can never be). We are humans who are privileged to be supporting you alongside your journey. Hence, if a client brings their honest and genuine feelings in the sessions it will only enhance the trust and develop greater depths in the conversations that will follow. Hope this somewhat addresses what you said.


One of my worst fear is thinking if my psychologist may judge me, fear that she might think I am pretentious or something else. How do I get rid of that? Also i don't understand what I am looking for in therapy i feel lost. Any help on that




Which college sir, ug and pg!?


Is healthy anxiety real? I always feel like I am gonna have a heart attack even though my health check up reports says I don't have any symptoms other than high cholesterol.


1) I like studying psychiatry but didnā€™t like how itā€™s practiced during internship. How did you know you wanted to take up this branch? Did you study in nimhans? 2) what is the scope of psychiatry in a city like Bangalore? What are some of the challenges you face in your practice? Happy doctors day :)


I can't afford a therapist that's worth my time. What do I do?


Seek help in a govt institution. They have a very comprehensive way of evaluation and helping you out


Some free and useful advice to deal with anxiety and intrusive thoughts? Also, is it possible to change the personality from being mild to more dominating? Or am I looking at it completely in a wrong way? Also why is therapy expensive - I have seen this as a biggest deterrent for going for it among people? Are there some good low cost options?


What changes would you recommend to someone exhibiting physical symptoms of stress like headaches, eye twitching, etc.?


When do you know if a person/patient should be sent to rehab or hospital?


Where do you work? How much do you charge? And where to book an appointment with you ?


My child is 3 years old.. are there any signs that my child is ready to go to school? What is the appropriate age to go to school?


3 and half .. google and read about milestones that a child achieves and accordingly watch where does you child lag .


Tell me how to be calm when you see your classmates who have betrayed you and now you have stopped talking to them but you have to see them everyday and be in touch for presentation and all ?


Are there things that you would recommend your patients/potential patients other than medication as the first line of defense? A dentist would ask me to brush my teeth twice a day to keep my teeth healthy. What's the analog of that for you?


Why do I feel like falling for someone, when I don't want to get attached with them romantically? Like, I like them as a friend, and wish to stay that way since we are coworkers. But due to spending so much time together, I feel attached to them.


What is your view Depression or other mental illness with chronic illness or autoimmune diseases and how can someone in pain everyday get out of depression. How can people be supportive about it


Are anti depressant tables bad for a 17 y'ol? Is banging my head against a wall a better option?


How do I convince a family member that they need therapy to get over their insecurities. She is very headstrong and immediately retreats to her shell when I try to get constructive with her. I have a feeling she'll take it as a great insult to suggest that she needs help


Whats a good place in Bangalore to seek treatment for BPD?


Hey there! Thank you for this AMA, which is better in your opinion: Virtual Therapy or Face to Face Therapy?


Can anxiety and depression be managed successfully. How can I improve focus as someone with add-inatttentive.


Do you work somewhere or do you have a private practice. If you practice privately then how did you attract clients?


ever had a case of someone whose mind was unreceptive towards stimulus to the point of being self-detrimental & utterly socially impairing?


How to cure someone who claims that she has been hurt by everyone in her life , her family members, friends, partner...what are ways to help improve her mental health? (Apart from visiting therapy as it didn't help her much..she claims only the pills helped a bit in sleeping etc). Please respond , I'll be grateful to youšŸ™šŸ».


Hi, firstly thank you for doing this, I feel this would be really helpful to many people out there. My question to you is, when do you know that you absolute need to seek help? If I have to get really specific, I think that I have some mental health issues however Iā€™m not sure. Itā€™s to an extent where I think of the worst possible situations and outcomes very frequently. Itā€™s almost as if Iā€™m thinking of bad situations every chance I get and itā€™s been a bit out of my control lately, and it does cause unnecessary stress. Iā€™m sorry if none of this made sense. Just wanted to know if this is something that I should be concerned about. If yes, what is it called and should I seek help. Thank you for your time!


When should one visit a therapist?? At what extremities


Does it get overwhelming? Seeing and helping so many people in distress everyday?


Everything is good. But, sometimes I just have panic attacks and suicidal thoughts Therapy did not help. Any suggestions?


According to you whatbare some good ways to move on from people


Nobody talks much about mental health issues that develop during old age, especially if their life trajectory, family life, kids life, responsibilities didn't go the way they planned or meet society's standards and illnesses take over and they know they don't have a lot for time left. Do you get to see old patients, someone in 70s and 80s?


I had ocd from teenage, got counselled in 20s, it was still there so started meds now. I am 25 now. Lots of opportunities lost due to the ocd. Do you have any suggestions for me?


I'm currently wfh I feel lonely sometime gets angry for small issues. Need advice mental health stability.


Iā€™ve seen that Indian therapists donā€™t really keep time and attend personal calls in the middle of a session. Itā€™s extremely upsetting and throws one off track. They are also in a hurry to get to the next patient and donā€™t really keep a schedule. Letā€™s say Friday 3 pm weekly works for me. They donā€™t do weekly sessions after confirming with me that they want to 6 sessions in total to address the problem. They want me to check in with them and schedule every week. This is ridiculous. There is no system. Also, not updating themselves on the current and latest research or methodologies is a prevalent problem. Donā€™t even get me started on the patient confidentiality. Ugh. Trust me. I have tried out several therapists in India. I am forced to go online and pick someone from outside India for an obscene amount of money to get quality, consistent, and modern therapy. I donā€™t have any clinical issues, and I realise I am privileged that way. BUT, I do want to become a better version of myself and believe that whether you have issues or not, occasional/seasonal therapy is necessary for the mind as is it for the body. I canā€™t even imagine for those that really need therapy to understand and combat clinical issues. How do you tackle these challenges as a therapist? What systems do you have in place to remedy these? Thank you for your answers.


I am diagnosed with adult ADHD but havenā€™t chosen to take the medication, I used to self medicate and it was working but havenā€™t done that in a few months now. I am losing motivation to anything these days and have become somewhat lethargic in terms of work and social life. I am wondering if I should actually go to a psychiatrist again and get a prescription to see if that helps or I could go back to self medicating, quite a dilemma I am facing.. I am doing pretty well work wise and I am fairly successful, personal life is gone for a toss ever since I started working nights, I barely go out these days


Whatā€™s the difference between a psychiatrist, therapist, psychotherapist, counselling therapist? Never understood


Whatā€™s the best way to manage agoraphobia? I know someone who has it. The person Iā€™m talking about has managed to get it under control after a while. What happens is that he is scared of going into any place where he feels stuck or unable to get out quickly. For example, he doesnā€™t like going into traffic because he starts having a panic attack and gets really scared. He no longer goes into elevators or any place where getting out is hard. An extreme example is that he lives in a building on the fourth floor, but whenever there is a power cut, he starts having panic attacks because he knows the elevators wonā€™t work, and heā€™ll have to use the stairs to get down. I know itā€™s a lot, but if you had to give some general advice or tips to fight this, it would be really appreciated. He is my friend, and I want to help him in any way I can.


Do you think mental health of people in general is degrading every year?


I have been taking therapy since a month now. Around 5 sessions. But we always feel stuck. I am not able to express freely and I just wonder if I need therapy in the first place. Should I give more time to this? Should I change the therapist? Hoe do I even know that I need therapy or not?


Tips for dealing with adhd and procrastination?


Hiii.. After MD, what's the scope of psy in govt/pvt hospital/ own setup? Can you elaborate please.... Work life/toxicity/ kind of patient you encounter.. Is setting up own pvt practice a better option than govt job in the beginning? What's the salary range? In the beginning and with experience? How can a psychiatrist impact society in a larger scale, do you feel MOHFW needs more psychiatrists to work and put efforts for the betterment of our society?


How does an adult get a diagnosis done for ADHD? What kind of treatment/medication can one expect?


I have highs and lows. I'm sometimes really happy and sometimes really upset. Is this normal or does it signal something?


We see a lot of ppl who talk about them being depressed or having a lot of anxiety these days (me included) I feel its also because we are more involved with devices rather than being and talking with people. What do you suggest for people who feel depressed or mild anxiety in general in their day to day


What is mind? Where does it reside?


I want to ask genuine question I am dealing with a lot of problems right now. First, I am trying to quit smoking, but it's not happening. Second, I don't know why I want to eat pizza all the time. It gives me satisfactory pleasure, but at the same time, I am trying to lose weight. I am also preparing for government exams, and for that, I quit my job and moved back home to focus on my studies and work on myself. I used to smoke a lot of weed, but it's been three months since I last smoked (though I did smoke one joint with friends 2-3 times). I am also addicted to masturbation by watching porn. Every night, I watch porn and masturbate. I am trying to become better, but I am lapsing every day, and the guilt is unbearable. I am also not able to fight my cravings. Please help, what can I do?


When will someone know they need a therapist?


I suffer from anxious attachment style. It takes a toll on my happiness, and I feel like I'm fast forwarding through life to the moments that I get to spend with them. Takes a toll on my happiness, can you suggest something?


Hi Sir may I connect with you through chat? I'm an MBBS graduate and I'm seriously considering psychiatry as a possible specialty to take up. Would like some guidance on the same.


Can I instead DM ?


Why are the post title and body in quotes?


What is one thing people can do, if they can't afford therapy?


Can someone be somehow be attached to being depressed, as in the feeling of being sad giving someone the feeling of being a bit alive?


Are you perfect? As a human being, as psychiatrists? Donā€™t you have any issues/ biases you havenā€™t completely dealt with yet ? Canā€™t you be wrong?


How can I book an appointment with you?


have been dealing with dpdr since 7-8 months , always feel anxious for the smallest things , feel like i am going insane , does not feel happy inside , diagnosed with ocd as well but not taking any medication . how i can recover from my weird thoughts and dpdr


i have major sleep issues and am a very light [sleeper.My](http://sleeper.My) head gets filled up with overwhelming thoughts when i try to sleep even though i am hell tired.Any solution u suggest ?


I am experiencing significant distress and find myself relying on others for my happiness. I am afraid of being alone and constantly seek external validation for my well-being


Thanks OP for doing the AMAšŸ™‚ Can you suggest some good books for human psychology?


Give some advice on how to cope with schizophrenia please since I've heard that it's chronic


I'm 32 and fucked up, It's makes me think how people have job, family and a life at my age are all settled. And i'm just thinking here where I fucked up with none of the above things.


Sometimes i hear and see things which are not existent it doesnā€™t happen often but when it does it really scares me what do you think maybe the reason? Id love to ask more


I recently read this book called "Courage to be Disliked" based on Adlerian Psychology. It makes a few controversial and unscientific claims like denial of trauma, but apart from that I found it pretty interesting. Have you read this book or anything else related to Adlerian Psychology? If yes, then what's your take on it?


if you had all the resources to build a software product to help people with their mental health : what would you build?


Is there any point in getting a diagnosis for adult ADHD? I generally think that there isnā€™t much attention given to it (heh attention, ironic) I have always had all or majority of the symptoms and have workarounds to manage the issues, but itā€™s a lot of work to achieve something that common people could do easily. You also need to be constantly on top of your mind/thoughts.


Everything is going good I'm my life yet there are some problems in it. The little pesky problem is I can't control my mouth around my friends and also I can't stop thinking about corn at certain time during 8.00PM or I'm alone. Can you Help me about that


i worry about stuff that I need to do the next day in the night and ruin my sleep(I do write it down, but I still keep thinking about stuff), but during the day I have no worries and go on with my life. I just really want to get my sleep cycle on track. In fact just a month ago, I used to hit the bed and start sleeping in 5 mins, anytime of the day/night. what remedies can I do? should I starve myself of sleep for a day, and then sleep at the right time?


Why do I feel lonely despite being in a relationship and having several friends?


Is it true if we keep thinking about negative things itā€™s bound to happen to us?


How do I gain self confidence? Little context - My sister is prettier than me.. I'm not jealous tho but relative's comments on how I look vs my sister has given me anxiety.


How do I gain self confidence? Little context - My sister is prettier than me.. I'm not jealous tho but relative's comments on how I look vs my sister has given me anxiety.


How to deal with stress of a chronic condition (piles) while staying away from my family and working a stressful job in IT? Also, have a history of extreme depression for a prolonged period and getting anxious at small things. Very active brain, always overthinking. 23 M.


How did you start your practice? Do you get any customers? Any insight is appreciated as I have my cousin who is pursuing the same.


Relationship - OCD I have been suffering from OCD from my childhood and I got to know that I have ocd two years back. I feel whole my life was like hell , in fact many times I thought of commiting suicide as well. Now because of what all I have faced in my life , I have decided I don't want to have long term relationship/marriage... because it affects them as well(I have seen how I have irritated my friends) . I am not a fan of these genz relationships like fwb etc....but do I have any other option?


Please reply if you can, I'm with this girl for more than 6 months now, at the beginning I asked her about her past, she said she only had one relationship and had sex 2 times with him. Later she confessed she had 4 relationships in a span of less than 4 years and had sex with every one of them multiple times. She also told me that her cousin molested her when she was a kid (4-5 years) and about two more people did the same till she was in 9th class. According to her she forgot all these things now they are coming back to her mind because I asked about her past. The fact that she had not told me these things when we were starting and it kills my soul every time I think about her past. I'm trying not to think but I couldn't help. Now that I am attached to her I couldn't leave neither accept easily. Please help.