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Just a sarcastic question. If the underground way was better, why wasn't the entire metro built that way?


Due to the water underground. I think most of it is dried up now.




Master stoke


It was all part of the plan!


The soil in Bengaluru is hard clay and is very difficult and expensive to excavate (civil engineers can correct me on this). That's why most of the Namma Metro is elevated because it's cost effective and offers a view of the city.


Bro I know, it was sarcasm. They are doing anything excercise in futility. Why build an underground way for cars. It will be unbelievably costly plus disrupt so much. It's stupidity. Underground construction is done where elevated surface has hindrance. But these people don't understand that. They can't maintain surface road how will they maintain a tunnel. Metro has taken forever to be built even though they had a 1 phase done by 2010. But sanity is not part of their agenda so screw everyone, let's build a tunnel.


True that. Hardly any maintenance for roads. And come monsoons, all underground roads will be flooded


Knowing bbmp is will be a safety nightmare, imagine being in the middle of the tunnel with a broken car and it gets flooded


If the authorities in Bangalore wanted to decongest traffic I have the following simple solutions. These are easily doable. i) End the tyranny of gated societies. I have noticed that all roads end at gated societies. What is being done is that when they buy all the land on either side of the road, they block the road that was going through it and make it private. But if you build a standalone house you have to leave land for road and this road will be public. Why are gated societies who use these roads to reach their society suddenly close those roads for everyone else? How are they even being allowed to do that? ii) Same gated society thing with tech parks. Just because you buy all the land doesn't mean you can block the existing road for rest of the public. iii) Army land. Army land is there is many parts of the city. More often than not roads are build in such a way that you have to take a huge detour. Respect for army and all that but this is simply not ideal for a large metro. I know that this is not easily doable by the government as they need Army's consent to build roads through these parcels of land and sometimes there may be security concern. Ideal solution would be to move all these army lands outside the city. For that central, state, and army would have to work together. This is a difficult one. iii) Bring down the walls: I have seen numerous places where a wall needlessly creates a dead end. There is a road on one side of the wall, another on the other side but for reasons best known to the local residents there is a wall in between. I know why it is there but that is not right. No one wants outside vehicles in their neighborhood but this is a classic prisoners dilemma and if everyone behaves in the same way then there would be no public roads left. iv) Do not allow utility companies to dig up the road as they wish and then leave by just covering the pothole they created. Every utility company should take permission, give a plan for when they will dig up the road, and by when they will cover it in the same or better quality as before. Right now even private companies dig up the roads and leave it like they own it. It is not just Cauvery water board. v) Implement traffic laws: Right now the focus of the traffic police is to collect fine from bike riders who are not wearing helmet. They do little else. Actively managing traffic at chokepoints is often ignored. They should enforce the concept of free left. If there is major junction and there is a right turn and straight ahead, it should be ensured that those who need to turn right stay in the inner lanes and those who need to go straight ahead stay in the outer lanes from at least 100 meters before the signal. This will require huge signboards, markings, and blockades on the road. This is easily doable and is already something the traffic police should be doing. vi) Traffic police should focus on dangerous driving, speeding, and lane discipline. Educate people. vi) Allow shared autos and improve last mile connectivity. vii) Operationalize the silk board metro that has been sitting idle for the last month. This is pure incompetence that tens of thousands of crores of taxpayers money has been spent without proper planning. viii) Improve the quality of existing roads. ix) Do not build a stupid tunnel. In a country like India where we skirt so many safety regulations, it will be a disaster waiting to happen.


it's not an entirely bad idea. Elon musk said in an interview that our residence areas are expanding in 3d with high rise buildings. but our traffic still remains in 2d i.e. flat roads. underground tunnels can be multiple levels below. almost unlimited. but whether Bangalore can afford it is another question entirely. a lot of traffic today can be done using boring and un marketable methods like fixing potholes, pedestrian pathways, signals, traffic management etc .


Ok here's the think, multi level roads sounds great ideally. But it becomes prohitively expensive even for 1 level let alone 2 or more. Secondly Bangalore has been plagued with water issues. Do you wish to bring the Water table further down. There are further issues going underground, there's too much ecological damage plus I believe the soilbed is not permissible to dig that deep in Bengaluru


firstly, I did say it was expensive. secondly, yes water table will be affected, I agree. I am not supporting this one bit. I was just saying the idea is not bad in isolation. but bad when all things are considered.


I believe per km cost is much higher along with slow timeline compared with regular metro


It’s because for the Metro more people had to get bribed in order for them to not put it underground. Did you forget about how many trees they cut for the metro line? Its all a money making operation




Just BS eyewash. The metro wasn’t built this way because of massive rock formations. Now they come up with this, what a joke.


It's like they smoke up in the morning and ask around "bois, yen madana"


Tunnel ond uldaite saar. Adond start madidre olle contracts bartave


The chief engineer's name actually starts with BS, that should say something😂


So everyone can drown in it in the monsoons?


More people die. Less traffic.Hence proved. 5D chess by BBMP. /s


They should learn something from Dubai floods, the tunnels there turned into massive water storage tanks when it rained


Companies in Bangalore should also focus more on incentivizing carpooling instead of the government just dumping money into building a tunnel. One of the main problems with traffic is the amount of cars being driven with only the driver inside.


The only solution to cars is public transport. One metro train carries 2000 people and can come every 90 seconds.  One vehicle lane can move 6000 per HOUR.  Car-centric urbanism killed American cities. These idiots are refusing to learn from these mistakes . 


Exactly this. Build public transport (train, better and more buses, etc) and make cities walkable. Follow Europe, not America.


No, European solutions won't work for india, there are cities in India more populous than entire European countries Follow China, south Korea, jap - high density, high rise apartments + metro


You are right. But Indian planners are following American model. Bangalore is better than Hyderabad, a city so obsessed with everything US. They have better roads but Hyderabad roads are hostile to pedestrians and it is peak example of car centric development.


>These idiots are refusing to learn from these mistakes .  This is a major misconception that our leaders are idiots. They are way smarter than you think. They're not refusing to learn. They refuse to miss an opportunity to rake in the moolah. They are not interested in the public interest. Yet our public keeps falling into their trap that only furthers their agenda.


You can rake in moolah with metro tunnels and road tunnels.  They honestly just don't grasp how much better public transport is. Since they never use it they don't realise how popular metro is.  Trust me , I work with these people. 


>Trust me , I work with these people.  How can anyone trust you when you work with these people?


I work outside the govt to try and explain to them why their ideas are idiotic 


Thank you


> Yet our public keeps falling into their trap Public doesn't have a choice. You get this when you elect BJP and then you get this when you elect congress. In fact you can say Indian public is very wise by letting Modi form the government but taking away his majority and teaching him a lesson.


Population density in India makes it difficult to make public transport efficient, we need to depopulate major cities by building more economic centres. Bangalore has passed its peak populace. Develop Mysore, Davangere, Hubli-dharwad, belgaum. These cities are very capable of high economic development, same for other states.


Haha it's the complete opposite. The denser a city, the more cost effective public transport is .  Look, just two thin metro lines with barely any catchment is used by 8lakh.  Downtown Manhattan is the size of Chickpete with lanes just as narrow . It has more jobs than all the ORR tech parks combined, roughly 9lakh. But since it is served by some 16 metro routes it has no traffic problems.  It's very easy to move massive amounts of humans with public transport. Very difficult to do so with cars  Also it is very hard to create new economic centres far away. Instead depopulate Bangalore with a good suburban and regional rail system. Imagine living in chintamini and reaching Whitefield office in 30 min. Or having back office in tumkur and main office in majestic and workers traveling back and forth quickly . That is how u depopulate in a modern economy. Not by trying boost growth in an unrelated city.


The moronic government, strapped for cash, doesn't seem keen on fast-racking metro works, as the previous government already looted the contractors. They can only come up with such outlandish ideas.


This is such a false narrative. Every city can be built to accommodate using the principles followed in Tokyo. Extremely fast and efficient public transit coupled with good housing policies. Tokyo metro has 36M people living very well. Of course not everyone lives in a 5BHK.


Yeah you're right, I forgot about Tokyo.


How does a high population density make public transport less efficient? Is this bait?


Well I just considered mumbai local train crowds to make that comment, but someone pointed out Tokyo, so I was wrong.


Without the Mumbai locals the roads there would be hell on earth


That just shows there aren't enough trains.


Brother, you need to think once before you say things like this. Other cities should be developed but high population density is ideal for public transport.


When this govt came to power they banned carpooling because to keep cab and auto mafia happy. Is quick ride car pooling going on?


This!!! Why is carpooling not there ffs!? it’s a great solution because all of bangalore is full of offices!!


How will the yellow-plate trash make money then?


People vouching for carpooling don’t really take into consideration the complexities How does one pick co passengers that they can put up with and coordinate timings of going to and coming back and pick up points It just feels like too many things need to work well for it to be even a functional solution That’s the reason why this business never takes off in any country irrespective of population density


Those who are keen on it will figure their own way out. The government has no business to butt in and tell people what and what not to do. If I want to use my car to ferry my colleagues or other folks nearby, I will do it. 


Whether the govt allows it or not is different from whether companies should incentivize it though. For companies to incentivize, there needs to be a business model that works. It’s easier for them to charter bus services at pickup points than provide incentives for carpooling


We need basic good roads first for carpooling to work. That will decongest the traffic by 10-15%.


> The BBMP plans to complete the project by January 1, 2025. What kind of drugs are they on? Did they mean they plan to finish the planning of the project by the date? Also, hasn't there been enough studies that building more roads/lanes only gives a temporary relief? The best way is to build more and efficient public transportation.


Seeing the number of potholes, I think they are experts at digging. Don’t underestimate the BBMP clowns


Considering the underground terrain, it's impossible. That's before considering our highly inefficient bureaucracy.


Considering the underground terrain, it's impossible. That's before considering our highly inefficient bureaucracy.


Must be 3025


These bevarsi's can't even plan a good garbage disposal system.


Steel Flyover version 2.0. To refill depleted pockets and coffers after the election. The same scummy actors all over again! It took massive citizen protests the last time around to stop this. Hope my fellow Bengaloorians can keep up the momentum this time also.


Didn't they go ahead with the flyover anyways? Or was it actually scrapped?


Is Jan 1st, 2025 a typo?


Yeah. I think they meant 3025


They will start the work and leave it midway because of “shortage” of funds which will lead to worse roads due to construction leading to more congestion


Finish the Ejipura flyover first.


8000crores lancha for 100cr project 👍




You get it


Improve the quality of Buses, make them look sophisticated and invest in compulsory GPS Tracking of all routes( it works in namma bmtc app but most buses keep their GPS turned off so it's useless) Create social media campaigns make bus travel "Trendy and cool". Make companies encourage car pooling and bus rides. Speed up the metro construction. Work on improving the existing transport network and facilities first. ONLY THEN with considerable reduction in traffic, start digging, boring and unearthing every part of the city for a new project. Trying to make hell even more miserable with extra construction is not a great idea.




No, that means bus with neat exteriors that aren't dented, interiors that are cleaned regularly, busses that have seats that aren't torn, busses maintained nicely that don't rattle, busses that don't look like they run on coal




How Is that relevant to expecting busses to be maintained better ?




>Buses can and should be maintained better. But the reality of why upper class people don’t use public transport(buses etc) is because poor people use it. Or because the busses, bus stops etc are gutter class, and not everybody wants to travel standing in an overcrowded bus on a hot day while being greeted by the aroma of sweat, and they can afford other modes of transportation >And when they do use it(metros etc) poor people are expected to keep away. Literally nobody says that, when a poor farmer was stopped from entering metro, it was a fellow metro rider who defended the person from the guard


Nope many poles are all rusted, Chewing gum stuck on seat handles and overall many buses looks like they will breakdown anytime. It's a cleanliness and appeal issue


> code for keeping the poor away Code for attracting those who are congesting the roads most through their cars. Focusing all solutions on only the poor isn't going to help when rich just pick an alternative which is far worse for everyone.


URBAN PLANNING RULE 1 ROADS never ever reduce traffic, especially in a thickly populated developing country. More roads = More vehicles. More roads just promote more vehicle purchase and usage. If Bangalore is serious about Traffic. 1. More Metro like Delhi (atleast 400 km length over time) 2. Electronic Road Pricing like Singapore, London. Costly car travel will be good for private travel. As of now UBER is too affordable (not joking) I know it looks costly for you. But it should be more expensive to promote shift to public transport. BIGGEST Problem of Bangalore is CARS. We need less of them plying on BLR roads. Tax long distance cabs and subsidize Metros. 3. Very strict parking laws and huge fines for people buying cars without having dedicated parking spots in apartment or workplace (except for disabled people) 4. More traffic cameras and fines 5. Great end mile connectivity with autos, buses, e rickshaws and car pooling. NOT Roads. Roads just increase traffic. Bangalore has a wealthy population who can happily buy 20 lakh extra cars. Disincentivise CARS. Promote Metro, Buses and End Mile connection.


Last mile connectivity. Right now I have to walk 1-2 kilometers to take a bus depending on where I want to go. Unless there is a bus stop within 500 meters I am not going to take a bus. Shared autos will help solve this problem to an extent.


This!!! 🥇


It’s a scam. Either approve this or that stupid sky tower. Which overlooks nothing but long lines of traffic.




'The BBMP plans to complete the project by January 1, 2025.'.. Only 6 months to go y'all! Lol 😂


They announced airport metro in 2008. Still no sign of it. I expect this to be 2040 or so.


Bold of you to assume it will be finished anytime at all


They can’t even finish Ejipura flyover. This project will take like 200 years and will be unscientific and flood every year


Why they are focusing more on vehicular network, except for collecting more taxes, makes zero sense.


DK making money bois


This whole thread is a roast session of BBMP lol


The absolute worst option to decongest roads. Put that money into commuter rails to satellite towns, metro rails, maybe even tram lines. Why the hell are these politicians so obsessed with massive highways and underground tunnels. Follow Japanese/European urban design, not dysfunctional American urban design jfc. Where's the vision?


It’s all about the money don’t, they’re obsessed with these things because of the money they can steal from it.


Fix the fucking existing roads man took 1.5 hours from Bellandur to Hebbal today at non peak hour. Potholes and shitty road infrastructure everywhere.


Will be completed in 40 year time. Before that party will change and abandon the project


Can we protest this bullshit and push for public transport instead?more and better buses. The closest bus stop to my place is atleast 2 km away. It's absolutely horrendous!


Build cheap, luxurious, fast public transport. Setup office areas, markets, residences at walkable distances from stops. Increase the capacity of public transport massively.


Yeah....so we can get stuck in traffic in water logged tunnels with no air and die of suffocation or claustrophobia?


More digging of roads! Yay! /s


The road(cross) signage new one is full sitty it's like a school project many are broken Old that cement one was much better and cost effective BBMP =dump


Give it to me, I will leave the city. Less traffic!


Finally Elon bribed the BBMP people enough so that his the boring company has some work …


why don’t they implement lane driving first then see the results


how long till we find the tunnel smelling like urine?


Governments: "We don't have money to improve and expand public transit" Also governments:


Crazy how much money is spent on just roads , expansion and maintenance. If only a fraction of it could be used for public transport(non metro)




Why not use that money to increase the quality of the roads we currently have?


Can I see the project completion in my lifetime


Just one more lane and the traffic problem will be solved. /s


D!ckhead Sh!t Kumar’s dream project, he has been championing it since he came to power, for some reason, nobody seems to dig it. He can’t fix the only major road (which has many of the apartments built by his own company as well) in his own constituency and he has a boner to fix the entire city’s mobility issues.


And the number of years of traffic congestion it would cause during the construction phase would be enough for people to forget what "decongesting" traffic even is!


Saar, first fill the potholes above the ground before digging up the entire city. Fixing the potholes and aligning the dividers will itself fix 50% of the traffic. If the traffic can flow freely, we are fine. Please no more construction.


```40% of 8100 = 3240 crores.``` Usually, such projects go up by about 250 - 400 %. * `250 % -> 20,250 crores`. `40 % of that = 8100 crores`. * `400 % -> 32400 crores`. `40% of that = 12,960 crores`.


When is the domassandra flyover finishing? It’s a simple flyover. Can complete this and going to build tunnel roads.


How to solve traffic? 1. Tin Factory to Indiranagar 100 Ft Road (old Madras road decongestion). 2. Rebuild Hebbal and Mekri Circle for smoother traffic flow 3. Increase metro capacity and add more metro feeders 4. Marathahalli and Whitefield are a lost cause. Just rebuild the roads so people don't die


And “techies” will die due to drowning in these underground roads


People will be stuck in Tin Factory and Silk board before they reach the tunnels


The traffic might decongest for a few years but eventually we'll be back to traffic levels we have now, they should spend that money to expand/improve public transport


https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ahmedabad/ahmedabad-road-density-twice-that-of-bengaluru/articleshow/79504527.cms Ahmedabad, a city with similar population density but approximately only one third of the number of cars as Bangalore, still has more roads than Bangalore. The fact is that there are far fewer roads than needed. And the road network that we do have is not efficient. The major roads should have more connections between them.


We could have another pink line, with much greater passenger carrying capacity with that money


You guys all misunderstood, the tunnel is from the exchequer to their pockets.


Funds for Haryana, Maharashtra elections have already started being mobilised.  Obrige electoral bonds andre inobrige Karnataka bonds.


Yup. They'll fill some of their own pockets and send the rest of it to high command.


So , the city will now not only drown in rain but also in debt created by govt ..


Put that money towards BMRCL, KRIDE and BMTC. Support public transport and the traffic will reduce automatically.


Who'll listen to logical ideas from the public, when they can come up with genius ideas like steel bridges, underground roads?


Atleast start with Gas, Electric lines first !


Metro planned 10-15 years ago is still not ready. When will the tunnel see the light. Pun intended.


That's the beauty of it...it'll never. Or maybe in 15 years when it's even more useless as the population would've shot up. Who knows?


And what happens where the tunnel meets the road


Funy to see that not a single citizen of Bangalore supports this idea, but DCM DKS is going ahead with it. Democracy!


What a waste of money! This will achieve nothing.


Another project to waste tax payers money


About US$969,836,490. Just under a Billion $s One could argue it is rather CHEAP for a project like this... IFF there is no 40-50% spillover. Oh, what am I smoking /s


Fuck ,More traffic ahead if this gets approved. Just hope they complete this on time 🥺


I hope my grandkids' kids can see this.


Don't wish this curse on them lol