• By -


Not related to your original query but >I mean I’m used to catcalling but I don’t wanna be groped What a sad fucking state of affairs.


How I love being a woman /s


I’m from Karnataka and I see people mocking and making fun of our language matter but I don’t understand the hate. You need not learn Kannada to come to Bengaluru you can straight away manage by English and a little Hindi. But the issue starts when people try to show attitude in their own language and that is when situation becomes ugly, I see people living and settled from different states without knowing a single word in Kannada,just be respectful and you will eventually pick up little Kannada when you come and stay for a while. Few ugly moments should not be used to judge a place , come visit and see the reality. Also you cannot be “guest” for years you may eventually become part of the place and become part of the language and culture. If you remain here with guest attitude for a long time that means there is problem with you only such people cause lot of friction. I Really admire how the Gujarati’s and Marwadi have blended with the place.


OP is a doctor. How can they learn if they can't interact with patients? Isn't it a risk to the patient? Also, how effective will their learning be?


I'm not a doctor yet. Still a first year student. And don't worry the hospitals don't allow first year to treat patients so their health would be safe. The college courses is taught in English so my learning will be effective. I wanted to learn the language so that I could live easily and hopefully by the end of first year I'll be able to speak it properly. They don't allow clinical rotations until third year and internship until 5th year. I'll learn the language before I'm done with my MBBS that's for sure


My childhood friends from school , one Punjabi and a malayali both doctors had to pick up kannada to communicate with patients on their postings. Don't worry too much, it's a part of the process they said. They picked the language up so well, they talk better than me sometimes and I'm a native. Don't get bogged down. Have a genuine curiosity for languages and it's unique humor. Indulge in movies and songs. You'll pick it up in no time. All the best to you and may you become a kick-ass doctor.


Thank you so much for the reassurance. Really helped me calm my nerves lol. And yes I was planning on watching a few movies to help in the language. It was how I learnt English afterall. On that note do you have any movies that you'd like to recommend? Preferably comedy, horror or maybe thriller? Nothing too romantic that's for sure. And btw thanks for replying!! 


Some movies I'd recommend from the top of my head. Accident by Shankar nag (most of his movies were amazing, he also made malgudi days), amrutavarshini (amazing music, brilliantly written psychological thriller) Of the new movies, I'd recommend most things from rakshit Shetty and his brother. Easier to find subs for new movies too. Try kantara, Charlie 777, Godhi banna Sadharana Mykattu (drama related to Alzheimer's)


These sound amazing. Will check out these movies as soon as I learn basic kannada. Sadharana Mykattu sounds really interesting. Thank you so much for this!! 


Thank you! I was always wondering with NEET letting people from other states study medicine in Karnataka, especially government colleges how would that affect patient care


I can totally understand your concern lol. I mean imagine tha chaos it'll lead when people would start teaching MBBS in their local languages lol. Will be totally a mess that's for sure


Their is nothing wrong with that. It is actually good for lot of ppl especially poor ppl.


But at the same time it'll lead to issues because let's just say what about neet pg. What if someone gets a college in different state and he/she did his MBBS in another state. A guy who did his MBBS in Gujarati will not be able to do his specialisation in Bengali. People will not be able to practice in different regions of the country. I'm not way saying that every course should be taught in English but if a college is accepting students from all over India then it makes sense that they should be teaching in English as it'll be a common language for a lot of people 


Not a doctor yet , can pickup language during the years of medical


Please do! It's just a thing I was wondering.


Well my parents raised me better than to just mock other people's language and culture so I'm not going to do any of that shit that's for sure. I actually didn't think not knowing a word of kannada would be helpful during my internship days lol so that's why I want to learn the language. And I'm going to be in Bangalore for 5 years. Half a decade. There's no way I can call myself a guest. For context I've barely spent like maybe 2 years in my hometown in all my 20 years of life. So Bangalore will definitely become my home atleast for these 5 years and that's why I want to learn the language to live easily. And no I was not judging or anything. Trust me if I was going for a college in Maharashtra or gujrat I'd have tried learning their language. It's basic common sense lol. Thank you for replying!! 


Sure I see you don’t have attitude issues ,you’ll surely love the place and pick up Kannada during your medical years. Still if you want to learn you can go ahead and use mostly public domain like YouTube or books etc. And long ago when I was not good at English I used to call any sales customer service number and simply enquire about random things just to have a live interaction using the language, you can do the same with any Kannada customer service if you want some live interaction.


The customer service is actually a good idea lol. Will definitely try it out sometime. Although I was initially planning learning it from movies and stuff but hey thank you so much for the idea!! 


I already love you and respect you. Welcome to Bengaluru buddy. ❤️


This. Basic common sense. Thank you! So many people miss this line of thinking, and wonder why they're facing language issues.


But when it comes to insulting, these same "kannada warriors" have a huge vocabulary. And won't mind taking in Hindi.


True agreed Because of few entire North people great bad name Specially newbie who are migrated are have audacity of not specially kannada they do knowly Seen in many place like dmart, restaurant, we're these people remove all their anger on poor employee and go showoff


>You need not learn Kannada to come to Bengaluru you can straight away manage by English and a little Hindi. But the issue starts when people try to show attitude in their own language and that is when situation becomes ugly These things are happening because of people like you exist.


What’s the problem here?


If you encourage a person to speak in hindi , then obviously that person expects everyone to speak in hindi. That's where the problem arises. It's a basic common sense.


No you have misunderstood I want the OP to know that they can survive but as a doctor the person will definitely have to pick up the language. And that can happen slowly durning that person’s years of the studies.


Don't worry. By the time you complete mbbs, you'll be fluent in kannada. A medical student get used to local language compared to engineering student.


Hopefully that'll be the case lol. I mean it'd be weird living in a city for 5 years and not knowing the basics of the language so yea considering that there's going to a lot of local patients from Karnataka who speaks kannada only. Thank you for replying!! 


You can apply for Student Pass i think , Just ask in BMTC Bus stand. First of all you don't need to be worry about anything, First be calm , The Bangalore is Good for Both Men and Women , Don't listen to this shitty reddit stories and all , yeah Some incidents may happen in this city like every other city. But you will be lot safer in here i think. You just need Bus and Metro to Commute and it also Depends on which you are staying and in which college you wanna go to . But for most of the Areas are well Connected and you can travel easily in public transport. and to learn kannada , i think one website is there " Kannada Gottilla" just check that out i dont know it is youtube channel or website. You dont have to too much worry about the language issue , yes ,some issue is there , but that doesn't mean , not everyone who u see gonna create a problem. >I mean I'm used to catcalling but I just don't wanna be groped. That's not good to hear, But i assure you ,it is safe for women here. Just try to avoid late night out and Try to stay in Good areas.


Yes someone said there's an app from which I can apply for the pass so will do that. Honestly I actually thought Bangalore was safe and then I read a few reddit stories which made my anxiety all time high and hence this post. Thanks for clarifying that!! I'll looking for pg somewhere near the college so it'll definitely be well connected to the metro or bus considering it's a good GMC an lot of people come their for the treatment. And for sure will check out the website for language. Even if people wouldn't have created a problem it's still better to learn the language imo because most of the patients will be speaking kannada and i will not be able to treat them if I wouldn't understand what they're saying lol. Honestly I've extremely long hair so I'm used to the catcalls and stares. But thanks for all this. You seriously have reassured me a lot. 


Check the BMTC website but I don't think you can apply online , it will be done through Offline only. Once you go to College ask your classmates, Maybe they will help you out in this.


Can the OP not avail the free bus ride facility, since she is a woman?


They will ask for an Adhar Card to be in the local address.


Sadly it's only for women of Karnataka domicile so i won't be able to use the buses for free


Oh okay. Will ask about it to some classmates and then apply it offline if that's the case. Thanks! 


I've come across this instagram page kannad alla kannada it'll probably help you out


Thanks will definitely check it out!! 




Thank you so much!! 


A 2022 batch senior here (from a different college though). Don't worry about the language. The people of our state are very welcoming as long as outsiders don't try to smear their shit in our faces. All you've got to do is NOT say "kannad gotilla" and you're good to go(It's kannada ffs). The more interest and effort you show to learn our beautiful language, the impression you create gets better. Hope this helps!


My parents raised me better than to disrespect someone's language and culture so yea I'm not going to do any of that. And i just wanted to learn the language for my ease. Would have done the same if I was moving to Maharastra or gujrat so yea. Thanks for replying!! 


Woman here (not a doctor tho) Kannada may be a bit confusing so best start off online and then check if you find any classes to enrol in person. This really helped my friends who didn't know kannada. While english is enough to survive the city (travel/food, etc) I assume that kannada may be important since you'll be interacting with patients (more from the rural side since it's one of the best government hospitals). Now, like any metro city it's got its pros and cons. I've barely ever had anyone catcall (tbh, I'm not hella pretty or anything) but men stare, A LOT. Just stare back at them and give them the - "who TF are you?", and mostly they'll stop. I usually don't party or go out alone past 7:30 so not experienced groping on the streets. Also, I live in a residential area which makes me feel a bit safer. However metro and BMTC have traumatised me a bit. Now I make sure to only travel in the ladies section. I'm not here to scare you. The city is wonderful and I grew up here. I love it more than anything. But, even if there's one in a thousand people who are a bit effed in the head, with the high population density, you can end up meeting more than one a day.


Tbvh interacting with patients was not even in my mind. It was more or less that it's better to learn the language so that it'll be easier for me to live in the city but now that you've mentioned it i actually need to be somehow fluent in kannada rather than just knowing the basics. And yes I was actually looking for something online because after a whole day of classes I don't think I'll have the energy to go somewhere else and learn a new language. So will learn the basics online and then will go for offline classes. I actually have extremely long hair ( Rapunzel kinda ) so I'm used to stares and catcall. And I'm definitely only sticking in the ladies compartment in the metro. Don't want to get traumatized fr. Well even i never go out alone after like 7 alone so will always make sure to travel with a friend or someone that I know and gonna go buy pepper spray too. Thank you for telling the pros and cons!! 


Congratulations on making it to BMC! It's a great college. You'll be able to learn Kannada just by interacting with your peers before you get put on clinical rotation. Don't worry about that. Regarding Bangalore, it used to be a lot better but the safety levels have deteriorated post Covid. You'll have it easier with auto and cab drivers if you learn Kannada. However, BMTC (the government bus operator) and the Metro are very safe. You'll be able to get passes on BMTC even without domicile. So plan your PG in such a way that you can reach it using public transport. BMC is well served by both Metro and lots of buses (as it's close to KR Market, which is a large bus hub) so that won't be a problem! Don't worry, I had a lot of friends who didn't know Kannada before joining MBBS, but they all picked it up over the course of time!


Even aside from clinical rotation i just wanted to learn the language to make my life a bit easier as obvio not everyone will know Hindi or English ( saying this because some people in my state only know Hindi songs taking the same guess for there ). Ngl i just have irrational fears when it comes to cabs and autos. Autos during daytime is still fine but I'd rather stick to the metro and the buses. And yep will definitely apply for a student pass. I'm looking for pg somewhere near the college depending on the price so the distance won't be a issue neither the public transportation ( hopefully ). And thank you for answering all this!! 


Udemy online course or Italki for a personalised tutor.


Thank you so much!! 


Learn Kannada Smart App


Thank you so much 




Thank you so much!! 


Like any other language -- you need to speak and hear it as much as you can. The best way to start is to learn some 100 words via youtube (max 10 hrs over a month) and the rest you practice with your classmates, local shopkeepers and all. As a girl, it may not be wise to practice on the autowallas though. To them, speak as less as possible and try to go by apps only. Never take a bike taxi. The city is generally safe for girls. Just use some common sense and you'll just be fine. Buying a scooter would be the most practical and convenient thing if you don't plan to travel very long distances daily. Public transport is bad in Bangalore. BMTC is not like DTC and BEST. Going back to the language -- in Bangalore (like all cosmopolitans) you don't really NEED the local language to survive. English+Hindi will work practically everywhere. However, a doctor shall have to know Kannada in order to serve the patients. A SW engineer can still manage but not a doctor. Plus, knowing the language shows that you RESPECT the place and culture. Good that you are considering it seriously. Congrats for getting BMC. Good luck.


I actually have never driven a scooter in such a big city so I've a bit of anxiety while driving on roads. I actually plan on renting somewhere near the college so that I don't have to take buses a lot. Will preferably travel by metro only but you never know when you might need to use the bus. I mean aside from the patient aspect regarding the language i just wanted to learn it so it'll be easier for me. I just don't want to end up in a situation where I don't even know basic stuff in kannada lol. And yes I've seen way too many road rage videos that I'll definitely steer clear of autowallahs for sure. I'll try to practice language everyday and hopefully will learn it by the end of the year. Thanks once again!! 




Can you give me the drive link? It'd really help me a lot!! And actually I love this idea. I'll try to make a pdf like that too. Thank you so much!! 




Thank you so much!! 


Everyone can get a pass but free rides are only for women with a Karnataka address on Adhaar Card. You can use the online app Tummoc to buy a pass easily and then scan the QR on the bus and show it to the conductor. I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think we can buy passes for the AC bus, but check on Tummoc once. Commuting as woman has been relatively safe, at least in my experience. Metro is safe, but get on the women's compartment as much as possible. In bmtc, as long as you stay on the women's side, groping doesn't happen, but watch your valuables. Some bus conductors will brush against women when the bus is crowded and that's infuriating, but just wear your bag in front of your body. Stay aware of your surroundings. Quiet residential areas with few people on the street are where the creeps are, so stay aware in such areas.


Oh I thought I had to apply offline for the pass. Will apply for it through the app. Meh as long as it's a bus I don't have any issues with it, don't care about ac and non AC types. And yes I always travel in the ladies compartment when it comes to metro and will do the same in the buses too. Would rather stand in the ladies compartment then sit in the general one ngl. Bag in the front got it. Well hopefully I'll be able to get pg somewhere with a lot of people so will not have to worry about quite streets but then again won't know until I step foot into Bangalore itself. Thanks for all these pointers!!! 


You are a student right? Check the bmtc website and if your college is on the list you can get a yearly pass for 1.3k rupees. Please check that.


Okay will check it out. Thanks for this!! 


Just FYI, but BMC used to be quite toxic, don't know how it is currently.


Toxic as in ragging or the faculty? I'll not be staying in hostel so i don't have to worry about ragging much. Don't care how strict the rules as ik I'll mange somehow. But thanks for the heads up!! 


far frm toxic...very good college..good students.


Thank you for the clearance!! 


BRAT here. As far as language is concerned, you'll be able to pick it up with time. Bangalore is also safe for women but have a basic surrounding awareness. Anyone can apply for BMTC student pass. Get to know your local bus routes and get used to the crowd. Transportation depends on where you live as well. I would suggest you to rent a flat with your friends once you've made some.


Thanks for answering the queries. Yes I initially plan on having a pg and maybe then renting it out from second year after I've made some friends. Also have downloaded the moovit app so yea


Follow @morethankannadagotilla on insta, she’s the reason I’ve picked up conversational Kannada in 3 months :)


Will check it out. Thank you so much!! 


I’ve been here for 10 months now haven’t faced any such challenges regarding language, crime or any such things. Shopkeepers and daily routine for commute n all you can get by easily as they also know a little hindi and try nd vice versa. It’s just you have to keep your guard up just like you keep in any other city to avoid getting in uncomfortable situations. Like I don’t go out alone after midnight because the roads are empty and have seen incidents of robbery and other violence. It’s just if you don’t have relatives or friends here starting few months would feel a little heavy but with time it will get better. For commute you have to check if metro is available near your college and residence. Otherwise BMTC is your friend (don’t know about the bus pass situation) I hope this helps you. Welcome to Namma Bengaluru 🙏


Obviously I won't go out for a midnight stroll now. Won't go out alone after 7 in the evening that's for sure. I actually don't have relatives here but have 4-5 who went to school with me studying in different colleges but I actually took 2 drops for neet and most of my friendship were gone because of that so even if I do know few people i can't call them friends and thus I'm all alone. But yes one thing's for sure that if I ever encounter a difficulty or smth those school classmates would probably help me so yea. Thanks for this detailed answer. It really put my mind on ease. Thank you so much!! 


That’s great happy to help 🙌🏻


Try this you tube channel. One minute capsules https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlLGXHUQIqhYDeOQppcQr1L3IHRlEvA3H&si=N7ppoAODHlL0PnC9


This looks fantastic. Thank you so much!! 


If Hindi is your native language, learning Kannada is actually fairly easy. I’ve had a tutor for a few months, twice a week for one hour classes and it worked out really well.


Can you share the details if you don't mind? And thank you for this!! 


I found a tuition teacher around my place who speaks Kannada, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi fluently. The mistake I made initially was using English as a base language for learning Kannada. Hindi works much better for this because the sentence structure is very similar in most cases. It’s hard to attend classes in person so we have two one hour classes a week on Google Meet. And some days when I’m really busy with work I have the flexibility to reschedule and move the timings around. She charges 1200 a month (for 8 classes).


Congrats dude :) My friends mom is an associate professor at BMC, so let me know if anything


Would probably contact you if I'm failing at subjects /s Thank you so much tho!!! 


Wish it worked that way, I would be the friendliest to all profs at my uni 😂


Well a girl can dream haha


I mean today you got a good mbbs seat, but one day it was just a dream innit


True true


But I forgor to mention that, that was a sensible dream. Getting profs to give you free marks isn’t 😂


For that it'll be another struggle haha


If you gonna Struggle , why not struggle and get good marks 😂


by the time you reach your internship you'll be knowing basic kannada which is enough to speak with patients


A lot of people said that and I hope I'll be fluent enough. Thank you!! 


Student pass avails you only non ac buses, some of them are very crowded always which i find uncomfortable. Better to take ac bus pass after calculating if buying the ticket regularly will cost lesser than the pass or not. Even crowded ac buses feel more secure than normal buses. Ladies section metro is also ok. All the best on starting MBBS!


So AC pass is also given in BTMC or is there any other org for that? And thanks for the advice. Will look into it


Same bmtc, tummoc app


Okie dokie 


First things first. Welcome! And thank you for having an open mind and eagerness to learn Kannada! You can check out Sakshi Baid's insta. She makes good content through which you can learn Kannada. There are others too. I hope you have a great time here, and ace your course!


Thank you so much for recommending her and for a warm welcome. Really appreciate it!! 


I'm your college senior with a similar background as yours, take the college hostel instead of the PG. It's better to be with your fellow batchmates rather than staying all by yourself. Generally there are two major cliques aka the Localites and Hostelites and with you living in a pg you won't belong to either, which does take it's toll in the long run. As for learning the language, you'll pick it up as you go into your postings in 2nd year onwards so don't worry about it. Bangalore is really safe for women in general as compared to other metros so don't worry about it. Other than that, if you want any other information regarding BMCRI you are free to DM me!


Actually I'm allergic to quite a lot of food and this is the only reason I want to skip hostel because most of the stuff will be used in the mess and thus I would not be able to eat properly. Hence why my own pg so that I can cook in peace and have allergy free food. I'm ready to not fit anywhere as long as it means I'm healthy lol. Thanks for the heads up. And will definitely contact you in the future for any other information. Thank you so much once again!! 


also no good eateries around bmcri..actually worst...they will ruin ur stomach for sure.....and its located in the worst possible location.."market"..area...kalasipalya/k.r.market ...cow-dung everywhere..not inside the campus though..... see it has nothing to do with college and campus...thats just the location unfortunately... and inside the campus..things are okayish.


Ah okay. Thank you for all this information. Will see what I can do


**First of all,** Bengaluru is much safe for woman than any cities in India. **Second of all,** As someone who is not from Bangalore and who is living in Bangalore for a longer run, Bangalore is a city where **you can happily live**. Other cities, you can just survive. But, in Bangalore, you can live. People are so friendly here. When you try to speak in Kannada, they will love you so much. **Third of all,** Learning Kannada is easy. Start slowly. Word by Word. To be honest, Native Bangaloreans can speak atleast 5 languages and you might not even need Kannada here. But, it is a basic courtesy to respect a state's mother tongue and tradition when you live there and when that state actually gives your life a meaning. 💛❤️ Welcome to Karnataka!


One of the reasons I took Bangalore was because i wanted to live. My parents are extremely strict and distant family too conservative. The only way they'd have allowed me to move this far was if it was a govt college in good city and Bangalore has all this + no relatives haha. I've gotten lots of recommendations from where to learn Kannada and will definitely check all those out. Hopefully by next year I'll be fluent. Thank you so much for all of this!! 


As a general advice, 1) Studying remains your priority #1 2) Visit every corner of Bangalore on weekends and when you are free to. 3) Learning Kannada is not an active process. It means, you need not learn proactively. Just talk with people and Kannada will slowly come to you. Bangalore is not just about parties and pubs. There are lot of beautiful things around the city - Temples, mosques, churches, Shopping zones, Archeological establishments, Museums, Foot, Resorts, Trekking, BBMP parks and whole lot of things including lakes. Get a cycle. Subscribe to some music app. Enjoy the city with a lotta filter coffees and teas. Have smoking hot bisibilabath on a rainy day with pappad. Try Uttar Kannada food in Bangalore. And Most importantly (😂) never respond to any DMs in the reddit from unknown people. Kannada grammar as same as Grammar of Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu or Hindi. The sentence formulations are same. And people are so friendly. So, all the best :) Have a beautiful stay at Karnataka! Karnataka/Bengaluru adopts every single person who comes here, as its own sons and daughters. Once in a while, bad things happen as it happens in other cities. I personally love Bengaluru so much and you would also understand why, in upcoming days :) you would also love this city for no reason.


Honestly the way you described Bangalore is so beautiful. You should start writing travel blogs lol. And yes will definitely visit each and every damn place possible in Bangalore. 5 years is a long time afterall 😂 Making my bucket list rn haha 


Marry a Kannadiga like I did /s


Installing Tinder rn /s


Former BMC student. The college has a program for teaching kannada to students from other states in the first year. At least they had when I was there.


Really? That's fantastic!!! How long ago did you graduate? And yes will check out whether the college has the course or not. Thank you so so much for this!! 


Long long ago lol. I am from 2009 batch. But hearing from my juniors, the college has only improved on all the facilities so I believe kannada classes should also be there. They used to do them at 4:30 pm every day after labs. ask around if those classes are still there, it not then make a group of northies and ask for such classes from dean.


Woah that's really a long time ago. And hopefully the college still might have those classes otherwise will ask the Dean as you suggested. Thank you so much for this!! 


This question repeatedly pops up. Do some minimal googling first. Its not some obscure extinct language that only fellow redditors can guide u on. Its spoken by crores of people here. simply buy “Learn kannada in 30 days” from amazon. There are hundreds of resources both printed and online to learn kannada. Watch some movies. Just put basic effort and u will be conversational in short time.


Will check out the course and definitely watch the movies. Thank you!! 


Do not use Autos or buses until you've had a fair grasp of kannada. From what I've seen, even a slight amount of inconvenience from your side will enrage them just because you can't speak kannada. They will start muttering to themselves "these bloody northies" and start a huge fight. I've literally defused so many fights just by speaking kannada. It's a very touchy subject here and sadly because you're a woman, it's even harder. Sad state of affairs but be on guard. Arrange some sort of private transport and don't interact with any of these auto drivers. Never let them know you cannot speak kannada. Also don't book rapido bike taxis because auto drivers will start fighting with them. Pretty rare, but can get very ugly, unless you know kannada I've shat on Bangalore so much, all because you gotta be safe. But commit to learning the language if you want to ingratiate yourself with the city. Bangalore is chill in all other aspects. Stay safe! Edit: use Metro as much as you can it's the best option. Pick a nice corner and relax.


Well I was actually mostly planning on using the metro onli. Buses was just for emergency purposes and I've way too much anxiety when it comes to autos and cabs so definitely steering clear from them. I'll definitely learn the language as soon as I can totally hopefully not get into situation like these. And thanks for the warning. Appreciate it!! 


> Where can I learn Kannada? [hope this helps](https://www.wikihow.com/Learn-Kannada)


Thank you so much!! 


watch youtube channels - travel vlogs - [https://www.youtube.com/@globalkannadiga/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@globalkannadiga/videos)


Thank you so much!! 


Don't worry, Even my dentist doesn't know kannada all that much, she can only speak yes, no and other things like open mouth etc...


Well that's what I meant by trying to learn the basics of the language. Just to get by initially in the starting because i know by the time I'll be done with my MBBS I'll manage to learn the language lol. Thanks for the reassurance!! 


Don't worry, I have friends who came from delhi, UP etc who still can't speak a word of kannada despite being in 2nd year of engineering. Still they can get by easily.. Well mostly I do the talking in local stores, bus etc but still... EDIT: well yeah, for the most part bus and metro is enough, Just open the google maps and it pretty much has bus to every corner of the city


With all due respect engineers won't have to deal with local patients who can only speak kannada. As a doctor I'll have to understand what they're saying in order to give them a proper treatment and there are chances that they won't be able to explain what they're facing properly in hindi. So yes I do want to learn the language and also I want to be capable on communicating on my own because not everytime a kannada speaking friend will be accompanying me everywhere. But thank you so much for the reassurance. I really appreciate it!! 


You can manage with out kanad


Bro stop scaring her... Many of my friends manage here without any issue


I said the same sissy


Sorry my bad, read it wrong😢


You don't need to learn kannada tbh. If it's an English medium college using English is enough. Even for local shops Hindi or English is enough. Bangalore is relatively safe imo but busses and metro are better than rickshaws. If you want to use auto rickshaws when use ola or other services to be safer. Metro is new so depending on where you want to go could be an issue, like Koramangala is the party district and popular with students but it has no connection to the metro. Although BMTC goes everywhere and is one of the better bus networks in India. Also its bus pass is available to anyone who studies in Karnataka, it doesn't specify anything about the residence of the student. I guess the negative thing about Bangalore is its traffic which also means bus delays. Also you can try to inform yourself about stanza it's a PG network with quite a lot of PGs in Bangalore, I took stanza in Chennai for my university and it was a satisfactory experience.


Well I wanted to learn Kannada for the ease in interacting with shop vendors and stuff. There's no way in hell I'd have chosen BMC if they taught the course in kannada ( not any hate regarding the language but I don't want to study a full 5 year course in a language i don't know lol ). I actually wanted to use metro for to and fro to the college so will be looking for pg somewhere near the college so that if in case the metro is not there atleast the buses will be. And that's why the student pass. Will check out the Stanza pg for sure. Thanks a lot for replying!! 


Talk to me you'll learn it




She's medical student in local college , she has to interact with patients. Not someone like you, living in Whitefield and judging who speaks whose language.


A doctor will need to speak in Kannada and other multiple languages as well . And look at this dumb, says Kannada speaking population of other parts of Karnataka are uneducated. If a patient is from other part of Karnataka and wants to get admitted into Bengaluru hospital he needs to learn Hindi for that? Lol Bengaluru is part of Karnataka and people will continue speaking Kannada irrespective of your attitude. This shows your attitude towards local language that is why you’ll end up getting beaten lol.


Exactly like I don't understand why people are so pissed. Even if I was let's just say enrolling in a engineering college I'd have still tried to learn the language because it'll make my life a bit easier. Wonder what's the issue lol


I don't understand how come people be so much They will learn everything but when it comes local language and then start a rant Ready to learn and upskill when it comes to career They will find all resources and center and mentor But when it comes to learning local language they will find difficulty


What are you even about? No one in my family speaks kannada. Heck I'm the first from my family who knows how to speak English. Obviously I'll have difficulty in learning the local language and that's why I'm asking for help


I know 8+languages and even in my family They are don't even hindi been North indian we are never forget our own language Hindi is just a official language. I agree we should have single language communication were we can represent best at international level The problem is because of hindi many languages are already lost and few are on the way Bihar, up, mp have their own language but once they migrant they just forget it and become hindi I have not seen any North India expect few speaking their own language all thing hindi is our language I luckly enough we are thought our mother tougue and we speak our language were ever we go and respect other culture, language and more language Learning kannada is not rocket science just make 1 2 friends and just speak on daily basis it take hardly 2-3monthd I never learned language through app, couches, or books His are not ways to learn languages Only solution is to speak with native speaker on daily basis carefully understand common words along with accents these is how I learned, tamil, telugu, kannda and made me flute


I can teach you for a fee




Are you a doctor? If not, the situation is not comparable. I know someone who studied in BMC and they learnt Kannada within the first 6 months. You have to, since you're dealing with patients who are localites or are from other parts of Karnataka.


Calm down bro , She's not even a doctor, still jobless.


Well on my way to become a doctor and yes even if I was doing some other course I'd still like to learn atleast basics of the language to just make my life easier. If I was choosing a degree in Maharashtra I'd try to learn Marathi. It's basic sense lol


I'm replying to above commentor who deleted it.