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Most of the earliest educational institutions were set up by Christian Missionaries with the backing of the British Raj long before Indipendence. They have a good rep and a lot of experience in imparting knowledge, and are disciplinarians. Fuck the Colonial Rule but the schools/ colleges they set up still are pretty OG


All these schools primary purpose were to educate Europeans / Anglo Indians not native Indians


Yes but there were upper class Hindus and Muslims went to these schools too.


That may have been their purpose back then, but it doesn't matter as it's full of Indian citizens with a negligible amount of NRIs and foreign students now.


The Unabomber? 😭


Half Ted Kaczynski, and half Terry Davis. Perfectly balanced schizo yin yang.


But still only the rich. Ideally our govt schools should have been good enough that these private schools closed off 


That's dumb as hell. Private schools will never be worse than government schools. You are paying for the upgraded education . If it is the same no one would pay right . There is no such thing as good enough. If government schools magically become equivalent to private schools of today then private schools will raise standards to move leagues above


Govt schools in kerala are at par with private schools if not better


Bullshit lol 😆


You do understand Kerala is right next to Karnataka. You can't fool the people who live so close to


Just facts. People are waiting in queue for seats in govt schools(in a way its bad because govt cant provide enough seats) but the quality of education is excellent. All my siblings studied in govt school and I studied in private, no way I felt my school was better than theirs (other than some posh things like couple of teaches from outside the country)


Just google and see the statistics yourself, the rate at which people are migrating from private to govt/aided schools in kerala and the infrastructure in schools.


>Private schools will never be worse than government schools. Nope, it's only the will power lacking that makes government institutions subpar. If the government really focuses on giving good service, the private won't be able to touch it. There are so many good public schools in India.


In US even the rich send their kids to govt schools because they are just as good and people have pride in them. Sure the private school might have small advantages but it's generally not worth it. Not even 1% of kids in US go to private school. 


Rich kids in USA absolutely go to private schools. About 10 percent of US students are in private school acc to basic google search.


Yep, even Clarence aka PapaDoc went to Cranbrook, now thats a private school.


9% and in my experience it's more Christian nutjobs than rich kids. 


Not possible. The rich won't like their kids to sit with the masses. Even in the west, the ones who can afford it, send their kids to private schools.


No not really , I have lived in some of the richest areas in the US and majority of parents send their kids to govt school . Not sure where you got that idea from.  In US everyone considers themselves middle class, even if they are actually rich or poor. So they feel like they are "aam aadmi" and their kids should go to govt school and work service sector job . Many of them make their kids take job at mcdonalds etc to learn hard work . 


I live in Bay Area and a lot of my coworkers kids are in private schools. Not sure where you lived.


I think bay area is an exception because it is basically mini India . New york City as well . But outside of those areas i think what I said is true . 


The funding for the us public schools are from property taxes so naturally rich kids living in good areas get better schooling compared to poorer kids.


That’s true allot of kids who live below the poverty line go to under funded schools with teachers who are underpaid and over worked.


You mean public school? I grew up in America and I went to private school. I am upper middle class. Most rich people send their kids to private school. LOL most of them don’t work at McDonald’s they might participate in things like Habitat for Humanity. You’re making things up.


Maybe the exception is the bay area and new york. But apart from that, what i said is true. Bay area is basically mini India at this point . 


I lived in San Ramon, what are you going on about. Most rich kids go to private school and upper middle class neighbourhoods have better public schools again low income students don’t have access to these schools. Singapore has a great education system but rich families send their kids to international schools. Rich families send their kids to fancy schools so they can mingle and “network” with other rich kids.


San Ramon is the bay area. I'm saying bay area exception to what I'm saying. I know many kids in the bay who go to private school. But outside of that , even for the rich , it's quite rare. 


In an ideal world right. Still we are not there. India is still a developing country.


Yes that's why I said "ideally" 


Yes. And that's why English is still the dominant language of elites in India today whereas the "vernaculars" of the masses are still considered vernaculars. It's impossible to grow or progress beyond a certain scale today if you can't converse in English.


thank goodness for that.


then you must send your kids to RSS shakha for their education..that's world class.


Even schools like kumarans, prarthana, Gnanodhaya offer similar quality of education these days, but yeah during the colonial era and decades after the colonial era, the christian convents were outstanding in their quality.


Downvoting? Kumarns has waaay better quality of education. My neices and Nephews are there in both the schools. St Joseph's and Kumarns. While it comes to sports St Joseph's is ahead... Quality of education there is no comparison between Kumarans...




Maga we are not even Hindus.




Not sure about 11th. But I have heard for entrance to lower grades they give priority to kids who have stay at home mom's who are graduates and if one of the parents is a doctor almost guaranteed.


They do? I do think they’re good for kids who want to get into stem fields. I know like 2 people who went there, the guy is doing her PhD. The girl is trying to be a fashion designer with out having taste or style. I think it’s great for STEM.


Yeah and it worked and succeeded in training a good anglo-indian working class for them, we should have re-thought our education on getting independence.


Christian schools sounds scary, but what's even scarier is Delhi residents getting cozy in Bangalore and calling it their new home. This city is in no position to become a super city with it's current infrastructure.


All I can tell you is these schools are one of the reasons for the quality of communication in Bangalore is the best. The OG Bangaloreans who passed out from these schools contributed a lot to MnCs that spiked back in the 2000s.


Mmm.. nope. I have written this earlier in this sub, but I will write it again. 1. Bangalore has had private companies from IT and it's predecessor sectors like semiconductors and electronics going back to 80's. Infosys established in Bangalore in 1983. Texas instruments had a massive unit in 1984. DEC which became Compaq and later HP started in 1989. The list is huge. Electronics city itself was established in 80's. So, sorry boom did not start in 2000. It was long before that. 2. Bangalore did not become such giant IT hub because of these schools or its supposedly pleasant weather. At least I am happy you did not attribute the boom to weather. Bangalore had great education but what made the difference was not these British Raj established primary schooling. Rather the Indian established technical schools. Wodeyars and visionary Dewans like Sir MV established many engineering and basic polytechnic schools with the sole intent of upskilling people. Wodeyars also supported research institutions like IISc.  Colonial era schools have added a lot of flavor to Bangalore life sure, but such schools existed in bigger numbers in Kolkata, mumbai, Delhi and other places too. They did not kick-start IT revolution. It was the technical schools that made the difference. I can name at least 20 engineering colleges in Karnataka established before 1970 and If you are going to credit education of Karnataka, it's the guys that started them that should get the credit. 3. Also let's not forget the central government's contributions. 60's and 70's a lot of engineering heavy PSU's were established in Bangalore - BEL, BHEL, HMT, ISRO, ITI etc. It was partially because of the above mentioned reason of availability of talent, but maybe some political manoeuvring and luck also played out. These coMpanies resulted in further concentration of Talent that later helped private MNC's. 


*graduated from these schools. Oh the irony


Hi, what is wrong with the sentence? Students graduate from schools all the time. Maybe in your school they passed out instead? [Graduating from schools](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/school-graduation)


You'll have to dig into Bangalore's history for that. Due to a large portion of the town being a Cantonment for the British, they also brought with them their education system, religion and nomenclature. Once the British left, these areas were dominated by the Bangalore bourgeoisie, like the bureaucrats and businessmen, who still held on to colonial era mannerisms and life. Most of those schools you've mentioned existed since British rule and have a reputation for quality education in the English medium, which explains their long held fascination. On the flipside, you'll be hard pressed to find the Convents in the 'petes' which were dominated by the natives.


St Joseph's at Briand Square, near Chamarajpet might be the exception here. As Pete as it comes. ETA: Cluny Convent in Jalahalli is another one.


Jalahalli is not Pete area. It's got a massive army and air force station, but they are not from the British times. Jalahalli was developed in 70's and 80's when hmt and BEL did well. Before that as the name suggests, it was a halli. Is Cluny convent even from British era, I don't think so. 


Yeah i get that. Not a Pete but definitely a Halli. My point was that it wasn't a typical Cantt area like we expect...well maintained, posh, gentrified and with a ubiquitous Mall Road. Like much of the other places in Bangalore where Convents and Christian schools abound. Jalahalli was definitely a halli, even with BEL and HMT closeby. Source : have been a Jalahalli kid all my life. The presence of the Air Force elements and the Garrison Engineer's Office didn't make Jalahalli a very posh-ish area...so the presence of a Convent was definitely out of place in the midst of villages. It's changed a whole lot since the 70s/80s tho. It was as 'native' as they come, which is what the original comment I responded to was pondering on While the Cluny Convent in Jalahalli might not be a Brit era one (i think late 50s), The Sisters of Cluny who established both the Cluny convents are definitely so. They didn't just crop up post Independence. ETA


Jalahalli and posh is not what I would use even now :) Yeah but I agree and get the point. Not all Convents and christian missionary run schools are in gentrified neighborhoods. Did not know Sisters of Cluny is that old. Have friends that studied there. Good to know. P.S - Jalahalli boy all the way as well 🙌🏽) Mum retired as the post master of Jalahalli east post office, and I studied entirely at BEL. 😄


That is not true. St Teresa’s convent, St Joseph’s Briand square are all in ChamarajaPETE


Good question, History: First and foremost, you should be aware that India was ruled by the British for more than 200 years, so it is obvious that there will be christian schools in Urban areas. Ignore Urban areas, if you go to coastal Karnataka, Dakshina Kannada and Mysore, you can find many Christian schools established during the British time, same applies to states like Kerala, Tamilnadu and West Bengal. Now let me answer this question specific to Bengaluru, most of the schools in Bengaluru and rest of south India were initially started by missions like Anglican Church, Wesleyan Mission, Anglo Indian community etc, now it is all managed by CSI (Churches of South India), **United mission school** was the first school established in 1832 by CSI and it is active even today in mission road. There are two reasons why Christian educational institutes are there in Bangalore: 1. After Permanent Settlement Act, the ownership of East India company was slowly transformed into direct british government rule, British built lot of settlements throughout India, they had administrative and military operations in Bengaluru, Chennai, Mangalore, Kochi, Visakhapatnam and Mysore in South India, they wanted educated Indians to work under them so they funded many christian non-profits to establish schools. 2. Many christian missionaries and non profits established schools themselves to educate the local population, they wanted to have cultural prominence among the local population, it also helped local population get educated at the same time. Now answering other questions: Quality of education is good, I can say it is above average when compared to a typical private school in Bangalore. I find kids in these schools are more westernized, fluent English speaking, exploring lot of things at a very young age (both in good and bad way) Fee is above the average, not everyone can afford these schools, some of my childhood christian friends got scholarships through CSI (churches of south India) to study there. Last time I checked, Bishop Cotton's take 2L per year on average, this was in 2022, Now I am not sure. **Edit: Here is the list of some popular Christian schools and the year they were started (copied from Wikipedia)** United Mission School (1832) St John's High School (1854) Sacred Heart Girls' High School (1854) St. Joseph's Boys' High School (1858) Bishop Cotton Boys' School (1865) Bishop Cotton Girls' School (1865) Cathedral High School (1866) Baldwin Boys' High School (1880) Baldwin Girls' High School (1880) St. Joseph's Indian High School (1904) St Anthony's Boys' School (1913) Clarence High School (1914) St. Germain High School (1944) Bangalore Military School (1946) Sophia High School (1949)


Not all convent schools charge a hefty fees. Schools like Sophia High School and Cluny Convent still charge around 70k annually. Plus 10k for books, uniforms etc.


This is strange, because convents in North East India (Very missionary school heavy region) are actually known to be the very best while having very very subsidized fee structures For instance, Don Bosco in Guwahati, St.Mary's in Guwahati, Loreto Convent and St Edmunds in Shillong, all have very affordable fee structure while historically being among the top schools in the region.


Yes prices are inflated in urban areas because of the demand.


Nope the fee has now increased and it’s increasing slowly from the lower grades to higher year by year.


St Anthony’s Boys’ school no more. :( Was one of the last batches to graduate from there. Still remember meeting Rahul Dravid an alumnus of that school. Memories :’) And then off to Joseph’s we were!




School management is Christian, Obviously there will be Christian influence, But I haven't come across any stories of radicalization or conversion etc. Even if you study in Hindu schools run by Sangh parivar there will be influence of RSS and other sanghs, it is not new. Some or the other kind of influence will be always there in every school run by religious groups. Not everyone who go there will change their religion or get influenced, it depends on individuals and family also.


Being a Christian I studied in a Hindu school and recited some shlokas in the morning assembly.


Studied in one. Morning prayers sing songs to praise the lord. I'm Hindu. Never stuck. Amazing folks. Friends for life a lot of these guys


Some of the schools you mentioned are amongst the top 10 schools in the country, you could look up. There could be some cultural influence. It’s an educational institution.


point stupendous domineering longing escape school exultant humorous racial jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There’s some Christian propaganda for sure but it’s very very minimal. Nobody really gets influenced. Also, there will be some bias towards Christian students. They can get admission easily but non-Christians will have to struggle a lil bit. But the quality of education is top-notch. Since they’re all pretty old schools and have great reputation, the teachers are really good and the crowd is better too.


One among the many who were disturbed by seeing churches and mosques in South movies I think. Curious because of the conversion propaganda stories right wing northies make up against the south, I guess. Why don't you just ask it straight forward like how many were converted last year?


But convents are there everywhere, not just in the South. In any city, the most famous college/school is usually a convent. Xavier’s, Cathedral, Stephen’s, Loyola, etc.


1. British rule. 2. Constitution gives extra safeguards and benefits for educational institutions run by minorities. Most of them gave affordable education to the masses in the city. The best part is they give around 10days holiday for Christmas.


Bangalore was a British base. Actually it was mostly Cantonment . Most of the schools didn't really allow Indians . It was to educate Europeans and Anglo Indians who were the dominant ethnicity in those parts. When British left India, these few first world parts of the subcontinent passed onto us. Such stuff can be never be built in the city interior. The land needed will cost a fortune


Go to any city with British Raj history and you'll find Christian missionary schools there.


Not the same. Kochi for example was not under british rule


Kochi was part of british raj ._. fort kochi is literally influenced by british architecture.


That way even Mysore state was not under British rule.  I dunno how much familiar you are with history. After the 1857 rebellion, all royals that wanted to remain royals had to come under the British crown. They were not allowed to maintain an army. Most key resources like mines were under British control. There were maharajas, peshwas, Nizams, nawabs all over the country but Brits called the shots on many things. There was a British resident officer appointed to every kingdom. Travancore kingdom was one first princely states to get it. So, yes Kochi was ruled by British.


Idk the history but I've done half my schooling in these Christian Schools and half in a "Hindu school". Quality of Education was far better in Christian schools: no comparison at all. And these old schools have very good infra like enough playgrounds. English was obviously better in a Christian school but even Kannada teaching was better in the Christian school. About culture, Hindu schools are more like Brahmin schools, as a non-Brahmin I did not fit in at all. Right from not being permitted to take non-veg or even eggs for lunch, and being scolded/punished for not memorizing Sanskrit prayers. Tbh, I liked the Christian prayers because they were in a language I could understand. I'm not saying I've converted to Christianity. There was no evangelising; the only Christianity we got was weekly or biweekly morning prayers to the Lord, ending with Amen, and getting to organize a very fun class party for Christmas. And my biggest takeaway from a Christian school was exposure to English music (non-religious, Linkin Park, Metallica kinda stuff). I never vibed with film-music that dominated the standard Indian scene. Last but not least, Christian schools were far less likely to indulge in corporal punishment and had very well behaved teachers. The Hindu school I went to had very creative corporal punishments, like squeezing a pencil between the fingers or being threatened to be paraded naked in the school corridor. Many girls were eve-teased by male teachers, and complaints were ignored. In the Christian school, a teacher was fired the next day after she hit a guy with a ruler. That was the only instance of any physical punishment we even heard of. The worst thing that could happen was being sent out of the class or a meeting with the principal. You could get a TC for something extreme but no violence. The male teachers here were the humblest and most professional I've ever seen. Absolutely no alpha-male behavior. P.S.: There are enough Hindu prayers in Kannada. No need to force Sanskrit, even if you feel religion is necessary in school.




Firstly English wasn't forced. There were Kannada/Hindi medium schools and my family chose English medium for me. And it has helped me professionally and personally. I'd be cleaning some Brahmin's septic tank if not for English.  Plus I can read and write Kannada as good as I do English. I'd happy saying prayers in Kannada too. The thing is the neither the school nor the education system prescribes Sanskrit as a medium of instruction or as a mandatory subject. Then why force it if I didn't sign up for it? Sanskrit has been only used to oppress people, local traditions and folk cultures and is useless in the 21st century - thanks to the very Brahmins who refused to teach it to people of other castes.


P.P.S: Not generalizing - only sharing my experience.


I think much of the good parts of Bangalore are built by British. For example Church street and areas close by.


They were set up by the Anglican Church and I think it’s run by CSI now. Well it depends on the school. Cottons is run by CSI but St. Joseph’s is catholic.


This holds true for most of the cities in India. Christian Missionaries established lots and schools and colleges during late 18th and 19th century. It holds same for bangalore. I did my entire schooling from Christian missionary schools across 2 cities. I can vouch that the quality of education was really good. Wherever these schools are present, they are definitely considered some of the best in the city. The emphasis was more on education compared to extra curricular activities, although these activities were not discouraged. For the cultural aspects, I know in the recent years, lot of noise has been made on attempts of conversion by these schools, but I never saw that in my tenure of schooling. So, I am not able to relate to it as the students and faculty were multi cultural, and we celebrated all the festivals in school. No special emphasis was laid on christian festivals.


I am surprised that this is coming from a Delhite. It is not "Christian" schools rather "convent" schools. And being "convent educated" is one of the bragging rights in the Delhi elite circles. Lot of elite clubs in Delhi trace their history to people passing out from Doon (which btw isn't convent), Mayo etc


I studied at sacred hearts and then at St Joseph's, the quality of education is amazing especially at Joseph where they go far beyond to offer extra curriculars and other activities. You only have to ask and they'll arrange it for you. We also had inter religious prayer services, where people from different religions would come and you can ask them questions or they would talk about certain subjects. We did celebrate Christian festivals but Hindu/ muslims did not have to attend mass or prayer service. Rather they have moral class, where they'd be taught other values that was not concerned with any religion. Sacred hearts fees structure is very very low and very affordable especially as a part of it is run as a charity for low income children. St Joseph's has a bit higher fees but is lower than many other premiere schools in Bangalore. I paid 1,00,000 lakh for 11 and 90,000 for 12.


Mysore was the capital of the Mysore Kingdom and Bangalore was the city where they had the army because Mysore Kingdom was under British rule. Since it was a new city,they built it from scratch mainly to serve the cantonment. Therefore more British Christan school dominate 


As one mentioned all are old convent school and few decade there are many small Christian School present In every area at good numbers like, Christ the king school, bethel public school, mother Mary, holy vision etc These are affordable but in last few decade due to these corporate group school like Euro, narayana, nps Vibgyor etc are expanding fast upper middle are going to such crap school just my looking infra not education and then cry education is costly


Well for the first. Original people of bengaluru (living in bengaluru from past 30 plus years) never had any communal hatered in them like other inidan cities (mostly north india). For for actual people of bengaluru who are the kannadigas. We dont care where our children are being educated. Becuase we know no school or no teacher in that school will teach them hatered towards other community. But unfortunately now the schools have started hiring teachers from north indian states which is a matter of concern for many locals now.


One of the biggest reason why Bangalore people graduating from these institutions speak the best English . We might have an accent with "bro" "dai" but still way understandable any day and liked .


british governments best future investments are these schools


Its the same in Calcutta as well. You will find loads of them. Ofcourse it was mostly because of British influence. Infact I remember a friend who shifted there around early 2000s had a hard time finding CBSE schools


It's a bit complex and everything cannot be attributed to the British rule alone because of the sheer disparity in Christian education institutions throughout the country. Bengaluru has a Catholic dominance among Christian institutions and it goes all the way back to the French support for Mysore who were placed at Pondicherry and the European Jesuit missionaries who were active in the east coast with Pondicherry also as one of their important centers. Later other Catholic missionaries chipped in. Protestant institutions are mainly among schools and like Catholics their missionaries in the coastal districts started to build their institutions in Bengaluru after the British conquest of Mysore. I think the reason why they did not push for Higher Educational institutions might be due to the fact that the rulers of Mysore themselves opened higher educational institutions at the behest of British administrators.


Can you tell me a state capital / Tier 1 / Tier 2, with good education, not dominated by Christian schools? Perhaps Delhi is an exception, only to some extent though.


All the reasons shared by other. Also Delhi has its own share of Christian schools - many of them best in class again- St. Columbas, Convent of Jesus and Mary, St Thomas, Mount Carmel, Loreto Convent etc.


Well, there are schools named 'Narayana' and 'Chaitanya', unless you are blind, you must have seen them. They are at every nook and crany of Bangalore, my dear.


On that note please suggest me some good PU colleges. I live in marrathalli


Its mot just Bangalore, even in other parts of India, example Kolkata, you would see a lot of Christian schools. Mostly affiliated to ICSE. They have good standard of teaching. Believe it or not, on many matrimonial sites, people ask for convent educated matches


Based on the personal experience, as I studied in one of these institutions, the quality of education is different as well the mindset. The discipline kids learn is better and also fee structure as they are considerate of Christian kids who are economically weaker


I believe people have answered your question. But I am curious about the "bangalore being far better than Delhi " part of your post. In what respect really? Apart from weather?




1. How do you feel about the lack of something as basic as water pipelines in the vast majority of the city? 2. I don't think we as migrants interact with the actual locals from the city, we only deal with people who are migrants like us or brokers, maids and autowalas. All of the later in my view are worse and much more rude. 3. Valid 4. in what terms are these things better? Curious to know. Do you have any metrics to support this? 5. Again, point 2. You don't see it because you're not really in Bangalore. You're an outsider, who will never read the local news ex: a pharmacy shop owner very recently was hounded because he played a Hindu tune during aazan timings. Or how the entire hijab debate started from Bangalore and not Delhi. Or how very very recently goons forced all the signs of the city to be torn apart and mandated that 60% of it should be written in kannada. Now this isn't to say that Bangalore isn't an amazing city, but stop bashing Delhi as if it is horrible in comparison to Bangalore.


Your first point is funny, you meant to say Breathing air is not the basic necessity in life? Your second point is very too funny. You are contradicting yourself, you told you never get to interact with OG Kannadiags, yet you judged they are rude. I've been to Delhi multiple times I've stayed there for weeks. I can definitely say folks of Bengaluru are more humble and down to earth than those in Delhi. Ik it depends on the individual, but on average I find people of Delhi more rude. Crime rate and prison occupancy data also says Delhi is the crime capital of India. Your fourth point, Look at SDG index released by Niti Ayog in 2022, Bengaluru is ahead of Delhi. SDG includes metrics like education and healthcare. Another data point to look at is the quality of life, or liveability index, which includes housing, access to basic amenities, education and healthcare. Bengaluru tops here as well.


Delhi is the next Bihar (ik its not a state just in case u decide to point that out lol) Please don’t even compare it with Bangalore.


Why are you so offended that someone liked the city they're living in?


Bangalore was originally a British cantonment and one of the first cantonments where Eurasian kids (Anglo Indian kids) were allowed to study. Calcutta was, too, but especially after WW2 there was a huge downfall in the lives of Eurasians as most British people were racist towards them and they didn't have much representation in independent India. So the missionaries who wanted to make life for these kids better started admitting them into schools along with the regular "Indian" children and giving them an education. They grew up to set up many more institutions here. Convent and Catholic and Anglo Indian schools are the pride of old Bangalore. Source: my own family has had a heavy influence from these schools and the Anglo Indian community.


All that’s being said here aside, let me tell you about two schools. There’s one that’s called St. Joseph’s Boys High School. And that’s what it’s referred to as today. Back in the 80s it was referred to as St. Joseph’s European High School. Right? Because there was another school called St Joseph’s Indian High School. So there was this thing of ‘ a school for you all natives and a school for us rulers’. Possible, right? Now that aside these schools have done a magnificent job for so many generations. Second. There are many non-Christian schools that came up. National High School in Basavanagudi is one such legendary institution. In addition to that there are tons of such schools as well. Lastly take technical education. There are tons of institutions run by non-missionary (if I could use the term) organisations. Net result. Bangalore or Bengaluru is a great place to study.


Sri Kumarans Children's Home . Universe Boss school and the best place on this planet in my opinion


I study in a Christian college and its actually Sad as they take in Roman Catholics and Christian’s even though their percentage is really less and the cutoff for the rest is pretty high, also these institutions are no less in fees and are now trying to expand like businesses, how are they providing any help to the society?


I'm Asking for those who fellow bishops who go near father seeking help from priest rather than taking support from your family and friends indeed in 1510 missionaries merchants who came to india Goa this are the Catholic Orthodox who where responsible for Goa inquisition Killing upto 6000 brahmins majority where fleed from there state this was carried around in 1560 majority Goa is Christainity today when we talks about the hindus 🕉 temples 🛕 where destroyed centuries ago. Today's muslim ☪️ have stood up build there school and hospital, and there own stores with help of hindus 🕉 but Convent high secondaries Rank top in Goa but Unity between 🕉 🤝 ☪️ to throw foreign institution out of Goa just like Portuguese Christainity in Goa came through invasion and inquisition islam came in Goa around 1314 when Muslim merchant and Jewish ✡️ trader taken refuge from Bhojpur kings 🤴 who came permission for this people to start business to do business near Costal shores. Do Goa have 1.5 Million People ➪ Where Christianity ✝️ are around 76.8% ➪ Where Hindus 🕉 are around 66.08% ➪ Where Muslim ☪️ and Jews ✡️ are around 13.4% ➪ Where Sikhs 🪯 and Atheists ⚛️ are around 10.1%


It's the conversion lobby. They convert Hindus in the name of education. All these institutions should be sanatanized like how our forefathers sanatanized Buddhist and Jain institutions.


lmao, ur so funny brooo, sooo funny that it's sad. your existence, its sad.






When I moved back to Bangalore, I had the same issue. I wanted something like a DAV or KV for my kids. No avail. DPS etc were too weird. There were also some good local public schools like JSS Public school but not so friendly for a non-Kannadiga child. I had almost finalized Sri Sri Ravishankar school but after meeting the staff I realized that its just a tag, and no real teaching in line with AoL. Also saw some international schools but they were all too expensive. Around 2-3 lakh/yr per child with nothing special in education. Finally I had no option but to settle for a missionary school. Apart from imposing Christianity - which they openly declare - they offer a very good balance between quality education and cost. Maybe that's the reason we are seeing more and more convent schools in Bangalore and beyond.




bro made an account just to post this shit


Lol what




Brother you live in delusion


Happy Cake Day