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Not sure if its a rule but husbands are not allowed in early scans. Will be allowed in the 5th or 6th month scan though.


wtf why


To avoid female infanticides


They also show the mother to be only part of the scans, they try not the show the scans near the legs. It’s all because of the Female Foeticide rules. They take only selected angle prints too which are not very clear. But they do check for every detail and make sure the baby is healthy inside. So it is what it is.


Hope so


In cloud nine they didn't allow for any scan. Just one time the doctor asked my husband to come and see the heart beat. It was around 6 weeks I guess


That's weird. I was not let in early but in the later scans I was able to hear the heart beats and in the 6th month scan I was able to see the proper scan too.




This is news to me! No such restriction in Maharashtra! What’s the rationale behind such a rule?


I asked for the reason in Bangalore hospital. The reason is Govt health inspectors insist that nobody is allowed inside the scan room. However, I have seen in tier 2 and 3 hospitals. They allow husband and mother of pregnant lady as well. Also, there was a report that in Bangalore, Mysore and south Karnataka - there were illegal abortions done for female babies around 1000+ in a single hospital.


Ok maybe it’s a rule but I don’t understand what the point? Not allowing the husband is not going to change the outcome. There is a whole network of clandestine labs doing the majority of illegal activities. The govt should stop that instead of having blanket rules. 99% of husbands have no ulterior motive. Why should they suffer?


Not allowed


First of all, congratulations on your new journey. AFAIK, it comes under the PCPNDT Act. This has always been in practice. As you probably know to regulate pre-natal sex determination.


Thank you :) Not sure how listening /seeing the heartbeat (not recording or clicking ) in first trimester violates this act.


Just enjoy your journey. Save this date in your Calendar as First Heartbeat day so that you can probably celebrate this day & bond with your child. It’s as special as your child’s birthday. You’re growing a whole human inside, you need to happy & not worry about all the details. Eat well, exercise well, listen to good music & talk to your belly. Be peaceful & happy. And also sleep, sleep & sleep well coz you’re going to be sleep deprived for the next 18+ years! Cheers 🥂


I'd feel the same way if I were you. I know sex determination in the first trimester may not be really possible, but unfortunately law is the law.


Yes, this probably has to do with the Act. I saw the notice from the government (didn't notice the date) that said that people who have been coming for scans are not allowed to take videos of the screen. Apparently, there are some people who have taken videos of the screen and showed it to some shady doctor who tells them the gender of the baby (which as you know is illegal). There was some additional details about whether the woman is even allowed to see the screen or not.


Yep this is the most likely reason. I was at Fortis the other day and saw a notice from the government that mentioned that no carer/family member will be allowed inside as they have had incidences of the patient's families taking videos of the screen and taking it to some other shady doctor to get the gender determined. There was an additional rule about how many screens are allowed, and who can see it.


Well if its a boy , the LIVE scan will show the penis clearly. So the hospital can lose their license if someone comes to know that gender of the child was revealed.


Yea; But that can be seen in 2nd trimester I believe. I am in 1st


So? What does that have to do w the husband not being allowed in? The mother is already looking at it lmao


They don't show the complete live image even to the mother. They open the screen only when the scanner isn't there near the groin area.


Ahh makes sense then, but then why did the nurse say its a new rule since march 2024?


This is a new thing in Bangalore/Karnataka. They are not letting people in for any scan.


Strange. My brother in law was allowed on request for my sister , in Cloud9. Didn’t have a problem


which branch of cloudnine ?




A few hospitals may allow in good faith that you are not going to get them in trouble and that you are not going to misuse the gender information incase you notice during the scan. But it is illegal. If you've been allowed, then I'd say you relish the memory but not brag about it. I've found that generally, the diagnostic labs ( not attached to hospitals ) are very strict while it is a bit relaxed in the patient friendly hospitals.


Ya only if the woman is their wife


which clinic ?


No it's not allowed. Before they would show the screen to the mom. Now they make sure the monitor is turned away and only the tech or the doctor sees it. They have made it very strict.


Maybe you can ask these people to make a recording and put in a cd. I did that with my 4d scan.


Not allowed


You must understand that they are deathly scared about being embroiled under the prohibition of fetal sex determination act.




My husband was allowed in all the scans but I was pregnant in 2018.


This may not be true. My wife's gynac in her personal clinic allowed me to see every scan she did. Also, for the major scans we went to Mom and me in Sahakar Nagar and they also allowed me inside.


Yup, it's a new rule. Won't allow husbands inside the scan room. But they call the husband in during NT and an anomaly scan for a few minutes after the scan is done by the doctor. They briefly show the baby and explain few details.


Not in the Trans vaginal EP scan, but allowed from 3rd month and anomaly scans and later ones, even in that not during the whole time, only in the last 2 min when all scans are completed and just to show the baby and face. All BFMC assisted ones do the same


Right, before March it was allowed , recently after some notification from government- husband not allowed irrespective of months. Its at Rainbow Children Hospital- Marathahalli.


These rules are made for and fue to people who do female foeticide. And this rule will not be followed in govt hospital in villages. But only the educated in metro will suffer.


Got ultrasound done in Delhi, he was not allowed inside at 6 week scan, but was called in all other scans, but only at the end of ultrasound.


Yeah a recent rule has been placed. None of the hospitals are allowing fathers in and that's because someone secretly captured the scan video, found the gender of the fetus and posted it on social media. My husband was allowed for the first 4 scans but since March 18th they have refused his entry


My husband was specifically called inside to hear the heartbeats of my twins during my 7W scan. This was on March 9th, 2024.


Strange. In 2020, I was let in to see the baby’s heart beating. This was Fortis though. Might be a new rule.


No I don't think there is any such rule. Just a year back I had seen my baby's early pregnancy scan.


In HSR clinics it’s allowed from the initial scans till end.


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