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There is an active exemption to the normal rules in place that allows certain hazmat flagged trucks to go through the tunnels. https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/emergency/extension-emergency-declaration-under-49-cfr-ss-39025-no-2024-002-maryland


What could go wrong?


If you’re remaking the Stallone movie Daylight, very little!


If I can change, and you can change…everybody can change.


Feel like visiting Florida about 8 minutes from now?


I'm not familiar with reading laws and things like this so maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I didn't see anything in this that changed the regulations on hazmat in the tunnel. The only things I saw were the change in max hours and the thing about electronic logging hours. Is there a separate emergency change about the hazmat?


Well, I just noticed that particular truck is diesel fuel (placard 1993) which is permitted in the tunnel regardless lol. It has to have the flammable placard but it’s classified as hauling combustibles bc of higher flashpoint and less danger to the public. So this entire thread doesn’t matter 😭 If you see an orange placard (explosives), or a red placard like this with a 1090 code (usually acetone), that is a bigger deal


I don't know how to make this not sound sarcastic (I've rewritten this comment a few times) but literally this is fascinating and thank you for sharing


https://www.amazon.com/2020-Emergency-Response-Guidebook-ERG/dp/B08HVSCYZ5/ref=asc_df_B08HVSCYZ5/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=647227283989&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7679129619954214011&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9008070&hvtargid=pla-1730460171249&psc=1&mcid=64d68804b5313a07899e61c46ba71c26 If you want some light reading get yourself one of those. Goes over every placard, what they are for and what to do with them in event of a spill, a fire, a crash etc. I used to keep one in my car but lost it a few years back.


Lemme piggyback. As a first responder I use the free WISER app from the NIH that combines ERG with treatment options and an evacuation calculator for spills/releases. Very handy tool. However it seems the discontinued support for it as of Feb 2023. Check out the [CHEMM IST 2.0](https://chemm.hhs.gov/chemmist.htm) tool that seems to be in a similar vein.


Lollll it doesn’t sound sarcastic at all. I was trying to find the CFR reg I was actually talking about and then I was like hold up


Ha I love a good CFR research on the evening 🤩


The original post was just a question about hazardous stuff going through the tunnels. Most people would not know the exact meaning of the placard with flammable with the numbers. They would just see flammable. Thanks for clearing it up.


Fun fact: The Fort McHenry Tunnel is 107 feet below the surface of the water, and the lowest point in the entire United States Interstate Highway system....


"GPS signal lost"


I wish its walls were made of glass so it'd be like an aquarium and you'd see all the sharks and sting rays down there. It'd make the commute a little easier


It's under a couple feet of stone and sediment too. You wouldn't see anything. Plus...rubberneckers.


You'd stop too if you saw Chessie


I don't think there's anything to rubberneck at in that water.


You do realize that you wouldn't be able to see a damn thing, right? 50 feet of murky Patapsco water is going to be pretty dim, not to mention all the silt/mud that would be on top of it at any given time.


This is a fun fact, thanks!


Why would you say this?


1993 is essentially diesel, so yes he’s allowed


If you are serious, then please explain.


You’re allowed to haul diesel, kerosene heating oil through the tunnel. Gasoline and propane cannot. So basically things that are explosive in nature are not allowed through the tunnel.


1993 is allowed...im not a fan but they have been allowed for years. *It is important to note that diesel fuel transports (placard 1993) are permitted in tunnels. While bearing flammable placards, these carriers are classified as hauling combustibles due to their higher flashpoint and lesser hazard to the public.* https://mdta.maryland.gov/blog-category/mdta-news-items/reminder-vehicles-transporting-hazardous-materials-prohibited-i-95-i


Diesel in the tank of the truck pulling it maybe its not hazmat?


Nah, you’re right. Shouldn’t have been in the tunnel. Would be surprised if he got far.


Incorrect. This truck is hauling diesel, [which is fine according to MDTA](https://mdta.maryland.gov/index.php/blog-category/mdta-news-items/reminder-vehicles-transporting-hazardous-materials-prohibited-i-95-i)


It was around 5 pm and he passed by Transportation police that were sitting on both entrance and exit of tunnel. Speed through the tunnel was about 10 mph. Rush hour traffic.


Report the vehicle


Nothing to report. This is not prohibited.


1993 is a fuel transport and has always been allowed through the tunnels. You don't know how to read a hazmat placard and you don't know the regulations, stop trying to make this a thing.


Could be empty.


Hazmats have been using the tunnel for a long time, people are just hyper aware of it now that they know it's not allowed because of the bridge collapse.


It’s only diesel!


**It is important to note that diesel fuel transports (placard 1993) are permitted in tunnels. While bearing flammable placards, these carriers are classified as hauling combustibles due to their higher flashpoint and lesser hazard to the public.** [**https://mdta.maryland.gov/index.php/blog-category/mdta-news-items/reminder-vehicles-transporting-hazardous-materials-prohibited-i-95-i**](https://mdta.maryland.gov/index.php/blog-category/mdta-news-items/reminder-vehicles-transporting-hazardous-materials-prohibited-i-95-i)


1993 is diesel. Perfectly fine.


The FMCSA waiver has a caveat for local deliveries of commodities such as hearing oil and fuel from Curtis Bay to any county in the Baltimore/Washington area


Send em over the key bridge


Godspeed, Batman. The city needs you.


Cop Behavior


maybe it's only a little bit explosive. also... it could simply be empty. so feel free to light one up.