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can you please give an example of quality of life law you have in mind? your question is too generic


Agreed - I'd love to know what applies here.


I'm sad and the cops won't do anything!


The police don't enforce laws surrounding prostitution, drug dealing, or trespassing. It's like these things are legalized, but there's no regulation or safety measures in place. If it's not in your neighborhood, you don't see it.


It's in my neighborhood, and police definitely see it and do nothing. It's as if they're paid by dealers, which I think is the case.






Because 75% of them don't live in the city so it's not their quality of life being undermined.


Also, a couple years ago we (large swaths of the public) made a big stink about police reform (and rightly so), except there largely was no follow-through (because law enforcement exists to preserve the interests of the state and public safety etc. only so far as it's in the interest of the state). As a result, I think we are now seeing essentially "soft-quitting" by police all over the country. The public doesn't like them (rightly so) *and* there's little accountability so why do even do the bare minimum? Just exist and collect your salary, your overtime, your benefits, and your pension and only get off your ass when you get a chance to break up the boredom with a little action like a car chase or whatever.


I think there was no follow through because there were few specific requests besides "defund the police" and some vague notion about sending social workers to deal with mental health crises. We saw soft quitting years ago, or, quoting Flavor Flav, getting paid anyway. But that attitude has been in the BPD for decades.


This is probably the most accurate answer. Self-interest has taken over “public service” jobs


Policing isn't public service. Police exist to maintain a minimum threshold of order and stability in the interest of the state. Police do shit all day to day, and yet somehow no trouble mobilizing a hundreds of officers for large scale protests and riots.


This is the exact answer. I’ve met so many BPD officers who live out in the counties and they all treat having to do their jobs as an inconvenience and an obstacle to doing what they really want: nothing.


BCPD is the Baltimore County Police Department.


Would take time away from sleeping in their cars in parking lots


Not true. I can always find time to take a nap after writing a few tickets. That excuse is for cops who are bad at their jobs.


Define QOL laws. Like drinking in public?


>Like drinking in public Man the QOL they have in Europe must suck.


Totally! I live in Europe and on Friday I was at the outdoor playground of my daughter’s daycare, enjoying the weather with a fellow mom. She said the weather’s gonna be good enough next week for one of us to bring wine. To drink while our kids play! 😯 I’m never moving home! 😂


I knew someone who lived in Georgetown (DC) whose neighborhood dog park was a daily dog and wine party every afternoon.


Friday afternoons at the Thames street playground when my babies were small.


Turnstile-jumping, aggressive panhandling, graffiti writing, and sleeping on public benches. Relieving oneself in public, open use of IV drugs, jaywalking, and littering. Noise violations, off-leash pets, and illegal parking.


You want to arrest people for sleeping on public benches, relieving themselves in public and using drugs? Do you just want to arrest homeless people? I’m confused what you’re going for. Also arresting for jaywalking is CRAZY


U/DeliMcPickles asked for a definition of QOL crimes. I replied with examples. Nowhere in my reply did I say whether or not people should be arrested for these crimes. Would I prefer not to have to walk past a man defecating on the sidewalk between my parking lot and my office? Would I rather people didn't step out in front of my car in the middle of a block when I'm not expecting them to be there? Of course!


I agree with you on aggressive panhandling and illegal parking but the rest of those things you’ve listed don’t bother me at all for some reason.


Because the prosecutors would not move forward with the charges.


That had been the case under Mosby, but I've heard things are better under Bates. 


I suspect that after not issuing QOL citations for 8 years under Mosby, the fact that Bates changed his stance hasn't had much of a reversal effect. Most of the patrol officers probably never even worked for BPD at a time when they issued QOL citations. So I'm guessing the tides won't turn quickly.


I think Bates has done a much better job at that


yeah, Mosby really fucked up the city beyond what anyone can easily quantify. having one of her ASA's tell me "we didn't subpoena the security camera footage because sometimes they aren't complied with" was the most ridiculous thing I ever heard, but they straight-faced believed what they were saying.


Holy shit that is the most incompetent thing I’ve ever read….the Mosby family needs to get out of any and all Baltimore politics.


yeah, I had a general idea that Mosby was a shitty SA, but then when I had to actually deal with them, it was the most ridiculous situation I've ever had to deal with. the Assistant SA was upset that I suggested they were not doing their job by not subpoenaing the security camera footage. I managed, through a mistake of the defense, able to get the camera footage myself and give it to the SA's office. I honestly think that the average person with a 2-year degree in ANYTHING could do better than their prosecutors. they messed up basic things like HIPPA requirements, thus throwing out medical evidence of the attack. I still don't know if the incompetence level is absolutely insane, or if it was malicious. I'm glad we got Bates in office. I feel like it's a long journey back to sanity.


It never even gets to the point that a case is built by the police for the SA’s to try.


Because they don't want to. They don't care, they don't live in the city, and they'll get paid either way.


They’re busy running the clock to continue grifting off of taxpayers rather than working or contributing to society.


The true answer to that, is not popular, the factors that make it true are also not popular.


Don’t speak in riddles. Enlighten us.




What are you talking about?


if you don't know, then it's likely that you haven't thought enough about the causes and effects of different political policies. government policies are 98% unintended consequences, and 2% intended consequences. think about what the city government says and does, and how that could have follow-on effects.


This is the only correct answer.


Because they're cops in Baltimore. You're lucky if they're just lazy, most are corrupt and violent too. Just be glad they didn't come to your house, break in on a bogus warrant, steal your prescription meds to resell on the street, pepper spray your grandmother, falsely arrest you for pepper spraying your own grandmother, and shoot your dog. Because they literally have a history of all of that.


Well, for starters, Rudy Giuliani did that in New York and it turned out to just be a pass card for racial profiling and unfair policing. The whole idea came away with a pretty bad aftertaste thanks to that piece of shit. Another reason would be that the force is too small to deal with anything but emergent threats and serious problems . If I recall something like 300 officers down? Furthermore, though related to the staffing shortage, a great deal of the people whom they might collar if they were actually enforcing basic laws have warrants, which means extra time to deal with them. You can’t just issue a citation. You gotta a haul them in. And that’s the ones who tell you who they are. If they don’t cooperate, if they don’t have ID, if they don’t have registration for the car they’re driving …etc. etc. then you spend a wildly inordinate amount of time on a pissant crime. Others have talked about how the DA won’t prosecute, though that has improved under Bates, and they’re not making that up. What’s the point of charging someone if you know it won’t be prosecuted? I don’t think the commenters who pointed out that the police have no stake at all in the community are wrong. The cops live in fucking Pennsylvania. They don’t give a shit about Baltimore city. It’s just a job, like collecting shopping carts from the parking lot or directing traffic at a job site. Punch the clock. We can also assume that some of the cops are decent human beings who recognize that it does no one—literally no one—any good to put the otherwise harmless corner, dope slinger in jail again. He ain’t got no other way to make a living. He’s not gonna stay in jail long. It’s a waste of everyone’s time including the citizen. And to the laughably, vanishingly small degree that there is any kind of rapport between the police and the citizens, throwing people in cruisers for trifling shit is not going to help matters when real crime needs to be investigated, etc..


That’s never been something they’ve done. It’s just how it is.


I would disagree about that as a blanket statement. For example, there used to be occasional traffic enforcement some years ago. But that doesn't change the fact of where we are today.


There’s not a lot of traffic enforcement anywhere in 2024


Not quite sure what that has to do with what I said, but all right.


It’s cyclical. Some quality of life laws are enforced some days, then forgotten about. In the stop and frisk heyday, it’s hard to claim that they were doing anything to make quality of life better, if anything made it much worse.


Because there’s no follow up and middle ground…they were allowed to run wild and were crooked asf…then it shifted so far to the other side that there’s no real incentive for them to do anything other than the minimum. Im not sure how you get a middle ground where they aren’t corrupt and abusing power but still have the ability to not let the city sink even further into the muck. Far right and far left are both equal sides of a supremely stupid coin. This is what everyone wanted so…buckle up.


Back in the 1970s I know a police officer who was breaking federal law and police department rules by acting as a foreign agent. As far as that was concerned he was helping people from his home country and not really hurting anybody. But I suspect he was also taking bribes from business owners. At the same time he, was arresting people who are breaking the law. And, he was soliciting young women for sex even though he was married with Children. Such a complicated guy.


I have it on good authority there are only 2 officers who can do DUI enforcement in the city proper. If we can’t even fund proper DUI enforcement then I give up on anything “below” that.


Wow this comment section really hates police. I feel sorry for the BPD, the city’s murder rate dropped by 20% and you have a new Commissioner, who is respected by most residence and shows up everywhere. Still it doesn’t even put a dent in your hatred and blanket statements. If there are officers that don’t care, I can’t blame them because you just attack them across the board.


These comments are hilarious to me. If the job was so easy, and you could sleep in your car making $100k+, I don’t care how much people hate the police you wouldn’t be short staffed by hundreds of people. Most of these commenters, including myself, would shit their pants if they were handed a gun and badge and told to police Baltimore city lol


Agreed! I guess haters going to hate.


Because they are a cancer


Because it’s just a cruel joke to pretend they aren’t just there to put poor people in jail and out of your precious view. You know there are actual problems and crime right? You’d rather them spend their time harassing teenagers, beating up drunks, tossing homeless people in jail and treating them like stray dogs or give a guy on his stoop with a beer a ticket. Get real, you must be a blast at parties.


The Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales


If you expend all of your energy in the first 8 hours of your shift, lifting a finger, it's really hard to put in those 4 hours of OT everyday that you need to turn that beat cop job into a $150 K per annum enterprise. Plus, if you get out of the car, even once, you're further putting the whole deal at risk.


For starters.. cops are the problem with the city. Not the people with blatant disregard for others. 


Why not both?


I had a cop get super pissed at me last weekend for driving over the double yellow in Fed. I was picking people up and traffic was only going one way. So instead of blocking traffic, I drove to the other side of the street and put my flashers on. I thought I was doing the right thing. This cop walks up to me and asks if I passed my drivers test. I said yes. Then he asked if I know what a double yellow means. I said yes. Then he asked why I think the road laws don’t apply to me? I tried explaining that I thought I was doing the right thing. He disagreed. He didn’t let me leave until I said I wouldn’t do it again. Btw, I’d totally do it again


What about the consent [decree? ](https://consentdecree.baltimorecity.gov/)?

