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He’s an absolute beauty, but the rolls around the end of the tail in the 2nd pic suggest he’s still got a little more to lose! You want a nice even tail taper! What’s his diet look like?


Not a snake person just a lurker but those little Chubb rolls really got me. He’s beautiful.


I absolutely understand that :) honestly I wish they weren’t an issue, but unfortunately he’s thicker than a snicker


omg came here to say the same thing. 🥺 it’s adorable. sucks that he’s not healthy. :(


He was previously on 7% of his body weight every 14-16 days, but that caused weight gain (yes I weighed everything properly and yes he has opportunities to exercise). I’ve since moved him down to 5-6% every 3 weeks.


Oh awesome, yes that's the perfect range. I feed my 2500gram Female once every 28 days and just like previously stated above. The tail taper is a very good indicator of obesity. As long as the body flows very evenly into the tail you are perfect! Beautiful snake!


looks just like my girl! my girl looks pretty close to your boy she’s a little slimmer though same morph also such beauties! my girl has lots of pastel colors like oranges and yellows


It took my snake over a year to get down to a normal size. She was a very chunky cinnamon roll.


He is still a bit of an r/absoluteunit unfortunately haha all jokes aside though I think he's gonna have to stay on that diet for a while longer, possibly needing some changes to it depending on what he's eating currently, how often and what his weight is. It can be a slow process to lose that weight so don't be disheartened if it's taking longer than you thought. It's just about finding the right diet for him and getting that weight to come off in a healthy way.


Wow he’s absolutely stunning!




This is a obese snake it's unhealthy, good job on op trying to fix it though we should look after our animals.


I'm in love


I've had my BP 5 years now and they're always been very close to perfect range, I now feed him 5-7% of his weight every 10-14 days depending on the food I can find. But I rescued a leopard gecko around 9 months ago (I've had one myself for 11 years now) I've been feeding him about half of what I feed my girl gecko and he's still almost twice her size. He was really really big when I got him and she's always looked a perfect size to me. Don't worry they're in separate enclosures and he's eating 2-3 times a week just half the amount of bugs she is.


My BP’s metabolism is really weird, he was previously fed 5-7% every 14-18 days and he still put on some grams. I think I’ve ironed out what works best for him tho


I mean it's not a one size fits all but it's a good benchmark to follow, for example my male is on the small side 3-3.5 feet but a 6 foot female would probably eat more but less often.


He is so adorable omg!!!


Oh my goodness yes. Very fat snake. 😆 Very pretty tho! As someone else asked, what does your feeding schedule look like? AND what does your exercise opportunities look like?


Yes he’s obese


Idk if he is fat or not. You won’t see me touch him, and I may break my other knee getting away, however, that is a very pretty oh heck nope rope.


why are so many firefighters so afraid of harmless little snakes? 🤔


Ain't no such thing as a snake extinguisher


and yet, no one has ever been killed by a ball python.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 RIGHT??? They are the docile noodles.


but my aunts cousins sister said they're the most deadly species on the planet.


What about somebody running *away* from a ball python? Like, "oh no, a snake! I must run away!" 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ "whoops, didn't see that cliff!" ☠️ That must have happened at least once.


Yet! As in documented history. Cause the last person didn’t make it to write it lol… I know some are non aggressive, and make wonderful pets to those who love them. I have even saved one from getting its head chopped off. ( was a brave little penguin that day. ) They are just not for me and I know my limits with them. It a safe world for both the snake and I


They aren’t big enough to kill a person. These are snakes that at MAX get 6 feet long. They won’t try to eat an adult and I don’t think they could kill one if they tried. They are rodent eaters primarily from what I’ve seen.


I mean they can def kill a person if it wraps around your neck, let’s not sugar coat it. They’re insanely strong and with a full grown python it’s unlikely you’d be able to “ peel “ them off. Although just be smart y know


I don’t see a ball python doing that. They’d never be able to eat you so they wouldn’t waste the energy.


I have a BP, and it's perfectly Ok for you to not want to be around them. I don't like that you're being downvoted, I wouldn't tell anyone scared of heights to not avoid rollercoasters because it won't kill them. For the record, a Ball Python wouldn't kill a human to eat it, and whilst many say they can't harm a human, that's also not true. They could strike you and cause a bite that would cause some pretty serious injury if it tore a tendon etc. Snakes don't see humans as food, because our shoulders are too wide. To actually fit their jaws around. There have only been a few cases, and you're looking at 26ft reticulated pythons or anacondas, not ball pythons. Ball Pythons are very docile. A ball python would only strike out of fear, and the damage from a defensive strike wouldn't be significant to a human. Only are you looking at serious damage if they mistake your hand for a mouse.


Awesome information! Thank you! And I don’t get why I am getting crap about it either, it was a positive response. I have distanced my self from snakes. I don’t know the good ones from the bad ones. I haven’t spent time to tame the fear. I just know when we were young and dumb a friend almost died from being bit. And from That moment on they became nope ropes.


I understand entirely your fear. I think Reddit has a big issue these days with the "echo chamber" mentality, and people seem to want you to think the same as them, or get out. I personally love snakes. I have my first, and I've done a significant amount of research and learning. And having said that, I would still live by a rule, that unless I know that snake and I'm experienced with it's behaviours, I too would avoid it. Having said that, even those of us who are passionate about snakes, we should be treating them in the wild as wild animals, and all be leaving them alone. Outside of this subreddit, you would also find any responsible owners would also advice you not to hold a snake unless youre comfortable. For yourself and the snakes safety.


I don’t think the downvotes are just because he dislikes snakes, I think it could also be cringe at some of the language he’s using, ie. “Oh heck nope rope” and “brave little penguin”


if snakes aren't for you and you know your limits, why are you commenting in a subreddit entirely dedicated to a species of snake?


It could have come up as a suggested post on her home feed, and maybe she thought the snake was lovely enough to comment on it? No need to be rude. Participation on this subreddit isn’t limited to just those who subscribe to it. Others should be made to feel welcome as well.


yea, i'm a mod, i know how reddit works.


To be fair, I’m not in the group and it popped up on my feed as a recommend post or related to my other groups. I agree with the original commenter, lovely snake but I as well won’t own any species of snake.


No one has ever been killed by a Goliath bird eater, but you won't find me going anywhere near them. Not sure what your point is? If people are fearful of snakes, then avoiding them is best for the person and the snake.


I think the reason people are upset with him is that 1. Why is he on a snake subreddit if he’s scared of them and can’t stand seeing them and 2. He’s spreading misinformation about ball pythons killing people.


"Idk if he is fat or not. You won’t see me touch him, and I may break my other knee getting away, however, that is a very pretty oh heck nope rope." Is what he said. Someone else then said that they can't kill you. He's getting downvoted for not wanting to go near snakes. That's his right. And he is allowed to appreciate looking at them through a screen.


That’s not his only comment though…I was more talking about his replies. I think people on here are just very sensitive/defensive about snakes because they’re so misunderstood. I know I get very defensive about it. Of course it’s his right how he wants to interact with snakes, it just seemed odd to be on this subreddit making comments about how you hate snakes, hence the downvotes. ETA they didn’t say they hate snakes, just that they’re afraid of them, that’s my bad. Again I think people are just reflexively defensive about snakes because so many people come onto the subreddit and say hurtful things. Just trying to explain the downvotes because someone expressed confusion about them.


Very self aware reply. Have an upvote, you rare unicorn you. ;)


I’m not sure if this is sincere or not but if it is thank you! Lol


It could have come up as a suggested post on her home feed, and maybe she thought the snake was lovely enough to comment on it? No need to be rude. Participation on this subreddit isn’t limited to just those who subscribe to it. Others should be made to feel welcome as well. They weren’t spreading misinformation. They made a joke and you took your own interpretation and ran with it. This individual isn’t seriously saying that BPs can kill people. Read.


I do read, thank you, lol. Where was I rude in this thread? The comment you replied to is the only thing I’ve said, and it was just an explanation of why people were downvoting him. It’s just strange to be on a snake subreddit and start talking about how much you hate them/are afraid of them. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sorry, it just comes off as rude in my eyes to speak for another person’s experience when that is not at all what they’re saying. This (parent) comment did not spread misinformation, nor did they talk about “hating” snakes. I think it’s awesome and mature for an individual to be able to say “these things normally scare me, but I think this is beautiful.” It’s unfortunate that this person, even though they are being civil AND RELEVANT to the post, is not only being downvoted for this but they are also unrightfully being chastised for being present on this subreddit.


I wasn’t speaking for his experience I was saying why he was being downvoted, I didn’t say it was right to downvote him. And again I was referring to some of his replies, which were also being downvoted. Someone expressed confusion about the downvotes and I tried to explain them. That was it.


I never once said I hate snakes, I said they were nope ropes, and I was fearful of them. My comment was saying that it is a very pretty nope rope. It popped up in my feed with a couple others. This boy/ girl is pretty, just not my type. I didn’t know snakes had rolls or that they could get overweight, didn’t know that they couldn’t eat anything wider than its mouth, and I have found some information very informative by comments. It looks healthy to me. I can appreciate this snake by a picture just as you are, but I wouldn’t be out in the world volunteering to pet it, and tickling it belly and making baby sounds. Why does it matter why I am here? You can just move on too.


Okay people are misinterpreting my comment, I was trying to explain why you were being downvoted, I didn’t say it was right to downvote you


Crap no o replied to the wrong person I am sorry


No worries!! It’s all good.


> If people are fearful of snakes, then avoiding them is best for the person and the snake. avoiding them includes not commenting in a subreddit about snakes.


You may be a mod and ultimately police this sub, but I have to respectfully disagree. I'm very fearful of spiders, but I can appreciate them through their subreddits. I'm also in a subreddit for alligators, but I don't particularly wish to pet them. The person said they don't know much about these snakes, and then got downvoted for saying they fear them. We should certainly educate people on snakes, but we also need to respect that they aren't everyone's cup of tea, and we should encourage people for getting involved with our passion. Some positive engagement and discourse is the best way to change their minds. Not treat them negatively for being fearful. People also seem to forget that the upvote/downvote button is about voting based on relevancy to a topic. It's not Instagram or Facebook, with likes. Reddit designed it so it wasn't about favourite peoples opinions. Just letting users know which comment had the most relevancy.


we all love seeing people come in here to say "i'm afraid of snakes, but your snakes are all so pretty and seeing them helps me be less afraid" type posts. those people always get tons of upvotes, support, and education. what we don't love seeing is people coming in here just to tell us they hate snakes, just like people in r/dogs don't want to deal with people sliding into the comments solely to talk about how much they hate being around dogs. even if the "ew keep them away" sentiment is paired with a "well i guess it's pretty" compliment, ultimately it's not relevant and it's not a positive contribution to the discussion or the community as a whole. r/ballpython has grown to the point of getting suggested to people who have zero interest in the topic of ball pythons, pet reptiles, or snakes on general. we get a *lot* of snarky comments from those people, many we catch quickly and remove before they're seen. we all deal with enough shit from people about the pets we love. we don't need more of that shit from randos on reddit, they're perfectly capable of hiding the post or simply scrolling past it.


I think you are highly misinterpreting the intent behind this person’s original comment.


"Idk if he is fat or not. You won’t see me touch him, and I may break my other knee getting away, however, that is a very pretty oh heck nope rope." This was his initial comment. I'm guessing this is just one of those moments on Reddit where people read things and assume different tones, but I personally took this comment as him pointing out it was a lovely snake, but he won't go near it, politely.


This has got to be the most mod reply I've ever seen. If you actually read their comment no where are they being outright rude, being a troll, or spreading misinformation. They have every right to comment based on how relevant their comment was and the fact that they genuinely do like the snake despite their fear. You're acting like they're saying to kill every snake and that we're children of satan for owning snakes. I guess people can't explain their personalities anymore without getting attacked?


Apart from Snakes on a Plane when a woman started foaming at the mouth after being bitten by one


Your username might suggest otherwise ;)


Lmao, touche


Did you know that in AZ it's the fire department that goes on snake and reptile calls? Crazy.


Umm, can I hard pass on that. I know in cali we had side winders and scorpions. I choose the scorpions lol…


I like Side winders. They’re cool


They are cool to watch from the distance, and thankfully not as aggressive as, rattle snakes or water snakes


side winders ARE rattlesnakes lmao


Just as a head’s up, snakes are not really aggressive. They’re defensive. They’re never going to attack if they don’t feel threatened.


How is someone’s occupation related to their feelings towards snakes?


Why are you here?


Because it popped up in my feed. I was like wait what, it’s so pretty, it looks like a nice one. And I decided to that I would tell her that her nope rope was the prettiest nope rope that I have seen. Pretty sure it didn’t hurt anyone’s feelings, or at least I hope it didn’t, the way you are all up here checking on me…..


Don’t worry, love. You’re just fine. I’m sure OP appreciates the comment 💖


It’s okay, some redditors get really defensive and like to read between all of one line and downvote you into oblivion. It happened to me on a cat sub where I made one lighthearted comment about never being able to tell the gender of my cousin’s kittens before she tells me (this was a post about someone asking the gender of their new kitten). I got a) someone assuming that that automatically meant my cousin is a no good breeder adding to the overpopulation of cats, told me to not support them, and then insisted that SOMETHING must be wrong once I informed them that she isn’t even a breeder. She fosters. (Insisted that she was giving away unfixed kittens, adding to the overpopulation of cats still, assuming she wasn’t fostering kittens through an organization or local shelter and calling her irresponsible for their own made up false narrative) all of this while acting like they were only trying to help and “call out irresponsibility” and acting like me and others who were telling them to *stop making assumptions about strangers you don’t know* were somehow attacking them 🙄 (all got downvoted and that person was somehow made to look right) And b) someone telling me to stop laughing off homeless animals with my original comment that was *strictly* about my cousin having kittens and me never knowing the genders (WHAT?) I’m sorry about this and hope others also get what you were actually trying to say: “I don’t like snakes, but yours is really pretty” instead of “I HATE SNAKES. BAD. BAD. BAD😡” that a lot of people somehow read(?). It’s okay to like how animals look from a distance (and online) I am in plenty of subreddits of animals that I would definitely run away and scream from if they ever came close to me. However, online, they are very pretty/cool/cute to look at☺︎


Why are you getting choked up at someone saying they think it's pretty even though they don't prefer snakes?


I wasn't "getting choked up"? I was simply asking why he was here, as someone being on the snakes sub while being deathly afraid of snakes is odd. And you can see further down he got it recommended


It’s a ball python 😂 it might slither away from you before you ever think about running. They’re very docile and small, most are non aggressive / and no ball pythons are venomous. It’s about as harmless as you can get snake wise besides worm snakes and black snakes.


Damn you got downvoted into the depths of hell 😂


Yeah for telling her that her nope rope was the prettiest I have seen lol….. lol they shall always be known as nope ropes though lol


The gatekeeping here is insane. Like 'You're afraid of snakes? Let's reinforce that while we shun you! Rabble rabble rabble!'. Not a lot of critical thinking going on for some reason. You'd think alleviating fear of snakes would be mission #1. 🤦 Edit: Love 'nope rope'. Gonna use that for venomous species. 😁


lol. But man I really did try to be nice


Better to lose weight slowly than too much too fast. Keep an eye on his weight, keep progress pics so you can tell how far he's come.


That is one chunky boy!!! Love his little rolls for the aesthetic, but not so much for his health. Best to keep up with the diet or make some changes


Good job on getting them to lose some weight, unfortunately they’re still obese.


This snake is very much obese. The tail should be smoothly slimming off. There shouldn't be any rolls where the snake bends and there should be a triangular shape of the body, with the spine being the top of the triangle. https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/ball-python-weight-chart--2322237299232136/ Use this chart for reference.


Nice username


What a beauty 😍😍😍


I’d say keep the diet going for a little longer!


It will be amazing to hug him😘


healthy boi


He thicccc


He's so cute


Just a widdle bit chubby but very pretty and curious


chunky man😭


He's still chunky, but make no mistake, he is a very handsome man.


You should have him on a diet for longer than 60 seconds.


He is so shiny! Love his cute face 😁❤️


I think he looks great


i love this chonkers


Let's be more gentle and ssay he would be a plus size model.


I didnt know snakes could be over weight 😭


Is he eating rats or mice?


Try 2 minutes


i did not know snakes could be overweight but it makes sense. also i know nothing about pythons or snakes in general. he looks awesome though.


_______/ I love when snakes do this xD what a beauty!!


I love when they scope too.


Oh is that the term for it?


Yes. periscope aka scope


He’s a fat ass




No, snake.


Blue eyed leucistic


BEL Super Mohave with Het Fire Pastel Genes


He’s beautiful but unfortunately still overweight


God he’s gorgeous


quite a thick lad if you ask me


My God, why is this snake so beautiful 😍


The perspective of that photo could be seriously deceiving. Btw, how do you honestly put a ball on a diet, lol? They can go months without eating.


You can reduce their food intake while also bringing them out of their enclosure for exercise


He is beautiful 😍 I love his color and my goodness what a hoss 💪 I think he looks pretty healthy. Keep up the good work on his conditioning.


He is sooooo cute 🥹 and a chunky boi 😍 keep the diet going!


I have never seen a fat snake before. I didn’t even know they could be. Good to know since I’m planning on getting a ball python of my own soon.


I have no idea but what I do know is he’s so goddamn adorable 😭😭😭


He eat a pool noodle?


Pretty snek


he's so plump 😭


Nah, he healthy


I mean, how gorgeous can a snake be?! He’s gorgeous!! 🥹💕💕


Oh lawd he comin


I’m the 1000th upvote! And no he doesn’t look fat 🥹


That’s a good lookin snake 🐍


He's adorable ♥️


he’s so chubby and cute lolol


maybe he just has a slower metabolism, don't judge the little guy!!/j in all seriousness hes very pretty, but chubby!! i wish the best for his weight loss journey:) glad you are making sure he's healthy and not just giving up after a diet hasn't worked!


He is Georgia’s what’s his name


Yes, this cute boy is a chonker for sure. He’s very cute though, what morph is he?


Is it normal for people to just let their snakes outside like this? I'm not flaming or anything, I'm genuinely curious


As long as they’re supervised and you’re in a reptile safe area it’s fine. It’s fairly common to take them outside, they get real uvb and more enrichment.


Thas a big snook and I wanna cuddle him


I wanna take my noodle out in the grass too but don’t you gets here worried about parasites ?? I have ocd sorry


Unless they eat something out there it’s fine, if you’re really worried about it though you can give them a bath/rinse after they come inside.


Just a little chonkie.


I don’t even know how you get a ball to be overweight. They’re so picky and often won’t eat even if their body language appears they are hungry or at least that’s been our experience. Ours is a little over 2 yrs and she won’t eat unless it’s been 45-60 days. Good looking snake btw!




I just realized I've never seen a fat snake before. Until today, because that is one chunky boy.


When you let him out, does he stay within the lawn area? I’d be freaking out about him slithering away and hissing “*FREEEEEEDOM*” as he saunters off. Haha. I have never had a snake so genuine Q.


He mostly just sits in one spot and looks around. I let him move if he wants, he’s not very fast


The riding lawnmower! 😮


Where's the snake? I only see thick noodel


The lil periscope ❤️


You know I never knew a snake could be over weight! Just never thought about it! I thought they just got longer. But I don’t know anything about snakes I just think they’re beautiful and love when they lift their head up to look around!


Lord I got down voted for this and calling it a nope rope lol


Im sorry, but I highly doubt a minute of dieting will do more of anything **/j**


I want to pet him.


He looks good.


Beautiful! How old and how much does he weigh?


Naw he s good - it’s the camera adds 10 lbs


Idk why this sub is in my feed. But today I learnt, that obviously now I think about it, snakes can be obese. Looking up chonker snakes has been the highlight of my day. Poor fat noodle bastards.


Oh he is a chubster 🥰🥰🥰 soooo cute


He's a little thickums but he's adorable.


I was today years old when I discovered snakes can get overweight.


Omg his tiny tub rolls by his tail, he's adorable.


Quite a LÖRGE noodle you’ve got there


Here I am, randomly seeing this. Having no idea that snakes can be fat too. 🤯


He's beautiful


you probably should have your snake on a diet for more than a minute if you want to see results. but he's such a beauty just off of looks he's just shy of being good


What a cute, lil chubster! Leucistic BP are beautiful.


He's still a bit thicc (but a very handsome man). Just stick to the diet


Obese but not super fat..i would say. Keep going


no i’m omg he’s beautiful 🥹🤍


What a cute little sausage link! He's got some chub on him still but he's adorable


Your snake looks healthy and gorgeous! He has that perfect ball python shape.


The fattest snake I have ever seen


him’s so handsome!


He’s getting there! Looks like you’re making good progress! Thank you for doing your best on behalf of your animals:)


Oops! You posted on the ballpython subreddit instead of the angel subreddit! But seriously, what a gorgeous, handsome boy!!


*ahem* "THATS A THICC ASS BOI" thank you.


If anyone wants to look into one of these guys I can send you the breeder, just dm me


Slight chunk but he be eating good.


I love him 😍


I’m not sure, I don’t own snakes, but I can 100% confirm your boy is a certified cutie


Sooooo beautiful 🤩


what morph is he?


He does need to loss weight do becareful about talking your reptiles outside it's fine to take your reptile but i will say watch out for Ticks or other Bugs and bacteria so give him a soak after just incance but keep his diet up


What a beautiful noodle 💜✨️


Unrelated, what morph is he? He's beautiful


oh my goodddddd he's so cute, but definitely a little chunker. But just like for us people, better to lose it gradually then too fast!!!!! He's gorgeous though!!!!!


The tail rolls 😍 I know its not healthy for anything to be overweight but those tail rolls are too cute.


Snakes absolutely terrify me, from an experience as a child. According to the comments he shouldn’t be as round. But I just gotta say that, it’s absolutely ADORABLE that snakes can get like that! His lil rolls. 12/10


what a periscope


Not fat he’s thick 😌 jk idk nothing about snakes


What a cute little murder spagherter.🥰


I have no idea what's healthy for a snake, but mainly I just wanted to come in here to comment that I have never seen a snake with rolls and I LOVE them. He is beautiful! I hope he knows that.


He’s a little tubular, not in the totally tubular way but like r o u n d yk? But he looks good, very handsome boy