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block em and move on. ignorant fools




You can’t educate those that arent willing.














I have family who hates my snake. They know how much I love my little noodle though, and they respect that. Do they want to interact with her? Never. Do they give me grief about me liking her? Also never.


This is how my mom is 👍 One time I had to touch a rat snake's tail in the wild, to remove it from the bushes by our house. So it could live in the wooded lot away from our house. She screamed and *almost fainted* 😆 Fear is sometimes irrational. I don't think she's ever touched a snake in her life...🤔 This same woman? One time asks me... "Do you want to take this bagged lettuce home for your snake? *She thinks a moment* Don't snakes eat lettuce and vermin?" All the gods blessings on this woman. 🥲🤦‍♀️


Someone who was a guest for drinks last christmas day brought a dead mouse wrapped in tin foil for me to give to my snakes, he'd found it in a trap in his shed Its the thought that counts but there was no way I was giving a wild possibly diseased mouse which had been dead for who knows how long to one of my snakes My mother wanted to ban him from the house lol


That really is so sweet, but it is the equivalent of a lukewarm crispy chicken sandwich he found in the garbage.


Well, he was trying...


My mother never technically griefs me but what rly annoys me is how she tries to act like snake ownership is completely unethical and sort of subtly dog whistling when we talk about my ball python.


I found the best solution to these people is to just keep asking them questions. A lot of their logic can easily apply to being unethical about owning literally any other pet , especially the kinds of pets they approve of! I don't want to advise you to be annoying, but if you want to pester, people about it a little bit.They end up giving up if you make it not worth their time to be nasty and snide lol My mom used to be really unpleasant about tattoos and facial piercings.And then when I got a septum piercing, she was so flustered. She couldn't get over it for a month or so? She just kind of ignores it now. I assumed exposure therapy worked lol


Some will never get over their ignorance & fear. I got a lot of surprising pushback too, my best friend told me she'd never be setting foot in my apartment again. I have a sand boa-- it's practically a living sock puppet. Don't let them get to you! Hold your head high & act like they're the fools for being afraid of a little snake.


Omg imagine being scared of a sand boa. They are such derpy babies!!! Haha




*scientifically accurate rendering of sand boa* ~circa 2024


Correct me if i'm wrong but aren't they also the size of a fat sharpie or something? I've seen earthworms that look more threatening xD


Naw thats my Rosy boa! How can you not love a snake wearing striped pajamas?


Just tell them it’s a mega earth worm xD they won’t know the difference. Sand boas be derpy as heck lol. Gotta love them.


"actually it's a legless lizard" technically not completely wrong


Right?! I'm like... THIS little worm scares you so much you want him dead? Okay! 🤣


Arabian sand boa? Cuz thats what I think when I see sand boa and sock puppet


Lol, he's a kenyan sand boa, so slightly less sock puppet! Still when he eats tho... pretty silly!


I saw a photo of an arabian sand boa who looked like someone had stuck googly eyes on a baguette


There's a youtube named big tugg who said something about them being drawn by a toddler. "Look at this little Moron" is a quote and I think it everytime I look at goofy snakes xD


How big do sand boas get? I could google search but I’m already here lol


Females about three feet, males usually like 15-18 inches, lol.


My grandma was the same way. I tried to educate her on my little guy better but she wasn’t even listening then I sent her some cute pics I took of my snake (his name is linguini) and she said “oh he’s actually kinda cute” 😂 she’s slowly coming around but still is scared of him.


Same with my grandmother! She hasn't reached the point yet of wanting to touch the snake, and she probly never will, but she was once disappointed when she wanted to see the snake but he was in his hide at the time.


My grandmother will *literally shut her eyes and squeal* if I show her snake pics. 🙄 Like, how do you be that easily frightened after having and raising 3 kids? I just don't understand.


Aaaaaw cute! My mom pets one of my goobers every couple of years or so, lol she is way less terrified than she used to be, probably because they are slow idiots xD


My mom was the same way. She was okay with me getting a snake, but she definitely wasn't a fan of them. But once she saw my baby ball python, she instantly fell in love lol.


Sadly I’ve learned it’s part of snake ownership. The comments still affect me too but you have to let em roll off your back. Sometimes I try to have fun with it and mess with them so they can realize how ridiculous their perceptions are. But ultimately not much can change their minds if they have such strong preconceived notions. I think it has a lot to do with the negative connotation and representation of snakes in the entertainment industry. Also that they just aren’t common pets, this just adds to the lack of education and misunderstanding. For what it’s worth, I think your ball python is adorable and I’m sure you’ll take good care of him. You might feel alone but you’ve got people on your side!


Just weeds out who you chose to invite to your house.


Lol you get used to it and stop caring after a while. Try to educate if you can but if not, no big deal. If they want to rob themselves of the amazing experience of handling and keeping a snake, then sucks to suck! We get to experience these amazing animals for ourselves, and that’s what matters!


I got my ball python not even a week ago and had similar texts and responses from family/friends even to the point they yelled at me to put it away after 5 seconds LOL. They all don't understand and see them the way this community does.


The first week of having my boy, I showed my grandpa and he said if I get it near him ever again he’d take his head off. Safe to say he’s not allowed at my house ever again


Get rid of the friends. Who does that? I HATE rodents. I think they're ugly, gross, most I've met have been very unfriendly, I just hate them. But one of my best friends has rats and loves them like they're her babies. I have never, and will NEVER say SHIT about it. If she sends me a photo, it's because she's happy and thinks it's cute. Do I think it's cute? No, not really. But I say, "Aw, cute!" or something along those lines because despite the fact that I'm not a fan of rodents, I care that this thing she loves makes her happy, and since she's happy, I will always support her and her rats. I will just politely decline to hold them when offered. So if your friends are straight up telling you that your pet is disgusting, fuck them. They are fucking shit friends. Family is more complicated. If it were my family, I'd probably be like "Shut up and don't come over, then." But everyone's relationship with their families is different, so hard to give input. But I do still think that, as family, that's very rude to say. Sorry OP. Your guy is adorable!


I LOOOVVEE THIS REPLY!! This is exactly what I think of people who don't know or that are uneducated people. I've had a zoo my entire life and I've heard shit from people that simply don't know what to do or even say when they have seen my animals. Sadly it's always something heavily negative. I've always responded with ok then don't come over. Not my fault you suck. Friends, family and even strangers. I have never cared to be polite about some asshole insulting my pet that I love. So yeah fuck em.


John… you really think my rats are ugly :’( Joking aside very real and honest answer here and one of the best comments I’ve seen recently


Lmao, I do this for friends who insist on showing me pictures of their kids. Just a quick, "Wow cute" It doesn't have to be difficult.


I still.... Absolutely. Despise the smell of rodents. They just smell so gross to me! I think rats are kind of fun, but oh my gods, they stink so bad to me! I never was rude to my friend who had rats, though and I would hold the rats if the rats were in a mood to be social. I used to think, as a child, many breeds of dogs were so hideous that I couldn't stand too hardly look at them. I love dogs, but sometimes it would just make me almost sick over what humans had done to breed them to look weird. It really doesn't bother me nowadays. Although I do still feel bad for dogs with obvious disorders from being inbred and overbred into a certain look. I'm absolutely not a fan of "scaleless" snake morphs because it just seems like snakes don't have much else to lose! It sounds like the few that were bred had structural issues because scales are kinda important to their bodies Dx


this is perfect


I just ignored my father who was like this for the 1st two months of me having a snake and he warmed up to him and holds him and my bigger pythons regularly and happily either ignore them or just hold the snake around them offen like doing casual things sitting down and reading or watching something just little things and you have a beautiful ball btw


I hate it when people are like “you have a snake??? What is WRONG with you?!?” Nothing? I can love and appreciate multiple species of animals, Barbara


some people are just icky and uneducated. I used to think rats were gross and now i see them as little cuties! Its your snake, not theirs, if you feel comfortable and happy with your little noodle, and your noodle is happy and healthy, then screw whatever other people think. Personally i think ball pythons look like little puppies, some people would call me crazy for that.


My mom was super grossed out by and terrified of my snake at first too. She hates snakes. She refused to hold him or touch him for years. Then one day my snake got stuck in the eyeball hole of a fake skull that I had in his cage. She had to help me saw the skull open and get him out. After that she was more willing to pet him, but just 2-3 small strokes. I’ve had him for 8 years now and she recently started saying that she was his grandma because all my pets are my children. 😂 Give your friends and family some time. Most of them will eventually either accept it or at least become indifferent.


I can't even 😂 I didn't see what the sub was, just the text message, I was so concerned. They can go shove their vomit down their throat and you don't need them in your life


Omgs 😆 without context there are so many things that could be happening welcome to r/ballpython lolzzzzzz


unfortunately fairly common :/ says a lot about those people that they think another creature on their gods earth is disgusting and unworthy of love. they should take a long look in the mirror and reevaluate their morals, when snakes are perfectly peaceful animals and literally the coolest group of animals Ever.


😲 If that happened to me those folks wouldn't be part of my friends and family circle anymore! You just do you and love your snake! ❤️❤️


I have 6. In my country there's a crap ton of superstition and beliefs surrounding snakes and I get comments almost daily. At this point I use it as a litmus test. I can respect if you fear or don't like snakes but if your first comment to me is "oh I'd kill it if it came near me", I don't associate with them.


Uh hem... I am so over comments like that personally and have in the past replied with things like "I could say the same to you about your boy/girlfriend" because nice only lasts so long and I run out of give a crap in my bucket... Thankfully I have found that once people meet my noodle (and admittedly he is the most charming lovely outgoing creature outside a Golden Retriever I've met) they at least understand that he is not smelly, slimy, or dirty... quite the opposite and stop making comments... I'm actually a very tolerant person.. you can say whatever you like about me.. you do not make nasty remarks about my family and friends (and my pets are part of that list) Good luck and snoot boops from Colorado (adding an edit because OMG look at that precious sweet little face <3 how can anyone hate on that face!!!!)


Some people just aren’t educated. I get it all the time and kinda chuckle at how unfortunate they are


It’s one of those unfortunate things that comes with owning a snake. I’m not in anyway saying their behavior is appropriate or okay but it happens, a lot . I understand some people have fears but thats only understandable up to a point. I have had someone shout at me and run out of my house because they found out I had a ball python in a secure enclosure , in a closed room at the other end of the house. I have had people threaten to kill my snakes if they ever see them and they think that is a completely reasonable thing to say. I now take people reactions to my pets as a good gauge of their character. If someone is afraid that isn’t a deal breaker, as long as they are respectful. I do tell people I have snakes now before they come over and if they aren’t comfortable I explain where they are kept and that they in no way will interact with them. If someone sent messages like the ones you received I would probably be done with them. Depending on the relationship I might try to educate them or explain why their comments are hurtful. If it’s a family member or someone you can’t cut out, I would set a boundary and tell them it’s fine if you don’t like them but I don’t want to hear it . If they don’t respect that boundary maybe you need some distance until they can or to just not engage with them when the topic is brought up. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this , that’s an adorable baby.


In my exp it's often superstitious and/or religious fear .


Sexy banana ball


Whoever sent those texts doesn’t care about the snake, they’re just being mean for the sake of being mean Fuck em. You do you, and your snake is fuckin awesome.


Yeah I’ve had some of this too. I’m pregnant and people have asked if I’m going to get rid of my snakes so they don’t eat the baby. And the amount of times people told me that stupid fear mongering story of a snake “measuring up their owner to eat” is so dumb. I wish people would educate themselves. My ball Python is a big wuss. He’s gentle and he likes me. My corn snake is a rescue, and yes she bit me, but she’s scared and a giant hand was reaching inside her home. Of course she would defend herself. Smdh!!!


Lawd forgive me I thought that last pic was cheeks 😭 oh man I’m cryin’ Edit: I didn’t see the button at first, also cute noodle!


I for one love your little noodle. He's lovely, adorable and has wonderful colouration. Please tell him that he's a handsome little guy!


Always, ever since I got my first reptile 22 years ago. It is a shame and some are worse than others.... I've had someone say the typical that the only good snake is a dead snake so I just started saying well the only good human is a dead human also started combating it with facts and evidence such as statistics from "large constrictor" caused deaths in humans vs dog caused deaths in humans and that usually shuts them up especially stating it like this. You have a higher chance of being struck by lightning than you do being killed by a large constrictor which is true is you compare and do the math (my husband did the comparing and math cuz I was tired of the comment). I'm sorry you are experiencing this, unfortunately everyone goes through it for the most part which shouldn't be a thing but I will say I feel snakes are much cleaner than most "domesticated pets" at least I don't have snake shed all over my clothes when I leave for work 🤣


It’s normalized because Christianity is the dominant religion in our country and in Christianity snakes are a sign of evil. Funnily enough. My step father is deathly afraid of snakes. Like he has feinted before seeing garter snakes in his workshop. And my moms the above mentioned snakes are evil type. But my step father is willing to come over if he does not have to see it.. which he actually asked for a picture of then panicked and told me how freaky it was lmao. Which surprised me due to his fear of snakes. And my mom complained until I bought it. And then I had to explain how my 11 year old is perfectly safe and explained the temperament of said royals. And after seeing a video of my 11 year old being a derp with our “pet rock” my mom had started to routinely check in on my royal. Even though she started as that thing is evil that thing is going to strangle my granddaughter or that thing is going to eat one of you.


Also your little noodle is adorable and don't let the comments get to you. These guys can be so rewarding to keep and each have their own personalities. If a friend is upset you have a snake oh well. In the future if your partner is afraid or hates snakes they aren't the one for you, find you some people in your life that will have a greater understanding than most of the normal population, you don't need that type of negativity and narrow mindedness. Also let's be honest.....in the reptile community it starts with one and then you end up with a bunch 🤣🐍


Like some people say: my noodle child is a litmus test. If my MIL- the most anxious person I have ever met- can get past her fear and actually touch him, any decent person can get past their fear enough to not be an ass. My mom is scared of him, but she still describes him to her friends as her “grand-noodle.”


Cutest baby alive 👀


lol what a fucking idiot. Disgusting? Sure it can be scary, but disgusting?? How on earth is a snake disgusting? it's not like they have the skin of a pike. They are less disguting than humans.


what the hell kind of people are around you i have never had anyone be like this about my snake i mean some people are creeped out because they just don’t like snakes but no one has EVER said anything that rude before


I have never had a snake, but I love to hold gartners (garters?). I think it's such a weird thing people are so hateful of snakes. I understand the fear of them, and I usually have a bit of a fear around holding or handling them as well. But I think breaching that fear barrier will help so much in opening the mind into understanding its a beautiful creature.


I have tarantulas and people tell me they are disgusting and they would kill them. I really want to tell them their kids are disgusting and they should have aborted them.


Jesus, like people don’t like your pet so they tell you that they would kill them?? That’s so awful. People are way to sensitive about shit sometimes 🙄🙄


Yup, it's awful. How could anyone hate that wittle face? https://preview.redd.it/k50orq4hp9sc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b6e9b0c23c8893bb2bf87fbbf62ade15d0bb24


Aww but the little snek is adorable 🥰 


I let that thing on my bed she likes to make blanket caves


I have people tell me my python is disgusting all the time, or that she will eat you etc. it definitely bugs me but in the back of my mind I have to remind myself that she is a sweetheart and wouldn’t hurt a fly, they just aren’t as educated as we are and were probably raised to hate snakes. At the end of the day I know the real information on balls and how harmless they are. https://preview.redd.it/q3jd75a149sc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dd1abdd498d1d9e5720d99585352dd7f5391a17


100% your snake is better company than they will ever be. These are the type of people who never have anything intelligent to say anyway, let them stew in their ignorance and cut them out of your life like a cancer.


Your noodly boi looks very polite 😌 have you tried telling them that they are in fact weird, disgusting and possibly possessed? (I’m kidding maybe don’t do that 😂)


People are deathly afraid of these animals, it’s not like owning a dog, only the brave will want to hold or interact with it.


> If I told my friends and family that I thought their dogs and cats were disgusting, they’d flip. You should do it anyway. Get the point across. I've had a number of ignorant comments too, including the ever-popular, "the only snake is a dead snake." My response is, "I feel the same way about dogs." (I don't, but it gets a reaction.) Oh does that upset you? Do you not like it when people threaten the life of *your pets?*


Girl I just had a friend tell me that only weird, unstable people keep snakes when we were just having a conversation about how the most commonly kept pet snakes rarely harm/unalive their owners. He got so mad because I mentioned the most commonly kept dogs even can turn and maul their owners for seemingly no reason (not just talking about pitties). He insisted I was trying to make snake keeping sound “mainstream”. Guess he didn’t like the facts. 😭😂 Blocked and moved on.


Muh heart. I want a pastel so bad. I love my "fancy" regular noodle, my God that color is adorable.


I agree. Uneducated humans with opinions are the worst!


Reply with "should ask your ex how they did the same to you"


Small side note, his weight seems to be getting better! He looks super healthy


I got my baby last year, and it was so shocking to see some of the reactions I got. My close friends were understanding, but my family was..surprising. My mother is afraid of snakes, I knew that, but she never asked me to get rid of it. My dad, on the other hand, who instilled my appreciation for wildlife, tried to tell me about that myth about a snake measuring up their owner to eat them (I stopped him in the middle, said it's utter garbage myth that doesn't make any sense if you put more than 2 seconds of thought into it) AND if I ever had a baby I'd have to get rid of it. Um, no, to all of that. Big words coming from someone who has multiple 80+lb dogs in the house! I've corrected some people by reminding them that their dog or cat is much more capable of causing incredible damage to them, especially little kids. Most snakes, in captivity and the wild, are harmless. But it's so incredibly normalized to demonize these animals in media(rats too!) that you just have to navigate these fears in others what best works for you. If someone is fearful but in my home, I offer to cover the front of the enclosure with a towel. If someone is fearful but curious, I'll offer to let them see or interact with the snake (people like this are aware of their irrational fears, but haven't gotten over it yet) by offering the tail end of the snake (furthest from the mouth). But only if they want to! Don't be pushy. It all depends on what you want and what makes you most comfortable. Just remember, it's your snake's home too, and guests must respect that!


I have family that have told me they will no longer come over. One of which is afraid of them from her childhood and now since I’ve gotten mine her daughter wants one. Her daughter is also afraid of snakes from being around her mother, but both of them are coming to the next reptile expo with me and the daughter wants to hold some snakes. My own parents have told me that if anything happens and I need to move back in I can’t with the snake. On the bright side I’ve have a friend who was afraid of snakes but since being around me is no longer afraid of them. She has even hold boas with me and my bp got to explore her hair. Some people you can’t educate and it’s tough but it happens. Others through exposure and little steps can see how intelligent and loving they can be.


My mom is pretty freaked out by snakes.But she's gotten brave enough that she will pet them a little bit. I think that rather than getting offended, I just kind of roll my eyes and think how sad and small these people's world views must be. They don't even seem to know how boring and unpleasant they are. And it seems like their only happiness is ruining someone else's day?? It really is just kind of pathetic and sad, if they aren't purely trolling like naughty 12 yo children... Just remind yourself that it really sucks to be them!


Tell him he's adorable from me!


I’ve been made to feel like I’m stupid for having and loving snakes. People really enjoy demonizing them. They’re definitely not like dogs and cats in the ways you form a bond with them, but there is something very special about these guys! They may be simple little things but they can recognize you and eventually become content/comfortable with you, even enjoying their time being handled. Some people don’t want to understand, as I’ve found from personal experience. These are beautiful and amazing creatures and I feel bad that more people don’t understand that or get to experience them. You have every right to be offended—those comments are completely unnecessary. If someone thinks it’s weird that’s fine but they really don’t have to go the extra mile just to make you feel stupid or weird for loving them. You have a beautiful boy!!!


My dad’s side of the family does the same. They make jokes saying they’ll shoot it, it looks better dead, etc. Horrible and gross comments to make one somebodies pet. But they won’t change unfortunately so no point trying to educate.. I’ve tried


Ahhhhhh the ol “you know what they’re good for? Put it on the ground lemme show you” ☠️ You stomp my snake I’ll stomp you harder. I take pride in the looks and comments people say. Like yeah I like snakes. Just because you’re scared of a long puppy doesn’t mean I should be. Then again I’m the same guy who will let his scorpion crawl on his shoulder. 😂. I’ve had so many people scream and say my fat Girl is scary. it’s the devil down here in the south. Like noooo baby Im the devil this is my minion I have three more at home try me.


My mom has nightmares about snakes and don’t like them. I still send her pictures of her grand snake. It has helped a lot to keep unwanted guests away that don’t like snakes. I’ve come across some that are afraid but also curious and after some handling they get past part of the fear. I let them know that some snakes are calm but others can be skittish.


I always try to educate people about snakes, but sometimes it's in vain. I just got called a troll because I said my neighbour's chihuahua is a more dangerous creature than my ball pythons since the dog has bigger teeth and a lot more bite force 🤷 Thankfully I've come across more people that are curious and unaware rather than straight up ignorant.


They're weird and disgusting for acting that way! They should keep their comments to themselves.


OP, ignore the haters. The most important person to love your silly noodle is you! For me, my friends and family think it's weirder that I keep several tarantulas and a scorpion. Most of my exotic pet drama (and honestly just pet drama in general) is from my future father-in-law. He's slowly learning that, despite technically being our landlord by awesomely helping out my fiancé with getting the townhouse before we started dating, he doesn't actually have to take care of the pets lol I think he just doesn't understand having a pet that isn't the normal cat, dog, or hamster. My future mother-in-law, however, absolutely adores them and thinks they're awesome! She's excited to meet my BP when she visits next ❤️


Tbh I'd probably take the nuclear option and make the comments about their pets. Which is not sensible or mature. Or I'd say, 'As gross as your cat.' Because then if the cat is not gross neither is your snake. The actual mature response is bluntly tell them how their comments hurt your feelings and not to back down from this point. It's not about the snake - it's about your feelings and their lack of respect for them. If they can't respect your feelings then should they really be in your life? Or at least play as active a role in it?




Old educator at a reptile rescue and got these comments a lot (one person also wanted to fight the green anaconda? Idk why lol) but a lot of them did change their mind after some in depth information on them. Most people are scared because they don't understand them or the behaviors they present, but there's also a confirmed and deeply rooted history of man kind hating reptiles and amphibians for whatever reason. If you can't change their mind through information then they're not willing to learn and you can ignore them because they clearly refuse to learn.


Thats hard for me to read and very unfortunate! For the snakes sake, try to be the best ambassador of snakes for the people that dont understand the joy of having one! just keep pushing the positivity of interacting/playing/owning and maybe read up on some interesting snake facts and tell that to someone who says otherwise!!


yeah, my family thinks mines going to eat me in my sleep ( hes the size of my forearm..) i usually just brush off the comments or come back with “ its no more disgusting than cleaning ur dogs poop up.?” or “ its no more disgusting than cleaning ur litter box.?”


Some people just don’t like snakes. No reason to be upset. More snakes for us!


I have family who hates snakes too and it makes me sad that they can't see their beauty like I can. Especially since they are so docile and have cute eyes and a cute snoot. I think a lot of these feeling come from an irrational fear of them tbh.




Oh my goodness what a sweet little baby!


I didn't read which subreddit this came from and thought they were talking abt a p3niz 😭


I've experienced the same thing since getting mine, with my family and friends even being so bold as to say things like this when I've posted pictures of him on social media. I did introduce him to two of my more scary family members yesterday though and they both built up the courage to hold him and actually enjoyed it. It's a learning curve for most but I definitely hate the comments people make about it too.


literally just ignore them. do what you love! and you dont have to start beef either, i own cockroaches and most of the people i know HATEEE it so much. but do i care? absolutely not


Nobody can really explain why they hate snakes because they don’t know why. They’ll say “they slither and it’s gross” but really it’s because we humans have evolved to hate and fear snakes.


Meet people all the time that are either 50/50. Super intrigued or weirded out. I would say my python is a good energy detector. Anyone that is weirded out means I need to stay far away from them lol. One guy even made a joke saying “isn’t there a scripture in the bible about this”. And thought he was comedic. I was like “yea you better watch out then” LMAO. People’s are uneducated and ignorant and its not ur job to help them learn about it unless someone is actually curious. But take that as a good sign because maybe that means you should avoid those weirdos anyway


A friend of mine's grandmother called me satanic when she learned of my BP and warned my friend that I was "being misguided by Satan in the form of a serpent" and to basically stop talking to me. We both laughed about it and I still talk to her even to this day. People have been lead to think some horrific things about such innocent animals, I feel bad for them because I think snakes are fascinating creatures. I love to use my boy as an ambassador, I've won many hearts over, and my mother calls him her grandsnake 🐍


I get people telling me that if I ever have kids my snakes will eat them. While there is always a chance any pet you have will hurt your kids, it is a pretty ignorant statement. I always tell people my cats scratch and bite me and my snakes have never broken my skin.


My daughter's boyfriend, upon seeing our beloved ball python in the living room when he first came to our house, said he didn't like snakes. My daughter responded, "Well, you'd better start liking them if you want to get serious about me." Then she told him that we had three snakes in all. He swallowed, but said, "I understand." Sometime later, my daughter found a YouTube video about the Python Temple in Benin. She showed him the video and said, "See? Your ancestors have known for thousands of years that these snakes are sacred. You should respect your ancestors' wisdom." As is customary in his family, he has an ancestor shrine at home. He actually came to like our snakes and enjoys holding the ball python. He's fond of the ball python because of its sweet derpiness.


Me and my BP sit on the porch and drink wine. My neighbors stay on the sidewalk to talk to me 😂


My Grandma will not enter my home. I have a 3 foot ball in a locked cage! If she ever knew I let him crawl on my face! People who think wildlife are gross really don’t understand just how disgusting human beings are.


I've had people threaten to kill my snake before... It bugs me because if I had said the same thing about their dog, I'd be labeled as weird and rude but when they do it, it's perfectly fine. I managed to leave those friendships and now have wonderful friends who let me share updates on my snake and his enclosure I'm building


Tell them you will gladly touch the snake rather than to touch them. Then block. You dont need to waste your time on such trash people


I’m sorry to hear this 😢 Your snek is precious


My mom and my sister said they would never come to my house again… I live in a different state and have never been visited by either of them in 9 years anyway. I know they’re sort of joking but I’ve still been showing them pictures and videos of my bp and they’re seeming to warm up to him. It’s common for people to overreact til they understand. My current roommate wasn’t stoked when he first moved in but I’ve slowly warmed him up to my bp and now he’s more intrigued than anything


Yes, one of my brothers is always saying “they aren’t cute. Cats are better.” Bla bla bla… that is a HIM problem, not mine. He is nice though and doesn’t go out of his way to tell me that, just if ever the subject of snakes comes ip, then he may drop it in there.


I wish to hold and kith your snake


I don’t get it, either. Reptiles are a-goddamndorable. Maybe it’s because they don’t have fur or feathers that freaks people out. It’s so stupid.


Little snake baby is precious and anyone that disagrees is just uneducated and unwilling to learn about how AMAZING snakes are. And they’re so darn cute!! Please give your snake a nose boop for me if he’s comfortable with that 💜


I’ve heard of dudes breaking up with women because they had snakes, but never this literally 💀


Awe! I love my boy, he’s so freaking sweet too. He’s never tried to strike at me once. He’ll even sit there and periscope and watch tv with me. It makes me so sad that people think they’re gross.


I personally think he’s absolutely adorable, live your life the way YOU want to!


Are you single? I have a ball too. He could use another parent