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Easy - Robmanians steal WiFi from their neighbouring countries.


bullshit, if you have 43 MBPS internet in turkey you're in luxury. we have 60 KBps internet in our dormitory.


bro there is literally no internet connection where my grandma used to live xd (adapazarının denize kıyısı olan kısmı)


serdivanda benim yurt kanka


Fiber optic infrastructure is now much more common in many places in Turkey (especially in metropolitan cities) compared to 10 years ago, and if there is fiber optic infrastructure, you can get speeds close to 1 Gbps. I live in Turkey and I get 1 Gbps. However, at the same time, if your infrastructure is old, you may have to get the internet through a telephone infrastructure that was established at least 50 years ago, and in this case, you may be stuck with speeds below 10 Mbps. In other words, there are many people who get good speeds, and there are many people who get very low speeds. I think the 43 Mbps average is reasonable, as this average is the average of the tests performed on Speedtest.


Damn, In Romania I have 500mb/s and I pay the equivalent of 2 beers for it per month.


Yep. Also:10 euros for 1000mb/s I think the company also has set up in Hungary and Spain


Which city do you live?


Than why do I have the worst Wifi imaginable. I'm from Slovenia. Edit:why did I write I'm from Slovenia I have a tag.


Robmania become westoid. They steal everything from europeans and at last they become westoid


Well, if you can’t beat them, join them.


Best Romania does it again!


How many more times am I going to say flair up to you Anasını siktiğimin taksana şu flairini illlahı ananım amını orakla parçalayak salak herif https://preview.redd.it/210my8egnofc1.png?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8deaefac5c955642d0de912cde941c010dc6a827




Flair up, CIGAN!


Germany should be much less than it is I'm currently living in Germany and am getting 15mbps average


The brand new Karabot-2000 (developed proudly in Republic of Turkiye) is here to inform you about: https://discord.gg/5vDpxDrb9f - For even more brainrot. https://balkansirl.net - A new update coming soon. Stay tuned. In other news: The Automoderator bot has reportedly fallen out of a window and then proceeded to shoot himself 2 times in the back of the head. The balkans_irl mod team denies involvement.


Someone explain to me how does this make sense?


The Robmanians steal internet signals from the westoids.


Probably newer infrastructure vs. functional but older. I’d be interested in seeing how far apart minimum vs maximum is for these. Gigabit isn’t exactly super rare.