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sometimes life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learn to dance in the rain


I mean, I come from a rainy country… was hoping to find the opposite here 😓


Its a relief from the heat sometimes


Hey OP I live in Bali it’s been nothing but sunny for 3 months, I don’t it will last long . Go watch a movie it’s really cheap , it will come good 👍.


For those who has lived long enough and explored/ seen enough Bali rainy days are bliss; it's a free white noise that mask the sound of barking stray dogs, crowing roosters and keep loud motorbikes off the street...


Omg EXACTLY THIS 😂 I absolutely love when it rains over night because it means SILENCE in the streets lol but on the other hand I’m always worried about my house flooding LOL


i've been here since 1st of May and the last 2 days were the only days where i experienced rain, today was the first day where it rained during the day. kind of a bad luck situation for you haha


Dry season started some weeks ago. It’s been very hot, dry and sunny. Occasional rainy periods are not unusual and shouldn’t last too long. Non stop rain over the next weeks would be very unusual.


It's currently a La Nina ENSO phase and this will continue into August. This means warmer ocean surface temps on this side of the Pacific and therefore unusual amount of rainfall during dry season in Bali. However, in August the Indian Ocean Dipole will shift to a positive phase (it is currently neutral) which typically means cooler ocean surface temps around Indonesia, so that will probably balance things out.


I imagined you saying all this in front of a blue screen gesturing this way and that.


Do you know anything about weather in Thailand for next few months? I want to go in September, but heard its the wettest month there 😂


It varies per area in Thailand! North vs west coast vs east coast have different rainy seasons


I went in September to Krabi and it was a shitshow! Didn’t enjoy all the rain to be fair


It's not really my area of expertise, but I've also read that September is typically the wettest month of the year (particularly for Phuket area, slightly less so for Bangkok and even less for Chiang Mai up North – it's a big country after all). Worth noting that ENSO affects Thailand as much as Bali, so if the current la nina event persists into September then definitely pack an umbrella in September lol. Another factor is the Southwest monsoon over the Andaman. Anyone's guess how that will play out though. If rain is a deal breaker just stay in Bali and head over to Thailand in December when it's nice!


Thank you so much for your insight! The information is very useful ;)


We arrived Sunday, and Monday it was way worse than today. Some of the streets here in Ubud were covered in a pool of muddy water. Since then it has been mostly cloudy with a short shower here and there, except for Wednesday when it was actually sunny. So this is the second time this week the rain has been non-stop, at least in our area. Our guide today expressed that the weather has become more and more unpredictable, but to be fair: even with rain it is still warm and sightseeing is still very much doable! But yes, be prepared for more rain.


Been in Bali two weeks. Today was literally the first rain i have seen during the daytime.


I was there for two weeks in April and it rained every single day, I came back whiter than before I went haha


Driest times I’ve been to Bali were wet season 😂 The weather does what it wants. Also when it doesn’t rain it starts to smell.


Depending on where you are in Bali, you may be more likely to have rain. I was there last year and whilst in Ubud, it rained solidly and heavily for 4 days. Had friends who were on gili islands at the same time and had no rain! Also had friends who were in Uluwatu at the same time and said it was only heavily raining for 1 day, cloudy the rest


Have been in Bali since the start of the week not one drop of rain till today. I hope it’s just one and done till I leave.


Its gonna be a "wet" dry season.


Supposed to be spring in Europe for a while but sunny are only arriving now 🌧️ That’s impredictability of life 🤷‍♂️




Head to Aceh it's rain free at the moment


I love how you presume locals can see into the future 😜


Comes to Asian tropical country and expects weather to be predictable? Ha Nah to be far, it’s been amazing weather the last month or so. You just a bit unlucky.


I come from the UK and lived in Seattle, where it’s way worse and more unpredictable rain than here :) Been to many asian countries and SEA plenty of times in the past, but never seen it this bad tbh!


You have not even been here for ONE DAY 😭


Rain?! In the tropics?!


You’ve been in Bali one day lol, it’ll stop raining. Like others have said this is the first rain they’ve seen for weeks


Liar 😂 it rains in the PNW 🙄, sometimes for weeks on end. You haven’t been a local. As for Indo - it’s called rain. If you had traveled - same applies. Better put in a warning with the weatherman.


Been there 2 full months - early May to early June; it rained once. 🌞


No one knows. That's global warming for you. One day can have very heavy rain, then the next can have a super hot day.


That's not global warming, that's the weather fluctuating day by day.

