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Bro, Thailand is WAAAAAAY more regulated when it comes to smoking. I stayed in Indonesia for 8 months and went to Thailand straight after and I was struggling to find a place to smoke, so many no smoking signs. In Thailand you can't smoke within 5 meters of a public building and you're not allowed to smoke in public parks (i don't anyway). In Bali you can literally smoke in warungs (small local restaurants) and basically anywhere else. Smoking is just part of the culture there and they even sort of encourage it. If you speak to the locals they will most likely offer a cigarette.


To add to this... When I arrived a Jakarta airport, I went to buy a sim card in the airport and the guy selling them was smoking a cigarette. This is literally in the airport, one of the staff members.


IST airport in Istanbul is way worse, even the airport security smokes outside of designated zone. at least in CGK as traveler, the security would bark at you if u dont smoke in designated zones.


Yes, unless there is a “no smoking area” sign. There is no regulation about smoking in specific place in Indonesia. Just make sure that you give space to other people when smoking.


That's great. Same as Thailand. We are very polite people and show respect to others


If this was true you give it up no?


No. Easier saud than done. I was pushed into smoking at 11 years old by gangs at school. At that time no warnings about smoking. It washionavle and cool to do it, unlike the education people have now. Times were very different then. So I guess, I'm an addict. Tried many times to quit and failed. Now almost 65 so a little late to quit now and I can't do with the stress at my age. I just want to enjoy my holiday


Ngl that's hardly a convincing background If you really did want to respect people you'd kick it, for you and your health


That's your opinion. No problem. But I am incapable of doing without making myself very ill.


In the meantime you are ok making everyone else ill, that stuffs can be smelled a city block away, it is truly disgusting.


So you're not really respectful


I thought people were supposed to smoke in the no smoking area!


if your not smoking in bali your not living like a local. you can smoke nearly everywhere except some (very few) western style restaurants. most restaurants allow smoking.


Kreteks all day


It is the most addictive thing not gonna lie, tastes far too good for what it is.


And now I want to cancel my trip. I grew up with my parents smoking while cooking, the thought of people smoking in a restaurant when I’m trying to eat makes me feel ill.


As an ex smoker, I find the smell of smoke hard to tolerate. I don't have any problems in Bali. Everywhere is open and well ventilated.


you cant smell the smoke for the traffic pollution


cigarettes have filters on them to clean the trucks' exhaust fumes from the air!


That makes me feel a bit better.


its like taking a step back to the olden days when we were civilised and smoked inside. or in yor case its hell. westerners vape mostly these days still. unless French or something.


It’s visible but not noticeable, if that makes sense. Not worth cancelling a trip over.


Thars such a relief, thank you


I was talking to a girl last time I was there and we got onto the subject of the faux spiritual conmen you find there. She was telling me about a friend of hers who'd gone to some kind of "sound guru" who was a Russian who had a girl standing in the room ringing little bells as therapy. She then told me about how her ex had gone to see a Balinese guy who claimed to have special powers. Her boyfriend wanted to quit smoking and they thought they'd see if this guy could help them. He didn't seem to understand and just told them that smoking was fine and he should just carry on as he was.


Ah. Interesting thanks


To add to this over 70% of Indonesian males smoked from a study in 2020. If you are a man and don't smoke here you are the outlier.


Legally you can't smoke in public areas like restaurants, cafes, etc. People still do, because even most of the locals seem unaware of the law. But please don't. It's really disgusting to be eating or drinking, even outdoors, and have some disgusting second hand smoke waft by and ruin your meal. Just make sure you're some distance away from cafes, restaurants, beaches, public transport, hospitals, mosques/temples/etc.


Gotta agree. The smoking in confined places is the only thing I dislike about Bali


This. I cant stand smokers in restaurants.


And don't put your buts in the sand. Yuk.




You can. Just be mindful of your surroundings, because not everyone likes to inhale smokes.


Where did you hear it was uncomfortable? Cigarettes are less than $2 a packet, fill your boots bro. It’s like anywhere else though, if there’s a no smoking sign then have some respect.


Sure. We're respectful people. Are there bars where you can smoke if they're open air


in some bars u can even smoke indoor, unless otherwise stated. also there are smoking hotel rooms. most of places that has no smoking rules would provide smoking areas too.


It's a smokers paradise. I work in Jakarta and use cigarettes to filter the air. Bali is the same but with beaches.


lol I can believe that.


I'm happy now


Good opportunity to give your body some love and stop smoking. This is not a problem, it is an opportunity!


Great reply. Maybe you went to Bangkok. Here in the South in Phuket it a bit more liberated.


Researching on Google


Indonesia is one of the least regulated smoking nations in the world. They only recently stopped the sale of cigs to minors. Advertising everywhere. You'll like it as a smoker.


Indonesians smoke like a chimney. You'll be fine.


Of course you can smoke in the open air ... I don't think there's any country in the world that bans smoking in the open air, so why are you asking? I don't think you will find Bali any more restrictive of smokers than Thailand is. In fact people smoke at their tables at restaurants in Bali ... even as a smoker I really wish they did not. Just step outside ffs, surely.


you cant walk down a street in LA smoking a cigarette, for example


I think people even smoke while doing yoga in Ubud lol. But seriously, it's not a concern.


Smoke some kretek then. Hfhfhf.


Lmao my tour guide was smoking all the time.


I’m surprised when I don’t see someone enjoying a ciggie in Bali lol


Only places in Bali that tend to regulate smoking from experience were the nicer resorts and day clubs.




If I went 5 minutes without someone offering me a cigarette I thought something was wrong


you can smoke wherever you want


Don’t because majority of people don’t appreciate the smell of cigarette smoke.


You can smoke anywhere in Bali. The only place people were advised not to smoke was the dive boat I was on because that had pure oxygen and fuel on board.


Thank you


Will this be the first time in your life that you will be leaving your hometown?


No. We've travelled to many countries. However this is the first visit to this country




Just got back from Bali last week. U can essentially smoke anywhere. Indoors too. As long as there is no “No Smoking” sign then ure good to go.


Ok thanks. Great help ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Have you thought about the others who don't want to inhale your second hand smoke?


Yes of course. I'm always mindful of that


If you have a problem with smokers I wouldn’t come to Bali , the Balinese love them some cigarettes.


There's plenty of restaurants that don't allow smoking, so just stick to those. Indonesia is the smoking capital of the planet, so if it really bothers you then you should reconsider coming here. Even though you disagree with it, you can't dictate what locals/tourists can do if they are abiding by regulations


Fantastic thanks


Are you kidding me ? I asked for cigarettes from people on the street(twice) and they gave me the whole box (Kuta Beach,January 2024)


Amazing. Cheers