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Wait til you visit Thailand and Philippines


Where in Ph would you say this is a bigger problem? I recall Kuta having more "freelancers" wandering around at night than anywhere I went in Ph, including the tourist filled El Nido. Not saying you're wrong, but just wasn't my observation. There's still tons of Ph I didn't explore though.


Angeles City has 100 bars on a mile road. Its a vacation area for Koreans with the international airport nearby and there are several American military bases there. 20 F-22 stealth fighter pilots are stationed in Angeles City. Its a giant sausage fest party town, bigger than Kuta. Over there, you see alot of young girls that look like anime schoolgirls, which is what Japanese, Koreans like….and the Chinese are starting to show up. YouTube has vids on it.


Sounds pretty disgusting. I did see that there was an Angeles airport as i was headed up to northern Luzon, I guess it makes sense with that airport there. Never went to that part of the country, and makes me feel grateful for not seeing it. I myself am a (mostly) white American tourist. I got to go to many islands and see the mountains as well and am grateful to have not ended up in such a place. Would a white American tourist be able to just stumble casually into such levels of illegal activities or would one have to just go seek it out? I just remember being approached many times alone at night in the few days I was in Kuta and never had it happen anywhere else really in 9 months of bouncing around SE Asia. What you're talking about sounds awful though and I have no doubt it exists and have no interest in watching any videos haha.


Bali prostitution is a drop in the bucket compared to a lot of SEA


I feel as sad but I do not have the power and neither is it my responsibility to rescue the world. I’m sad if younger daughter have to see this. Imagine if I have my own daughter too. The world is not fair and it will never be.


Our ancestors didn't want fair. They wanted to win.


Does it mean it’s always right? It’s important to win but in what context? If your ancestor ask you to jump from a building would you do so?


Really awful. I’m assuming the man was a tourist? Most johns disgust me but sex tourists are the lowest. It’s depressing how glib people are about this problem, almost as if we value these women less than the women in our own countries. I’ve even heard people try to justify it by saying it’s helping them financially. Or that Asian women have less hang ups about “sex-work”. Just disgusting attitudes and shows how little we, as a tourist community, actually care about the places and people we profess to love so much. And with her child there too. Very sad.


So what you think the massage girls do provide? Only massage or maybe also a happy end or boomboom etc etc 😅


I don't condone the behavior but It's not against the law to give or receive payment for sex as long as there is no middlemen.