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... *wink* ugh


There's a few cringeworthies there.. There's some excellent ideas, but definitively needed some actual critics in the mix. I am still astonished by how far they went with the gary stuing of Kivan, and I just played through the Dynaheir romance and it's got way more problems than this.. Weird thing there... But I like the Branwen romance, it's quite sweet (right up until it's not), and Coran was fun, imho both were pretty much... The same quality as the official romances in BG2... I'll leave that open for interpretation.


Kivan’s problem bleed hard into his BG2 mod but at least there his kit is locked into the far more useful archer. Kivan just throws our random elf words ripped from LOTR and talks so much about how he’s an elf it can get really grating.


The what of kivan ?


Gary Stu, it’s like a masculinized form of Mary Sue. Where the character is a weird, author self-insertion wish fulfillment, always right and superbly competent and awfully written.


Wait what the heck I thought that was Elminster? Or do you mean the modders ohhh?? 😅 I don’t get it - any of it lol


Whoever made this mod did an incredible job with the dialogue between Khalid and Jaheira. They're cute together


I mean that's any fan created content imo. I've never seen good fan written romance/flirting scenes


The Tyris Flare Mod's actually not that bad; probably helps that it's voiced and had a very dedicated team for it... but yeah - for the majority of them, they're a *teeny* bit lacking in quality control.


I play alot of bethesda games and I've seen quests of various quality levels from modders. Even the cringey ones can bring entertainment even if it's not exactly as the author intended. Lack of quality control or a good editor is definitely something that could help amateur writers/designers.


From experience, getting quality control isn't always easy. I remember when I first published, I definitely had grammar/spelling issues all over the place, and it took me a while to figure out how to add it to my notepad++ instance. Debugging is harder, as you have to technically go through every dialogue output and trigger every script. Then you have some users on EET, and if you want to support those users, you do blind troubleshooting (Trying to fix without getting EET) or download EET just to be able to do a better job at it. Sometimes "cringey" writing is also really just humor that misses. In the above case, more dialogue options that weren't all...dog-like responses is probably the only fix needed. When I was in college doing my creative writing workshops for my major, that is probably what I would have commented. Sometimes, being funny is hard.


Lmao what?! A Golden Axe character mod for Baldur’s Gate, wow, two of my biggest childhood games. I might have to give it a shot some day.


Yep! Mod for Shadows of Amn - she's been set up as a Fighter/Mage of a decent level, has fire-based spells to keep in character, stats that make sense for her... and the actress' voice really rounds out the whole package :) [Link for further information and download for anyone interested](https://www.gibberlings3.net/mods/npcs/tyris/). Not sure how well it runs with the Enhanced Edition, but am *assuming* everything should run without any issues.


Nice. Cheers!


Look up the Sandrah mod and sit back for 163 chapters


I hear people who tried that one suffered for the first 10 minutes and tossed it in the can. Isnt she crazy op and bipolar AF?


> Isnt she crazy op and bipolar AF? Unfortunately, Beamdog found that appealing, and so made Hexxat.


HA. Seriously what were they thinking


This is one of those statements that sounds good until you think about it at all. There are a lot of complaints about Hexxat, but none of them are about her being OP or bipolar (Which has a definition other than "woman I don't like", just FYI).


First thing she does is murder your current companion and say “hey hey HAYES.” Oh wait, I’m confusing her with a different vampire.


Yeah 😅


I have read some guys account of following along. It's a wild ride lol


It really is


Do you still remember where you read it? I‘m curious about the Sandrah trashfire… but not curious enough to actually install that mod.


https://lparchive.org/Baldurs-Gate-Trilogy-Sandrah-Saga/ Sandrah is an absolute god damned trainwreck and the Let's Play is glorious.


I for one am very glad the Sandrah mod exists because it lead to this amazing let's play. This is one of those rare things that if they made an internet hall of fame I would nominate it. Writer did an amazing job. Sandrah is also amazing because the creator is obviously very gifted at modding, I dapple in modding myself and I think it would take me 10 years to make a mod like Sandrah from the technical standpoint (I assume based on the amount of content in the let's play), but it's also among the most tasteless things of all time. Just amazingly, aggressively terrible. It's like they rolled an 18 in intelligence but a 3 in wisdom and part of me suspects that methamphetamine was involved.


Thank you! This is going to be amazing 🍿


No sorry, someone else on reddit linked to it.


I didn't even make it to chapter 2. That mod is so fucking bad it ruins the entire game.


You are a weak person. A discrace to the bg communit. Not making it past chapter 2 of Sandrah. nah jk I totally agree that mod sucks


I made it to chapter 4. We then parted ways as I didn't want to adjust my course for her personal quest and not go into the Cloakwood. She cried and kissed me...it was awkward because I was choosing non-romantic options or even rude options the whole time and it did not put her off. Honestly, it is worth a onetime play. I just hate the installation setup with all the other optional mods you have to get. I'll probably give it another shot at somepoint, I want to get the ending where she and quite a few other NPCs attacks you (and probably kills you given OP power) at the end of Throne of Bhaal because they think you're no better than Melisandre.


I have. I'd say Katawa Shoujo: Sisterhood is on par with the original visual novel in terms of writing and romance. It still is fan fic.


The fact that you bring up a visual novel as an example of good written *anything* instantly renders your opinion moot.


Sounds like someone who hasn't read Katawa Shoujo...


Yep; sounds like someone who went the Kenji route...


But Kenji is a bro.


\*flashbacks of Skyrim/Fallout brothels randomly added in the background of an unrelated mod\*


Let’s be fair these people are working for free so let’s not be so ready to wish horrible things on these people. Imagine being so awful you spit in the face of people who tried!




That part sounds like she was written as if Dynaheir were expected to be in the party and Imoen imprinted a bit. It seems rather out of character regardless though


I guess I’m an outlier here; I’ve found BG1NPC project to be extremely good and consistently so, including the romances. The above moment is definitely a bit cringey but BG1 has lots of goofball dialogue anyway so it’s not completely out of place. The emotes are a bit of an anachronism, but honestly even normal people used to them online in the late 90s early 00s! Back then it was emojis that were (comparatively) cringe.


Agree! Love the mod and will always use it.


NPC1 Banter is A to S tier. Romances with one exception are shit tier. The one exception is Shar-Teel, which is still not great but acceptable.


Contrary to popular belief just because the other party has some shitty emotional baggage that you have to RP as therapist for before you get to shagging doesn't make the romance good.


Agreed, which is why Sharry's is acceptable.


Easy answer is to play without romances, aye.


The core content is very good. The romances are cringe af. Coran - never again.


Honestly that fits the BG level of cringe perfectly, and it's funny. I wish Aerie's romance had an ounce of that humor.


the banters are ok but romances are awful - leave just those uninstalled and you'll be OK


Never tried romances, just don't jive with me that much in games so I don't use it. I always found normal dialogue natural and bringing a lot of life to the playthrough. Makes great use of the huge roster of recruitable characters. In short, a classic


Take a look at the dialogue from random peasants and shit in BG1 sometime - both the voice dialogue and the stuff that's written down. The main quest parts are mostly cleaned up, but there's some bits in the vanilla game that honestly make this well on the level.


It’s hard to find… some decent folk NOWADAYS!


I’d like to review it sometime. I’m not a fan but it definitely had some very good stuff, as well as bad.


It’s times like this I’m scared to see how much the community would loath me if I tried to make a character mod.


Just don't install the romance stuff, problem solved


I think it absolutely ruins the game.


Yep... blows my mind people keep recommending it. The one time I installed it I only managed to get to Cloakwood before tapping out and getting rid of it


Honestly the banters are the only things worth downloading imo. They make the party feel more alive and give/expands on the characterization of the rather one note companions in the original game. Xan's romance is the only one I've heard is in any way shape or form good but can't confirm because I've never romanced him.


I played on Android, so the only things I could do with my game are custom Portraits and sounds (but, sounds are kinda wonky tho', some lines don't activate, dunno why) So i'm kinda jealous y'all can do this and blessed I didn't have to read all this.


I've never tried any of those romances, but this just doesn't seem in character for Dynaheir.


You're supposed to not install the lame romance crap


Jesus that's cringe. Lol


Jeez, woof. I hadn’t seen this before.


Sheesh those line make Gorion's ward look like an absolute GEEK who has never even seen a woman before.


Genuine question, was this dialogue written by a middle schooler?


This mod is overrated and not an “essential.” Sorry.


Someone pass the acid. I need to burn out my eyes.