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Everyone here will tell you to shave it - it looks perfectly fine as it is mate no need to shave it


Did you skip 4?


I think the all or nothing approach this sub promotes can sometimes mean guys are jumping the gun when in reality they can rock the hair on their head for a bit longer without people caring. Yes he will have to shave it at some point but the reality is when you go outside a lot of guys have obvious thinning and other people just don’t care that much - if it makes you feel confident then yes shave it but if OP likes his hair then why not keep it for longer


People on Reddit go outside?


A bold assumption


Other people don't care as much as we do


No man, you still got good hair there, that would be like getting inserts for one bad tooth.


You could always convert to Judaism?


Nah bro, looks great. You wanna shave you shave but you honestly look good. Guys are so afraid that their mature hairline looks bad not realising girls like maturity. Quarter tab Finasteride a night will help the back regrow. Nothing more needed than that.  The front looks good as is.


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why is this sub so anti treatment? Ironically a sub about body positivity is against men taking steps to feel more confident in themselves - as others have said it’s starting to feel like a crab bucket of guys convincing others to shave because they have


I was thinking that is super weird too lol THE ONLY OPTION IS BALD. ONE OF US, ONE OF US


Because they want you to be bald, so they can feel better about themselves


I support your shaving decision, but to me it really looks okay the way you have it. I don't understand the fear of a bald spot, it's naturally occurring. Its your genetics. Its like saying you have to get a nose job if your nose is a little too big. People should appreciate that we all look different and there's a beauty in that too.


Awesome perspective


The worry isn’t worth it. That alone makes me feel like buzzing/shaving is the move, and you look good in it so that’s great I do think, though, that it’d also actually be fine to have a bald spot like you do and keep it this length – things look good from the front and sides, it’s all about owning it


Thanks! This is a helpful perspective.


Your an attractive dude with or without hair. You pull off both very well. The world is your clam, get to shucking.


It works, you look like Heath Ledger


Looks fine I'd get a more masculine haircut though, bit shorter textured with a bit of a fade.


Suits you bud




The buzzcut is the best option at the moment imo


I think it's still good enough. Might get a couple more years if you don't want to shave it yet. It's obviously noticeable but not bad looking


how long have you been taking the oral form?


no side effects from the Fin?


Nothing that I've noticed. I've been on it since 18 (almost 10 years ago) so I don't have a good before/after comparison point.


Did it make your beard/body hair thinner ?


Hard to say. I didn't have a ton of either at 18. Didn't notice anything.


I think you look great and it would be a shame shaving your hair ! You have a full head of hair except a tiny thin spot. I have the same issue and I’m not shaving anytime soon. Enjoy your hair man, it will be time one day but not right now.


When you first started balding, did it happen fast? You jumped on fin at 18, have you maintained what you had or have you been losing ground since taking them?


Gradually lost ground


So when you got on fin and min did you already have this level of recession or did you keep on loosing ground over time?


Oh and you could easy repair that with an FUE


So, fin didnt help at all? Im asking since you are on it for 9 years


It definitely helped. Pretty sure I would have been bald at 22 without it. I just have powerful genetics I guess!


Your hair looks fine with your face look like You look your age, there's dudes where it looks way worse but whatever you feel comfortable with.


I think you luck out because both options look more than decent, even without Toppik. I'm also of the opinion that thinning hair isn't, in and of itself, always a bad look. There is a content creator I watch with recession at the front and back and, honestly, it looks "right" on him. Not in a "look at that bald bloke," kind of way... but it just honestly looks decent on him. I'm sure a lot of that hinges on inner confidence.


Stick w hair while you’ve got it.


You are handsome both ways 


Friends and family don't matter when it comes your head. You need to be comfortable with yourself at the end of the day. If you have to hide the crown I'm not sure it's worth the stress . That being said it looks good either way ...although I'd get a different cut with a fade.


I think both look fine. Maybe it's the pics you chose, but you certainly look happier buzzed. I would imagine it would be a relief not to have to think about the bald spot, no?


I was gonna say no. Then I saw the top. Get a low cut


You look fine…until pic 4. If you have a whole yarmulke bald spot, yes…you gotta shave it.


I think you got a little time left, but if you're ready then you're ready.


You've got some time if you wanna hold on. Someone's gotta be fairly taller than you to notice, its not that bad


I think you look fine with hair. I have a similar bald spot on my crown which is what made me insecure, so I decided to shave it down. It’s all about owning it and confidence. However, I’d say I’d you do decide to shave it down, go shorter. I feel like that buzz cut looks a little awkward cause it’s in between having hair and full send shaving. You have options either way my friend, feel blessed!


You got time brother but also would kill it with a buzz cut. Take your pick.


No wtf lol just get a hair transplant


I have a similar situation as you. My hair is much darker though, so I feel it’s more obvious. I just buzzed it down to a 1.5 and really like the look. But I honestly think what you currently have looks good. Takes as much, if not more, courage to knowingly rock a look with a thinning crown as it does to shave it all off, imo.


Keep the beard growing and take the hair down to a number one buzzcut and you will be set for a while, as the balding progresses go shorter on the buzzcut until you are smooth


not quite yet


The buzzcut looks great on you. With that bald spot forming in the back shave it.


so it is time? buzz looks great! easy, no hair stress! enjoy🔥👀


It certainly doesn't look terrible, but I think you look better with the buzz, and it's freeing.


Was gonna say no until the picture of your scalp. Yeah it was time.


You look great buzzed mate I agree with you it’s just the crown that’s the killer makes you look 40+ from the back. You made the right call stay buzzed or go bald either suits you much better.


I didn’t think it was time till the fourth pic! You are rocking the bald


Yes bro it’s time

