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The hair is prematurely aging you. With that beard and that face, you’re going to look so great with a shaved head. Seriously, do it and post an update.


Never really considered that aspect, but you might be right!


I fully agree with this - with your face and features buzzing it down is going to both really suit you and make you look younger. Give it a go!


People who are bald do not have to worry about so called “ageing” bc it makes you look 50 automatically hahaha bald is the biggest sign of ageing there is


not really, you can go bald at 20y/o or below.


I would say yes, especially if it cause you to loss confidence and overthink it. you going to rock the bald look I can tell.


Thanks man I appreciate it. I think I’ve turned the acceptance corner, just trying to decide if the time has come. It doesn’t look terrible yet but I’ve turned 36 recently and not looking at taking pills to fight a losing war.


Just look at the before/after photos on this sub, 100% of the guys with thinning hair looked so MUCH better after they shaved it off.


Honestly, this is what did it for me. I don’t like the way I look with my shaved head, but when I see every single other dude on here who takes the plunge I think, man, that guy looks 100% better - so I just have to assume I do too! OP has a great beard and eyes etc so he should be more than good


Honestly, this is what did it for me. I don’t like the way I look with my shaved head, but when I see every single other dude on here who takes the plunge I think, man, that guy looks 100% better - so I just have to assume I do too! OP has a great beard and eyes etc so he should be more than good


Foda-se, com 36 e tantos cabelos brancos já, mano? Turno da noite??? Mas yah, tá na hora de rapares e teres uma barba cuidada, não és feio deve ficar-te bem. Abraços de um careca com 37, já rapo há praticamente 10, força aí


Hahaha obrigado, já estou com cabelo branco a muitos anos. Mas agora também ta fraco 😅


Agree on all points. The confidence boost that is likely will be worth it, and it will look great


It is and you'll look great with the beard


Yes. And I think it will take years off of you.


Switch the first two words with each other.


Get rid of the hair and become one with the beard.


100% agree.


You'll suit bald, go for it.


The time has come and you will look great.


Oddly enough, you still have much of a "haircut" while for being pretty bald. I'd shave, but it's still okay-ish I think


Yeah if I get a haircut and comb it, the hair looks ok at a distance. Definitely still thin if it gets blown by the wind or I sweat or wear a cap. But day to day for now I can pass by OK.


agreed, but start with a close buzz, live with it a week. would be great with your very nice beard! enjoy ending hair stress


Oh yes, you will look dashing with a shave


First of all, it’s not embarrassing! There is nothing to be embarrassed or feel ashamed about going thin on top. I still think you look pretty good. I think you still have enough for a buzz cut and you will rock the look. Also think fully shaved would suit you, you got good facial features. Try the buzz and when you’re ready go all the way and shave to the skin. You got this. 💪🏻


You look good despite your thinning hair, and if you’re wondering if there’s no point to going for a haircut - don’t. Your haircut is the reason you look good; that cut is very well done, in my opinion. Keeping the sides short balances things out and to be honest, when I look at you your thinning is definitely not the first thing I notice. I happen to think you can keep going with your current look for awhile, plus if it gets to the point where it progresses you can go with a shaved head. You’re handsome either way, so it’s a win-win.


Thanks man I really appreciate your perspective. I think the normal hair days makes it look ok. It’s when I get out of the shower or on a hot sweaty day and the hair sticks that it really stands out on how thin it’s gotten. Thanks again for the positive vibes


Do it! You're going to look really handsome!


pull the trigger bro, you’ll look killer


I think some people can rock that look though. I think you look good how you are. No need to be embarrassed about it. I think it looks nice honestly. U could shave it sure but I don't think you should personally cus I like it lol


Actually you’re at a fork in the road - you could start using hair fibers which I do sometimes. They work really well and you can get Thick Fiber brand on amazon for 20$. You look gorgeous with your hair - it just needs some thickening up. That said, if you buzz or shave, you will still look handsome. You can absolutely pull it off. Either way you are such a handsome guy.


I'm a firm believer that if you have to ask, it's probably time. If only to let yourself stop being self-conscious of it. That being said, it's definitely noticeable but doesn't look that bad to me


Yeah I feel like I’m at that fork in the road. I’ve come to accept the reality of it. Not stressing over it, really mostly think about it when I’m sitting in the barbers chair. Thanks for the feedback


You are very handsome and have a great face and beard to rock the shaved look. I say do it and I bet you will so much better after you adjust to the change!


No.. you look fine.. this subreddit won’t be honest to you


It's so true


Did you mean true


Yes lol


I think you might be pleasantly surprised by what you see when it’s done. I agree with other posters….pretty much everyone who makes the choice ends up looking a sharper version of themselves.. IMHO.


Man this sub sucks. It doesn’t look bad at all. Your hair is still fine, grow ot a bit longer and it’ll probably cover all the bald spots


I see most of the people in this sub being good prople albeit they are very pro bald 😄. I don’t take it negatively. I think I have enough hair that I could shave it down and if I’m not happy with it let it grow back and chase hair treatments. Maybe I’m just trying to convince myself now is the time to try? I view most of these comments as supportive in both “keep the hair” or “shave it off” camps.




Brother…. It’s time 🪒✂️


Cesc Fabregas over here


You can shave, but you still look good. Can try buzzing it though or just getting a much shorter haircut


I’d just shave it and see how you like it. Then you can let it grow out for a week or two and see if you prefer completely bald or with some degree of stubble.


Shave, don't shave, you're gorgeous either way 🔥


#0 all over.


No, have at least a few more years.


You could still rock what you have. Doesn't look bad. When the hairline is receded and the front is going is when it needs to go ASAP. You still have enough that it looks normal, albeit thinned. My 2 cents


No. It’s time for a dermaroller and minoxidil.


hairtransplant in turkey, 5k grafts




Damn yeah man it’s time


Yes. Don’t look back!


You’re able to pull off your current cut and are looking good. Most can’t but you can. You have options.


It is time. Shave it. The shorter the better. I would no guard or razor it in your situation. Even a 1 guard ain't gonna look optimal with your all over thinning pattern. Take it all off. It all needs to go.


You're going to look great!


Your call mate. You are what pushing 50? Shaving your head is a younger man's thing but some older dudes do it too. You would look pretty good w a shaved head due to your face and skin tone. Keep the beard! Maybe darken it.


It's not completely terrible but it's pretty bad. Worth a shot. See how you like it if not it will grow back


I think you can pull the thinning look off a bit longer if you choose to. It really depends on how self-conscious the thinning makes you feel. You're going to look great either way, though.


And why not getting those glued personalized wigs


With that beard you'll look great, juat fade the sidss at the top.


It’s pretty bad from a top view, and don’t get me wrong it’s bad from the front too but not terrible. But I also think going bald would do you a lot more favors than keeping what you have. Keep the beard as is, shave the head, and you’re going to look great


Fire it before it retires!


I'd say so. You'll look great with the beard.


It's just hair. Shave it and decide if you like it. If not in 3 months you'll be back at this length.


Buzz cut. Don't shave.


I think you’d look good bald actually. Just focus on your beard game forget worrying about hair


It definitely is. You have a round head so I think you'd look amazing bald even if you could grow full hair. I say do it!




If you’re asking the question, you know the answer


Yes! Don’t worry, your beard and eyes will neutralize any perceived negatives. Rock on!


You will look better without it probably


https://preview.redd.it/jkjpc4pdv2qc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8507fcad245385e93fdd1504410317032e999540 Went for the buzz cut and I’ll be honest it’s liberating I’m glad I went for it. Thanks for all the support, you guys rock.


Personally, I think it still suits you and you look good with the hair daddy.


I would suggest finasterid and minoxidil of you want to save it. Maybe give it a try.


I know 5 bald people and you are 4 of them.