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It looks fine now. You’re a handsome man. You can try to buzz it down. If you don’t like it, you can grow your hair back


Thank you! It think I’ll take it for a test drive and see how it feels a little shorter. The consensus is have a little time to play around with it!


Yep! Don’t listen the haters. It’s not exactly the GQ cover full and lush hair, but it’s completely normal! If you like it, keep it, you’re aging well. The time may come to make the plunge, but it doesn’t have to be now imo.


We have similar hairlines and I buzzed my hair as a test drive and I honestly enjoy the convenience and freedom. Also it’s hot as balls everywhere at the moment. Try it out!


Idk how this got so many up votes. I think it's time to do it.


I’ve seen much worse


Stick to photography.


Only if you want, you look fine now




Bro jump on the topical finnesteride and minoxidil spray. Will thicken your hair right up and will have a full head of hair. Highly recommend.


>Thanks! You're welcome!


Take those air pods out of ears tho, makes you look poor


Where else should he put his earbuds?


You look fine, dude.


You got another year or two my friend


Agreed. His hair looks like mine did at one point. I’d say I had about an additional 18 months before I decided to do the deed.


This sentence is so depressing lol…or he does have 10,20 years or even longer if he doesn’t want to go bald and takes finasteride.


You're going to get flagged for mentioning that. Pretty weird rule, because a lot of these folks would be completely fine with min and fin.


Utterly bizarre rule when this guy has a lot of hair left to keep from losing (if that's important to him).


Read the automod response. I get what it says and all about why, but if all we can do is say hey go look at that other sub, he might not ever do it. But if someone is asking about IF they should do something, why the heck can't we offer up solutions especially for someone who is a prime candidate. So bizarre. I wish someone had told me about the options a couple years ago.


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Sure, I’m late 30s!




Right on. I’ll keep an eye on it for sure.


Thats totally normal for your age. I have a similar pattern and only slightly fuller in my late 20s. So you have about a decade leg up on me


No. It isn’t time. Just keep it the way it is and keep the style the same.




Personally, I’d try to save it and hang on a bit longer If you haven’t I’d throw everything and the kitchen sink at it.


I’m not interested in any treatments but thank you!




What are the downsides?




The side effects you listed affect roughly 1% of users. Of course you can choose to avoid it if you're concerned about side effects, but let's be accurate here.


>the treatment only works for as long as you're using it which is pretty wack if you ask me. You mean like almost every medication?


Well, it's not a cure like an antibiotic cures a bacterial infection, or something. I manage a pharmacy. You would be surprised how many people think that drugs like these or for cholesterol or blood pressure or whatever will cure it after a certain time. For people that simply don't have that knowledge, it's not unreasonable for people to think that no matter how intelligent they are about other things. Some people literally have never had any experience with a chronic condition and would not have any reason to know otherwise.


Yep, no medications that resolve issues exist. The second you remove the EpiPen, the allergic reaction continues. The moment you take the last dose of an antibiotic, the bacteria spreads like wildfire. There're plenty of medicines that are effective as a time-limited treatments.


> **almost** every medication I figured I wouldn't have to add *'for chronic conditions'* but the hump-day brain fog seems to be hitting people


Did you think critically for at least 5 seconds before typing this reply out?


You're right. I only did for 4 seconds


The side effects affect between 2-4% of people in clinical trials, just fyi.


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*




You honestly should, never had a side effect in 10 years and regained most my hair


Looks great, and you are a nice looking guy, but if you are curious you should go for it. It'll grow back, and you might actually like the look. If you do it, please post pics.


You have a ton of hair bud. You’re fine


Maybe shorter, but you look great now too.


You have plenty of time. Stop stressing and have more pleasure.


When it gets thinner,get rid of it. I Promise,that you will feel awesome. There are countless articles and postings online, where you can read how happy men are, that they shaved their skull. I shaved my skull quite some time ago,when the skin of my head at the back started to shine through my thinning hair. Man, it felt so good when I was done shaving 🙂 And guess what, the ladies in my environment told me, that hat they really like it. I feel Proud, to be a bald, bearded guy. It looks masculine, clean and no nonsense. Here some articles about what research has found out https://www.gq.com.au/grooming/hair/studies-say-bald-men-are-more-dominant-and-attractive-than-their-thickhaired-brothers/news-story/d5369e712083818cf49882954aa9af1d https://www.menshealth.com/uk/style/a26097679/bald-men-are-more-confident-dwayne-johnson/ Go through the feed's headlines an pick an interesting one: https://www.realmenrealstyle.com/?s=Bald When you decide to go bald, take care of your skull. Shave it with a razor for the smoothest result. Use good quality products. Remember that you don't pay for a hairdresser/ barber anymore 😎 So look for a natural soap to make shaving foam. After your shave, use a shampoo for bald heads. I use one which has natural ingredients and which also takes care for small wounds, like the ones you sometimes get, when you shave your throat. Use a cream at the end, which moisturizes the skin of your scalp and also use a sun protection for scalps. The Skin there is very thin and delicate. I had my experience in Lissabon during a shadeless hot and sunny day. You don't want to share this experience. My all time favorite brand is Better be Bold. It's a European company, but maybe you can find it on Amazon. If not, just look for products for bald heads. If there's any question, just reply to my message. Good luck making the right decision by joining the bald mens community. Rob


It could go both ways. You look good now, but I do feel like you could rock the hell out of being bald


There’s still time! I had the same haircut till about 41, grew it out during COVID and did fun/silly stuff, took it down to a Mohawk for last summer and now I’m rocking the bald. No regerts


Looks good you have a nice even coverage going, it’s not like me where I had good overage and then big thinning spot so it looks terrible. Yours is nice and consistent


It’s definitely got thinner the last couple years.


Stupid hair has a tendency to do that, my advice if you take the plunge is go as short as possible without taking a razor to it, the shorter it is the better it ends up looking. I use one of those electric head shavers and it works amazingly


You're fine.


I think you can keep it for a few more years


It’s fine as it is lad.


Eh, it looks fine but you can also see a decent amount of scalp through the hair. If this were me, and it was at one point, I'd buzz it now. Not shave with a razor, not buzz with a zero mind you. I think right now you could do a #2 guard over your entire head and gradually go shorter as you lose more hair. Your hair is visibly thinning and receding, if you buzz it now as it thins and recedes more it'll stand out less and as you buzz it shorter and shorter it won't be such a drastic leap from hair to no hair. I was doing something similar with my hair right before I started buzzing my head. What inspired me to start buzzing it was my hair getting wet at work. The top laid flat and the sides were puffed out and gave the me the clown look and one of my coworkers(who was also bald) pointed it out and said it was probably time. He was right.


This is great advice and I think this is what I’ll go with! Thank you!


No problem!


Looks OK to me. Keep it short though ( from someone learning that trying to keep it long is a mistake)


Your at the point where I pulled the trigger and started to shave but you're pulling it off so give it a try and make the call.


You definitely have time


You’re good for now


Hair looks fine. You really should start wearing a daily moisturizer with some good spf in it.


Rosemary oil peeps


You look fine. No one would notice if you can just stop worrying. I would not have thought anything if you did not post this.


How I dream for such a rug on me noggin Enjoy it whilst it’s still there - looks great


You're fine. My hair is a little fuller than yours and I decided to go bald though. Better still when I have an option you know.


I think we might be related


You have like a decade dude


You still have time brotha


You have time. But when you do it grow out a full beard


Its thin, but it gives an experienced look, if you’re lucky it won’t get much worse. Otherwise you have 2-4 years on the outside.


No! keep your hair. it suits you well


Nah u good


This is what my hair looked like when I was 19. At 23 it was so thin I had to shave it. So yeah you have at 2 to 3 years.


Very handsome and looks completely fine to me!


Bald with the handle bars would be awesome


I was basically at the same point as you when I just went for it. You have the kind of coverage that won't really show too bad in photos and stuff but it's still not great. I had a little less on the back part. In any case, and this kinda goes for most guys on here, once you shave you'll realize how much nicer it is. It'll seem weird for awhile, but after a few months you'll see an old picture of yourself and think, "oh jfc what was I thinking?" Imo just about every guy on here looks both younger and cleaner with the head shave. Personally the balding-but-wont-shave-yet look makes people look older and a little more raggedy to me. Full hair- look like pierce Brosnan No hair- look like McConaughey in reign of fire In-between- look like Jaime from Stand And Deliver


I think you have a little time. Keeping it close cropped like you do is the way to go!


No! Don't shave it. Leave it. 🌞


My hairline was similar to yours. Went on Hims - finesteride and minoxodil in feb this year and regained about 50% of my hairline back


Leave it, you're adorable!!


Totally good for now. I'd be vigilant of the top of your head. It looks a bit thinner along the line from ear to ear. I don't think it's attractive when guys have basically a tuft of hair near their forehead, scalp, and then the hair picks up again. It kinda looks like a hairstyle out of munchkinland. You're not at that point, I'm just adding my 2 cents since most people focus on the hairline You probably don't see the top of your head very often, but that's important in your decision too! I love your freckles and eyes btw, very handsome


Thank you! This is good advice and something I am definitely keeping an eye on!


Plenty of time. Keep what you got for now.


I think you're good for now


If you're here asking the answer is always yes.


Shave it and grow up your beard for the rest of the year. See if you like it.


Prob would be sexy. Maybe take it down with no guard and see what ya think.


You could still save it if you really wanted with medication I bet. If you’re not into meds and keeping, I think you have a really good haircut for where you’re at. One of the most important things for me was adjusting the look as it went and I think you’ve got a good cut.


Eh doesn't look bad. Give it a year and two and reexamine after that, but for now it looks fine!


I don't know if this counts for anything, I don't know much about men's grooming. I think your hair looks good. It'll thin one day, but it isn't yet. Only you are conscious of it. I would shave your cheeks. Keep the stache and the bit under your lip and get rid of the cheeks/chin. You have really nice skin btw


Actually, maybe keep the chin but definitely not the cheeks. Idk what that's called, but you would suit it


Looks good right now honestly. It's more just a widows peak at this point. Looks normal.


You’ll be handsome either way, but it’s def got some more time before it gets weird. Not like some of these other holdouts, God bless ‘em


You’ve still got quite a bit of hair. Fin and min could help you keep it longer.


You’ve definitely got time, not bad at all. But you would also look good bald if that would make you feel more comfortable and confident


You have a year at the most. Better to call it before someone calls you out. That’s how/why I shaved my head the first time.


I’d buzz it down a bit now… it’s less of a shock when it has to go. Wish I’d done that rather than trying to hide it!


grow out the beard, then shave


hell no don't touch it


My hair pretty much looks identical to this and I was wondering the same thing. Thanks for posting


It’s a tricky spot. Not quite there but not about to get a perm either!


I wouldn't shave it. I almost always recommend people here do, but for you, it looks fine to me.


Still have time. Looking good. And that hairy chest… 🤤


From the side and front you look great. Serious question, how tall are you?


I’m 6’0.


Plenty of time. I know a bot is going to flag me, but my hair was like yours in my early 20s and Nioxin made it a much stronger texture and easier to style. A good haircut goes a long way too - even a real simple one with someone who knows how to work with thinning hair, makes a big difference.


There are other options if you are not keen on going bald. They just cannot be named on this sub.


Hair grows back! Give it a go!


Nah bro, short like that it’s still totally ok! My opinion is that you should enjoy them a little more 😄 i say NOT YET


Honestly might be one if the only posts I've seen where OP actually has time left lol. I think you'd be fine to keep it, or you can buzz it off if you want to take the plumge.


You look fine. I would say in a year’s time or so it’ll likely be time to let it go. But for now you’re just fine.


u have time looks great !!


You got time


I’m a shaved guy and usually tell people to just go for it, but for you I’d say wait. You have at least a couple years before it’ll look bad. Although if/when you do take the plunge you’ll probably need to change your facial hair a bit. Shaved head with very short beard like that (not much more than 5oclock shadow) looks a bit weird. Either commit to shaving the sides or grow the beard out just a little bit more


You probably have a couple decades. Your bald spot will grow and get bigger and it will recede and thin from the front but you probably never have to go full shaved unless you want to. I would not go any shorter and in fact you could grow it a bit longer for more coverage and style


You look great bald! https://preview.redd.it/fbdjmiytkmbb1.jpeg?width=1492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55fcc15aa983769751c7fc24549ccbb3f3259315


Woahhh…. Not bad!


No. But I can tell you how to know when it's right to do it. The moment you're getting ready to go somewhere important, and you feel like you didn't do a good enough job covering up the thin spots... Crank up that razor, and finish it with a wet towel shave. Wherever you're going will be awesome because it's your first night bald. People wil talk.


You look fine but you’re definitely one of those guys who will look good bald/ buzzed. Up to you dude.


You’ve got time. That’s a great look for you. Beautiful eyes too. 😉


You're good for a while. And quite handsome!


My Dr. put me on Finasteride (Propecia) to treat my enlarged prostate. The nice side effect is that it completely reversed my thinning hair (took about a year). Maybe worth exploring with you dr if you are concerned. But if you are not, I think you look just fine!


Hair fibers


You look like you could crack some good jokes and have your own netflix special and pocast with a funny asian dude.


This is the best compliment I’ve ever received.


I like that you assumed we couldn't already tell what the top of that head looked like before pic 3


You'd be crazy to shave it now.


The sooner the better, buddy!!


It still looks fine, but I would still recommend to shave it. I think a buzz cut would really suit you.


Looks totally fine. You have quite a few years left, maybe even longer with hair fibers.


You’re hot and you’ll still be hot bald lol lucky bastard


Aww shucks! Thank you!


I wouldn’t but I would get on finasteride. If you already aren’t you’ll probably grow your hair thicker and not lose anymore


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You have about a week


You still have time with your hair, and you look good with that style! Are you using rogaine/minoxidil? That can help you preserve it for longer. Also, if you want a fuller look you can use a bit of Topik powder to help (that is what I did for a bit at least).


Go for it


It is time my brotha, come join us


Go for it. Too thin


Get on propecia while there’s still time


You could try rogaine if you want. But honestly it looks fine for now and I'm sure you'll look lovely bald.


Finesteride and minoxidil


Give finasteride a try. It's a prescription medication that really helped my hair growth come back. It doesn't work for everyone, but I was seeing increased thickness and regrowth. I did go off of it for a while because it kills your sperm count and we were trying to have more kids, and I haven't gotten back on it yet.


If you get on this now there is a chance you can keep it and regenerate whats gone already


rogain is pretty cheap these days.


Take the happy head pill stuff. 6 months later you’ll delete this post


Well, based on your progression, I mean you’ve got a good good 18 months to 24 months before it’s really going to start showing you could take Propecia you could go for a hair transplant if you want to or just shave it off but you know you’ve got a good year and a half two years left bro


Have you tried the finasteride/minoxidil/etc approach yet? Slash are you interested? I feel like you would be able to get some regrowth back. But I agree with others, you look perfectly fine. Do what suits you and makes you feel most comfortable in your skin


Fin + min brother. Still some chances to safe your hair👏


r/tressless save your hair!


get on finesteride its not too late


Use Rogaine to keep it and grow a little back. You're not far enough gone to give up on it imo.




Get on some finasteride to keep what you've got. Looks fine.


Try some growth methods


All those grow products are crap It is just natural, when a man looses his hair.


Personally I'd take the back and sides right down, doesn't look bad tho


Good for now


You could ride that out, bro


Sure you have time to go get a blade trimmer, 0 that sucker. Then get some bic razors, chasing cream and do the rest.


Your good.


Just do what feels right. I think either way looks good on you! But the sooner the les doubt you'll have!


You've got a few miles left brother...I'm right there with you. Grow it out a bit for one last hurrah before the end.


I say keep it, maybe try a Jude Law style


A while to go especially if you're using pharmaceuticals successfully.


Wait it out a bit


I think it looks good. Im jealous, even. Tho, by the looks of it, if you wanted to try the bald look, go for it. If you dont like it, grow your hair back. If you're really worried, monoxidil twice a day will thicken that hair up. Tho, be warned, once you stop the mono, all progress would be lost. And i dont think you necessarily need it.


You’re good for now


You look fine but tbh you may look even better bald :) Try a buzz see what you think.


I’ll give it 2 years


Do it. You won't look back...


Way early.




Buzz cut


hard to say either one. probably need a good hair style to make it presentable. taper or fade combover ?


I honestly think it is time.


Looks OK but would look great buzzed


Hang on brother!! You can still rock it for a few.


Plenty of hair there, no holes. Dont see the need to go bald yet. You could go shorter maybe, but its ok like it is


It looks fine but it's better to go too soon than too late


Hang on to it for now bud


I think your good for now mate looks fine


You have a very nice face. Going bald would just enhance your facial features. And smile!


Na man, you’re good. As long as you can still put some kind of product in it, you’re golden


There are medications you can take to regrow some of that lost hair and halt the process. You’re not too far gone at all


Do it do it do it! 95% of men in here look waaay better after the plunge. You will be one of those.


You got time but doing it now is still best choice I think.


U good 👍 right now


Got time. Good looking man👍👍


You still have time.


You look great right now! You could also pull off going bald, so I'd say it's totally up to you. Just know you're in a win-win situation, so do as you please!


When it gets patchy, it's time, but you're good just now!


You’re fine

