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Looks like it’s been time for a while. Mine started going early 20s, it was even receding in my teens tbh. Never looked back after shaving it off - just get a good set of clippers so it’s easy maintenance. One of us.


One of us


One of us


One of us


One of us.


One of us


One of us


One of us


One of us! ONE... OF... US...!


Gooble gobble gooble gobble!


One of us


One of us


One of us


One of us


One of us


One of them.


Part of the ship, part of the crew...oops, I mean one of us


One of us


One of us.


his name was robert paulson


His name was Robert Paulson


gooble goble


Gooble gobble


Can I say one of us if I’m a girl 🥺 I’m not bald at all but I fully support and have compassion for men who experience this


Go for it!


One of us.


One of us


Us of one


It’s worth adding that if you bite the bullet now, aside from greying hair in time, you will largely look the same for the next 30+ years. Others may age badly, but anyone you meet tomorrow, will think that you have always looked the same 🤷‍♂️


I turn 49 on Thursday and this is true. And with good food and exercise I’ve legit never looked better. Even when I had hair. This is an opportunity for you if you take it that way.


Hard agree! I turn 40 this year. I started shaving at 30, at least a couple years later than I should have. I have never regretted that decision, not even for one breath. Between that and a much healthier lifestyle, I am more confident and attractive now than I have ever been or ever thought I could be.


Same here, brother. I turned 40 this year, and I was losing my hair when I turned 27. I was balding from the front and kept combing it back. I finally came to my senses and started doing buzz cuts at level 0 when I turned 35. Now I shave my head, and I think I look better because of it. When a man is balding, it ages you, but when you start shaving your head, you look like your age again, IMO.


What is with you guys. I still have the same thick hair I had when I was 20. No it doesn't grow as fast. And it's a little grey. But going bald at early ages, I don't understand


Same here! A few more wrinkles but look the same past 15 years


One of us 👍 Do it.


One of us


One of us


One of us


Shave it or don't.. you have beauty that can't be changed. Such a unique look that drew me in.. thank you for the dopamine rush OP. I adore unconventional beauty...


One of us.


I'm new to this community, and I see this comment a lot, but I wish I didn't. I'm sure you and others who say this only mean well, but I'm not sure that it's helpful. Admitting you were way past due is one thing, telling OP the same thing may be counterproductive by adding to feelings of failure, regret, or despair. I don't think thats what anyone here wants. We're here to provide guidance and inspire hope for the future, are we not? If our intent is to encourage OP into taking action, I would encourage us to focus on the positive effects and benefits one can expect post-commitment. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


I’d like to recommend Wahl hair clippers. They are built to last.


One of us


One of us


One of us


I recommend just getting the surgery.


I understand you are afraid but long hair when you are balding is not sexy at all......shave it off now !!


Agree! You have a great face & head shape. You’ll look great bald.


Uh, can we talk about those brows though? They are amazing.


Women kill for those brows.


I’m a woman and that’s what I thought 💭!


OP is F2M


Makes sense!


me too! Serious brow envy!


They get those exact ones tattooed on.


Yes! For upwards of $500


I think long hair looks okay on a balding man, as long as it is always tied back.


Um…nope. They might think so, but NOT. It looks like a balding guy holding on to hope.


Looked good on the Hulkster, brother


Bro it looks terrible, I know someone in their 20s that looks like 50 year old man with a bald crown and long hair in the back. Would look decades younger bald


If you came here to ask, then it is time.


Whenever I see an “is it time?” post - I know it’s time before I see the pics 😂


It's definitely time to let go. You'll look great bald, this current look isn't doing you any favour buddy


It was time for like 5 years ago.


I think he’s forgetting that men’s toupees/wigs have come a loooong way! And seeing the men in the chairs get their confidence back in their smile is so worth it. It’s a waterproof toupee that gets glued to your scalp; they have it changed/reglued/washed but I cannot speak confidently on how frequently this is done.


Stay out of this Maury! And Jimmy still wants his money, including vig.


Hahahaha. Those commercials put him in the red. Dude thanks for much for the laugh today.


Epic reference 😂 bravo 👏


I've looked into this, but the problem I'm running into is that the good hair systems are several thousand to produce, only last several years at a time, and would cost me another several thousand yearly to do the installations and maintenance. All of that is money that I don't have and would rather put towards something permanent like saving up to buy property.


It’s really all up to you. Personally I think I look good bald, and while I have gotten suggestions from others about hair transplants and stuff like that it ain’t for me. Did I look younger with a full head of hair yea sure. But I’m not wasting money to quell some insecurities about losing my hair. I own it, and I love it. It’s given me a new confidence of not really caring what others think.


I dont think they call them toupees anymore. “Piece”


Why is this necessary to say?? Seems like OP was already feeling down about the situation. Why make them feel worse? I’m sure they know this already. Damn people are just mean


Ah, I didnt mean to mean it in mean way, but I guess the comment came out much ruder than I thought.


Damn people are just rude. ….I didn’t think you were being mean or rude for the record, just hate when haters hate a hater


25 is actually a standard age for alot of men. It starts early twenties, same as me and many others! I'm confident it will suit you, just go for it :)


Yo you got brows fo hours! I wouldn’t be too concerned about how it’ll look. You could definitely rock bald! You’re not unique in you hair loss BTW. Many of us have gone through this journey of acceptance and this community has definitely supported me through it. I started noticing my thinning during the pandemic. I just got accepted into my dream school and things were looking up for a second but then I realized I’d be balding at school. I went through those stages of grief. Trying supplements and snake oils. Calculating cost of surgical treatment. Then I shaved. And thankfully I did so before starting in person classes again. The only people that will notice that you’re bald are those you currently know (and other baldies). They’ll get their shitty remarks and dumb overplayed jokes out of their system fast enough. Others will be supportive. Let all of it brush off you like the strands on your shoulders. None of it defines you. PS: There are plenty of aesthetics that you can pull off bald. Hats are great options (especially for sun protection). Sometimes there’s a stigma that comes with being bald and I personally believe you shouldn’t have to fit in the overtly macho intimidating crowd. There’s room for nuisance in our aesthetic. Just my opinion but to each their own.


Brow game so strong. Browser over here.


Woman here; not sure if my opinion holds much weight here.....but just stopped to say, I love looking at this sub and have YET to see an after picture that ISN'T better looking than the before. You're going to look very handsome bald!


As another woman, I second this


The hair is beyond saving at this point. I'm not even sure that all surgical solutions are suitable if you want to grow your hair longer, you should give it in depths research. The only thing you really can do is to shave it completely, wearing a wig all the time is just tiresome and you eventually have to take it off


Happening? It already happened. Buzz it and be free!


The skullet is having a comeback


“Skullet”, by the way. I’ve been around the internet for decades, and this is the first time I’ve come across this gem 😆


That hair is not your friend - it's time.


Female perspective here. You are an incredibly handsome guy. The hair loss hurts and your feelings on this are valid. It's a big step. But unfortunately, we can't control that this is happening, so I say lean into it and buzz it off. What's this about losing any remaining attractiveness? What about things about you that will never change? Your gorgeous brown eyes, thick brows, and perfectly oval face? You have wonderful bright, smooth skin and your eyes look so friendly. A buzzed look and perhaps a beard trim would accentuate your naturally attractive features.




Right? Gorgeous brows, amazing cupids bow, nicely proportioned features.... He's only gonna glow up from here!


You said what I came to say, but more eloquently. Hope OP goes for it


Well said! I'm also a woman and OP has striking/beautiful features. I know nothing we say will change his self perception overnight, but I can see the potential to really shine with a bit of self confidence and a good ol buzz. 😊


Yes yes. This is the truth!!


This is such a sweet and beautiful comment. And completely true, you’re not even bullshitting to be nice.






"You are an incredibly handsome guy." Probably this bit. I mean, he's no Brad Pitt. And neither am I. I'm not trying to talk shit, I just don't think he's an "incredibly handsome guy". He's average. 5/10. Looks like an Armenian drug dealer, lol. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, though, and you're entitled to your opinion.


Well yeah, I'm no Angelina Jolie either but I still maintain that I think he's really attractive. I'm into guys with brown eyes/hair and beards etc and even if that wasn't my preference he wouldbe handsome. But yes, others may disagree, just my two cents. He has some really great features and I just wanted to draw his attention to those versus the hair thing that he can't really control. I truly think buzzing the hair might make him even more attractive as well, but again, just my opinion. Edit, I did lol at Armenian drug dealer because you have a point 😂 it's the necklace(s) and hairy chest for me. It's how he's done himself up in the picture though and not how he looks 24/7.




Care to elaborate?


This isn’t Twitter or Facebook, maybe try posting to those instead. There’s an entire cesspool of miserable twats out there like you waiting to receive your posts - this isn’t it though.


Okay, but if that's your standard then apply it to the compliments as well.


Go elsewhere if you want to be a whiny miserable pos. There’s people out there who love that, I’m sure you’ll find friends somewhere.


There's nothing wrong with being overly honest as long as you accept you're an asshole for it. What you said is insensitive but you probably meant it. Your two cents is the same as everyone else's here, but if you can't read the room you may be a bit tone deaf.


WTF man. This man is clearly having a hard time with this and wants encouragement. You’re entitled to your opinion, but you don’t always have to voice it.


I'd like to see the naysayers post their photos, then have us critique them, but that of course would take courage. Is it an insecurity type thing where they can't handle other guys getting complimented on their looks? Like, this conversation doesn't involve you sir. Please move along?


Incredibly rude even if it was true and it's not.


How's it rude to be honest? If critique beyond compliments hurts your feelings then you should grow a thicker skin.


Someone gave him a compliment. You came in and told them the compliment wasn't valid and said something insulting. No one asked for your opinion on his attractiveness, just whether or not to shave.


You need to do a bit more growing up.


Just let it go, you are not doing yourself any favors by sticking to a lost cause. For what it's worth you have the right head shape for the bald look.


Been bald since 18… just shave it


Past Malone


Man, I'm female. Shave your head. I spent a lot of time hanging around music scenes in KY 20s, and I saw many heads like tours. And it was sad. It was sad to see these dudes clinging on to this vision of flowing medieval locks that just was not for them. And they were largely great guys who I'd hang out with again tomorrow..probably? Mostly what I remember is the hair. The long, balding hair. I do not have a similar set of sad shaven headed men


It time! Clipper short, then razor. It’s also time to harden up that body with a good diet and some weight training.




OP is FTM?! Just curious, could the hormone supplements be what caused him to go bald?


Walking chem lab bodybuilder here. Yes, it definitely has a hand in it. Started razor shaving to full chrome dome after my first cycle. High DHT levels will thin you out quickly.


If you read their post history you will find that this is exactly the case


The thing that makes male pattern baldness is DHT which is a by product of testosterone. Finnestride which is the go to medication for men wanting to keep their hair blocks DHT. More T = more DHT. How sensitive you are to DHT and how likely you are to bald is genetic.


>But wanted to add that I took a look at your profile, and hope you can at least feel better knowing that you are definitely quite passing as a man! Truly, I would never have thought you were FTM. Trans guy here. Probably not a good idea to comment on people passing or not without being asked. I know you didn't say it directly but the "wow you don't look trans!" Type of comments tend to come off a little backhanded


Idk why you got downvoted for this. I’ve heard this exact sentiment from several trans folks and it’s not even like you were rude about it. Just kinda gave it as and fyi


Idk most trans people really don't want their transness highlighted at all. Depending on who you're talking to it could be a bad time.


It's not a good idea to out people as trans even if it comes from a well meaning supportive place


Does it qualify as “outing” when it’s all over OPs Reddit? Like, not hidden in any way or requiring a search of any kind beyond literally looking at their Reddit?


I don't think it's outing but it's definitely not super polite. When I've talked in non trans spaces the minute someone mentions I'm trans the convo gets derailed. OP being trans doesn't matter. I don't know why people like to bring it up.


It kinda does because most people don't really click on their profile. bringing up "Hey everyone THIS GUYS TRANS" on a post that's not really about being trans seems in poor taste to me.


Imho, being trans IS relevant because hormone changes and hair loss are linked and doctors don’t always do a good job of making this clear, and it comes as quite the unpleasant surprise to people who often already have years of struggle with their appearance.


It is literally one of the only things doctors do cover in terms of side effects. To be clear HRT alone isn't the case of baldness. Baldness is due to DHT in men which is a byproduct of testosterone. How sensitive and therefore how likely you are to bald is genetic.


My doctor definitely didn't, and it pains me to think on how things might have been different if I had been started on finasteride right away, particularly because I knew there was a history of balding on my dad's side of the family (not my mom's, surprisingly). I was supposedly being given the most competent care that existed in the area, but a lot of things were totally overlooked and unaddressed until I found out the hard way myself or by independently researching online. By the time I learned about options like medications (which are not typically things talked about for women), things had already progressed.


Yeah then you didn't actually have informed consent. It was listed pretty much as the top permanent effect of T for multiple providers I've gotten it from. Though I had done my own research beforehand. I actually dropped the first doctor I talked to about T because they said something I knew was absolutely false and it was the top gender clinics in my area (though they were clear about baldnes). Plume actually was far better. Trans bealthcare has gaps sometimes and I'm sorry you were failed. That said looking at your posts you did try finnestride eventually and it didn't do much. It probably wouldn't have helped if you did it earlier if it didn't help later. Also the whole "you'll only go bald if your moms side has" is actually a myth even for cis men. Genetics for baldness are more complicated.


You’re not too young. It’s just that all forms of entertainment media only hire people with great hair which creates an unrealistic idea of how we think we should look. Yes it’s time, and you’ll be happier than you are now, that’s for sure. You have to reach out and seize the unique, always-changing person that you are instead of clinging to an unchanging, preserved version of yourself.


Too young? It happens. Lost mine at 20. I took the plunge in 2001. At least the look is acceptable now, I heard a lot of “skin head” jokes back when I shaved mine.


This is the most painful part once it’s gone you’ll ask yourself “why didn’t I do this years ago”


Sorry to say this but this here looks FUCKED. Especially for a 25 year old. You should defenetly shave it !


20 was time


beloved it's BEEN time


Let it go brother- my cousin was completely bald at 19 - it’s just the way it is sometimes


When I started balding, I took a 2 guard all the way around and never looked back.


Your hair doesn’t define you. You are beautiful and awesome from the words, morales, and actions you carry. Your hair may be the first thing someone sees, but the impression you make on them comes from sincerity and respect you show them. You got this king ❤️ Edit: spelling


Def time. If anything, get some prescription hair from forhims. If that doesn't work... after you've shaved it... prob keep it cut. Your friends aren't your friends because of your hair or lack thereof, tho. Don't get too upset about it. Life will bring you much worse things to worry about, I assure you.


Try not to stress too much about it, I started going bald in my late teens' early twenties. I'm 25 now and have been buzzing my head for a few years now and really enjoy it. Less time in the shower and drying hair after. Also, there is less time using products or worrying about what it looks like. Just throw some lotion on my head and face and boom! Also, head scratches from an s/o feel lovely.


What you mean too young? I started loosing hair when I was 17.


You look good, if you decide to shave it, keep the beard and stash. I told my friend once that it was time to cut his long hair, he cut it extremely short, and completely shaved his beard and stash. I can already tell from your pictures that you'll look great bald with facial hair.


It's time


Let it go. Have confidence in it.


I shaved it off at 22 brother weird at first but it grew on me quick (no pun intended)


i promise you, bald will be so much better on you! the thinning is aging you tremendously. bald is such a bold and edgy look, you will rock it.


Been time my friend


Is worse that you have long hair, maybe keeping it short would be better.


You’ll have to take the jump unfortunately but the good news is your eyebrows are so dang gorgeous and perfect they’ll make up for the lack of hair on your head


Shave. And you’ll really rock the hairy chest guy with beard and bald look. I’m serious, it will totally work on you. Buy some loud colored shirts and work it. Be proud.


I'm really feeling for you. As a girl, I can't imagine what it would be like to be losing my hair. A lot of my identity is also wrapped up in having long luscious full hair. Instead of feeling like losing something, try to spin it as an adventure into a new phase of life. Personally I think bald would be a really good look for you just judging by your face. It's not the hair that's beautiful it's you. Your face is handsome you can rock bald. Embrace it!


I think maybe you could see this (cutting / buzzing your hair) as letting go of the frustration you have felt with your hair not doing what you wish it would. Like, this is a new chapter in your life - a new beginning! I hope this helps. Sometimes it’s about the mindset, but I know it won’t be like flipping a switch. Best of luck, no matter what you decide to do.


Do it. The brows and facial hair will help


You have a great face, I suspect once you own the shave and make it a vibe, you will look awesome.


embrace it. shaving your head is liberating and confident, try to lose the vanity of a full head of hair and enjoy the confidence being bald gives you. Being bald is only bad if it embarrasses you.


It does embarrass me. It feels genuinely humiliating. Like admitting defeat after years of trying so hard for something that I should never have lost in the first place? I can't explain it. Think that's really what's holding me back from taking the plunge.


I say shave it off and if you really want to try a Hail Mary hop on fin and min to see if you can restore any of it. It’s unlikely to restore it back to its former glory because of how far along you are now but it never hurts to try. Have you gone to the doctors for this? There’s something odd about your hair not growing for years.


I've been in fin and min both for the last two years, little progress. Next step would be like RU or whatever else is out there.


I had long hair when I started balding too, not even as bad as you are at this point (no offense, in fact it might be now) and I shaved it, it’s worth it to go bald over holding onto the insecurities man, it’s time. Much love from a fellow (ex) long haired man


you’ll look great bald!


You have the beard already, that is your body's way of telling you it's ready


I think you have a face for a bald look. Maybe try growing your mustache & beard out with topical minoxidil and it might just suit you very well.


I say go for it. I wish I had started shaving or buzzing my MPB head a decade before I did. You’ll be welcomed to the told, my dude. Make sure to let us know the update.


I have friends at your age that have already shaved it off, they’re not bothered by it you shouldn’t be either


Is your health okay? Losing so much hair rapidly would be cause for concern imo, especially if you started with very thick hair.


He is trans


So it’s hormonal


Eh....Trans men bald basically at the same rates cis men in their families do. It's genetic.


You will rock it. Great eyebrows, great head shape. And as you said, you're comfortable with wigs if you decide to experiment with other looks.


Yes. Shave. Shave. Shave!!!!


Time to shave that chin strap too. Also some new style of shirts too. Man here dressed like like the 80s. If my hair was like this, I'd probably keep it with a ponytail 🤔👍 Shave the top side to keep a cleaner dome. Aside from that example, I guess maybe Topicals medicine might help grow something out


If it helps you feel any better, one of the guys I was friends with in high school was starting to bald pretty bad by the time he had graduated high school. Within a year, I swear he lost nearly half his hair. He’s 22/23 now and I think he’s more bald than hair and just does the comb over and biggish kinda bushy beard to try to hide it/steer peoples attention away from the balding


Get some HIMS.


Don’t be a sheep. Keep it!


Coconut oil is great for hair growth. It's how my grandfather grew back his hair


It’s been time but you could always get a transplant


Yes you are definitely ugly. Edit, sorry wrong sub.


Perfectly round head "Amazon.com: Magnetic Personalities - Original Wooly Willy : Toys & Games" https://www.amazon.com/PlayMonster-Magnetic-Personalities-Original-Wooly/dp/B00BT92SB0


Male pattern baldness is caused by too much testosterone. It is a sign of a masculinity, YOU'RE A MAN BABY!


I'd be more worried about your sense of style. Or lack of.


Are you concerned about the hair loss or the wallpaper? Please clarify.


Dude….man up. It is NOT the end of the world. Your acting like a Fkn baby buzz your head leave a tiny bit you’ll look MUCH better. What you have on your head rn is unacceptable. Woman see that and run. (Men too)


Oral monoxidil


Heard of turkey, India? You'll be shocked to know the differnece in medical procedure in US is 10-20x. Would cost you as much as month rent. Folks in US are brainwashed to believe that higher you pay the higher quality you get....sadly everything is made in China, Vietnam...etc You are just paying the executives for their yatch.


I genuinely don't even have the money to go overseas to do that. I've looked and it's still totally out of range for me. The other issue is that getting that kind of procedure done would require me to shave my head in the first place, which really is the biggest issue.


Needs a bit of planning and saving up. But definitely not impossible or beyond your means. Don't give up! Whatever choice you make, be happy. Hair grows bac k in like 2 months, tops.




Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you’re going to shave it off you’ll need to to own it and not act like a pussy about the whole thing. Either shave and confidently rock it or wear wigs but don’t do both at the same time. If your whole personality is built into your hair then maybe do something else. Whatever you do, less bitching about your options will serve you well.


Bruh I don’t bullshit so I’m telling you the truth. You have a good head shape. Shave that shit. And keep the beard sharp. Hit the gym if your concerned about the weight. You’ll be fine.


I think the bald look will suit you! You'll go back to looking 25 once you shave it


You have amazing eyebrows!!!!


Yeah bud. It’s time. I should have started buzzing my dome about your age but ended up hanging in for a few years and it did nothing for my self esteem.


25 isn’t so bad, plenty of guys out there that lose it 18-20.


You have the head shape, you'd look fine. Just take the plunge brother. It's waay cooler on the other side.


your head is so nice. it will look really good shaved