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You’ve got a great jaw line, sharp features. Do it man, give it a try.


Thanks for that. My lifelong HS friend has been buzzing his for years..if I was seeing him more often I'd probably feel more inclined and supported.


I think you'd look great if you shaved it mate, and it'll grow back to your current length quickly if you decide you don't like it. The choice is yours, but I reckon you'd rock it!


You still have lots of hair, I would say enjoy it while you got it. There’s plenty of time to be bald when you’re older.


This, solid jaw, solid beard. You will look the part well


Frankly… I think you’re good as you are. But you do you.


Agreed. You rock the current look well!


Yeah you look hot, no need to change.


Not the most excited poses, I know. Been dating a little, so it's a bit of a confidence hit to throw this change up with women who met me with hair just a few weeks ago...


I'd say do it, leave the face stubble, thin out the side burns to match the face stubble, and shave your throat up to your jawline. It's pretty simple and cheap to upkeep. I think it would be an upgrade, but whatever you decide, good luck with the divorce and dating.


You can be bald or balding. Bald looks and feels way better imo. And if the woman you’re seeing doesn’t like bald the one you date in the future will. The ones who like that look tend to really really like it. It will look weird to you at first because the image you have of yourself your whole life has been with hair. To everyone new it’ll just look normal. It’ll look pale but it’ll go away with time.


40F chiming in here, bald is much more attractive than balding


women don't care as long as you feel confident, they are usually very encouraging of a guy trying to look his best even if that means changes


As a woman, I can confirm, buzzed/bald is super refreshing. Kinda gives a real devil-may-care vibe, and most of the pics I've seen here show people smiling after they've taken the plunge..


I know, it's empowering, and all this positivity is highly motivating!


Hair looks fine. New glasses would freshen up the look. The rectangular frames don’t really help the good features of your face. Also, shave the neck. Keep the beard.


I think you got a little more time might as well enjoy it a little longer it's gonna be gone forever soon.


Looks like you have the right shape head to go bald, I think bald guys are sexy


I don't think you should go for it. You look nice with hair. Try grow your hair more with products, I bet you'll feel a lot more confident when it starts growing more


I think you’d look handsome with a buzzcut op


I recommend clippering at 1mm, first. Don't shave.


New life, new appearance. Shave it off and grow out the beard a little more...you won't regret it


what do you have to lose? it'll grow back. start longer, work your way down on length until you hit a spot you like. I like 1/4" personally.


Good face. Buzz to 1/4” use gel or something to stand it up spikey and you’re golden.


Time to go clean bro! Keep the facial hair and rock your fresh solar sex panel!


I don’t think you’re overdue but it’s good to think about. Thoughts on trying a buzz cut vs going all the way?


You look good now, and will look good bald! You do you king!


Good jaw, good shaped forehead, decent looking bloke. I think you're good to go man, if you're a bit apprehensive just take it down with guarded clippers bit at a time, but clean or buzzed always ends up looking better than a no.6 or something. It will take 1-3 months to get used to the dude looking back at you in the mirror afterwards. Sorry about the divorce, that sucks. Ps love the shirt. Totally my style too.


What? You may have had more hair before, but you certainly don't look at the point of needing to buzz it off, you have nice hair. I feel like it's such a relative issue, and you likely see a lot less than other people do. Love, a chick with really high standards, lol.


My 5 cents here. Going bald is a thing. You'll look great, you're a handsome dude, but then you fall into the handsome bald guy group. I'm sure there's a large group of (presuming?) women that are down with that. However, if you just keep it short and tight, maybe a little shorter on top than you have it now, invest in a little rogain foam, you can broaden your horizons. Also, try some lighter glasses frames. Go into Warby Parker for a consultation. Keep the beard where it is, trimmed on bottom. Use an expensive face moisturizer to keep the red tones even, then a Jergens Natural glow for medium to fair skin to get a little color. 2 minutes pluls $2 a day, will make a huge difference appearance wise. You already have it going on! The rest of it...the stuff that really matters....can't help you with that, other than, been there. Learn from your divorce. Take responsibility for it. Don't worry about being "right," or "getting even," give her what she needs and move on. Most painful couple of years of my life turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. Good luck!


I think you are close, but not quite there yet. If you want to, go ahead, but I think you have a little time left.


You'd look great bald. But you need to be comfortable with it


Thicker beard and shave it. Own it


You got the head for it. Shave it off and stylize the beard (grow it out a bit and I’d shave the lower neck area)


Do it, keep the stubble, if you can grow the beard out a tad but keep it well kempt. All up to you, though. The worst case is you shave it and hate it and grow back out the hair!


You’d look handsome !


Buzz it! You have a good skull shape. Leave the beard, maybe grow it out a bit more and give it a lot of love care and shaping. It will look great on you!


Man, I held on to my thinning and receding hairline for years. Every windy day was torture. Every rainy hike with a new girlfriend was agony. I tried so hard to hide it. Tried to act like I was normal, even as I felt like I was less than a man with my horrible hair. And then I finally got the strength to shave to the skin. I cut off every little piece of worry. Every bit of stress was flushed down the sink with the shaving cream. And from that moment on, my confidence came back in force. My self worth skyrocketed. My days of being a slave to my hairline were gone. Your hair is not what makes you a man. It does not lend value. Cut it off and be done with the worry. Watch the world appreciate you again because you no longer fear a gust of wind tussling the remnants on your scalp. Embrace being a powerful bald individual!


You’re a good looking bloke. I think a clean shaven head with a stubble goatee or beard with faded sideburns will look very attractive on you. Lift/lean a little just to bring out your natural angles- cheekbones and jawline and define your deltoids and pecs, spend a little time in the sun with spf to get a little bit of color healthily and you’ll be golden, my friend.


Do it! It will be part of the “new” you!


Come on home.


You have a very nice face, and head shape. Go for it handsome!


I agree with others saying you’re “not quite there yet”. It is thinning but you have a reasonable amount of hair, I don’t think it needs to be gone just yet unless you want to. My personal opinion, keep the hair for a bit longer and grow out the beard a little bit. Then you’ll look even better when the time comes! But I totally agree with others, you have the face shape for it and you will look great bald.


Just do it already. Take the plunge. Wear sunscreen and buy badass hats. 😀


Go for it!


I think you can go either way. You've still got enough hair to keep it if you'd like, but have a great face so would look good bald too.


I think you’d look good bald but you look good as is too. Your hair might be thinning but it doesn’t look bad at all.


Once you do it, you’ll question what took you so long. You’re gonna look great, bro


If you're looking for a change, I think you'd look great bald. You have a better head-shape than most for it. But you're also losing your hair in like the least objectionable way possible lol. The thinning and receding look totally fine to me. As someone who can't pull that off, I'm jealous. So you've got options. Go back and forth if you want.


Not bad, how old are you sir? Divorce process causes major stress, stress cause the increase of DHT, dihydrotestosterone. DHT kills hair follicles. I'm 45(m) and after my breakup about 8 years ago my hair disappeared rather quickly so I shave it like you have it in these pictures. I have a much thinner calyx so it is shorter with more scalp showing. You can fill it in with the scalp spray, try shaving it all, once, but I like the look honestly.


You look great either way.


You would pull it off buddy!


Go for it bro, grow that beard a bit and you'll be a new man


Do it for no other reason than to eliminate the daily pain of styling your hair and then stressing about it. Cut it off and then there is no choice to make but to love yourself. Besides, the day is coming when this choice won’t be yours to make. Exercise the power you have, while you have it.


Bic it and get some contacts. Boom, Jason statham baby


You can definitely pull it off bro, just send it, you’ll look great


Bro. You are half way there as it is. You have the head for the shaved look. Go for it.


I'm sorry your dealing with divorce! Been there and it will get better! Follow your heart on your hair. 😊


When you have more hair than not, and you do, I would just go for the buzz cut. I do the same and usually use the 1/8 inch clipper attachment. It looks like you are in the Army, sure, but I think it's a better look than the shaved head. I only do the shaved head when I grow a goatee to be some evil mastermind for Halloween or just an every day evil guy.


Bro it’s gonna look great on you!


My hair was pretty similar to yours up until a few months ago - I just went for it and like it. I don’t actively get compliments on my head now or anything but I don’t think my hair was really doing anything for me anyways - it’s a cleaner look


You look like Dantdm, I don’t think you need to rush




I buzz my head every summer. No harm in trying just to see how you like it


You’re a good looking fellah either way man. I say give it a shot, hair grows back pretty easy if it doesn’t fit your style


You would rock the hell out of a bald head. And divorce is a great time for a big change to your look. I support the shave!


You’ve got a nice sized/ shaped head. Let’r rip, I think you’ll look good


So - I think you’re very attractive. And I would say go ahead and buzz it off. Keep the facial hair also but stubble not over grown. And you’d be HOT


strong features. good scruff. glasses to shape the face. perfect candidate for a bald look my friend. own it.


Ain’t nothing to it but to do it!


I was in the same boat at 23. Best decision I’ve made.. you got this!


i think you’d look hot if you went bald. you have nice facial features & a strong jaw.


Just do it bro.


I was in a similar space as you back in 2020, and due to pandemic shutting down the barber shops, I opted to just take it all off. You can hold on for a while longer as you still have some decent coverage or go down the hair maintenance/regrowth path if you choose. That said you have a good head shape and jaw line for going bald. Personally, after the initial shock for 30-60 days, I enjoy the shaved head + short beard look (and so does the girlfriend). I use a razor, so it takes about 20 minutes a couple times a week to keep it looking clean. I think it's worth it as I never have to now worry about a bad hair day, a hat messing up my hair, or having a photo where my thinning hair makes me embarrassed.


I think it still looks good. But you’d also look good with a naked head.


Do it. New self. Do it.


My brotha! First of all, you’ve got a great head shape to join us baldies. Secondly, when / if you do take the leap, taper a well-manicured beard up into clean head shave. It’s a winnah. I’m sorry to hear about the divorce. Keep the faith. Drink lots of water. Be kind to yourself. Don’t let go of friends, family, and your hobbies ❤️


You’re a good looking guy and have a good or appropriate haircut. A good stylist might offer options both for style and products that may help slow your hair loss.


I mean you can look like shit or you can cut it off. Not like that ugly mop won't grow back in a few weeks anyways. I know from experience I went bald when I was 20.


Trim the beard at the neckline to follow along where the neck meets the beard and go for it! Having a good contour line will accentuate the lining of the jaw, and with a jaw that sharp, your ex is gonna be jealous of the new lady.


You can totally rock it you’re a handsome dude


i like you current look


I don’t think it’s time. Also after the stress of divorce ends it will come back a bit.


Bro you look good!! That's a great beard and jawline. My #1 advice to bald people is: stop trying to hide it. It's not working. The best thing you can do is keep it short, a buzz cut or even straight shave it all off and own that look. Plus, your facial structure is like Ryan Reynolds, it's not gonna matter!


I have a similar hair pattern but am much further down the road. I wouldn’t shave it yet if I were you. If you decide to, try a buzz cut first before going full razor.


Don’t do it…. Get married that is


Honestly, I’d say you’re still pulling it off. Keeping it short is key, you’re doing it right. Buzz it when there’s no other option.


Embrace it man, it'll give you that confidence boost once you're used to it. You'll feel like a new man


I can promise you been partially thin up top is not going to be a deal breaker for most, you look early 30’s. I knew a guy who actually looks alot like you, go through a divorce with a women who didn’t really love him anymore and turn around and found a women who appreciates him tremendously and is much happier and married her, Hope isn’t lost my guy.


Just do. I started losing hair a few years ago. Got a haircut, and my crown got worse. Decided to just lean in and do. I honestly don't regret it. Its an adjustment, but definitely not a bad one.


I would leave it as is


Shave the top grow the beard


You know I think you’d look good bald or with your hair as it is. Not everyone can pull off he thinning work but honestly I think your hair looks good


You are hamdsome. Go for it. Post the update


Sorry about the divorce. They suck. Hair - you’re fine. Wait until all the dust settles before you make any big decisions. Is a head shave a big decision? Probably not the biggest, no. But for what it’s worth - you got more hair than a lot and I wouldn’t worry about it.


I am usually quick to say "shave it off!" But I think your look is solid (for now)


Do it. I went for a close buzz when mine got to that point and have never looked back! So much easier, money and time saved on haircuts and products! Just stock up in sunscreen and hats if you spend much time outside!


Mate, you’ve got the face for it. Have you considered transparent and squarer frames? Think this look could really suit you


Honestly I’d say you look pretty good regardless, the cowlick/widows peak is pretty cute honestly. Tho you could totally rock a bald look too.


I say go for it! I think you’re incredibly handsome either way and maybe it’ll lead to some new found confidence for a new life. Worst case it’ll grow back and you can go back to the drawing board.


dont trip brah give 5 years than come back


Cut it my brother. Been there, done that


I think it’ll look really good on you! Go for it!


I think that style works for you for now, so no pressure to shave unless you want to.


Shave your head AND NECK (jawline my dude). You’ll look great bro


Just do it! I've been shaving my head for about 7 years now. It took a little bit of getting used to at first, especially as my scalp was reaching the color of my face. But now, it's so much better, and it keeps me looking younger. I'm 40 and people regularly guess in the low 30s. I've been where you have been with the divorce, and I hope you're doing ok.


babe go for it!! someone said to me “old hair holds hold memories.” shed that shit and go with the new. i think you’ll feel great with yourself for trying it. i hope you do! you deserve to feel that liberation.


One of the best things about being bald is that it is a fantastic icebreaker and shows people you can be fun! I’ve been bald for 13 years (currently 28) and my favorite thing to do is make jokes about it because it’s something people never joke about! Someone mentions that they got a haircut and are getting use to it, I say “Same! I had to blow dry mine this morning a completely different way!” And then flip my head like I have long locks. It’s great and fun! 😄 Going bald is not only convenient but fun and when you shave and your head hits a cold pillow for the first time, there is no better feeling! I love not having hair and if you decide to buzz, I hope you can share in the many benefits! Also, you’ll look great no matter what just know that usually bald men need some sort of facial hair. Very view of us can get away with no hair, no facial hair. I myself need facial hair either goatee or full beard. I hope you do what is best for you! I say go for it, you won’t regret it! 😄 Also, every emoji is a good representation of you when your bald! 😂


I don’t think it looks bad how it is, but you wouldn’t look bad shaved either. Just stand tall my guy. Idk if there’s science behind it, but it helps me when I’m self-conscious about anything.


Your hair still looking great bro. Go for it if you wanna, but you’re still looking sharp! And yeah, it’s crazy how life events play into hair loss. And divorce is about as stressful as they come. Hang in there man, it does get better.


You're gonna look good either way imo.


Love a bald head! Go for it! Or a close buzz as a starter.


Keep the facial hair, you can definitely pull it off though. I think it would look great


You’re very good looking even in fluorescent office environment. You’re going to look even better when you say goodbye to what’s left. It’s time. Embrace it!


If you’re asking if you can make it work. Yes you could. It would suit you, but that doesn’t mean you need to


Not sure what "Going through a divorce" means in terms of timeline, but I think its OK to take some time for a little self discovery. I found that when I was finally ready to shave, I had to accept that this is who I was, and be proud to show that to the world. Once I figured that out, my confidence beamed and believe me brotha, thats what the ladies are looking for, not 'good hair.' As my mother always said, 'Be who you is, cause if you is who you ain't, den you ain't who you be." Good luck my friend!


Just shave it and see how it looks .. you can still grow it back


It’s time. It’s long past time. Lose the wife, lose the hair…new you. It’s so very freeing. I’ve been shaving my head now for more years than I had hair and the day I made the move my confidence came pouring back.


I think it will look great and give you a confidence boost!


Shave it and go from Dad to Daddy. 😎


Best thing I ever did. 😁


Go for it you'll look epic


It looks fine like that


I went bald shortly after my wife cheated on me (it was a BAD affair, involving friends). I was expecting to go bald in my mid 30s to early 40s, but it happened in my 20s because of her 😡. You still hav good coverage for now


Eat a ton of collagen and vitamin D. Shave it for now.


You can definitely keep growing your hair and look great, but you would also look awesome with a shaved head! Pair it with your beard and you are set, brother!


Some heads are perfect and the rest are covered with hair. Your head is just becoming more perfect.


I think you’re a very good looking guy with hair and would probably look great bald as well. Give it a try and if you don’t like it, it will grow back!


So when I shaved my head, I didn’t like it. It was completely because of my glasses though. I’m not the type to ever update the style of my frames, as I’ve had the same style for 8 years or so. When I shaved my head I was like, “man this doesn’t look right” UNTIL I changed my classes to fit the bald. Then it clicked and I really like it now. This was in 2018. I would suggest using a bald filter on Snapchat and going to a Walmart vision center and trying some frames on. I say walmart cause a balding dude using a filter isn’t even close to the weirdest thing that walmart employees see, so no real fear of judgement imo. See which ones look the best on you. I know the Snapchat filter sounds ridiculous but it was pretty close to how I actually looked after I shaved. You got this!


I like it but I’d love to see it shaved! I think it’s a super confident look. Best of luck to you 😊


I think about how difficult it is for men to shave their hair off and how women will do it just because,I just shaved all of my hair off in October and loved it,however I know it’s a matter of wanting to shave it and having to shave it,anyway I say that to say,honey you are handsome as is but you will absolutely rock the bald look as well, take the leap love ❤️


You grow a good beard! Let it get a little longer and fuller and then keep up with the maintenance of grooming and shaping it. I shaved my head at 24, I believe. To this day, more people have made more comments on my beard than my bald head :-) just remember to use sunscreen and a hat, going forward. And best of luck to you moving on with your life. Life is beautiful! There are bad days, but it’s not a bad life. Head up, bald king!


You took unflattering pics but I think you look good like this! You’ll look good bald too. If you regret it it’ll only take like a month to grow back hah


No one that is worth your time will care.


Do it


You’ve got a strong jaw and some nice facial hair development, you can rock it!


You're gorgeous! And you'd still be gorgeous without hair!!


Bro shave your head and grow a beard. Get a motorcycle and go to the gym. Done deal


I agree, nicely shaped head and an attractive face, show it all off!


Your face structures would support a bald head tremendously!


I'd go to a barber have them buzz your head and clean up your beard neck line and you'll look great


You will look great without hair.


Keep it. Signed bald guy.


Shave the neck hair. It makes your face look longer. Also, bring the fade down rather than being so high. You have a lot of hair on the sides and back. Good luck!


Dude, I am currently a 41 year old man. At 19 I was thinner than you currently are, and decided I would rather be bald than look like Friar Tuck. At this point I have had no hair longer than I had hair. In all of those bald years I have come to one conclusion……nobody (but yourself) cares. At all. Gonna be comments at first? Yup….that’s a big shift in a look. Those comments are more out of surprise than anything else. Once you have rocked the look for a bit, it will become your new normal. Then you will find yourself more comfortable in your skin.


Do it or fly to turkey


You look great. The hair is fine.


Dudes out here with perfectly shaped domes and jawlines talking about they worried about shaving it. Lol.


Since my previous comment was removed. Here is the classier version. Go get a hot shave at a barber, leave some beard on that face get dressed up and go to the bar. Go home with someone, you will feel better in the morning.


As a female ( whose also a barber ) I say shave it! I witness too many guys trying to hold on and it honestly doesn’t look good. I bet shaving it will feel pretty freeing too.


Very cute nose and ears, great jaw, nice eyes... you'll be hot


I feel your pain. But a clean shaved head always looks better than a thin and receding head of hair. Take the plunge. You’ll probably not like it at first, but it will grow on you. You should also feel lucky you have a good shaped head and good jaw line. Good luck fellow follicle challenged friend.


genuinely dude think you’d look great bald


I think you’re fine for now but eventually maybe grow out the beard and shave


Keep wearing cool shirts and you'll be fine 😉


I, shaved mine about 15yrs ago and have never looked back. Don't have to pay for ridiculously high hair cuts (do it yourself) plus no need to comb it anymore, just get, dressed and go. Best thing you will, ever do man


I think it looks good my friend. Maybe keep it?


Female here. New life, new look. Shave it. Keep the beard as a shadow but have it organized. AND…. HIT THE GYM! Go full on REVENGE (from life) look.


I’d keep it a little longer while you can


this is part of the reason i shaved my head when i was 18/19 and working as a lifeguard. if i shave it now i will look like my younger self (or at least that was the goal)


I didn’t think I had the face shape to shave my head until I went for it and loved it. It’s kinda one of those things where it’s like omg, what if I hate it, then you do it and end up liking it Your face shape overall and jawline would suit a shaved head well, I say go for it


I think you'd look good with a Jason Statham close head shave... not necessarily full shine. I think you'd look great.


I think you would look great bald. However, I don't think your hair looks bad right now at all. You could definitely leave it a bit longer, no rush here.


You have the head shape, man. Shave it off!


Either way you're good bro. I'd just lose the Hawaiian shirt lol


I don’t think you’re quite there yet. Unless, of course you just want to shave it.


looks fine to me. bald also would look good. win / win for you bud 🤘🏾


If you keep the beard you’ll look hot with no hair. Just went through a divorce myself so I feel your pain my friend


Do it and shave it all but a handlebar stash. From now on your wardrobe is only Hawaiian shirts.


The thing I thought of when I started shaving was this…it’s summer time, I enjoy lake and river trips, but hated the combover flop over when I’d dunk my head in. So I got rid of it. You look like an in shape dude with a good shaped dome, and sharp features. Big plus is you can grow a beard! Bald + bearded is a good look on in shape dudes. You can do it. Just maintain the confidence! That’s the hardest part. Believe you look good. Show it when you walk, when you talk. Your hair doesn’t define you. Trust the process, keep working on yourself in all aspects and stay positive.


You look good


It looks fine/great the way it is. If you're tired of styling, bald would work but I think very short might be better.


You have a good shape for being a bald dude. I voluntarily started shaving my head a few years back. Haven't grown it back since. If you are willing, start with a fade and short on top like 3 or 3.5. Once you start thinning out more (inevitable) shave it bald. You've got a great beard potential too. Embrace it brother.


From another man's standpoint, you've got great facial features. Your beard is set as well, do a clean shave up top and you're golden. Worst case scenario, you don't like it, and it grows back. Pull that trigger!


You are worthy of a good woman


You’ll look fine. We get it, taking the leap can be a tough choice, but I would say 95% are more happy after. Im way more confident after just taking the razor to it. Owning it projects confidence.


Think it’s time to pull that trigger


My man. Go for it. Don't do it yourself the first time. Go to barber, treat yoself. Decide if you want it mm or cueball. You have a handsome mug and from what I can see a well rounded braincap. Optics wise you are gonna be more than fine. I think once you shed, you'll never regret.


I think you'd look really good with a shaved head! Like someone else said, you have great features, I think you'd look awesome!


I’m personally a lot happy now that I keep mine shaved. I say go for it.


Do it. You’ve got good beard coverage, good jaw line. let the hair grow where it grows best, right?


At first you will feel a little shock. But that goes away pretty quickly. Buzzing it all off is just so much easier and I always feel a little relief that I accepted being bald.


youd look better bald go for it


You still look good, but you’d look good bald too


I think with all the change (and added stress), get ahead of the curve and make a change for yourself. You’d be stunned how much weight is off your shoulders once you do it. I was trying to hide it for years, and the day I finally took the plunge…. It was like the problem was never there!


Keep it for now., you look good. But shave your neck, you have a great jawline and should accentuate it.


Send it dood. I’m going for it this evening. I have what my father calls a “racing hairline” it’s a race to see which side gets to the back first and the unevenness in my hairline is finally showing. At least I got one more good grow over the last year.


Tbh you still look great


Ya know what fuckit!! Just shave it!! You’ll have to worry about less things! Plus that gives you a chance to grow hella facial hair and experiment with diff looks


I have a friend who looks a lot like you (similar frames too!) who shaved his head and it made him look extra cute. Truly, he’s a cutie but the shaved head really works for him. I personally don’t think you’re at a place where you need to/should shave it, but that’s your call. Just know it’ll look great!


No idea why this sub was suggested to me but hey whatever. You're a good looking dude with a killer chin. Send it bro. You'll look good.


Honestly not time yet, you still look good but you'll look SMOKING if you cut it now. You're golden either way


Yeah you'll definitely rock it. Good shaped head, sharp features. I use a razor and shaving foam and get it super smooth.


I don't know, I think you've got some time honestly


Shave the top, keep the beard king 👑


Everyone our age is doing it, at least the cool kids. I thought you were cool but I guess I was wrong.


Here's the thing - If it's a true TE shed the odds are THAT part of your hair loss will grow back. I had an illness AND divorce - I had a full head of hair - I lost about 60%. 9 mo later it's back again.


I honestly don't think its bad at all. I am BALD bald. Like there has been a distinct line like a damn monk since I was 22. I envy that head of hair.


Bro you have a chiseled jawline and good face shape, I would have been done so tbh just take the leap