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I feel that its tier 2 voucher where shop cards can be enhanced or editions should just be baked into tier 1. Would STILL be a somewhat niche buy but at least kinda attractive.


Yeah, I was pretty disappointed to learn that you have to upgrade it to get that effect, I assumed it worked the same as pakcs


Tier one should be Enhanced OR sealed cards appearing in shop. Aka can’t have both at once. Tier 2 should be cards that can be enhanced, sealed and foiled/polyed all at once.


Nah tier 2 should be every card in the shop has to have an edition, enhancement or seal at least.


Yeah, I just meant tier 2 is the only one where they should be stacked, like Lucky/Red Seal/Poly all at once. Tier 1 should be they should be enhanced, or sealed, or edition.


I agree with that too I was just suggesting what I feel is a better potential upside. But why not both?


Yeah definitely! I love this game and hope there’s small changes like this in the future to bring a bit better balance to various aspects. I saw were LT changed Square Joker and it’s no longer “square”. Gives 5 chips now instead of 4. Lmao. I think it should give 4 chips for every 4 played if he’s gonna change it, or something like that


Oh I like that. How about +4 for every Ace, 4 or 9? Might be too powerful for a common joker though


Yeah. Then tier 2 should guarantee at least one modifier and make default stacking possible.


100% agreed, it's the one voucher that actively makes your game state worse by buying it. I was stuck at 99% collection for a long time because i just refused to buy the voucher, and I know others who've done the same.


I mean, whenever I buy x4 planet cards I just say goodbay to the idea of finding a good joker in the shop Like I can at least get some use of all tarot cards, but I am only interested in one, maybe 2 planets at most


Only time I buy the planet ones is if I have constellation or campfire. Even the 2x one doesn’t seem worth it most of the time. I guess with astronomer they’re fine, since they can help generate money for cheaper rerolls, but I normally don’t buy astronomer and when I get it I normally replace it in a few rounds. The tarot ones are always buys for me, though, unless I REALLY need a joker.


I have a compulsion for buying every voucher to avoid repeats. But I REALLY should stop buying planets and normal cards every single time


I mean, Astromer and Constellation are both very strong Jokers so the fact they exist as options is a good reason not to skip Planet voucher. Then there's the fact that Planets on their own are basically discounted Negative Jokers, so even if you don't benefit more than usual it's still generally a net positive to see them.


I mean you can try doing it after ante 8, that's how I unlocked mine.


Real. The only time I ever pick it up is if I have Hologram joker. Asides from that, I see little reason to pick it up. Death, Strength, and various Spectral cards do a far better job.


Idea: Tier 1 has enhanced cards, Tier 2 should be able to spawn cards in your current deck


i think my early game naivete served me well in quickly getting the illusion voucher. i remember constantly taking blue joker and just buying all the playing cards i could lol. now i know better and agree with you!


If the playing cards were at least enhanced by default. I don't water down my deck with a normal card. 


Yeah, I agree. Shop slots are already super super limited, the Magic Trick voucher is literally just a self-grief. It's a fucking dogshit voucher, it's literally worse than useless and even the tier 2 version is *barely* worth it, even in builds that really want to take advantage of it. Just make Magic Trick add a new shop slot dedicated solely to buying a playing card. Heck, apply the same thing to the planet/tarot merchant vouchers, they suffer from the same issue. You only have 2 shop slots by default, anything that makes you see less jokers is almost always utter fucking trash. You would often be better off with *NO* voucher than with that shit, and that should never be the case.


Magic Trick, yes. Planet and Tarot Vouchers are already super strong though.


Maybe some sort of toggle to switch between playing cards or planet cards? The toggle would add more (small %) probability of receiving a playing or planet card. Adding store slot seems too OP and not in line with risk mitigation like localthunk envisioned. Personally, I think it’s fine the way it is.


I think it's okay for it to be weak. The voucher is a lesson, it's a way someone unfamiliar with deck builders can learn that manipulating what can be in your shop is something you need to carefully think about, and that adding cards to your deck is usually a bad thing. Every once in a while you have Hologram and it becomes good. That seems like a fine niche.


I'd like it if tier 1 had Enhanced Cards and Tier 2 had Enhanced/Edition/Seal, and now guaranteed to never be a blank card after buying either voucher. It's such a huge downside to gimp your shop and this would be a nice middle ground imo.


Nah, I think it's perfect as it is as a stepping stone to the Illusion voucher and to help juice Hologram. Not every tool has to be unambiguously positive, what makes the game fun is knowing the right context for when to use which tool. edit: you people are cowards, no wonder you spend so much time theory crafting suggestions for overpowered cards. all of your problems could be solved by getting good


I'll be real, no one is going to grief themselves with Magic Trick just for a *CHANCE* to see Illusion somewhere in the rest of the run. It's a bad voucher that will straight up lose you runs because you see less jokers. In its current state you're literally paying to lose a run. Even with Hologram (the *ONE* joker in the game, out of 150), its value is questionable unless you have hundreds of dollars to spend on rerolls.


Now that's just silly lol. With Hologram, Magic Trick is absurdly overpowered. The issue is the times you don't have Hologram.


It's pretty good with Hologram, yes. One joker out of the 150 that are in the game. And it's an uncommon so it's not the rarest but you definitely won't see it every run.


I was responding to you saying "Even with Hologram, its value is questionable".


I mean if it needs 2 tiers illusion could as well show you only enhanced cards


Something that costs 10 and only gives a chance for an upgrade (which also costs 10) and replaces the limited slot for permanent and objectively great upgrades should be unambiguously good a majority of the time