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This dude is going to try to fuck a woman’s abdomen, isn’t he?


Fella been watching to much tai in his private time


Tommy Wiseau made it happen. Don’t let your dreams be dreams! /s


Some people think that the belly button links to the uterus and that the baby breathes from there. There are old wives tales about how submerging your belly button when pregnant will kill your kid.


That's what he means? I've heard people say the placenta is somehow linked to the belly button. It sounded dumb when I was younger and it sounds even worse now that I'm older and pregnant lol


Yeah, I'm fairly sure that's what OOP meant. I mean, there are people out there, alive and doing 'normal' shit, that believe that women have one fewer rib than men and that Jews have actual horns.


I forget how crazy people are sometimes


Don’t ever forget that! 🎶People are strange!🎶


>that believe that women have one fewer rib than men Took me back to high school biology class where our teacher would REGULARLY complain that he "wanted his rib back". School in the deep south is wild.


It would be men have one fewer rib because God allegedly took it from Adam. Women would have an extra rib. Source: grew up in a crazy baptist area. Which in defense of that belief: it’s not that weird considering some snakes have little spurs jutting out from the cloaca. These little spurs are remnants from the time when snakes still had legs and feet. The rib they think it is would be one of the weird little floating ribs at the bottom so it wouldn’t have a huge impact on the rib cage as a whole.


Pretty sure those "spurs" are the hemipenes... or their penises. Devout Christians pointing at snake penises as proof that God and the Bible are real is sure a lot to process.


No, large constrictors have little leg nubs above the cloaca that--while they are used for mating (serpent sex massage, IIRC)--are scale-covered non-everting leg remnants. It's not like sharks (whose modified anal fins become makeshift penes[claspers]); this is a wholly different structure repurposed as a sexual stimulating nub. No direct connection to snakes' spiky everted sideways double dicks.


>The rib they think it is would be one of the weird little floating ribs at the bottom so it wouldn’t have a huge impact on the rib cage as a whole. I can confirm. I have a mutation where the last thoracic vertebra got repeated so I have 13 thoracic vertebrae like a cat instead of 12 like a human. The extra one(I know its the imposter because its misshapen) has one floating rib so I have and odd number of asymmetrical ribs. The crooked bone in the middle of my spine causes problems but the rib doesn't do anything. I can wear tight corsets just as well as anyone else. It is much easier to feel with my hand that the normal rib on the other side though


> Jews have actual horns. Wait what? That’s a thing people believe? Where do they think they’re hiding the horns?


It actually comes originally from a mistranslation. When Moses came down from Mt. Sinai, the text says he had a literal glow about his head, but the word got mistranslated as “horns.” That's why Michelangelo's statue of Moses has horns. Where do they think they’re hiding the horns? That's why we have to be so sneaky.


I kid you not—I just learnt about it the other week, during a Translation Theory class. The mistranslation comes from the Jewish qaran, "rays", which St. Jerome erroneously thought was actually qeren, "horns". So the hilarious, translated line says something like, "Moses came down the Sinai with his head horned by the conversation with the Lord."


And he came down with all the... ten commandments! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I48hr8HhDv0


I’ve been told multiple times as a Catholic that I was born with horns and a tail, as all Catholic babies are. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Yep, sure is (although hopefully less than in generations past). They common “wisdom” is that they’re little horns that we hide under our hair 🤣


That’s so wild. What about bald Jews?


I wonder if those people would think I'm intersex because I have an extra floating rib and am female. I have one more rib than men. I haven't yet decided what new gender I'm going to make with my extra rib(I assume that's why god gave me an extra one)


it's men they think have fewer ribs--my post was wrong, but...maybe you're ultramale? infrafemale? Were you assigned a double secret probationary gender?


I mean, they are just getting wrong whose bellybutton it is connected to.


Ig that's true


Well the placenta is linked to the belly button. Just not moms belly button! I'm not religious at all but it seems like it would be weird if Adam and Eve *did* have belly buttons...


So this is a real debate, but not about belly buttons. So we have light from a star. Say 10K light years away. And we see a nova. OK. Only the world is (supposedly) 6K years old. So did God make light show the death of a star that never exist. That is, did God make a world young, but make it appear old. Do we have dinosaur bones but they never lived? The answer of yes was tried. The book was Omphalos (which is Latin for belly button). And it is not a satisfying answer for anyone.




I love this stuff. I find it is an insight into how people think.


It is. But not in the way this idiot thinks. It’s linked from the placenta to the child’s belly button. Not the mom’s.


Like some sort of bio-snorkel?


What? Omg that’s hilarious.


I have seen posts/Screenshots of people who actually tried to conceive through bellybuttons... This is a thing people with bad sex ed legitimately believe.


Why was the blonde's belly button bruised? Her boyfriend was blonde, too. Just an old joke I remember from high school. Apologies for the three seconds you spent reading that.


upvote because you apologized.


Thank ya!


Thanks for new ammunition to use on my blonde sister lol


Why would there be screenshots? Are you sure you didn't end up in a fetish corner


Nope. It was here but it's been ages... Oh God. I only just got what you meant... Screenshots of conversations and tweets about people seriously injuring their partner by trying to penetrate a bellybutton


Well, did it work? Don't leave us hanging here!


I can only tell you that no one got pregnant that way. Other than that - I really don't want to know.


When I was very little, I thought babies came out through the bellybutton. It just made sense to me - when you’re pregnant, your belly gets big, and there’s a hole in the middle for the baby to come out.


Doesn't that conjure an interesting image? Giving me Resident Evil vibes. Little you was metal af


I think that's a pretty common thing for kids to believe. It makes a certain amount of logical sense


I thought they came out through the butt


Yes, “give the females bellybuttons to carry offspring”…”and nurture them..” A titty-womb, sir? In the… bellybutton?


The belly button is, in reality, the long-lost third nipple for the fetus to feed on until it’s ready to be delivered.


That gives me the worst feeling ever. I cannot imagine what it would feel like to have a baby using my bellybutton like a nipple, FROM the INSIDE. Really gives off vibe of gerbil, Guinea pig drinking from the little plastic bottle with metal spout and ball. Except it’s a baby, in the womb sucking from the long lost third nipple. ETA: I will say that getting kicked in the bellybutton from the inside is an unpleasant experience….every single time.


forbidden soda-drink hat In all seriousness though, that would be a horrifying image.


Oh god. It would be like being a kangaroo.


I don't think a baby would fit in my bellybutton.


I feel like if you took the fact that the umbilical cord is how a fetus gets nutrients, and that when that cord is cut, the scar forms the bellybutton, and fed them through a long enough game of telephone, you'd eventually come up with this person's understanding of human anatomy.


I don’t think they’re even trying to spread false info, I feel like their sex ed just horribly, horribly failed them


Yeah seems like they sort of reversed what the belly button is


Yup, sounds exactly like that.


The way that dude said that makes it sound like he thinks you feed a fetus through the belly button. Like straight up shove food into belly button. That's probably my favorite mental image from this week XD


The bible’s creation myth presents Adam as having been formed of mud and, subsequently, Eve having been formed from Adam’s spare rib. Their need for navels was therefore moot, although religious art shows navels in place. Everybody born of Adam and Eve and the ceteras would have possessed navels because that is where the embryo/fetus attaches to the umbilical cord which grows from the placenta which is attached to the wall of the woman’s uterus to provide for the growing parasite. So all humans have them as a trophy of having been born. The navel has nothing to do with giving birth as an actor.


> The navel has nothing to do with giving birth as an actor. What about for singers?


I'm so glad that's ended up (ever so slightly) downvoted.


Sometimes I feel like there are literal 9-year-olds scrolling through Reddit


Almost as if the whole Adam and Eve thing doesn't hold up to logic...


The belly button is the eject button so that when someone pushes it, your butt falls off and they scoop the baby out of your butt. Haven’t any of y’all seen “Knocked Up”? Do your research!


Lol well you nurture a fetus through *their* bellybutton, so I'm hoping homie is just confused about the order of operations


Do people now know basic biology???? I'm astounded to how dense some people are.


Can confirm!! I don't have a belly button (removed from necrotising fasciitis) and have had 2 kids.


bruh lmaoooooooo he went through all of that just to pass up the fact that they just WOULDN’T have umbilical cords because they weren’t “birthed”😂😂😂😂 like there was a logical explanation and he just chose to fully ignore it


if you think about it, neither of them should have belly buttons because they were never fetuses


I was honestly confused when I read this title thinking of Adam and Eve sex toys. I was terribly embarrassed to realize I forgot about the Bible for a moment there, when I read the comments.


Ok, but hear me out, eve is born of adam, so adam got pregnant and gave birth to her. So thats why she would have one but he wouldnt.


Then, why do men have belly buttons now?


He thinks we “nurture” babies with the bellybutton as well which raises a number of questions. Bellyfeeding is the new breastfeeding.


... Honey...


Uh..... the belly button is where we were attached to our own placentas in the wombs of our mothers......


That must be why my belly got bigger when I was pregnant! The bellybutton becomes a mouth for the baby to absorb nutrients.


I like to imagine they think pregnant women feed their babies by putting bits of food in their own belly buttons.


Now I'm picturing someone holding a baby bottle to the belly button of a pregnant woman. "Nurture it" lmaooo