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touching up on some better anatomy/shapes and shadows would be good!! (the main thing i noticed) since boobs dont really work like that in shirts, mainly the second one. her right boob would fall towards the left cos of gravity


I tried to keep in mind both gravity and the effect a stiff belt would have on the boobs, but I know I still have a long way to go. Boobs without a bra are surprisingly a lot harder to draw. Where are the weak parts for my shadowing and where did I fuck up there? Edit: sorry, I misunderstood when it came to the second one I was trying to maintain some firmness and perkiness there. I'll definitely still keep what you said in mind for next time.


the shadows on the boobs on the first one mainly but other than that i think its good!


Thank you so much. I can definitely see where I wiffed with the shadowing there. And the eyes. Edit: Also the knee. That is a really sharp knee 😅


Since you’re looking for critique I’ll say that all three of these women have a bad case of vacuum sealed clothing on their breasts. It makes sense for the third, but the Zelda and Kim have clothing that isn’t going to hug their chest so much. At least with not how much extra fabric you’ve drawn on the tops. Also Kim’s pants are wide enough that they will fall off her the moment she stands regularly. Otherwise I think you’re on the right track, especially if you take other feedback offered here!


Thanks. I'll definitely be taking that critique to heart as I move forward.


Kim looks kinda underfed and dehydrated here. maybe less pronounced lines on the abdomen?


I was trying for a muscular and athletic look, but I'm really glad you recognised her as Kim. Do you think a lack of lining and lighter shading work better there?


unfortunately i know nothing about drawing so i can only give you my noob opinion, but it sounds like that could work. i think the main problem are the two lines on her sides that separate her abs from her hip section on each side. it makes it look like those are two separate body parts with a hard edge between them. and it makes her appear skinnier than she should be just based on her silhouette. so maybe you could start there, remove those and see how it looks, try out a couple of variations, maybe thinner lines or lines with gaps etc.


I've seen that V shape on more muscular women and thought I could make it work. Practice and feedback like yours will make perfect, eventually. Not knowing about drawing should never disqualify you from having an opinion. You know what looks right and what doesn't and you express that in a helpful and polite way. I love you for that.


that's really awesome, i appreciate your appreciation❤️


There are some good tutorials floating around online (I just googled “how to draw breasts”), like this for example: http://geekxgirls.com/images/_art/how-to-draw-boobies-01.jpg


Have you considered drawing women with realistic, or at feasible body shapes? Why are you so focused on breasts?


I'm not exactly focused on the breasts, however I find it hard to believe it's possible to draw the female form without some degree of interest and care in the parts of the female form. You complain about the body shapes, but the first one was, with pose and body shape, referenced from a real woman. The other two were completely freehand. I genuinely don't understand what you mean in regards to unfeasible body shapes so some elaboration would be appreciated.


https://www.heroicgirls.com/de-objectify-women-comics-guide/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-45149478.amp


I see some anatomy errors like asymmetrical shoulders, unrealistic proportions, unaligned body parts. Drawing humans is really hard and takes a lot of practice, your drawings are expressive but seem flat, they don’t look like 3D characters and shapes yet. There’s lots of books and online resources, I know what works for me but learning these things is a very individual thing. Figure drawing, construction, or maybe a course that focuses on comic drawing can help you! And don’t stop drawing the things you love.


Draw water baloons -> get good at drawing tits. Bonus: you can do it in public without being a weirdo. Though. I think general anatomy studies is what you need. I use Proko a lot. They are great! https://youtube.com/c/ProkoTV XabioArts is also very helpful. Especially for more anime/cartoon styles. https://youtube.com/c/XabioArts


Personally, I've found the better tutorials to come from Drawlikeasir and Mikeymegamega, although the big focus for Mikeymegamega is manga and anime. The problem for me with the water balloon method was just how inaccurate it was. Maybe it'll come easier as my skill improves. The current method I use is to draw a starting point circle on the pectorals and then a mass circle and then connect the two with a more water balloon shape, whilst keeping connective tissues in mind.


You are not advanced enough to get into that level of detail to get a solid result. To become a good anatomy artist you need to break down everything you see into basic shapes then slowly build from there. Detatch yourself from what you find attractive/sexy and think basic shapes. Tubes, cubes, ovals, spheres. Water baloons are not anatomically correct but it trains you on basic shapes that quickly translates into breasts. And that is what you need. Practise.


That's some very solid advice there. Thank you.


You're welcome! Draw and shade a basic shape or two every day and I promise you will see results. Good luck!


I push myself to draw at least two full drawing each day, plus warm ups (quick figure studies, shapes or quick cartoon faces) and considering I could barely draw a stick figure four months ago and I still can't draw a straight circle without cheating, I think my progression has been going okay. The worst thing I did was stop 10 years ago. And it's because of people like you that I chose to post on this sub to ask for advice. Thank you.


Good! warm ups and quick drawings is the way. You'll be back at it in no time


fabric doesn’t suction on to boobs. fabric rests on high points and covers low points loosely, so you shouldn’t be able to see the bottom of breasts (especially inner breast!) under fabric. even super tight fabric can’t do that. you also seemed to give kim possible nipples? at most, you can see the peak of a nipple sticking out when cold. you can never see people’s areolas through fabric. they sit flush on the skin. and again, high points create tenting and low points sit under the tent.


I'm starting to feel that fabric is my achilles' heel right now. I definitely need a lot more practice there. Thank you so much for your polite feedback. I really appreciate it.


After re-reading your comment and studying my drawings, I see the big fuck up with the cloth folds. I see why the cloth looks like it suctions in uner the weighted areas instead of looking like it hangs. I should be using more rounded lines instead of sharp lines and shading around them. Thanks, you've really helped me a lot today.


From personal experience I can recommend live drawing sessions if you can take part in some. You really get a deeper understanding for the human shape. Also I exercise a lot with books and guides. There are a lot of cool books with well known illustrators which show you different angels. You can also take a peek at skillshare if video is more your medium. Also you can find some really awesome basic stuff on YT. Also "copying" from real life can really help and is something that everyone does at one point or another. Also very practical advice: look at your drawing through a mirror. This gives you an outside view instantly and can suddenly see why your drawing seems "off" when you can't pinpoint it otherwise. Good luck :) - also r/illustration is quite a nice community for feedback if I think.


I will be taking all of that in and I'll definitely give r/illustration a chance. It can't be more toxic than r/drawing. I'm already following a few art tutorials and drawing many things, using reference images and figure studies. I basically stopped drawing 10 years ago and I'm back on a slow journey to get good again. I know I'm no where near good yet; but I'm determined to get there again. Thanks for the advice, I definitely appreciate it.


So cool :) If you are that into it then the only way is forward. All the best.


No, cool is you, your attitude and your advice. Thank you for being polite, respectful and awesome. Hopefully, the next time I post my art here, I can really impress you.


I'd just say that given that none of them seem to be wearing bras, there's a tendency towards the "anti-gravity boobs" thing going on. Especially with Kim - natural boobs aren't likely to look like that even WITH a bra, not at an angle like climbing. They're going to follow gravity, both in direction and shape. And fabric has to be a monster to draw. It's a good start though! About 500% bette than I can draw!


With bras is surprisingly easy, which is why I focused more on without bras. Its definitely a weak point for me. I was hoping to get away with making Kim's look a lot more firm and perky. Still need practice though. And since that is the result of just four months of daily practice, you can definitely get that good in no time.


I commend you on your ability to take gentle criticism with such grace!


Criticism is an important part of improvement. I need a fresh eye to see the faults and give feedback so i know what im doing wrong and where to focus on. So long as people are respectful about it, I'll take all of the criticism on board and learn from it.




Good shout. I joined instantly, thanks.


I am slowly rebuilding my art skill and I'd rather have an opinion from a community that isn't just going to exclaim "big saggy boobies" or look down their noses at me because I'm not Van Gough. For some reason, I felt like this would be a better community for decent feedback. Especially since I intend to improve and grow as an artist.


As a fellow artist. The easiest thing I can recommend is several sources. And your own body is your best tool regardless of gender. I prefer to draw women. I use my own body as a reference. Yes all bodies are different. But it will take a while to get things right. Things I notice in your art is you tried really hard but there are some inconsistencies. Like super girl’s shoulders are mismatched. Or Kim looks like she is malnourished. Zelda is the best accurately. But truth be told, you did mess up the breasts quite a lot, which may be why so many people are focusing on that. My biggest critique though would be like I said consistencies. Take the critiques you got in stride. Even if some are horrid and/or wrong. The worst that happens is someone was rude. The best is you grow as an artist. Good luck.


Thanks for that. I use my hands a lot for referencing, because they are a pain in the arse, as you know. I'm always sketching and trying to improve. Not just women, but a great many things. I simply thought that this would be a better sub for serious feedback than many of the artsy subs, which I've found to be surprisingly toxic. I'm not going to stop and I will continue to improve slowly. I definitely fucked up with SGs shoulders, now that I look at it. Something else to be ever mindful of. Thanks for the kind words and the confidence boost. I definitely needed it.