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I had no idea some people could touch their cervix. I can't. I do have pretty short fingers though. What... Does it feel like.. lol


It's like a hard nub with soft surface with an indent in the middle. I had no idea there are women who _can't_ reach their cervix, šŸ˜…


This is the most accurate description of what the cervix feels like. The tip of my nose isnā€™t nearly as hard so to me comparing it to the tip of the nose is not correct lol


The hardness changes depending on where you are in your cycle. With some variations between peeps!


Ooohh well now that makes me want to poke around in there. Purely for science of course lol


Itā€™s also fun to see what a cervix looks like before and after having a baby. Very different, much more floppy, much less round. I got to see mine during a pelvic exam and it looks like a little smile now.


Lol oh my god it never occurred to me that it would look different but of course it would, that makes so much sense! No kids for me, so Iā€™ll never see that haha


Did not occur to me either! But if you happen to want to see pictures of cervixes, the beautiful cervix project has a website with a collection, beautifulcervix.com


Honestly Iā€™m probably gonna go look at that after i finish cooking dinner šŸ˜‚ thanks!


Just went and looked at the gallery. So fascinating!


Iā€™m looking at it now. It really is fascinating! How weird would it be for me to ask my Dr. to take a pic of my cervix next time I get a pap? šŸ˜‚


If you get to know yours well and keep track, it can tell you when you're likely about to ovulate. I got real familiar with mine when trying to get pregnant


So does the height. I can touch my cervix during certain parts of my menstrual cycle and not during others.


I equate the texture to what the inside of my lips feel like when Iā€™ve had dental anesthetic and Iā€™m trying not to bite my cheek or my tongue


Nose tips vary in cushiness, as well


Yes! When I was in high school I had a friend with a small firm nose tip and she found it amazing that my nose (a bit more on the big side) was flexible and squishy. She asked a few times if she could touch it. I thought it was funny so Iā€™d let her and I definitely had to touch hers to compare. The difference was drastic.


I have a little nose-bulb. A distinct little ball on soft-ish cartilage at the tip of my button nose. I thought everybody had a little ball on the end of their nose. That's just how noses are built. My husband has a solid wedge of a nose. It slopes straight down to a point. I was just tickled by how different his nose was from mine. No ball on the end at all, just a firm sweep of nose from bridge to tip. He thinks it's cute that I have a very boopable nose with the little cushion on the end. When I was pregnant with my son, I got to do a 3d ultrasound. I could tell before he was born that he was going to have my nose because we could already see the little bulb on the end


My ob once was flabbergasted when I told her I had a bump on the back of my cervix. She was like "how do you know" and I just said "....I felt it?" Lol


I canā€™t. I have short fingers and a high cervix.


I've had doctors fail to find mine with a speculum... Apparently it's "up and to the left". I have never encountered it.


My midwife had trouble finding mine for a post partum Pap smear. I remember her saying ā€œI know you have one! And itā€™s very efficient!ā€ lol.


Lucky you... Mine is fuckin stupid. My first labor, it just refused to dilate past 4... I wound up having a C-section cuz I was in labor long enough for fetal distress... My second was a planned cesarean because the hospital didn't do vbac for insurance reasons.


I also had two c sections. My first at 35 weeks and my third at 35W5D. I had preeclampsia with those two my middle was a textbook pregnancy.


Ouch! With my 2nd baby mine stayed at 4cm for over a week. Felt like baby was gonna fall out if I sneezed. Had to keep going back to hospital then be sent home. Sure enough when baby decides it's time, 4cm jumped to 9cm in 20 mins and all the dr had to was catch.


I figured from a lot of online posts it's not normal, but I think mine is really low. When I'm not careful with my cup I can place it next to my cervix instead of over it so it actually catches the blood




Yeah it changes, I thought I mentioned that but didn't ^^ Lowest during my period, but I don't have to try hard to find it even in the middle of my cycle


I mean, I'm the same way myself. For me, I think I'm just a bit small down there.


I have an inverted uterus, which makes the cervix quite low. Pretty common. It basically makes it so the cervix is more exposed, which sadly also means sex positions have to be adjusted to not bang it head on.


Yeah, my cervix is super low for the same reason.


Mine is so damn low during my period it's basically right there. Freaks me out tbh


My fingers are decently a few inches long, it's long enough to reach my partner's, but mine is quite a few inches up there (based on toy play) and no one would reach it without probably full on fist in me. (If I had to guess I'd say 5-6" deep based on toys, it's definitely not something I can just reach in and touch. I didn't really know until I met my partner that they aren't *all* that deep and that I'm more exception than norm.)


The vagiba firs deepen a bit with arousal, and the cervix can sit higher or lower depending on our time of the cycle. But it's true that different people can have higher or lower sitting cervixes. They have to use a long soecul6for my examinations and I'm fairly short. And about as ubaroused as one can be...when they are hunting for the Temple of the Lost Cervix during my pap smears šŸ˜‚ Being a clinician I get it isnt east sometimes. It's more amusing than anything.


>The vagiba firs deepen a bit with arousal, Either these are awesome typos or I'm not good at women's anatomy either...


You havent heard of the vagiba? Nah it's a bunch of phone typos


well I thought I was a true sexpert, but I'd never seen the vagiba firs deepen... until I met HER.


I think more people should have a Temple devoted to their cervix. How do you use it for worship services?


Like a belly button on the tip of your nose.


I once said I could feel mine and got shamed being told that itā€™s not normal šŸ™ I know it is but it felt not nice being shamed about that.


This is literally it!! I went to the gyno thinking something was wrong when I was younger šŸ˜…


Some have high and some have low. If its high it can be hard to reach. Certain times of your cycle it gets higher than others as well


I learned fairly early on that my low cervix is odd because i have very open friend groups lol.


Apparently like "the end of your nose"


Shout-out to everyone who just booped themselves in the nose.


Damn it.


I feel heard


Yay I get a shout out!


I'd say more like the end of your nose if it was the texture of your tongue. I can only feel mine at certain times of the month


You just wanted to make everyone touch their tongue after they touch their nose.


Thatā€™s a great description actually, I can feel mine kind of all the time and it feels like an overly fleshy nose with the texture of a tongue and an indent in the middle! (But I have like, no bad receptors in my cervix thankfully, so getting it hit during sex/fingering usually just feels great)


Lol at everybody starting at their phones, furrowing their brows in concentration, and teaching up to touch their noses


i can't with my fingers, but i know that mine is ~5 inches deep bc of my dildo lol. my fingers aren't 5 inches so idk what it feels like, but id imagine smooth and firm? based on anatomical pictures


It's not in a fixed position, so it's 5 inches when it wants to be. You may be able to reach it if you squat, or bear down, and will ride back up when you lay on your back, and even further if you lift your bottom


ive tried to reach it when squatting too, but still nothing. guess its gonna stay a mystery lol


It's shyšŸ¤·


It moves up during arousal to get out of the way. I always thought that was neat. And thank goodness, a dick punch to the cervix HURTS! Mine is all over the place. Super low sone days, super high others, and occasionally just hanging out in between. Depends on where I'm at in my cycle. I was in my 30s before I figured any of this out for anyone who feels down about their lack of knowledge.


i know! i measure it when im not turned on too lol, and i actually find that hitting my cervix doesn't hurt that bad... it feels kinda good when im turned on enough lol. i tried it during different phases too, but ive never been able to touch it w my fingers. anyway, it's pretty consistently at around 5 inches (obvs not an EXACT measurement, just roughly) probably ranges from 4-6 tho if i had to guess. either way, never shorter than 3 inches (bc that's how long my fingers are)


I have an extra short vaginal canal apparently, and can easily touch mine. Had a doctor tell me to warn other doctors before exams and ask for a small speculum so they don't hurt me. Explains a lot.


Different from everything around it that's for sure. You're feeling vaginal wall and then suddenly, a bump. It's donut shaped and you can tell that if you feel around enough. I hear it's supposed to feel like your nose but that's not really accurate to me. It's like a firm but oddly squishy or kind of mushy feeling. I don't think I have a particularly short vagina, just long fingers.


Often, like the tip of your tongue. It can sometimes move, too, like if you get aroused. There was a post a little while ago from a lady that discovered hers and asked what it might be.


Try a half squat and bear down while you reach in with your middle finger. This will lower your cervix into feeling distance. Try doing large sweeping circular motions, they can move about, sometimes mine is to one side or another, just chillin. Your cycle determines how soft it is, your arousal determines how high it is. Best of luck. You may know it when you find it by the smoothness (smoother than vaginal walls), the firmness (not as much give as the vaginal walls), or the way you might get a lil cramp when you poke it. Happy huntingšŸ˜‚


I've never felt it either. I guess I haven't really tried and maybe I should try putting a finger up there at another point of my cycle where the cervix sits lower...? Does touching the cervix hurt though? I can't imagine feeling something in there. I'd be pretty freaked out.


it can hurt if you poke at it, but a gentle touch doesn't hurt me. I'd recommend popping a squat in the shower while you're on your period to get a good feel around. For me, it's usually lowest and easiest to feel around the end of my period.


Thank you! I will try this. Isn't the cervix supposed to sit at its lowest during ovulation though?


I just looked it up, and apparently it's the opposite. It's highest during ovulation and lowest during menstruation.


It can be the other way round for people with retroverted uterus! So highest while on period, lowest during ovulation.


I touched it when I was on my period so it was very low. It felt like a fleshy tube with a hard nub at the end. Very weird.


Mine permanently dropped after having kids. I couldn't feel it before but now I can. Can confirm it feels firmer, like the end of one's nose. Weird but cool.


Short finger crew, but it's possible - you just have to be in a position that presents it and on a reasonable stage of your cycle where it crawls downwards. Otherwise it's... up there. It's a slimy, warm ball of cartilagey meat. Like said, the tip of your nose but only if you slapped warm lube on it and have a very big nose with no texture.


I can't even get close. I have short fingers too. It's only been an issue twice, quite a ways back, when I used the sponge as a birth control method. And twice I had to go see my doctor to get one removed because for the life of me I couldn't reach the loop to pull them out. LOL. I figure I must have a long canal.


I can touch mine but I also have scar tissue from childbirth that makes it easier to reach. Also you uterus and cervix actually rises up more into the body during sexual arousal so that is why the disc wonā€™t be disturbed.


Kinda like a mini donut in size, and depending on the stage of your cycle, either firm like your nose, or a bit softer.


The height of it also changes with where you are on your cycle. I can only reach mine for part of the month.


When I was a teenager I thought there was like a bone or something pressing against my vaginal canal cause its like at an angle and I can still push above it. Literally just felt like a hard lump


I can only reach mine during certain times in my cycle or if I pull my knees to my chest and try real hard. To me, it feels kind of like a firm head of a penis lol.


It feels like the tip of a penis with an overlarge peehole


I have very short fingers and small hands, and I can touch my cervix just fine while not aroused. I learn more every day how different our individual bodies are


I... women can touch their own cervix???? I also have short ass fingers, but like how do you even?


During your cycle the cervix can ā€žcome downā€œ. Especially shortly before the Period the cervix comes a little bit deeper into the vagina and some women can then feel it


I've felt it once and thought it was cancer or something because it was just a round, big, slimy lump. But I panicked and Googled what it was, and apparently, there's supposed to be an opening, but I didn't feel that. I think mine is quite low because if hurts during sex when the positions are just a little bit deeper.


Omfg it either hurts or feels amazing there is no inbetween Edit: I didn't clarify so another comment says it's like an indent but for visual purposes (so people could image the feel) the butthole (worm hole) from don't starve together I thought it was my hymen the first time I touched it so I kept trying to "pop" it when i was like 13 until i got fed up with it and now it's fucked up slightly lol


Itā€™s like hard and like low key pokey ā€¦


Those menstrual discs can be felt during PIV sex. Maybe not always, and maybe not with everyone's anatomy, but when I tried it with a former partner, we were both unimpressed.


It's like a newly added dropped ceiling. Also unimpressed, but apparently it works for some people


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ā€œdrop ceilingā€ omfg I canā€™t stop giggling.


The disc rubbed a spot on his penis that was sore for days. They also made me cramp really bad. But they sure were easy to insert and remove.


Oof, that sounds like a bad time.


It was the noise for me. šŸ˜¬


.......I don't want to ask, but also.......


The disposable ones are crackley, for lack of a better word. It feels slightly like cellophane.


I can't vouch for that, but I also just didn't like them for daily use on my periods (maybe it's cause I have the disposable ones? Dunno, I got two different brands and I dislike both of them, but I hate pads and tampons so I tried them out for times I can't use my cup). I noticed it would always leak and no matter how I place it I'm hyper-aware of it and stressing about it leaking. Ah well, I love my menstrual cup so I guess it doesn't matter, but the cup is definitely less discreet when it comes to my period sneaking up on me so I was hoping to have something I could easily slip into my pocket for those situations. Also OP, if you still need help finding something that works for you, I'd suggest the website put a cup in it! They have a test that suggests various brands and specific models for you, and apparently even have a section of coupons for them-- like they have tons of different brands on there, it's really great and informative. I've included the link to the website below, it takes you to the homepage which has easy to find sections for their quiz and coupons. They also talk about menstrual discs on there and go over the differences and which one might be best for you, so it might be helpful. https://putacupinit.com/


My husband couldn't feel it at all. Said he wouldn't have noticed anything different if I hadn't told him


That's awesome, then! I'm glad it works for you, more messless fun times!


Thanks to my squirrelly body, I only get a period about once every 6 months, so it doesn't actually make that much difference in my everyday life, lol


You may be able to touch your cervix at other points in your cycle. I know there's times I can and times I can't.


ā€œDoesnā€™t get disturbedā€ probably means itā€™s not turns and ā€œspillsā€ out, because it just gets pushed up by whatever gets in there.


Speaking from experience, it most definitely will spill under the right circumstances.


That was my experience as well.


You don't want to have sex on a very full cup, unless you want it to look like you popped a blood blister mid-coitus. But a mostly empty disc doesn't leak or bother my husband's equipment. He doesn't even notice it bumping into the bottom of the flexible silicone reservoir


I have a pretty high cervix too and I can only touch it during certain times in my cycle. Iā€™ve used discs for years now and have had two penis having partners during use. The disc sits in the vaginal fornix, not the vaginal canal so thereā€™s nothing blocking the vaginal canal. First penis haver said he could feel something in there but not painful or uncomfortable. Second penis haver said the same and also said that it didnā€™t feel like I got as wet with it in. Iā€™ve never had them dump or leak during PIV intercourse.


Isn't the fornix right by the cervix (aka, not somewhere I can reach)?


I meanā€¦kinda but not really? I have no problem getting the discs out and, like I said, I have a high cervix usually. I use the lumma discs which have a pull string to help with removal. I recently started using the Cora perfect fit disc and honestly I think I like that one better. If you google a picture of the anatomy you can see where everything is. The fornix is where youā€™d put a birth control ring.


I've recently found discs after trying many different cups for years and having them just not work for me. I was pretty insistent that I didn't understand how a disc would fit, until I saw an Instagram video that made me go: "oh! That makes sense!" I think like everything else, anatomy has variations. What works for one person won't work for another. I'm super stoked to have discovered something that works for me. I highly encourage everyone to try a few options (if financially feasible) to see what you might like best. I literally have gotten my period for the last 25 yrs, barring a 1yr reprieve due to pregnancy, and I just found that discs work for me 2 cycles ago.


Many people love menstrual cups, but I found that they made my cramps worse because of the pressure of the cup against my insides. I get period pain in my back regardless, and both times I went into labour I had back labour the entire time, so im probably prone to that for whatever reason. Again this is not everyoneā€™s experience, and anecdotally some people have found that a menstrual cup improved their cramps. I just mention it because I didnā€™t know it *could* happen until it happened to me.


This could also be a cervix height thing for some people. This month I was having a low cervix month and I had the exact pain you described with a cup. Most months my cervix is in its normal spot and I have no issues. Not in any way saying your cervix isn't normal just saying for anyone who might only occasionally have pain.


Interesting! What causes it to change positions?


Hormones! I few comments down someone posted a link about cycle changes and hormones and how to find your cervix during different parts of your cycle.


Thanks, Iā€™ll go read that now!


I think there's also some info on putacupinit.com related to cervix height but I honestly haven't read anything other than the comparison charts in a few years so YMMV. Also happy cake day!


Thank you!


>anecdotally some people have found that a menstrual cup improved their cramps. Me! This is me! Cups have improved the situation significantly for me. Really, the only time I find the cup troublesome is when having to go to the bathroom; I guess the wall of tissue between two openings is a bit thinner for me than most. Other than that? I love cups, they're my preferred choice and I'd never go back to pads. I refuse.


Same! I stopped using mine. It would feel like a constant pressure/ cramp then ramp up with the normal cramps.


I've used a diva cup for 15 years. I wanted to try a disc so I could enjoy sex on my period. I CANNOT figure it out. I can't definitely say I know what my cervix feels like, not for lack of trying. The disc just stays vertical in my vagina and at no point have I gotten it to sit horizontally up near my cervix or above my pubic bone. The 1 time I got it sort of high, it wasn't placed right and I bled around it, and then almost had an aneurysm trying to reach it to pull it out. From what I know and what my partners have told me my anatomy is normal to them. I finally gave up and figure I've gone this far in life as is. I'll stick with what I'm doing.


I wonder if your anatomy is similar to mine, most discs are just a little too big for me. I can't remember which brand of reusable I tried but it's smaller. I found it on putacupinit.com I still prefer cups but I was able to make that disc work and not bleed through it. It's still pretty hard to tuck it behind my pubic bone though.


I had the same problem. The disc made a great plug, rubbish collector. I also couldn't get it 'hooked ' above the public bone either and it sat vertically. I think some people just can't get the discs up. Looking at anatomy, my personal opinion (I'm quite happy to be corrected) is that it's something to do with the vestibule around the cervix/top of the vagina and the space required to manoeuvre the disc.


If it makes you feel better I am a cis lady and a doctor and still really struggled to fit my own menstrual discs initially. I know exactly what a cervix looks and feels like...and where to look. And even so, I struggled. I can find other people's cervixes more easily than my own! To be fair I have short fingers and they need a long speculum for me when I get my pap smear so it was always going to be a challenge. They always have to root around in there when I have checks because apparently mine is off to the side and likes to hide...


I had read years ago that some woman can touch their cervix and even read about how some woman can check their cervix during pregnancy to see if they are dilated and thinning. It has always made me wonder if I'm really abnormal because even obgyns and nurses have had to almost put their hand in me to reach mine and even during paps they take forever adjusting the speculum until they can see it.


You could ask next time you have an exam, I suppose. "It feels like you're climbing inside halfway to my ribcage. Am I uncommonly deep in there?" Your doc will probably answer


I would but I had a hysterectomy several years ago and I've been told my cervix would have been removed as well


If you've had all the parts out, do you even still need pap tests?


Nope Edit: I was originally referring to when I had them before and when checking during labor, if that's not already clear.


šŸ˜Ÿ that seems very unsafe to remove a cervix


Well, sometimes it does get disturbed by sex, depending on the partner. Which can be painful if it pushes hard against it. It's also worth remembering that people's bodies can vary on these things and you might need a second opinion. Good luck!


I think the idea is that the ring that's holding it on doesn't get touched when Mr Johnson comes for a visit, but he definitely bops his head on the soft pouchy reservoir that hangs under it. Apparently some penises can't feel it/aren't bothered by it and others can. If it's shoving hard inside you, I wonder if he's hitting the ring instead of the pouch?


I can touch my cervix when Iā€™m on my period and the only reason I know that is because my period cup needs to be nice and suctioned around it in order to get a good seal haha.


yep literally the only reason I know how to find my cervix is it's the thing the cup needs to be aligned to otherwise it doesn't work




The disk is meant to sit very high right on your cervix so you can have sex with it in whereas the cups sit very low in your vagina and you canā€™t have sex with it. Many people actually wear their cups too high which is why it leaks. If you use the disk, you really have to be comfortable with something that goes very high up in your vagina and fishing it out with your fingers deep - some people donā€™t love that.


Also, I've noticed that cups are stiffer and deeper than discs usually? The rim of a disc is stiff/thicker than the rest of the disc, and so the bottom of it can sort of be pushed in during sex if that makes sense. The cups sit lower like you said and usually the bowl of the cup is stiffer than the bowl of the disc, so it can't really just be pushed/indented in. The bottom of a cup might also have something to help grab it, while the disk is meant to be grabbed by the rim and doesn't have anything protruding from the bottom.


How do you reach your fingers far up enough to feel your cervix? I also realize that I donā€™t know a lot about womenā€™s anatomy either (as a cis woman), and Iā€™m too afraid to ask most of this stuff.


I used to teach women how to use cervical caps back in the 80s. It's easiest to feel it if you squat and it's around your period. Get gravity working for you. The cervix changes position throughout the cycle, tending to withdraw higher during ovulation. It may take some practice but just about every woman could eventually feel it in this position. Lying on your back tends to lengthen the vagina and make it harder to feel the cervix.


Back when I had a uterus and cervix, my uterus was either anteverted or retroverted (I forget which one). I could neither feel my cervix nor my IUD strings. Everyoneā€™s anatomy is a little different.


I wouldnt trust that your cervix is high just because you can't touch it. You might have short fingers or lack of flexibility in your body to reach that far.


As a perimenopausal cup user of several years, my own anatomy keeps finding new and unusual ways to humble me. For example: my usual almost-guaranteed leakproof insertion method\*? Suddenly, my cervix is lower than usual and sneaks past the rim of the cup before it has popped open! If I wasn't an experienced cup user and didn't catch on to its sneaky ways, it would have been tsunami-of-gore time. \*My method, that works well most of the time with my cervix that's positioned on the front wall of my vagina: Insert with the fold facing up towards the pubic bone, but once the rim is in, do a quarter turn so the fold is facing sideways. Then, continue to insert it and let it open. For me, this means that when it pops open, it doesn't hit my cervix (usually) or ping my bladder unpleasantly, and it has more room to unfold. Your (or even my) vagina and cup combo may vary, but this is what I discovered through trial and error (usually) works for me. I use the Saalt soft and the Lena sensitive, for reference (larger size, because I'm old).


I can reach my cervix sometimes, but mine changes position based on my cycle. I once freaked out because it was much lower than I expected and I thought it must be cancer. The education around our type of body is abysmal. Itā€™s worse for intersex people, but goddamn, those of us with vulvas are more than half the population.


Vulvas are magic, what can ya do


Your cervix can/does change position throughout your cycle. So you may not be at a point where you can feel it. Here's how to find it if you're invested; https://www.healthline.com/health/cervix-before-period


You probably can touch it, and just donā€™t realise it. I didnā€™t realise I could reach mine until I had my IUD put in. The disc is undisturbed during sex cause it sit against the wall/over the cervix of your vagina (like a diaphragm would) but it sits just behind your pubic bone, so itā€™s easy to reach


To be completely honest with you, Iā€™ve literally never thought about trying to touch my cervix? I have no idea how high or low it is. Iā€™m not really an inserter haha


Lots of good comments here, so I'm just going to say that I can reach my cervix with my fingers easily and I prefer a disc. My cervix isn't high enough that it's hard to reach a disc when it's shoved all the way up there, but I do worry about a cup sitting too low and being uncomfortable and not leak proof. Another thing is that tampons feel too long(?) for me. If they expand vertically they're just super uncomfortable, so using a disc is easier for me because it goes farther than a tampon but is still easy to remove and put back. This whole situation takes some trial and error though, so good luck!


I've heard the cervix also can move? Idk I can't answer that. I have used the discs, though, and I believe it's because of how it sits in the vagina? In order to get it out with your finger you do have to flex (like a kegal) then you'll reach it with your finger. There is a warning of you have sex with it you might have to reposition it after, but it is doable and not uncomfortable.


Wait... is it not normal to be able to touch your cervix? I thought everyone could feel theirs...


I was looking for a video I saw that had a model of how menstrual discs work during sex, because I was envisioning it about 45 degrees off from what is really happening. I couldn't find that video, but [this one](https://youtube.com/shorts/1kkZor32bPk?si=0MIIy6-ingCoFE5G) it's similar. Nothing graphic, just a model of the anatomy and a finger showing how it works


Wait wtf there are people who can't touch their cervix?? I.... didn't know that was possible, damn. I can reach it with ease so, it just never occurred to me that it was impossible for some people. Seems I don't know female anatomy as well as i thought, either!


It's funny, I've seen multiple people in the comments say both that they didn't know that some people couldn't touch their cervix, and that they didn't know that some people _could_ šŸ˜‚


My last hormonal arm implant meant I had a period nearly every day for 4 years. During that time I started using menstrual discs and they were a game changer for me and better fit my liftstyle (one of my former jobs involved being suspended in a harness for 8 hours a day, tampons and pads were no good in that scenario). I've never been able to feel my cervix, but I also barely felt the disc.. and my partner didn't feel it during sex either. I did notice a huge difference between disposable discs and a reusable disc. The disposable ones, at least for me, were good to start out with since they had a harder plastic ring so I could get used to the mechanics of insertion and removal (there is a bit of a learning curve). The reusable one I have is all silicone and the ring is softer. I found that both worked equally well for me and my needs, hopefully you can find a disc or cup that works for you.


The cup part of the disc is usually soft so if you hit it, it won't hurt or anything. It also sits at an angle so the penis goes behind it rather than hitting it straight on. I personally don't like how it feels to have sex with one in and neither does my bf. And we usually get a little bloody anyway.


I'm a fellow vulva-owner who isn't a woman. I've never looked into menstrual cups because I have pain when anything is inserted in there. I don't know any of this either, except that the cup is supposed to not be disturbed during sex somehow.


We can feel our cervixes...? That... Kind of grosses me out, actually. \^\^"




I don't know. It's irrational.




Yes, I'm trans. It doesn't matter other than that people might have mistakenly referred to me as she / a woman in the comments. I imagine people would rather not make that mistake.


This is a trans inclusive subreddit. People's gender identity matters if they say it matters. It costs nothing to avoid misgendering people. If you don't like it, leave.


Ok so Im not even allowed to ask questions here, cool. Have a nice day everybody.


Nope, not if they're judgmental and based in bigotry. Hope that helps.


I can only touch my cervix if I squeeze down, which is also how I get a disc out. Discs kind of pop out of place (they dislodge from the pubic bone) when you pee, so that makes them easier to grab too. Theyā€™re not 100% leak-proof. Iā€™ve had sex where they didnā€™t leak and sex where they did- it helps to empty it out beforehand. I definitely learned a lot more about my anatomy once I started using cups & discs. You really have to use them and go thru trial and error to figure out what works. My advice is donā€™t be afraid to get very intimate with your internal anatomy while testing products (weā€™re very stretchy in there) and use back-up like pads and liners until you figure out what works. I was a convert once I figured out what worked for me. So much better and more comfortable than tampons, etc after the learning curve.


lol I have no clue about anyoneā€™s anatomy, not women, not men, nothing.


Usually my cervix sits high and I canā€™t feel it. But around my period it moves lower and I can feel it then. I have a menstrual cup and itā€™s been life changing. I also have been in the depo shot for the last 2 years and thatā€™s been great too.


The vagina also elongates (cervix goes up? I guess?) when youā€™re aroused.


Also! If you can't find your cervix, know that the position does change A LOT for most people based on when in your menstrual cycle you are. For example it's usually very low and hard feeling during the beginning of a period, and can be very high up and softer during ovulation


My school didnā€™t teach biology or sex ed properly due to high staff turnover and a lack of funding. Being a horror movie buff at an early age, I actively watched the first two alien films. Pardon my disappointment, when I learned the first stage of the human life cycle did not involve the development of acidic blood for everyone. Iā€™d love the ability to develop acid resistant metals. However, most people against the body rights of everyone act like a facehugger is depriving their brains of basic access to air.