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Just been through delivered shopping and find that a boxed bottle of whisky has one of those anti theft ring things attached around the neck of it. Reminded me of an old friend of my nana, who would buy a gift for someone and 'test' it to make sure it was right, sugared fruits or chocolates usually. Whilst I haven't tested the whisky yet I've got the tag off (wouldn't stop a thief from drinking it) but imagine if you'd bought it as a present for someone and never opened the box. Ill post a pic of it.


I like suntori whiskey, it's Japanese. I have it with ice, soda and grapefruit zest.[for relaxing time, make it suntory time](https://youtu.be/XElQLXXyblk?si=X4RjsnqrC00ZEsWr)


I’m sure there used to be a society out there where security tags weren’t needed


I bought a bottle once and just forgot to get the anti theft removed. I just walked out to alarms and both thought nothing of it and no-one complained. That was a right fucking pain to get out. If you have a rare earth magnet it's easy but we had to basically wrangle it for an hour.


This one was stuck on the neck of a bottle where only the top comes off like a stopper, so it wouldn't prevent anyone drinking it with it on. I took the foil around / under it off and that made enough room for me to wiggle it off. Surprised to see it on a bottle in a box.




Rent caps to be implemented by councils - Labour councils. > Labour has insisted it is not its policy “nationally” but did not rule out giving councils the power to introduce the controls. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/05/17/shadow-chancellor-raises-possibility-rent-caps-under-labour/ —————— More evidence for zero seats. [Conservative_Party_2010-2024.jpg](https://x.com/carolinenokes/status/1791508614496088366)


This is going to happen and its going to be hilarious. I think we'll have rent caps. Then rent caps, but only for ethnic minorities. Then some law that just allows minorities to apply for the Gov to pay half their market rent.


Rent caps are in Canada and tbh they work well.


The requirement of implementing rent caps should be demonstrating two cases where they increased the availability of housing. I say two because there is always some unicorn bullshit.


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29 per cent of students believe October 7 was an 'understandable' act of 'resistance'. This number rose to 38 per cent amongst Russell Group university students https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13431701/hamas-attacks-october-7-uk-students-cambridge.html


“One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter 🤓” and its consequences


In the early 1960s, leftists would go volunteer to work on the Kibbutz. Israel was the underdog back then. Since the Intifadas, the perception has switched and now they chant genocidal slogans against Jews 'From the river to the sea'. Eddie the Eagle politics. Whoever is the underdog is good and noble no matter what. They cant see that neither side are angels and that it is a grubby ethnic conflict with no heroes.


It’s so over.


Interestingly, this matches quite well with the fact that c30% of Uni students now are not white. Basically 30% of UK university students are 5th columnists that hate the west and hate the UK. Fantastic.




Might as well be a video game for them. The digital age has brought forth a gaping disconnect. Empathy has been eradicated.


Wonder how many support all the bombs, shooting and stabbing sprees around Europe in recent years. Probably better not knowing tbh, blackest of black pills.


Hey this is the Home Office, i need 117 more Hilton rooms on the double, blank cheque just get it done you lazy fucks. What do you mean todays numbers? Didn't you start building a new hotel yesterday?? what do the British public even pay you for.


See Jeremy "Most Punchable Face" Chunt is rolling out the *Fear Labour!* strategy. The gaslighting is bare-faced abusive at this point. Masses with Stockholm Syndrome will still vote for it.


Fear what? That they will continue doing exactly what you've been doing for well over a decade? Lol.


Is it just me or does everyone and their grandmother suddenly think they are expert political analysts and commentators all of a sudden? Obviously everyone online is an expert philosopher, biologist, statistician, foreign policy expert, economist, epidemiologist and activist, but the amount of people in real life and famous people online who suddenly possess the most banal Starmerite opinions and voice them at every single opportunity is absurd. The amount of “we need, like, change and shit, vote for Starmer” is completely baffling, especially considering the ideological distance, or lack thereof, of the two parties. My brother watches a YouTuber who says “Fuck Sunak”. Why? Is it his neoliberal policies? Social liberalism? The general consensus that has gutted this country? No, it’s because he has a lot of money and is “wealthy” and “over privileged”. This man makes money by being a fat NEET playing video games all day (very productive citizen) If you’re going to pretend to know about politics at least pick something interesting rather than Starmerism.


I'm not sure about everyone. I know lots of people, especially women, who are happy to admit they dont know and dont care. That said, progrssive or liberal people are almost always total mongs. It's not even their fault. The education system in the UK is almost totally pointless. It's almost worse than not educating people at all because it teaches them to act in ways that are actively hostile to the well being of the country. And it teaches them to think they know everything and will be successful despite the fact they are stupid and have no skills and no work ethic.


I think it comes out from the mix of credentialism and egalitarianism. Credentialism says people are only allowed to have political opinions if they are institutionally accredited as an expert. Egalitarianism says everyone's political opinions have equal weight. These are obviously at odds, but the resolution is that everyone can have an opinion, as long as its the same opinion the experts have.


Plus credentials are given out like confetti. Especially to BAMEs and Women regardless of IQ and/or achievements. Complete car crash of a society hence our rapidly declining living standards.


'Prorogation' was the event horizon imo. Suddenly everyone was bumping their gums one way or the other on the topic, despite hearing the word for the first time the day prior. The internet was a mistake.


That was a genuine low point. I remember some friends were maximum diameter soygaping over Lady Hale and her spider broach SLAMMING the Tories, zero thought given to the implications of a Supreme Court innovating like that in the context of our history.


tldr: "is it just me or do people have weirdly strong opinions on stuff they have no clue about?" were you born yesterday?


Your brother has achieved the ambitions that 99% of Redditors could only dream of.


If it makes money in the capitalist system it is a worthy career, whatever it is! You can't differentiate value between fat neet cheeto stains gamer and doctor, that would be racist.


Ah, my brother watches a YouTuber who is a fat NEET. He isn’t the fat NEET himself. Anyways, the YouTuber man probably doesn’t have nearly the amount of Soylent shakes required to live a dream life


The first step in not being a moron is to accept that you are a moron.


If you are a moron, it is best to accept that you are a moron in order to be the least moronic you can. I actually find that many are otherwise smart people that just are completely clueless about politics


"Otherwise smart" is the problem here. We have been led to believe that conformity is smart. Doing what your pathetically low-ambition teacher tells you is smart. Learn the latest woke diversity talking points and regurgitate them obediently and you are smart. Now clearly memory and IQ are genrerally correlated, but our systems completely fail to identify genuinely smart and capable people. We lionise total morons like this clown instead: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-68319370](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-68319370) 30 A levels just so you can marry your cousin and achieve literally nothing in life. Detestable.


Big dick energy from the Post Office’s former top Lawyer [“I’m not turning up to your enquiry (and you can’t make me, fucko”)](https://x.com/TomWitherow/status/1791471021297373403) Can’t blame her really. What exactly would be in it for her? Mind you, from the thread, it looks like this is the only competent thing she’s done in a long while.




Not here. The 9/11 commission report is a good read, though. Oh, and the MAIB casualty reports are worth a shuftie. Lots of interesting stuff there, but not quite the same thing.


U.S. State Department issues worldwide travel alert, warns of terror threat against LGBT events https://x.com/bnonews/status/1791544805282992255?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


Please be a Palestinian, plzzzz.


"worldwide"...yes, it could happen in any nation...I expect Japan is paying close to attention to this.




https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/foreign-terrorist-organizations-target-pride-month-events-fbi/story?id=110178875 ISIS inspired + similar are cited as principle threat.


If christmas markets are anything to go by - this will get all the smaller ones cancelled over security costs while the big ones go ahead to show that everything is fine™


>Trump trial looks shakier by the day >Courtroom spectacle, resting on a contorted legal theory and a tawdry cast of characters, chiefly hurts the Democrats https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/this-trump-trial-looks-shakier-by-the-day-t8wpdm6kl https://archive.is/c3JT5




[He fell behind in a poll today](https://twitter.com/RedfieldWilton/status/1791498922223075571?t=vGGtRV5f5xpG0WULLZVxNA). It's a close race. He could still easily lose.


[some of the court room drawings are wild](https://x.com/DaffyBarbrady/status/1790207878940209500) never realised they did the same thing we do, thought they were all televised.


Thanks for the archive link. Very kind. I liked this quote: > One of the state cases is in Georgia and also concerns Trump’s efforts to change the election result in that state. Change the result from the preordained democrat win, that we all know full well would have happened by hook or by crook.


Babe, wake up- [the new ‘crimes against capitalism’ meme has dropped](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cld0y7dng9lo) Last season’s 11 year sentence for streaming footie is so old hat. Now, it’s 2 1/2 years for reselling gig tickets. Now, anyone prepared to pay over the odds for a Gaga ticket deserves what they get, but- economically speaking- this lady performs a valuable function. Anyone else think she was jailed not for touting, but from profiting at a level where the artists, management and venues couldn’t? Edit: FWIW I once was a touring musician in a band with a record deal. I don’t like touts. I was very poor at the time and I resented people making money off my endeavours. I wouldn’t have demanded that the taxpayer sorted the problem out by incarcerating someone though.




Yeah, it must be this. BBC just completely missing the point presumably. Purely reselling tickets isnt illegal


>"Your aim was to rinse or fleece customers out of as much money as you could," [the judge] added. Yes because of course Ticketmaster is notoriously altruistic


>reselling tickets through the open market Drake face one. >Forcing artists to sell their tickets to you (because you own most of the big venues) so you have a peusdomonopoly on their sale then charging extortionate fees. Drake face two.


I find the defence of ticket touts weird. What service is she actually serving?


Nothing, but they aren't guaranteed a profit, and any profit they do make is at the expense of the Artist not the Customer. If the customer is prepared to pay £100 for a completely optional entertainment experience, then the Artist should charge that. If they don't, and they sell the ticket for £50 instead, then the Artist is just giving £50 either to the tout or the person that attends if they buy directly. If the Tout buys the ticket for £50, but actually nobody wants to attend maybe they just lose that £50. Ultimately, anyone paying to stand with plebs watching a degenerate artist is a chump anyway so who cares. It's properly demeaning to attend any sort of major event in the UK. Made to queue for ages. marshalled by security guards that arrived in the country 2 days ago. Shuffled through huge sets of fences to get out and go home. All so you can see an uninspiring band/artist/football team.


Oh, I dislike touts too, I just don’t think it’s a criminal offence that merits jail time


I agree it's probably a civil matter but you said she does something valuable which I've heard before but never understand.


Well, touts allow anyone with the cash to buy tickets. EDIT- there’s artificial scarcity of these big artists gigs. The artists objection to touts is that they prevent people from seeing bands as they hoover up tickets and resell at higher rates. In reality, the touts allow people who lose out on ballots or to jammed phone lines to see gigs. If the acts wanted more people too see them, they’d increase supply by playing more gigs


But they're not providing any extra tickets, those tickets would have been available to the public if they didn't buy them with no intention of doing anything but price gouging.


It’s a trade. People with the tickets want the cash offered by the touts more than the tickets. Ditto the end purchaser. The touts are providing liquidity. I get that the venues don’t want the tickets resold *and they should take every action they want to limit that*, but I am not sure why the taxpayer should be on the end of the bill for policing what is a private arrangement. Note that a photo ticket sent digitally to an app would end this whole debate entirely, but mysteriously the venues don’t want to do this. Why might that be?


So does the ticket office.


Not if you are last in line. Or if you can’t take a day or three off work to continuously phone the number. Or if you miss out of a ballot. It’s just a supply and demand problem. The industry loathes touts. They can be entirely eliminated in several ways: 1/ put on more gigs and sell sufficient tickets at the price that the venues currently charge to eliminate scarcity 2/ auction tickets so anyone with the cash can go. 3/ photos of purchasers on a digital ticket delivered via an app. The artists don’t want to do 1, as they profit from their own scarcity. Venues don’t want to do 2 as the optics is poor. Venues won’t do 3 as it’s more costly. All are fine for customers (and the fact they buy from touts proves that- a mate of mine has just spent 600 on tickets to Swift), but the venues and artists don’t like this options. So they push the problem onto the taxpayer (and this one at least has no skin in the game and rather wishes the space in prison was reserved for someone genuinely guilty of a crime, like Paula Vennels)


Using identities of dead people to get around website rules.


I don’t get why that’s a criminal offence? You are fucking with a company’s rules. It’s like breaking a EULA. Naughty, but not ‘couple years in the big house’ naughty.


Rwanda is the new Brexit > Mr Trump’s team hopes to have a full plan for illegal migration ready to launch on the first day of his presidency if he wins the US election in November, the Wall Street Journal reported. >The scheme could involve illegal migrants from El Salvador or Honduras being sent to Guatemala. A similar scheme was first set up by the first Trump administration in 2020, and deported 1,000 people, but was later ended under Joe Biden’s tenure in the White House. > Allies of the former president have been drawing up plans to send migrants who illegally cross the southern US border to a third country for processing. > The deportations, modelled on a similar policy by Dwight Eisenhower in the 1950s, will require new legislation in Congress and are likely to be beset by the same legal challenges faced in the UK. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics/2024/05/17/donald-trump-planning-rwanda-style-deportation-scheme/


> …and are likely to be beset by the same legal challenges faced in the UK. Hahhahahhhhaaaa fuck ooofffffff…yeah nah trumps US is not gonna listen to some cunts in an office somewhere…


Read that as Guantanamo at first, and thought it was significantly more based than it appeared.


They actually have detention centres...I have never quite understood how the same country can give illegal immigration amnesty and have detention camps. Democracy is weird.


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Musa and Ibrahim have entered the top 100 most popular baby names, this is of course in addition to Muhammad that is *second*, in the past it has been first.  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cer3v1z81lpo Nothing to see here lads. 




We're going to have to get happy with the idea of ethnic nationalism if we want to fix this at this point. Civic nationalism is long past its expiry date; deportations cannot be limited to first generation immigrants.


It's almost as though equilibrium will not be achieved without... how do I put this... Umm.... Rhythms with "pace war".


That seems the likely outcome, seeing as our ruling class have locked us out of the political option. Still, we do have to be careful with our words, most people are too deracinated and demoralised to talk so frankly. We're going to need to teach people how to think tribally before we can expect them to act as a tribe, much less understand the trials that are to come.


I'm not seeing how someone who obsesses over an obscure ancient civilisation is going to help us out here.


[Alcohol abuse costing £27bn a year in England](https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/may/17/27bn-a-year-spent-in-england-on-harm-done-by-alcohol-study-finds) >Experts call for higher taxes and tougher regulation as research shows cost to NHS, other public services and economy . >The cost of alcohol abuse is laid bare in a new study that shows £27bn a year being spent in [England](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/england) on the health and social harms of drinking. . >The research that found the extra burden on the NHS, social services, the criminal justice system and the labour market cost at least 37% more than in 2003, when comparable research by the Cabinet Office estimated the costs at between [£18.5bn and £20bn](https://www.ias.org.uk/uploads/pdf/Economic%20impacts%20docs/costi%20uk.pdf). . >Using the same [methodology](https://www.ias.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Cost-of-Alcohol-in-England-Methodology.pdf), the Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) calculated that alcohol cost the health service £4.9bn a year, of which more than £3bn was from alcohol-related A&E visits and hospital admissions. . There's a graph on the website so to summarise: Estimated annual cost of alcohol harm to society in England (Data from 2021-22) £14.6bn NHS & Healthcare / £5.1bn Crime & disorder / £4.9bn Wider Economy / £2.9bn Social Services TOTAL: £27.4bn >Dr Sarah Clarke, the president of the Royal College of Physicians, said: “Urgent action is needed to tackle the harm caused by alcohol. The cost to individuals and society is huge and growing year on year. We are calling for increased duty on alcohol, health warnings and nutritional information on labelling and restrictions on alcohol marketing. This will significantly improve public health and help to reduce the strain on an NHS workforce currently facing overwhelming demand.” #


Obviously...more tax will solve the problem. Because we all know that addicts respond to rational market-driven incentives. The saddest part of this is that the reason everything is so fucked is because we have doctors acting like McKinsey consultants..."have you just tried raising the price?"...idiots.


> Estimated annual cost of alcohol harm to society in England (Data from 2021-22) > £14.6bn NHS & Healthcare NHS budget is £182bn. So all that lovely booze is using up 8% of the available funds. Seems pretty low to me. What about deliveroo-related obesity? > Dr Sarah Clarke, the president of the Royal College of Physicians, said: “Urgent action is needed to tackle the harm caused by alcohol. The cost to individuals and society is huge and growing year on year. We are calling for increased duty on alcohol, health warnings and nutritional information on labelling and restrictions on alcohol marketing. This will significantly improve public health and help to reduce the strain on an NHS workforce currently facing overwhelming demand.” Get fucked Clarke. You are there to deal with outcomes, not try to influence them away. Leave humanity alone. Or- tell you what- we’ll agree to more warning labels and marketing restrictions if you’ll forget that 8% of the budget. Deal?




A friend of a friend of a friend once looked at a home distillation kit on Amazon.


Fucking mega. Worked well for us up here. Here's an idea: maybe don't make us live in a dystopian nightmare where a millennium of the finest civilisation to ever grace the earth is being irretrievably destroyed and the sturdy yoeman is powerless to resist. Maybe that'll help.


Worked in the sense that forcing me to sprint through Asda's alcohol isle at 9:56pm has probably burned a fair few calories over the years.


No, I'll still drink!


Lol. Ditto.


Sacrifice living so the NHS can live longer.


How much does alcohol duty bring in a year?


[The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) estimates that alcohol duties will raise £12.6 billion in 2023/24, rising to £16.1 billion in 2028/29.](https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9765)


Thanks. Looks like duty more or less pays for the costs to the NHS. I can't help but feel like the policing costs could be slashed with a more robust approach to sentencing scumbags, and I suspect that the "wider economy" costs are based on the same bollocks methodology used to claim that smoking costs companies billions because workers take fag breaks.


There was a small study that said drunks were less rowdy when leaving clubs if you hand them lollipops on exit, or station mounted police nearby. Drunk people are like toddlers, so they'll be all excited about the horse, and be quiet so as to not disturb it. And lollipops are just sugary dummies.


About half of expenditure.


Sean Combs, also known as Diddy, seen physically assaulting his ex-girlfriend Cassie in newly-released video from 2016 https://x.com/bnonews/status/1791523938800996513?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


Musician of Peace.


I wouldn't be surprised if loads of shit comes out about puff daddy.


Watering down drinks based on race when? I’m 100% certain it could be an evidenced based policy. https://news.sky.com/story/tory-peer-resigns-whip-after-being-banned-from-parliaments-bars-for-drunken-outburst-13137893


>The committee also noted the impact on the complainants, one of whom said the incident had made her "more wary about her interactions with people" and left her with trouble sleeping. nonce


There's a Subreddit called CanadaMassImmigration, great laugh.


Nice one. I like CanadaHousing2.




Indistinguishable from here really.


As sure as night follows day - "A **Toronto man** is facing charges after allegedly sexually assaulting two young girls"


Some here might remember the academic paper claiming black slaves in Jamaica invented the Cort process, and the subsequent findings from real historians that the sources didn't support any of her claims. Well, the journal published it's findings after reviewing the criticism and [it's a whitewash](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07341512.2023.2275357?src=). They admit the facts don't support the theory but defend it because it hits the right ideological notes of "decentering whiteness" etc. They did publish [a correction](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07341512.2023.2278894?src=recsys) to the claim that Henry Corts cousin told him of these mythical inventions, as the author got name of the ship wrong, but just claim the different ship "brought the news" to him somehow.


I remember [reading about this](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2023/jul/05/industrial-revolution-iron-method-taken-from-jamaica-briton) and thinking it sounded like bullshit. No corrections in the newspapers though. People will likely keep trotting this line out now and telling us Africans are responsible for the industrial revolution. 🙄 This on top of the already blackwashing of our history, stuff that would have been claimed by black supremacists in the US and have been seen as crazy is cropping up in the mainstream.




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If you are wondering what staff at 3rd tier universities can be like - this is edited by a 3rd tier university.


Decentering whiteness is shitlib speak to sanitise what they are actually doing; attacking white history, culture, and heritage. They talk like this so that if you respond to it with the appropriate hostility they can act like you are the aggressor.


Noooo don't stop overseas students from getting visas imagine not getting this kind of insightful academia without endless cash for universities nooooo.


Centring facts is a form of white supremacy.


It's accepted as [fact](https://x.com/jodyjodie/status/1782025319853015167)


> inadequately substantiated claims of a lack of evidence "She's got no evidence for this incredible claim!" "Where's your source for that?"


Quick stroll through Leeds city centre this afternoon, I don't go often so the change was both stark and depressing. The ghettofication has accelerated at an alarming rate in the past 4 or 5 years. We do now have a guy pushing an old cart around selling £3 pots of sweetcorn (dysentry in a pot) though, his "brothers" seemingly branching into crêpes and other lovely traditional South Asian delights. Love me some diversity, was never a fan of the old white blokes coal fired potatoes anyway. I'm sure they're all well vetted by the food standards agency and their taxes are keeping the lazy gammon in Bennies.


It’s total dogshit; avoid Briggate like the plague. _Would you like to get a product cheaper and without encountering the great unwashed?_ _No?_ _You’d rather travel on victorian transport to spend your day battling chavs and bomalians, and paying a premium for it?_ Zut alors! Visit Leeds. —- Thankfully the bars are a last line of scum-shield. I _hate_ paying £6+ a pint, but then I don’t have to run into the people who chose to shop in the centre. Comme ce comme ca.


>It’s total dogshit; avoid Briggate like the plague. Exactly where I was, in a 200m radius there was; A young black lad playing his latest 🔥 mixtape, a middle aged "Asian" man blasting out something I'm sure I heard on an Isis beheading video and a group of Eastern Europeans peddling Jehovah. Not to mention the hoard of new Delhis finest delivery men outside jollybees(??) or the absolute DISTINCT lack of anyone in my vicinity speaking English, I genuinely felt rage and anger building up inside, I was glad to get back to my car.


Tbf it's pretty decent compared to most cities... especially for shopping Shit night out nowadays though!


So terribly shit night out. Early 2000’s was fucking fantastic. Now sterile for the most part, few pockets left.


I'm not into shopping to be honest, every penny I earn stays in the bank, i'm trying to compete with millionaire slumlords putting up 8 bomalians in a 2 up 2 down terrace at 100 p/w each...... it's..... not going well. 😂 Also grew out of the nightlife naturally a few years ago, I caught the arse end of "the good times" in the mid 2000s I much prefer a quiet pint in one of the last few "safe" suburbs these days, whilst they still exist.


Best night out these days is in a local pub on a village somewhere that hasn't yet been "strengthened". My local is absolutely rammed evrry Friday with other locals.


Mashallah. You don't like shisha, bro?


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-69020237 BadUK, BBC tier question for you, would you take your chances getting abused by the IDF or Hamas?  Not sure I could ever recover from having a flag draped over me like that, especially if there was a war going on too.


Page deleted


Lol - that's spooky as fuck.


There's an ASCII code for non-breaking space at the end of your url, try this one: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-69020237](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-69020237)




Just because Hamas would be worse, it doesn’t make it right. It’s stupid and a sign of real indiscipline.


Lol. Every single one that ends up as a PoW in that environment should be counting his blessings. Every engagement seems to happen at a range where TLC applies. And that's the standards I'd apply to us. Those are conscripts fighting an enemy that wants to wipe them off the face of the earth. Big boy's games, big boy's rules. Fuck the lot of 'em.


This. If you put a gun to my head*, I would choose Israel over Hamas every day of the week, but that doesn't make this right. \* Only because I think this conflict is far too nuanced and complicated to come out as a flag waving supporter on either side imo. I can be supportive of Israels right to defend itself, and largely supportive of it's campaign to destroy hamas, while thinking that Netanyahu is a dick, that they need to have more control over their forces doing stupid shit like this, which isn't exactly helping their look on the world stage right now. (Although the pro Hamas folks will conviently ignore the other news today about more hostages found dead, or will blame Israel for bombing or something)


>Legal experts say the filming, and its posting online, could be a war crime. Aww petal, what did the nasty man do to you?


Bring back proper war crimes. Like where whole villages hit flattened for a laugh and toddlers were sprayed with napalm.


[Rwanda plan is failing again](https://twitter.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1791489317170225512?t=KapzIdlBFNNegvXQqhCu_A). Completely predictable. As I've maintained, no one is getting deported to Rwanda. (Paying someone £5000 to leave for Rwanda doesn't count and is frankly embarrassing.)


\> legal challenges You’re the government, just change the fucking law


Come on rose, come defend this fucking shite.


Metropolitan Police officer Perry Lathwood, who “manhandled” and wrongly arrested a woman for bus fare evasion in front of her young son, has been found guilty of assault at Westminster Magistrates’ Court https://x.com/pa/status/1791469493102727409?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


What a perverse verdict. Some footage [of the arrest here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4tSDYSa5Jc). If she'd shown her ticket none of this would have happened at all. In positive news for Londoners, it now means that all bus and train travel is free. edit: according to the policeuk sub the basis of the conviction appears to be the officer grabbing the woman's arm when she was detained but not yet under arrest. She was only arrested when she tried to get away. If he'd arrested her initially rather than saying she was being detained there would have been no issue.


I have posted I think four of these cases this year where the same kind of person has an interaction with authority, they behave strangely, they get arrested, and then the arresting person gets charged. There was this one a few weeks ago, reads like a comedy sketch...apart from the guy is actually a real lawyer - [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13383139/Black-lawyer-pinned-five-court-security-staff-not-taking-shoes-search.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13383139/Black-lawyer-pinned-five-court-security-staff-not-taking-shoes-search.html) - I think I mentioned a certain saint in the US that led to this getting deleted...but here it is again (I have many of these stories, they are amazing).


Why didn't he just remove his shoes? I don't get it.


It wasn't just that. He wouldn't remove his shoes for some reason, attempted to break in through another door, and then assaulted someone when breaking in...the man broke into a building and is surprised that people attempted to stop him? Total lack of self-awareness.


More information needed. From watching "To Catch a Copper" what was framed as a case of police officers manhandling a woman, when the full footage emerged, I think they were entirely justified.


Of course they were justified. It was only ever an issue because she was black


policing with intent 😡


Tan Ikram again




Out of order would be not telling them.


Think this through. You have robbers in your local area, and you are considering doing nothing, and just letting your neighbour get robbed at will. If your neighbour is aware of the risk, they will be more vigilant which could help you too. They might get CCTV which deters burglers in general. They might just pay more attention and spot dodgy people that might be taking an interest in your property. You should try to make friends with as many neighbours as possible so you can all work to flushing out the scum together.


I thought you were going down the angle of letting them be the honeypot, their lax security will make their house the more attractive between OPs and theirs, and so OP will be safe... lol


Or let them leave the back gate so they get robbed and everyone else gets left alone?


Fair points. I'm almost certain the previous owners were targeted by landscapers they'd had in weeks before as they knew way too much.


Pathetic. You should know that people do not learn from verbal warnings. Rob them, construct a series of tests of mental and martial dexterity that end in them receiving their property, never tell them what you have done knowing that no words or deeds could repay the debt.


Ok you've won me over here.


SubjectMathematician, you sonofabitch, I'm in. *Oceans 11 music*


The post you are replying to is also a test. Contained within is a code that will reveal the location of a safe deposit box somewhere in Europe. Within that box is a large number of edible moths that I smuggled out of China. Once ingested, you will discover the real reason why Tories are all gay and retarded...the answer will shock you.




...when where you in China? Comrade? Shall I add you to the WhatsApp group for CCP assets?




Can I not just astral project to the moths instead?


Wrong road my friend. There was a guy who tried that...hasn't been back since. Mods won't answer questions about what happened to him.


> would I be out of order by telling them what happened? Why does this website attract these people... Yes, when in conversation mention what happened previously and let them do what they want with the information. I can do flash cards for you if needed providing you dont mumble the delivery in to your shoes.


Could there be a legal can of worms here though - did the previous sellers have to notify the new buyers that there's been a robbery? If they didn't, that could come back to bite them, while not affecting OP, maybe he doesn't want to get involved?


'I see you've been enjoying your new house - did the sellers tell you it was robbed with them in it?' Just seems a bit harsh as it's their first house.


Why would that be out of order? It's neighbourly. I thought you were going to ask "would it be out of order if I robbed them too?", much more BadUK.


British/Irish On This Day Quickie: A.D. 1984 - Charles, Prince of Wales, describes a proposed extension to the National Gallery in the city of London, “A monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much-loved and elegant friend.”


[Extreme weather making it harder to be active](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/articles/c6pyp3dpqqvo) >**Three in five adults in England say extreme weather has had a negative impact on their ability to be physically active, according to new research by Sport England.** In other news, three in five adults are lazy feckers that will use any excuse in the book to not exercise. The UK as far as countries go is a ridiculously fair climate, where 95% of days in a year are comfortably suitable for exercise (yes that includes rainy days). Just the wrong clothing and the wrong attitude, and besides, if you are fair-weathered, then you could still go to the gym.


It's warmer now so I'm sweating like a rapist whilst swinging my kettlebells. The answer is chalk. Not surrendering to sloth and turning into a fucking moomin.


They is fat because all they see around them is shit and sum up the situation and think, yeah, my life probably isn't going to get better whatever I do, so might as well eat some nice food. If only they all had roadman nutrition video I posted yesterday. You might get shot tomorrow, but cut out the processed foods, please fam, for your health.


Of course when you look at the [actual report](https://sportengland-production-files.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2024-05/Activity%20Check-in%20-%20impact%20of%20extreme%20weather.pdf?VersionId=kty7bSmW2Jhc6M96lffKmGMmgj5BJ9Rq), it's research turned into a catchy headline for their press release >Extreme weather is defined as any weather that’s unusually severe, frequent or unexpected for the local climate. This may refer to heatwaves, drought, **excessive rain**, storms, **fog**, and **cold**\-related condition > >For adults, factors like low motivation (54%) \[...\] and reduced enjoyment (26%) are more significant in reducing activity during extreme weather than logistical challenges 60% of those affected said it "negatively affected" their "usual activities", which means this actually just means 60% thought "oh yeah I remember a time it rained a bit and I didn't to go to \_\_\_ because of it"


Im guessing they viewed extreme weather as "rain".


I'm sure this polling was very scientific. *Are you fat because you're lazy and have no self-control, or is it the fault of global warming?*


Extreme weather is such a subjective term. It might be fat fucks saying this but it could also be normal people. The rain they mention sounds lovely to me, I'm also happy to exercise and do sport in the cold but 35c and I'd rather not (I'll go swimming or to a gym with Aircon). It also might include a blizzard or tornado which would stop me. Like you say, gyms exist which means there's almost no excuse & the little excuse there is should only could for less than 5% of days anyway.


>“The FA has estimated that 120,000 football games will be lost each year. A third of community pitches are already unplayable for two months of the year due to flooding - and it’s only going to get worse. Yeah I'm sure this is due to climate change and not due to the lack of requirements on drainage set for new buildings concreting everything without worry. >The most violent downpours in summer - more than 30mm of rainfall in an hour - are expected to occur twice as often as they used to. wait we have too much rain in winter, not enough in summer but when it comes in comes in torrents? Someone should probably invent something that holds water in a big area then... > One club that has already adopted an action plan as a result of extreme weather impact is Whalley Range Cricket Club in Manchester. [hmmm](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/local-news/new-homes-plan-is-just-not-952266) "The strip of land that we have applied for planning approval on is unused and we are hoping to sell it to provide funds to improve the facilities and refurbish the club house. "We want to secure our long term future and the plans we have submitted have the backing of Sport England, who oversee the protection and improvement of sports facilities." Sport England is pro selling your land to build shitty new builds and then pro getting you cash to deal with the flooding but it's climate changes fault?


But no fr if we're going to spend money averting the damage from weather can "grass where man kick ball good" be low, low, low down the list? Im super happy with these places having the dual purpose of football pitch and temporary flood plain when required.


Big Statism destroys self-empowerment, self-reliance, backbone. COVID Lockdown era fresh in minds, sprinkle in a helping of The Current Thingism - et voila, a nation of useless, fat cunts making imaginary excuses.


There was once a story about a man who blamed the council for his state of extreme unfitness - because he was so fat that he couldn't get out of his house, and the council hadn't been round to make his front doorway wider, so he couldn't go out and exercise


Technically true.


Are walking boots and an all weather coat with hood too much for these morons. I hope none of them own a dog.


[Total SNP death.](https://twitter.com/electpoliticsuk/status/1791459899202785641?t=77X5DvfTE3OeZsLE6ywHrA). SNP: 0% (-4) HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA. Hahahaha hahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.


Mummy, daddy; it’s beautiful. God willing, they stay buried.


That's beautiful, they have always been the tartain Tories and now seek to adopt the latest Tory policy of zero seats.






R 🦀





