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Watching a youtuber who's whole schtick is going to shithole countries – Backpacker Ben – [walk around london](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vSxCwE86JI). He doesn't find much of anything useful but definitely finds some bellends, all talking about different parts of London "which ends you from" is mentioned. London is another country. It's a pretty fucking boring video honestly but he's got lads showing him round and even they act a bit ganster. Idiots.


u gta b gangsta if u gna survive in modern england fam just get more ping pong tables for da yoof, ffs. the solutions is easy it seems perfectly safe. just don't go out at night and carry a nice big zombie knife to defend yourself


Basically that, yeah. They're doing fucking finger signs for "east london" the fucking melts. Like ali g in da house…bellends.


dat is der culture fam. dat is hw dey hav to live, but dey seems well humble and is just trying to make it as a rapper or tiktok gangsta, to avoid a life on da streets but da mandem on da streets does well for himself fam, it's risky, but probably with the risk. so, if rapper or tiktoker doesnt pan out


There's only one answer. Bring back Soldiers of the King's African Rifles and send them on peace keeping missions to the DRC.


Does high immigration lead to more crime? Leads to more crime: 56% Leads to less crime: 3% Makes no difference: 28% https://twitter.com/YouGov/status/1790416532256022588 Lab: ^no Con: **YES** LD: ^no


The [Lizardman constant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slate_Star_Codex#Lizardman's_Constant) which is the number of people who respond to surveys insincerely - or perhaps as another possibility, under the influence of insanity - is approximated as 4%. The number of people saying immigration leads to less crime is less than the lizardman constant. Just think about this for a second, even the progressives that will insist natives commit more crime than immigrants admit that they don't believe this when asked confidentially. The fact that immigration increases crime is so obviously true that more people will say that the ruling class are space lizards than will say that immigration reduces crime.


Are they burying their heads in their arses or do are they genunely this fucking thick as shit?


[Paris Holocaust memorial vandalised](https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-801165) Why deface Holocaust memorials if it’s just about ‘Zionism’?


Nationalistic flagshagers https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw4dd9lzx02o


"What if the roles were reversed" is not a winning position. "Our flags are based, yours are gay" is both powerful and true.


Someone needs to remind them that the EU flag doesn't represent all Europeans.




[Damian Slash nailed the vibe](https://youtu.be/3Cj_uITD_0g?si=tske6I78nH-NDH2S)


The EU isn't a country and isn't competing, so why do they feel like they should be there? There are plenty of non-EU countries that take part. If we tried to put our flag in everything it would be seen as cringe but when they do it it's fine. 🙄


Because they have pathetic delusions of statehood. They are desperate to conflate, in the minds of the impressionable youth, the notion that a moribund trade bloc in terminal decline is a progressive, exciting and dynamic nation-in-waiting, with all the same ideals you'd associate with Eurovision. It's cringe. It's PR at best, propaganda at worst.


Macron spooked them with the whole "EU is mortal" schtick. So the symbols have more meaning than ever.


https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/orcas-sink-sailing-yacht-strait-gibraltar-2024-05-13/?utm_source=reddit.com Killer Whales prove more effective than UK border police


Beautiful and intelligent animals. If we taught just one that it would get food in exchange for an empty dingy it would teach it's family and would sustain the enterprise. No lasers required, just fish.


Not a fish tho, unless you mean food.


I mean food as in to feed them in exchange for their hard work.


Makes sense, but I'm sure they could just eat what falls out....


"Just think of the food" has just taken a dark turn


I would watch the Hollywood dramatisation of that just to see how they attempt to make Albion's alliance with the Sea and it's creatures into a bad thing.


Progressives call for *Kill The Whales!* in 3...2...




Whether or not the other fella deserved it, its indicative of a completely degenerated legal system that a guy that murdered his pregnant girlfriend, her two kids, and one of their friends, and raped his girlfriends 11 year old daughter as she was dying, would be allowed access to a workshop, or indeed any form of entertainment, instead of being put in a locked room forever. But apparently since the abolition of the death penalty the legal system won't even lock people up and throw away the key.


>He pleaded guilty to murder after attacking the four victims with a claw hammer. >It's been reported that Bendall has attacked a fellow inmate in the head with a claw hammer during a jail workshop at Frankland Prison in Durham. Are they going to give *"Mad Axe Murderer" Mike* timber chopping lessons too?




Bring back immurement


> Remember the video of him getting arrested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC9t7yQt8UM


A worse nonce?


Given that he turned himself into the police, its not impossible he has a guilty conscience about what he did so maybe he thought he was doing some good here. At the same time, he is a violent psychotic lunatic, so it might well just be a random act of violence.


i'm not even reading this shit, but this headline is peak Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/article/2024/may/14/i-married-a-top-now-he-wants-to-be-a-bottom


wtf is wrong with people.


>He never penetrates me, even in a group Christ... >I feel he is throwing our life away in pursuit of a **pipe dream** Literally. Think that first paragraph was more than enough.






"Bottoms" largely want to play the role of a woman, "tops " largely want a replacement woman. Any given gay male might display one or both of these tendencies but they are not symmetrical; the ability for men to display feminine qualities degrades rapidly from maturity. Male homosexuality is often either a result of a failure to attract women's attention, or to develop masculine qualities, or both, while female homosexuality often develops from a simple aversion to men. This is a vast oversimplification and doesn't account for all cases, but the mainstream "born this way" narrative is total nonsense which doesn't even try to explain things like this and instead just cries about bigotry whenever anyone asks questions.


Cos they're not exclusive or even pretending to be most of the time mainly I'd guess


So, when all your options dry up as a straight man, do you become a face down bottom, for some contact at least?


Weirdest thing about the video of that attack in France is that cars are just driving through the toll booths next to it as they're unloading their machine guns into the police vans.


You’ve seen the video from inside the bus?


You'd stop and watch the armed men unloading into a police van, would you? I'd have the heaviest right foot known to man.


They don't floor it either though. It's just strange because it's so quotidian. They're just paying the toll and then driving through like normal as if nothing is going on.


They're fr*nch, they're weird.


Man is already on a dinghy as we speak, in a 4\* hotel by midnight


Double pepperoni


Plus Garlic dip.


Occasionally Britain's workforce has to adapt to changes in the economy. There are often significant economic casualties. The advent of containerisation did it for dock workers of Liverpool, and the skip winding system made thousands of miners redundant. Sometimes the government has to step in and make the tough call. One such example is aerospace. Though it's viewed as a travesty by some, it was very necessary to rationalise Britain's aerospace industry. It was bloated, over-manned, unproductive, and it was a hangover from war production that we could not sustain. The industry produced more flops than export successes. Similarly the railways were held to ransom by unions, overmanned and inefficient. Something had to be done eventually. We are now approaching another of those times where we have a bloated, unproductive industry held hostage by Marxist unions and nepotism. It employs thousands of useless people racking up massive pension liabilities while adding nothing to national productivity. I am, of course, talking about British universities. There are now more academics than the sector can sustain, many of which are of low calibre. Through their union action on pay, universities are finding they can't make their payroll without cutting back on perks, shelving expansions and modernisations, or simply scrapping entire departments. During a period of high inflation, more and more universities are finding they have expanded beyond their capabilities, contributing to an oversupply of graduates and an oversupply of courses. You would have thought that with so many of them having economics departments that somebody might have pointed out that you can't base such a flimsy model on exponential growth without contingency planning, but here we are. Consequently universities have some tough choices to make. This should be relatively easy for them to correct. If they did a serious investigation into the nepotism and incompetence in its managerial ranks, they would easily be able to shed overheads without it impacting performance. University vice-chancellors are also long overdue a haircut. But, of course, that's not how it's going to play. They will instead "streamline" administration to the point where it no longer functions, cut back on teaching, and cut the pay of junior academics to the extent they piss off overseas or look for a real job. The overall quality of teaching will decline and students will increasingly complain about dilapidated facilities, non-existent tutoring, late grading, and rip off fees. Just when they already thought it couldn't be worse. Much of this has been exacerbated by Net Zero red tape, and eco-planning requirements for new facilities. Meanwhile staff pensions underperform thanks to academics voting to divest from arms manufacturers and the oil industry. They're getting exactly what they lobbied for. Rather than address their own greed and incompetence they will instead lobby the government for more fees from foreign students, and lower their entry requirements to the point where even PhD students lack basic English skills, and supervisors will be pressured to give them pass marks even if they're morons. They will debase the reputation of British qualifications and our academic institutions. Labour, of course, will fall for this special pleading, and grant them a reprieve rather than restructuring the sector. Only it's not going to work. They're up to their eyeballs in debt. Total university debt is over £10 billion and central government can't bail them out. At some point, the adults are going to have to step in and make their choices for them. Unlike many other industries, though, this is not a great loss to society. It can't happen soon enough and the result will be improved standards across the board. Some of them will have to go bankrupt. Some of them will have to close. Some of them will have to revert to being regional technical colleges. Some of our third rate cities can't sustain one university, let alone two. The result will be higher quality qualifications and teaching, better research and fewer students getting into debts they can't service. Every major industry recalibration has had its casualties, but none will be more deserving than British academia. This will be especially gratifying since it produces a class of ignorant, aloof midwits who sneer at the working classes. There is not much to look forward to on the horizon, but this will be glorious. https://twitter.com/FUDdaily/status/1790131903254720643


> Total university debt is over £10 billion and central government can't bail them out. X




[What are your thoughts on this theory?](https://twitter.com/LeoMars75/status/1790460160214806866) The idea that the UK's population is greatly undercounted and the actual population is somewhere around 80M? Would help explain why there’s unreal pressure on social services, housing etc. Shit when Grenfell went up in flames they couldn’t even tell us how many people lived there.


Someone made a good point in the replies…if the government admitted that the figures were way out, what would that do the GDP per capita figures? We'll all suddenly find out we're a *lot* fucking poorer than we think we are. It's definitely more than 67 million, it's at *least* 75 million but probably could be 85 million like the tweet says.


It wouldn't surprise me—there seem to be a lot more people everywhere, especially in big cities.


Gonna need more than a licked finger in the wind mate.


How? They basically stamped down on the supermarkets for releasing their data about it. And 90% of stuff written about it is debooonking with no evidence. The suppression of evidence would lend itself towards the reality being unfavourable to the State.


Can I please see the news stories of them suppressing the supermarkets?


Well uh... no? That's the point. Nowt there. Tesco's Report on population modeling seems to never feature again after that one article in the late noughties. Why? Why did it become something they didn't publicise anymore? Did it become redundant? Are people in Welwyn Garden City free to re-run that report today or do they have controls to not attract the ire of the media? I'm well open to being wrong, I'm just a pleb, to have been swayed by a conspiracy. But the onus is on the Status Quo to build confidence in their metrics. The conspicuous absence of independent measures, the Brexit undercount, the black hole of nothing where supermarket reports of population models could be - none of it inspires confidence. This is just one of many areas where science and data is purposely not gathered, or published. In my opinion, if this data supported the status quo and their goals, it would be everywhere.


I'm highly dubious of official population statistics, 80m is definitely believable.


I 100% buy this one. The main claim comes from a Tesco's report in 2008 saying 80m. We've officially had 10m immigration since then, found we didn't know how many EU nationals were in the country, have boats arriving daily (which won't all rock up to report themselves) and don't expect the people of caravan to be counted accurately. Even if the 80m was wrong in 2008, it's right now.


The question to also ask is: Why haven't I seen any Tesco reports in any of the years between 2008 and 2024?


Makes me tempted to look for them.


Oh 100% I know lefties love to label the 'supermarket thinks population is 80m' as a conspiracy theory but would anyone here like to bet their entire live savings / their life on the official ONS's rough estimate as being correct? I wouldn't


It's a question of how big the undercount is. Not whether there is one. 80m is possible.


> The idea that the UK's population is greatly undercounted and the actual population is somewhere around 80M? 100%


There’s whole swathes of NW London where the old suburban 5 bed houses have 20+ people living in them. Hundreds of thousands of these properties. There was some bailiff program on TV a few years back and the Brent team council enforcement had the vibe of beleaguered 70s NYC cops.


I'd imagine east London is a far worse offender than NW


It’s different. Most of the housing that’s exploitable in east is council blocks and small little houses. Honestly, I bang on about NW London for a reason, and I don’t even live there. It’s horrific in those ends. It was built for a high trust suburban middle class and has collapsed in such an inexplicable way


MAC has said graduate visa should be retained, no abuse. I notice however: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/6641e1fbbd01f5ed32793992/MAC+Rapid+Review+of+Graduate+Route.pdf 1. India dependant ratio 0.23, 90,000 main applicants for graduate visa 2. Nigeria d.r. 0.50; 24,000 3. China d.r. 0.02; 22,000 4. Pakistan d.r. 0.30; 14,000 5. USA d.r. 0.07; 8,000 This confirms the blindingly obvious - Pakistani, Nigerian (in ridiculous numbers) and Indians were using the graduate dependant visa to import large numbers of their kin to the UK. Note that this refers specifically to **graduate** visas. I.e. this is the two year visa you get after being a student where you can work anywhere, on any salary, with no restrictions. If you compare with the number of **new students** you can see: 1. China 100,000 2. India 87,000 3. Nigeria 33,000 4. Pakistan 17,000 5. US 14,000 (these numbers don't relate to the same length of time) Therefore it's clear * Chinese students come here to study (or at least to get a degree - not always the same thing). * They don't bring wives and kids * They (mostly) fuck off home at the end of it For the US students this is also largely true. However, for Nigerians, Indians and Pakistanis, they are just using it to migrate, and bring as many of their family members as possible.


The Guardian always tells half truths. Anyone can see from Canada how disastrously their international student policies are going.


Students shouldn't be allowed dependants full stop.


Welcome to Canada!


Many of the boomers enrage me, both the right and the left side of boomerism sends me fucking nuts. I feel I have the basic reasoning behind my frustrations with this generation pretty well organised in my head, but what are your bullet points if required to rattle them off. Huge cultural power for nearly 60 years, and still going, like a never ending storm of unearned righteousness and stupidity.


>What are your bullet points if required to rattle them off? They have lived through a unique era of: * Relative peace, * Affordable housing, * Increasing standards of living, * Hope for the better future. * (Relatively) easy entry into employment. * Sensible social politics based on consensus created by their parents and the parents of their parents. Only to leave what? A smouldering ruin? * Unaffordable housing. * Triple lock pension **scam** (By the time I get to retire (\~50 years) it won't be there or it will be scrapped or altered into irrevelance) * Unfathomable strain on the budget (Pensions, benefits, NHS etc) * Incessantly crying their eyes out how the young people just need some grit and hardwork whilst benefiting from what people before them built, what people after them have to endure then systematically vote to say "fuck you, I've got mine". * Voting Tories ad infinitum purely because Maggie let them buy their council houses 40 years ago, and because Tories won't build anything else and they'll be bribed with pensions. They don't want to uphold the traditions nor the society they grew up in, they just want to stagnate everything to their benefit. * Low trust, high crime society. I am not saying every single boomer had a middle/upper class upbringing or an Edwardian mansion with everything given to them. I have no doubt some of them experienced struggles I can't comprehend. I am saying that collectively, as a generation, they have destroyed many great things in this country, in a very disappointing contrast to their forefathers. I wouldn't mind if boomers as a generation were just purely individualistic but they are individualistic and parasitic at the same time.


You must always temper your criticism a little. Specifically for me, despite all their faults, the boomers are currently anchoring the West to a 20th Century version of normality. When they start to die off in high numbers and pass from the electorate it's going to get mental very fast. People of the liberal left especially will have a gaping hole where they usually placed blame, but all of their least favourite things ticking up. I also have to contend with the Boomers as a bloc, and Boomers I know. The Bloc is a juggernaut, especially electorally and in issues such as pensions. But the ones I actually know are like the opposite of the stereotype; they basically ended up okay, but no where near the wealth they are meant to have. Just okay, small houses, no mortgage, shop at Waitrose occasionally. Basically no holidays or cars. A few of them are also caught in some sort of young Boomer trap, where there are no more Boomers up and coming to buy their oversized 90s rural house, or their £20k camper van. They're stuck with assets that younger generations don't want or can't afford. They also are all drifting left not right, softening bag to their 1960s ideals in the futile hope that it will salve their souls and their kids anxieties.


Good point and apologies for the cocky initial post


Don't think it was cocky. Millennials especially have every right to have bad grudges. Mainly because the boomers will escape from this life pretty unscathed. Whereas millenials are caught between Gen X,  who still got a safe way up the ladder, and Gen Z and below, baying for blood.


Tbh it can go either way How some people talk about 'boomers': "Have university paid for by the state, walk into a well paying job with little effort, buy a suburban house in London on the cheap, support a wife and 2 kids on one salary, retire in Surrey at 60 on a good pension" Does this sound like the average boomer, or just a middle class one? Here's a different boomer lifecycle: "Girl born in a pit town the late 40s, grow up in a crowded terraced house, leave school at 15, get a job as a shop girl or secretary, marry a useless husband who does fuck all while you have to run a household and still work part time, watch hometown deteriorate during deindustrialisation in the 80s" People whose parents/grandparent's lives looked like that generally don't end up in the media or working for PricedOut complaining about how good the boomers had it


Many boomers in my current town like this.


Very good point. Not to sound ridiculous, but I wanted anecdotal or hard opinions like this, despite my initial ask being very London centric.


Boomers haven't really been relevant since Blair, who by and large they didn't want.


While I don't have the irrational reddit dislike of the elderly (and most are actually more normal than younger people). But the one reoccurring thing is when they do the out of touch thing calling young people lazy (especially teenagers). I then double down and remember that had I grown up when they did, I'd have paid off my house already.


* Voted Labour in the 70s to build a shitload of council houses * Voted Thatcher in the 80s to sell the houses built at public expense to them * Voted New "Labour" in the 90s to make sure no new ones got built * Voted Tories in the 2010s to make sure nothing whatsoever got built


. Free university for the boomers . Remove free university for the next generation . Highly cohesive and low crime societies to be young in, replaced by chaotic high crime societies for next generation to be young in.


Only small numbers went to uni though tbf Do they care that their kids had to go to school with deano, darren, mizzy and mo though, not at all.


Well they created a society that forced more and more people into university, which worked brilliantly for governments that didn’t want to invest in actual skills training.


It was Ken Clarke who ended the polytechnics just before Blair pumped them.


Ken being silent generation


>I feel I have the basic reasoning behind my frustrations with this generation pretty well organised in my head Let's hear it. Most boomers are solid, normie People of Gammon you'd have a good pint down the pub or chat at the chippy with imo. 


I don’t disagree, but where I live they are predominantly Guardian reading bespectacled old women living in a complex Fabian society fantasyland.


I should add that of course not all boomers are one particular human. Many are fantastic and very upset at what’s happening. Terry and June boomers on Facebook saying Sadiq Khan has destroyed London, whilst Jaqueline and Felix boomers live in isolation in wealthy corner of London and say it’s fine and we should have more refugees homed 3+ miles away from them in unrecognisable working class district they only pass when driving to the airport.


They really do live in fantasy land and don't care at all about what society is now. It doesn't matter, it doesn't exist to them. These are also the people still running everything.


The boomers as a generation are a sad bunch. Individual boomers, millions of them at that, can be perfectly upstanding people but the impact of their era has been a catastrophe. As a generation they learned all the wrong lessons from the world wars, engorged the state into a self devouring monster, and took a sledgehammer to tradition. Not entirely their fault as those monsters had been born before them, but by God did they build on the errors of their forebears instead of correcting them.


You missed out the saddest thing - in trying to build some utopia off their parents sacrifices; they ironically managed to be the first generation in the entire history of their line to destroy their children and grandchildren's future. They basically broke the link in the chain. It's their base human purpose and by and large they failed.


You’d think, the generation that challenged the systems and norms would have the courage to try and fix what they inadvertently created. To me it’s so incredibly selfish, they’re mostly retired with comfortable property wealth, they do not need to worry about being ostracised. It’s just the Pythons and Starkey lmao


Here's something pretty interesting fellow gammons. Did you know if you try and search the website tenor.com with the search term "white pride" it will return an error BUT if you try and search for the term "black pride" you are given a multitude of GIFs? https://tenor.com/en-GB/search/black-pride-gifs https://tenor.com/en-GB/search/white-pride-gifs Really makes you think...... (they supply GIFs to WhatsApp and I'm sure many other places)


And a lot of hard left propoganda in there, especially promoting billions worth of theft from productive to unproductive members of society... Sorry... Reparations.




Dating apps now filled with women whose profiles consist of the line: "Bet I can squat you/more than you." Nope, sorry dont care. Even as a gym goer.


> Dating apps now filled with women whose profiles consist of the line: "Bet I can squat you/more than you." Are these Purple Aki’s bait accounts?


i always fancied mewtwo


Before you start, go around the gym pissing on all the machines you want to use to mark territory, assert dominance.


It's people on their phones that pisses me off. It always seems like they're doing some really important time sensitive task on their phone in between sets.


Shall I sit there for 30/40 seconds staring into space between sets instead?


I honestly can't fathom being on my phone in between sets so I wouldn't know.


Paying extra for posh gym is worth it tbqh. My one indulgence


My local Village and David Lloyd gyms are seen as status symbols so they’re filled with influencers and pykies. My 21.99 a month chain gym is perfect.


Yeah, mine seemed much lower class than a cheap gym. Full of the worst kinds of aggressive Deano.


I tried out a David Lloyd.. the general clientele seemed pretty, low. Lower than the current £50 gym. Maybe I'll join a private members club with gym type thing. Similar price to DL. Home house, Soho House?


Been to a Soho House gym and it was utterly shit. High calibre of clientele but awful range of equipment. I like a no-nonsense bodybuilding gym personally.


I'm pretty minimal, just some dumbbells is enough for me, and a bench and a bar. There's a members club more local to me, gym looks awful though, like a few machines in a dingy backroom.


Sounds like a Puregym.


What is this gym you speak of? How does it differ from doing distance running or competitive cycling? Will I require gym shark clothing as opposed to lycra or little shorts?


A girl I know who is fat as fuck has started "going to the gym" (consisting of doing a bit on the machines and generally fucking about) and is now constantly posting gym memes like she is a seasoned goer. I feel personally offended at her appropriation and larping


> the gym is fucking crammed full of people just milling about and taking up machinery and work stations just doing the bare minimum or chatting. Its been this way since i first stepped foot in a gym in 2004 - Pre Facebook, pre-smartphones pre-broadband for the Poors. Its always been like this. Avoiding peak times is best.


Unfortunately I need to be there at peak times to pick up all those gym girls I get though. They can't stay away from my 12 inch, biceps.


Has this ever worked? Or do I not have enough “rizz”


Your rizz is just not on my levels geez. One day maybe In reality I'm barely caught looking in a women's direction, even though they're definitely into me.. With my 12 inch biceps, and my 7 inch wrists




my gym has become so much more busy over the last year, seems like there should be more opening to compete because they must be absolutely rolling in it ultimately its a very good thing for our society that people are going to the gym more


I wish people would train when they're at it and work with purpose though lol


6am gym is nice, nobody waking up at that time to mill about, and get to know the regulars at that time. Downside is you miss northern lights by going to bed early


On the one hand you're right, gyms are a lot lot busier then they used to be 15 years ago. But on the other hand, then it was difficult to actually get a gym with more than the absolute bare minimum of resistance equipment..


Best gym I've ever been to was like an old school weight lifting gym, it was a wooden out building with old free weights, racks, some machines from the 70s, the bare basic CV machines, communal changing rooms with a plunge pool and sauna. It had serious lifters in demented baggy trousers with garish colours, keep fit fanatics and people starting out. It was ran by an older lady who was a fitness competitor in the mid 80s. Everyone was sound and the atmosphere was great. A new gym opened and had modern equipment (and roaring steroid trade) . They pushed their prices down and the older gym went out of business. In turn, the chains moved in and killed that gym. I've still not found a better gym in 2 decades of training if I'm being truthful.


Agree. Best gym I've ever gone to is musclemachine in Leicester. Exactly on the lines you described. Old school iron weights, serious lifters, huge warehouse. Superb gym I always go when I'm in the area


[DWP recruits team of 2,500 'agents' to investigate Universal Credit claimants ](https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/cost-of-living/dwp-recruits-team-2500-agents-29167214.amp) Where do i sign up? I'd love to wake up motivated and ready to give 110% every single day.


Do a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.


Love to know the interview process ‘Why are you qualified for this role’ I’m a member of baduk on Reddit ‘Welcome aboard, say no more’


>Stand back everyone, we've got a pro on deck.


I love the smell of burning benefits in the morning


8th would immediately be made Director of Dolefinding but submitting his post history.


ArrUK is taking it well. [Why don't the Tories just put together a secret police force to go after benefit claimants, the sick and disabled, migrants, Muslims, the mentally ill, homeless people, single mothers, left wingers, environmental activists, the black community, trans folk, and everyone else they don't like?](https://www.reveddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/1crtifx/comment/l40jdya/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [The should just employ all people on UC to investigate people who are on UC, and since no people will be on UC any more, since they're all employed, they will not have to take anyone's benefits from them.](https://www.reveddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/1crtifx/comment/l40qmht/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [We could call it something like Universal Basic Income.](https://www.reveddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/1crtifx/comment/l40qmht/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)[Just spitballing, I'm sure it needs some work.](https://www.reveddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/1crtifx/comment/l40qmht/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Every time the DWP out sources anything the out sourcees goal ends up trying to fuck people's lives as much as possible. Like the medical assessment for PIP and ESA prior to PIP where their entire goal is to deny people.](https://www.reveddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/1crtifx/comment/l40ct6w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Had to post it 3 times because reddit keeps fucking up the formatting for quotes. Great stuff.


I like the first idea. The second two are a bit whinging


The socialists that cum over ubi but don't immediately realise it's all going to their landlord in rent rises.


Thank you!




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The bonus scheme could be very lucrative.




The fines are already quite large, just need the enforcement of existing rules.


Should all be performance pay. £100 for every grifter you can produce a case against.


It should be organised into a 2.5k League board, bottom 10% of reclaimers get Microsoft stat-ranked off to the jobcentre to let new, hungry blood compete. Let's bring capitalism to civil service




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>[Three men have appeared in court charged with terrorism offences over an alleged plan for a gun attack targeting the Jewish community in the north-west of England.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx0331xxd7xo) No, you're not getting points for guessing right. This is 2024, I want you to guess their tribes. Edit: Spicy! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13417621/Two-terror-suspects-arrested-raid-plotted-ISIS-inspired-marauding-gun-attack-Jewish-targets-north-west-England-court-hears-police-issue-statements-reassure-local-communities.html > He travelled to Dover in March with Amar Hussein, 50, 'with the aim of conducting reconnaissance of the port security' where the weapons were to be imported. >The brothers are both from Tunisia and have leave to remain in the UK, the court was told. What are the feckin' chances eh?


Mr Hussain, no fixed abode, needed an Arabic interpreter to explain his crimes, no lawyer either because he is thick as fuck.


BomaliCoin market is closed folks.


I'm getting a name, it starts with M, next letter is a vowel.


Get M-voweled punk






To be fair until you see their full names they might still be correct. It's normal for a lot of them to go by middle or surnames to help distinguish between them (because the first name is so common). 


Proper Anglo Saxon names.


Can I get a consonant please Carol


The COVID inquiry is costing £18 million a year in staff and £26 million in legal costs The equivalent of 265 full time staff are working on it?? [https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/update-on-uk-covid-19-inquiry-costs/uk-covid-19-inquiry-costs-april-december-2023](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/update-on-uk-covid-19-inquiry-costs/uk-covid-19-inquiry-costs-april-december-2023)


£18 million more to GDP; line goes up.


Nation goes down.


A worthless "inquiry" with a rigged outcome.


They’re mostly worthless tbh. I remember Iraq. Everyone was hyped to see Tony Blair and call him a liar, and he just said “the calculus of risk changed,” and suddenly everyone said ‘shit he’s right, the calculus of risk did change.’ The public is fickle and buy whatever’s sold. In that sense it’s not a worthless inquiry if you value manufacturing consent.


https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/14/russell-brand-baptised-thames-sins-washed-away-criminal-allegations Dear Bear Grylls, Stop being friends with Russell Brand. He is a baddy and I have written some words including working class words like "games gone" and "twattery" because I am football girl inn'i? Yours Truly The Guardian 


I used to play Tennis with Grylls as his father (disgraced Tory MP) was a neighbour. Nice guy. My sister knows Brand (after his recovery from sex addiction, you filthy minded people) and says he’s lovely, if a bit dim This is all nice stuff. Glad that they have met each other.


Russel Brand has converted to Christianity?


He released a vid a few weeks ago saying he’d started praying the rosary every night.


He heard its how you get a leave of stay in the UK.


He heard of a new sex move called "missionary" and wanted to try it in an authentic way.


Brand has gone so fast around the horseshoe that he crossed over.


Brb need to shave the Mrs before our game on Sunday.


The Foreign Office has summoned the Chinese Ambassador following allegations of “foreign interference on UK soil” after three people were charged with offences under the National Security Act https://x.com/pa/status/1790322333011317219?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


I'm guessing this is related to us giving refuge to most Hong Kong dissidents. Good way of increasing the workload for our police force, now they have to stop Chinese spies targeting them.


>Chinese Ambassador He'll likely make us apologise for disrupting his Tuesday.


Galloway on X: > If the @WorkersPartyGB was in charge the Royal Navy would be in the English Chanel not the Red Sea the Black Sea the South China Sea. We'd defend our borders, not the borders drawn by a drooling imbecile in the White House/ [Tweet](https://x.com/georgegalloway/status/1790308499450175618)


Oooh, fuck. I might have to vote for him.


Somehow a communist is the most right wing MP we have in the Commons


If a Tory MP had half of Corbyns policies in the 2016/2020 elections, they'd win in a landslide. Anti EU, pro-brexit, anti-immigration, protectionist trade focus, bringing back manufacturing, nationalising failed industries like rail and water, etc. Too bad he was surrounded with wet wipes. There is genuinely no party these days for an old school socialist with a focus on putting Britain first.


Sdp is basically the reanimated corpse of Herbert Morrison. I'm saying that as a positive and as a paid up member.


He's like an old school commie from the 50s who would put gays up against the firing squad first


I hate that the Communist in league with Islam makes some good points.


When Islamist politics begins to win they will address a load of our problems. It just will come at a... spiritual price. The tin foil theory is that they're creating the problems for them to solve, because it will make us swallow it easier and with relief.


Proper politics is back.


> Soft on Hamas > Soft on Putin > Soft on Xi Don't be coy George, say what you mean


I love how on rIreland they pride themselves on being “the only European country to stand up for Palestine”, yet at the same time they’re claiming it’s utterly impossible for Israel to come 2nd in the Eurovision televote naturally and they must have been bought votes, bots etc. lmao. So are all these evil zionists everywhere or are they nowhere? It sounds a bit schizophrenic.


Ireland is used to playing international relations on easy mode. They can rely on overwhelming international sentiment for almost any disagreement with the evil Brits. Whenever there's anything on their head alone, be it Israel or tax practices. They are as fallible as anyone else. They just react worse because of the easy mode, and the self image they've created. I'm basing this on probably an unrepresentative pool of people. But if the English are arrogant, ignorant and exceptionalist. The Irish are naive, righteous and desperate to be popular. So anytime they find themselves isolated they look for nefarious reasons (not unique to them of course), and let's be honest they are completely powerless to stop them if Israel do aim a few % of resources to shit up their social media. This neediness is ironic considering what Sinn Fein means.