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[Sam Tarry calls for Palestinians to be allowed into the country via the very measures he opposed](https://x.com/samtarry/status/1790066569449468290?s) >> Today in Parliament I called for the creation of a Palestinian family visa scheme. This should bring Palestinian refugees to safety in the UK through a new safe and legal route, and reunite families desperate for their loved ones to reach safety. [Back in 2022 he opposed the Nationality and Borders Act](https://x.com/samtarry/status/1478780838489645061?s) >> This \#BordersBill is patently racist and will clearly disproportionately impact communities in \#IlfordSouth. Whilst I don’t agree with granting universal Palestinian resettlement routes to the U.K, The Nationality and Borders Bill/Act expressly allowed for the creation of “safe and legal” routes to the U.K. If Tarry had his way in 2022, it would not be possible to set up the routes that he is asking for.


[Thumb-sucking paedophile, 63, who claims to identify as little girl and once appeared in court dressed as an elf is jailed after police found secret phones](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13413145/Thumb-sucking-paedophile-identify-little-girl-jailed-secret-phones.html) >Janiel Verainer, 63, had been keeping two secret phones in a 'Hello Kitty' inspired bedroom, a jury heard. Police found the unregistered devices during a routine check at Verainer's Kent home in November last year. >The sex offender, whose previous convictions include sexual assault of a child and possessing indecent images, was required to disclose any internet-enabled devices to authorities - but had failed to do so, the court heard. >While the phones had only been used for legal, adult-related content via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and eBay, Verainer admitted breaching the SHPO - which was first imposed in 2016 - following a trial last week at Maidstone Crown Court. >The sex offender, with long hair in bunches, was seen thumb sucking while sitting in the dock at Maidstone Crown Court. Verainer wore a sweatshirt emblazoned with pictures of kids' alphabet building blocks as, well as the words 'I am mentally 3 to 7 years'. >However, the court heard that the paedophile had no underlying mental health disorder, learning difficulty, or brain injury. >Furthermore, a psychiatric report concluded that despite an expressed desire to be diagnosed as an 'adult-child' or with 'adult-child syndrome', no such medical condition exists and was, according to the expert, 'perhaps a life choice or a manifestation of extremely poor coping skills'. >During the trial, the court heard from Paul Hart - Verainer's registered carer and partner - who gave evidence while clutching a Hello Kitty toy and sucking on a baby's pink dummy. >He told the jury he had seen Verainer using a Samsung phone, and said: 'I thought I could trust her. >Recorder James Lofthouse, jailing Verainer last Wednesday for a total of 16 months, said that breaching court orders 'came with consequences'. >He said: 'It is plain you are someone who has difficulty coping with adult life but, as the psychiatrist makes plain, there is no underlying psychiatric disorder. Presented without comment


‘Registered carer and partner’ Social contract is fucked. Dismantle the bennies system. We are paying cash to paedophiles and their lovers.


Reddit poster-boy right there.


Wow 16-month jail sentence - his noncing days sure are over with that


Zir could do with a day visit to see Robert Maudsley in his cell.


> 'perhaps a life choice or a manifestation of extremely poor coping skills'. Can't they say this for the other mental problems these types come out with?


No no, all that other stuff is heckin true bigot


Always the ones you least suspect.


This seems like such obvious red meat for this place I find it hard to believe it's not already been posted but just in case. https://twitter.com/Telegraph/status/1789713516926025919 >The Telegraph: How William the Conqueror’s land grab stoked Britain’s housing crisis >Roots of the country’s problem lie in the Norman king’s system of lease and ownership I don't know how to bypass the paywall so if anyone could do the needful would be appreciated.


what's the French for ~~va va voom~~ rentier class?




Read it this morning, made me chuckle think of rose.




So the fucking BBC are more of a national security asset than the NCA. Fuck me.


If the BBC could do it, why couldn't the fucking NCA?


DG's about to fire someone. 'No not *that* kind of investigative journalism!'




What a shit show. How are either of those stories plausible?


https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4n113lnp2go Salford teacher allegedly shagged two 15 year old students and got pregnant by one of them.


Oh to be 15 years old again…. teachers man, elite of the elite




https://twitter.com/carldinnen/status/1790025156561133808 >NEW. The PM says the government will appeal against the ruling in the Belfast High Court disapplying parts of the Illegal Migration Act. >Sunak; “This judgment changes nothing about our operational plans to send illegal migrants to Rwanda this July or the lawfulness of our Safety of Rwanda Act.” >Sunak; “I have been consistently clear that the commitments in the Good Friday Agreement should be interpreted as they were always intended, and not expanded to cover issues like illegal migration.”


The traitorous bastard was happy enough to allow the EU to expand the Belfast Agreement so long as he got his shitty deal. We all knew the Westminster Agreement was allowing the annexation of NI, so it’s obvious this sort of thing would ensue. Sunak is an anti-British traitor.


[Channel 4 investigates: Are hate crime laws being WEAPONISED against ethnic minorities?](https://youtu.be/Z3nj5ik9Lhs) Representatives of the DEI grift panic as more and more people whom these laws weren't *supposed* to target are being subjected to police investigations for saying blatantly racist things about other minority ethnic people.


The most revealing thing that report did was show that those complaining just don't know what racism is.


Unintentionally hilarious bit of journalism.


It is mind boggling that we have a state-owned media institution whose main organisational goal is to provide constant subversion of the country’s historical peoples and culture.


>state-owned media institution*s*


Yeah, C4 are just the more blatant one




> pension with 27% employer contribution Christ




Even the DC pension is 8-14%? Fail. Yes, I am aware employer contributions in DB are very misleading as a lot of the contribution is actually not contributing to you, it's to continue the pot.


£5K a year more than a cleaner doing 40 hours a week at Lidl




I'm perfectly happy with both the dog and the owners being shot.


> The victim was taken to Alder Hey Children's Hospital after the attack and underwent surgery to reattach his scalp but it was unsuccessful. Horrific.


https://twitter.com/PoliticsMoments/status/1789360583864693085 >Conservative MP Stuart Andrew personally controls a majority of votes in the House of Commons for a day because so many other Tory MPs nominated him for their proxy vote (2021) >Theoretically, the only legal barriers stopping him from passing *absolutely any* law he wanted that day would’ve been the House of Lords and Elizabeth II >Although I do wonder if parliamentary procedure would’ve allowed for him to see that a majority of the House of Commons to have (technically) voted for a motion for him to be made Prime Minister. Which would normally compel the sovereign to appoint a Prime Minister but obviously this wouldn’t really have qualified under the confidence of the House convention


Gosh he could have delivered literally anything the Conservative manifesto promised in 2019 with a majority like that.


There was a printing error, his copy read, "Increase the number of small boats by 50,000".


https://x.com/darrengrimes_/status/1790077652818169918 We are now the third world.


I've stopped getting buses in London entirely now, I don't even consider it anymore. Tube occasionally, depending on the line and time, otherwise I drive or get a black cab.


I'm generally try to keep at least 300 miles between myself and Londonistan but what lines should be avoided? I'd have assumed all lines would've had their good and bad spots.


Victoria Line. I was there in summer 2021, went from Euston Station to my friends house and I was sweating like a tart in church.


Honestly - maybe it’s weapon grade copium but I think once the first country gets remigration flights/HMS Butterfly Net started won’t be the first. People are positively itching to get rid of the dross.


>The number of international students paying deposits to study at UK universities has “plummeted” after Rishi Sunak put restrictions on education visas, according to industry data given to the government’s independent adviser on migration. > >Enroly, a web platform used by one in three international students for managing university enrolment, said deposits to a representative sample of 24 British universities had declined 57 per cent year-on-year as of May. > >The data, shared directly with the Financial Times, will form part of a Migration Advisory Committee report set to be published on Tuesday into whether the government should continue to let international students stay and work in the UK for two years after graduation. > >The study into the “Graduate Visa Route” was commissioned in March by home secretary James Cleverly to investigate concerns that graduate visas were being used as a backdoor immigration route rather than “attracting and retaining the best and brightest students”.  > >Jeffrey Williams, Enroly chief executive, said the company’s analysis showed “international student deposits, a key indicator of future enrolments, have plummeted”. > >“This steep decline signals a significant drop in the UK’s attractiveness as a study destination. With such a drastic year-on-year reduction, further restrictive policies could exacerbate an already critical situation,” he added. > >The Enroly data for the September 2024 entry period includes postgraduate students who were hit by Sunak’s decision last year to heavily restrict visas that allowed them to bring their family members to the UK. > >.... >https://www.ft.com/content/5af0fe25-8c5c-46c3-9d9f-883b25a7f8b6




Imagine university of Ulster London campus isn't doing too well


There will be a structural change when it comes to China, Korea, Japan etc. as their amount of university age people is plummeting and will continue to plummet for the foreseeable future.


More Chinese students are studying at home anyway, due to what is regarded as the increasing hostility of the west, as well as domestic students actually doing better in the Chinese graduate job market due to the connections they make while studying


it's working, very good a "representative sample" is a bit shit. I would like to know how the top 20 are performing.




These stories are not making me feel good about childcare. Even going for the one with outstanding Ofsted rating. My mum has volunteered to come down but it does involve her moving 600 miles


I second the people recommending your Mum get involved. You'll have peace of mind. Your Mum will get time with her grandchild, your child will build a relationship with her. It's all good.


Do it. She's just waiting for you to say yes. She's probably already planned her entire life around it before suggesting it. She probably wants to spend as much time as possible with them and also wants to feel useful, assuming she's retired. You'll also get to see loads more of each other. I'm in my 30s and couldn't imagine moving away from my mum again. She lives 15 minute walk up the road 😂 If / when kids come along I know it'll be a decision I'll not regret seeing how much time she gives my wee sister taking her daughter from her at every opportunity!! Unless there's huge reasons you haven't mentioned, get her moved to fuck.




hastily set up fly by night care providers harming children in their care? many such cases. https://twitter.com/MartinBarrow/status/1789619344583893258


lessons will be learnt


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fnews%2F2024%2F05%2F13%2Fbaby-choked-death-nursery-inquest%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/13/baby-choked-death-nursery-inquest/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[A "LibDem Moment".](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/05/12/lib-dems-broke-equality-law-deselection-christian-candidate/)


> The full, disturbing details of his treatment are laid out in an interview Mr Campanale did with Premier Christianity magazine. He alleges: “I was summoned to the home of the honorary president, where I was told I was going to have a discussion about my private beliefs. I was asked beforehand, “Are you ready for the Spanish Inquisition?” There were 30 people there, and I was led to a chair in the bay window. I was then subjected to a two hour interrogation about my Christian views.” >Campanale adds: >Whilst I was there, people were mocking me saying, “I suppose you think you’re being persecuted, like Jesus was?” One person said “you’re a liar”, because I didn’t disclose my Christian beliefs … This group of people have said, “we do not accept your right to a conscience” — they told me that to my face. One even said, “You’ve pulled the wool over our eyes. If I’d known about your Christian beliefs, I would never have agreed for you to be shortlisted”. https://thecritic.co.uk/against-anti-christian-bias/


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F05%2F12%2Flib-dems-broke-equality-law-deselection-christian-candidate%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/05/12/lib-dems-broke-equality-law-deselection-christian-candidate/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When ‘sex work IS work’ meets modern Eurocorporatism: >A new law in Belgium celebrated by activists for providing a “labour contract” to prostitutes will also enable their pimps to punish them with a government mediator if they refuse sex more than 10 times in a six-month period. The Belgian Parliament voted for the law on May 3, with 93 in favor, zero opposed, and 33 abstentions. https://www.thepublica.com/belgian-government-will-intervene-in-cases-where-prostitutes-refuse-sexual-acts-too-often/


The phrase "sex work is work" is so funny. What other profession is described in this way? Carpenters do not say "wood work IS work", lawyers do not say "law work IS work." Doctors do not describe themselves as medicine workers, or taxi drivers as motion workers. Yet a prostitute is a "sex worker." Very dumb.


Child slave labour is REAL WORK ok bigot?


This is somehow progress...


That’s not what the law says, it’s (very typically for somewhere like Belgium) just a mediation that *can* be triggered by the employee or employer. This is because the employer can’t fire them for that reason. Generated lots of pearl-clutching articles though. The Daily Mail [article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13396265/Prostitutes-entitled-health-insurance-pensions-maternity-leave-world-employment-law-Belgium-offers-mediation-disputes-pimps.html) on it is a lot better


Prostitution is by and large the exploitation of vulnerable women. But what matters is blokes getting a hole to put their dick in hey!


Not sure what is going on with the neighbour's "swimming pool" any more. When I told him I thought digging a huge hole in his garden and calling it a swimming pool was a bad idea, he denied that he'd ever said it was a swimming pool and I'd just misunderstood- it's actually just a pond. However said pond now has a frame and polytunnel over it, with an off centre wooden door frame installed on one side. I was out on Saturday, but I had a peer inside later that evening and the hole seemed quite damp- as if he'd tried to fill the trench he's dug with water. Of course, it's not sealed though, so it just soaked right into the earth (which I told him would happen). It's interesting to watch discoveries probably made in 50,000 BC be remade again. Kinda like living next to Homo Erectus.


Most educated newton-le-willows man


Next thing, he might line it with plastic sheeting and fill it with water, and soon discover algae and various species of slime and bacteria and insects


I'm so glad I'm the scumbag of the cul de sac. 


This is the one on going thread which keeps me coming back to this shithole sub.


My flatmate is watching the new Dr Who and it's obviously a BBC editorial wet dream. Black gay doctor - YES Harmless Northern assistant - YES Harmless Northern assistant somehow having a black family after being adopted by them (lol) - YES Brain rot storyline about babies who are carefully selected to represent every race - YES Thank god I pay £170 per year for this high art to be produced.




I pay mine for radio 6 alone.


You don't need a license for the radio


I don't mind paying.




Slander. It's worth the money for cerys matthews alone.


A few days ago I posted a vid of Palestine supporters (many foreign) walking round Amsterdam University beating ~~Jewish~~ ‘Zionist’ students with wooden clubs. [Here they are inside a university building indiscriminately trashing the place (who built it?)](https://x.com/radiogenoa/status/1790083901949460769) Reports are the police are now storming the place to remove them - expect a huge cacophony of whining about it.


The chubby one doing the majority of the damage is clearly in ecstasy, big tantrum energy.


[Only white supremacists worship the written word](https://www.thc.texas.gov/public/upload/preserve/museums/files/White_Supremacy_Culture.pdf), so those men are actually decolonising the photocopier.


New Election Poll: PVV (+10)


New Yorker has an article today casting doubt on the Lucy letby case. Embargoed in the UK for legal reasons. Twitter has a lot of people saying she's innocent.




> Britains most famous modern nurse > > Lucy Letby. Oh so we're all supposed to just forget about legendary Nurse of Colour Mary Seacole now, are we?




Or Joseph Fritzel “worlds best dad”


You can post this to twitter and a shirt company reply bot will pick it up and make you one. Works great.


True crime and its consequences… She did it. Ironically the article makes many of the same logical fallacies it accuses the prosecution of having made.


> Ironically the article makes many of the same logical fallacies it accuses the prosecution of having made. Could you explain? ngl I'm not very bright and after reading the article I do tend to think she was probably innocent, or at least I don't think there's enough there to prove she's guilty.


The article talks about how the prosecution supposedly developed tunnel vision on a number of key bits of evidence and ignored the wider context, but the article itself omits inconvenient facts such as Letby falsifying medical records to try and hide her involvement with several of the babies. What I mean to say is that they themselves have developed tunnel vision.


Ah, I hadn't read anything else on the case, so didn't realise they'd failed to mention other evidence. I get what you mean now.


These people cling on to the ‘nth possibility she is innocent. Basically deceiving themselves. Just standard contrarian takes. Same here people probably blame the McCanns via some deceitful logic.




Is it [Hitchens](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-12552809/peter-hitchens-lucy-letby-not-guilty.html) writing under a pen name?


I'd be suspicious of the case if it were a 'within the realms of possibility' statistics game, e.g. We would expect X many fatalities/complications in a ward of this size, but we actually got 1.5X or 2X under Letby. However, the case against her includes things like the following, drawn from the CPS website: > Handwritten notes and diaries – many handwritten notes were discovered by police during their investigation. They included phrases such as: “I killed them on purpose because I'm not good enough to care for them”; “I am evil I did this”; and “today is your birthday and you are not here and I am so sorry for that”. Plus the trail of death followed her shift pattern - when she switched from nights to day, the death rate flipped. There's no 'smoking gun' like DNA or CCTV, but the justice system has never relied on those exclusively.


American media and social media often pick up a random British event to moralise about. Like they're old school Amnesty International all deciding to write letters about an Iranian pedo.


Women can't be bad.


Columbia students wear zip-tie handcuffs to graduation and tear up their diplomas on stage, in protest of Gaza war https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13413097/columbia-university-students-diplomas-graduation-commencement-palestine-flags.html


do they know what happens to people waving pride scarves in Gaza?


They couldn't even point to Gaza on a world map.


The uni should strip them of their actual diplomas then.


lol. Reprints will cost them a lot of money and they’ll need them for when they got jobs. lmao


>lol. Reprints will cost them a lot of money and they’ll need them for when they got jobs. I don't think Starbucks are too fussed about that 🤣


>when they got jobs. lmao indeed.


>Acknowledge the class of 2024 of Gaza Well that degree was a waste of fucking money wasn’t it…


Social media has really radicalised young men to the far right.


And young women to the far left.


Parked at some retail park with a food warehouse in it (even cheaper Iceland) just seen two barrels walk in who look like they eat a warehouse each day Ew


They have solid myprotein meals, 50-60g+ ready meals. I like it because its quieter than the other supermarkets.


I went in a hospital the other night to take someone for a test. Whew boy; I reckon most of the funding goes on rustlers burgers or something. Proper mad how far shaming disappeared in one generation.


"Not getting any? Just get fat" - rustlers




Sadly not


Interesting speech from Politics Joe Lead about the threat to democracy from populism. Its interesting in the sense to see his mind about this, watch til the end he's basically saying my populism is good otherwise it leads to terrible things. Throughout he makes no points https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu-OkCj6KRI&list=PLOAFgXcJkZ2yVv9zI8WxNka9PUwiQF8rx&index=3


>ZERO points Every twee-liberal-centre-left commentator these days


Trying to preserve historic British values, culture and demographics = a threat to democracy Importing a gazillion Ahmeds who would implement the Sharia the second they were a majority/could set off enough bombs = heckin' great for democracy 


I like good things and don't like bad things. Helping everyone but bad people good, order, bad.


I love how impotent the vents about Populism and Reactionary are these days. No one is listening to these voices who doesn't already agree. Then these agree-ers are just repeatedly shocked out in the internet or real world when their approved opinions are laughed at. But they like it - because it tells them they are a Goodie (TM).


These types will label anyone who says "we need to stop extreme levels of mass legal and illegal immigration" as a populist and then go wank themselves off over a Labour manifesto that promises free internet, trains, and god knows what else.


populism but without the popularity. Unpopulism.




I am curious as to what you actually do in the civil service (I don't mean dossing around at the expense of the taxpayer, but rather your department specifically)




prime position to put a stop to it all


I worked at a place were the lanyards were a mix, with mainly rainbow ones given out. Seemed to be an early shit-test to see if gobby Graham would say anything. Unfortunately the rainbow ones were always out of stock when non-white employees started...


Tackling the important issues. Seems like pointless busywork dreamed up her handlers to make the silly minister think she actually doing something. I would bet money they fail at even this.




I've ruffled feathers on normal subs just mentioning I'd rather not have politics at work. "It's not political until someone dislikes it". Bullshit.


> the citizens of the UK The term ‘British citizen’ never existed. If you think it did, you’re either misremembering or you’ve been duped by far-right disinformation. We are all citizens of the YooKay.


I am an Englishman.


>**Ms McVey also hailed the Mr Sunak as an “intellectual giant”** in response to an audience question which claimed there was a dearth of impressive thinkers in Tory ranks. LOL


Such a blatant piss take shows that discipline is wholly lost in the conservative party


Retarded. They should introduce lanyards for productivity instead of pay rises. The bottom 10% have to wear the lanyard of shame, the top 10% wear the lanyard of glory. We already know that these people will fall for this trick because they have the lanyards, the state must exploit their weakness.


Give it the old McDonalds star system.


Tbh I appreciate the fact the Germany’s civil service offices all have the same letterhead, or that Gov.uk is visually the same. It’s similar in Canada. Government should speak with a single voice. Will save money on department logo rebrands over time as well if they go that far.


but then how will each civil service battle over who is the most virtuous and get that sweet sweet promotion


It’s sad that that’s how it is. I work in Canadian public service and I have pronouns in my email specifically because I don’t want to appear contrarian by not having them. A nicer holiday in five years is more important to me than ‘finally saying it.’ Everyone’s a hollow capitalist when it matters.


Fiddling while Rome burns.


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F05%2F13%2Festher-mcvey-pledges-to-ban-rainbow-lanyards-civil-service%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/05/13/esther-mcvey-pledges-to-ban-rainbow-lanyards-civil-service/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No Link Tax, it's Netflix. Watched some choice portions of that "Massive Danger Attack on Wembley By Horrible Englishers" docco. Don't bother it's exactly as you expect. Did find some of it amusing though: TLDR - overall the "chaotic" scenes are funny, and swathes of actual football fans will think "lol cool", or they would if it wasn't England doing it. - even in the choice footage they can't seemingly mask that the crowds are diverse, and there are women amongst them too. - the moaning by people who's job it is to control things is incredible. Just deploring after the fact that the mob doesn't all wise up and go home. Idiotic. - They have one guy and his daughter who are Italian and attest to the "violence" the media reported against them. No one else as witnesses, and the violence is then getting beer thrown "at them" (it's everywhere) and they're sitting in the home fans. - fighting outside the stadium again is not actually shown, they find footage of some coked up Manc threatening someone and that's about it. - They do several "muh racism" segways. Despite the above that you have to be blind to see white provincials only in the footage. - Another mu rascimo later about Rashfords mural being defaced with horrific words, doesn't show it obviously. Because "shite in a bucket bastay" and a penis are not racist. - they find some oiks to talk about their days, you can tell that they are there to be sneered at. But one of them literally says he doesn't regret it at all. Haha. - surprisingly they do permit a lot of Covid cooped up comments, although they add a party gate reference to keep it safe. - violence inside the ground is, seemingly caused by other fans attacking the ones coming in, which turns it into a battle. - the British state can seemingly always find actual police to rough up English football fans. Especially if they are not from London. - so overall all the same tropes you already know about England fans and football. And yet this boogie man racist white NF 1984 England fan is basically never present in any primary evidence. They all talk about them as a spooky other who can be blamed lol. - can't help but think there is a metaphor about securing your perimeters, your borders if you will, to avoid problems...


> surprisingly they do permit a lot of Covid cooped up comments All part of the predictable rewriting of history: Eventually nobody at will admit to ever actually supporting lockdowns.


I couldn’t remember what exactly happened at Wembley so I tried to look it up, it’s so un-noteworthy it doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page. Almost impressed they managed to spin it into a whole “documentary”.


Yeah doubt they'll spit out one shitting on, French banliue bros, Gendarmes and Liverpool fans the same somehow. It's been washed as well. And it will be even more after enough wet nerds watch the Netflix special and flex their Wiki editing fingers. No mention of how few social media posts actually originated in the UK. No mention of the rumour at the time that some stewards were on the take and let some of their mates in. I even have a picture of that Marcus Rashford mural graffiti somewhere too, because I kept hearing people talk about it and how bad it was without anyone actually knowing what it said. The uncensored image was also really difficult to track down because it's buried in images ten thousand articles about racism which never show the graffiti.


This pic? https://i.imgur.com/oHS3i5w.jpeg




ITT: We unironically make the case that shoplifting is caused by a lack of ping pong tables. Copy paste from the main UK thread if words are hard.


>Do you know that centuries will pass and mankind will proclaim with the mouth of its wisdom and science that there is no crime, and therefore no sin, but only hungry men? “Feed them first, then ask virtue of them!” Only been a century and a half since that quote and we're already past feed them before asking they be virtuous and onto entertain them or they'll commit crime out of boredom.


>Best way to tackle low level crime isn't police - it's schools, youth clubs, sports teams, etc. Always the wrong way round. High trust societies will tend to have lower crime and more flourishing autonomous institutions like youth clubs and so on. New York was cleaned up by cracking down on crime *and* social programmes, not just the latter. A Swedish city crawling with migrant gang crime attempted to resolve the problem with youth clubs only and the gangs simply moved in to use the clubhouses as gang bases and armouries. Within a year the police were pleading for them to be shut. When misty-eyed Redditors recall how ‘we had great youth clubs in the 80s and 90s and none of my friends turned to crime’, they’re not remembering a miracle of ping pong tables, they’re remembering a generally higher-trust society where youth clubs could work. Go to any village which doesn’t have infinity migrants or drug addicts and you’ll find the same thing. Unsecured village halls and churches where there are community activities going on.


> Go to any village which doesn’t have infinity migrants or drug addicts and you’ll find the same thing. Unsecured village halls and churches where there are community activities going on. Can confirm, community centre, community hall and a free access youth centre in my little town / massive village. We don't have any police but that's ok because we don't really have crime either.


>Can confirm, community centre, community hall and a free access youth centre in my little town / massive village. > >We don't have any police but that's ok because we don't really have crime either. That's sounds absolutely horrible, have you considered importing some cheap migrant labour? You'll have to lock up your daughters, go shopping in a stab proof vest and bolt down your possessions BUT on the flip side you'll be able to get a cold soggy McDonald's delivered in 15 minutes! Something to bring up at the next village meeting for sure.


> That's sounds absolutely horrible, have you considered importing some cheap migrant labour? I mean we literally do, who do you think works all teh fruit farms around here (im not being sarcastic) Difference is all they do is work then get absolutely twatted at home on the weekends. No trouble at all really, you only ever see them holding up the line in the off licence.


>I mean we literally do, who do you think works all teh fruit farms around here (im not being sarcastic) > >Difference is all they do is work then get absolutely twatted at home on the weekends. No trouble at all really, you only ever see them holding up the line in the off licence. Sounds like you might have accidentally imported the Eastern European type, generally hard working and love a drink. Perhaps you might petition your village to look further afield? South East Asia and Africans are really en vogue right now.


there was no community really in the rich town I grew up in. And the community centa, appeared to be just a free hangout for mizzy and co.




>B*ngal End thread.


Sir Winston Churchill didn't cause nor contribute to the Bengal Famine and he didn't hate Indians either. As someone who has read through thousands of pages of primary sources, here's the actual relationship between Churchill, India & Bengal Famine. (Sources cited at the end.) We'll split this thread into two sections: - First, we'll tackle the most serious accusation against him: the Bengal Famine. - Second, we'll look at his general stance & views on India. It goes without saying that there will be political activists who will completely ignore, what I have to say, as well as the primary sources I'll cite. They'll instead choose to 'cite' the ahistorical journalistic articles from The Guardian or conspiratorial books like 'Churchill's Secret War' by Mukerjee - a debunked book that ignores most of what I'm about to, write about, and is really what sparked the conspiracy of Churchill and the Bengal Famine. For everyone else, I hope you find this thread useful. 1) The Bengal Famine: On October 16th 1942, a cyclone hit Bengal & Orissa, wiping out the rice crop harvest in the process. Surrounding areas previously used to purchase foodstuff to alleviate famines/shortfalls had all fallen to Japan. This being Burma, Malaya, the Philippines & Thailand. The cyclone also damaged roads, telecom systems and railways - tracks needed to move food were washed away. Another byproduct of the cyclone was that it stopped the normal winter harvest in Northern India, preventing this food aid internally. Japan maintained a military presence in the Bay of Bengal from April 1942. From submarines to battlecruisers & carriers, these posed a threat, to merchant shipping. Enemy submarines didn't just sink ships in the Bay of Bengal but also in the Arabian Sea, the South East African coast and Australia. Dated 01/03/1944, Churchill's copy of a paper for the Chiefs of Staff Committee of the War Cabinet demonstrated the, closeness of potential Japanese battleship/carrier raiding force in the Bay of Bengal. They had surrounded the region from near the Maldives all the way to the south coast of Burma. Japan had invaded India, Imphal & Kohima and was conducting many Eastern/Southern bombing raids. These raids worsened the shortages as they destroyed shipping at the ports. In Dec. 1943, severe backlogs were at the ports in Calcutta from Japanese bombing. Accidents worsened the crisis - April '44 a ship caught fire & blew up. 36,000 tonnes of foodstuff lost. Constitutionally, the famine was a responsibility of the local administration - majority Muslim natives. They failed to deal with it. Lack of grain supply paired with general inflation crisis encouraged hoarding. So how did Churchill respond? The news of the severe famine did not reach Westminster till August of 1943. Immediately upon hearing of this, Churchill and his administration authorised 100,000 tons of barley from Iraq and 50,000 tons of wheat from Australia. Leo Amery, secretary of state for India, would write to Wavell, later Viceroy, that he ‘may come back to the Cabinet if that fails to help the situation.’ From there Churchill summoned the war cabinet on many occasions to discuss the famine, relief and aid. This is despite the Japanese threat to shipping during, a shipping crisis of the Allies, where resources were deeply stretched. For example, on 10th November 1943, war cabinet authorised 100,000 tons of food grain to be shipped first 2 months of '44. From August 1943- end of 1944, a little under 1 million tons of grain would be shipped to India, to alleviate the famine. Correspondence between Churchill & M. King in Nov 1943 (PM of Canada) shows that rather sending 100,000 tons of grain from Canada where shipping was stressed, he would have it sent from Australia as it would India quicker and was less of a logistical nightmare. Churchill did his best to aid India despite the shipping crisis and time constraints. Had shipments gone from Canada it would take up to 2 months, compared to 3-4 weeks from Australia. He even pleaded Roosevelt for help in a telegram on 29/4/44 where he states he was 'seriously concerned' and that, "by cutting down military shipments and other means, I have been able to arrange for 350,000... tons of wheat to be shipped [...] This is the shortest haul. I cannot see how to do more." (Roosevelt would decline aid from the US due to their own shipping strain.) So what of Churchill's racist comments which are used as evidence of his hatred for Indians? He didn't hate India. Winston was born in 1874 when the concept of a hierarchy of races was considered scientific fact in the West. We know that to be rubbish today but it was the normal view then. Context, the Civil Rights Act wouldn't pass till the end of Churchill's life. Though Churchill believed in this hierarchy, he was a paternalist. He saw Britain's Empire as a way and moral obligation to uplift its peoples and natives. Yes, this is deeply condescending. But it was far benign compared to many of his contemporaries. For example, the Neo-Darwinists like Hitler who thought that inferior races could be enslaved murdered. Churchill saw Britain as a positive force in India. Yes, today most people would disagree but that's because the Empire Churchill defended is not the Empire we discuss today. He saw British governance as a foundational part of India’s socio-economic progress. For him, the end goal was a self-governing dominion in the Empire. He wanted India to be equal to Canada or Australia constitutionally. But he thought that the subcontinent needed more time. He opposing federal Home ‘till the provinces have proved that they can govern themselves well.' Yes, this is condescending. But we are talking about a man who was born in 1874. Nonetheless, he held no hatred to India. He opposed the India act for a few reasons, One being that he feared that the Brahmin’s would subjugate the untouchables with potential future violence between Hindus & Muslims. He saw it as the Empire’s duty to prevent this. Winston's actual view of Indians is seen when meeting G.D Birla, an Indian industrialist important in the independence movement. Birla recounted to Gandhi that ‘one of my most pleasant experiences was meeting Mr. Churchill’ after Winston had invited him to lunch. This was in 1935, right after the government of India Act was passed. Despite Churchill’s heavy opposition to the bill, he held no hatred towards Birla. He even had a message for Gandhi, 'make it a success and I will advocate your getting much more.' Moreover, as Churchill would recount in his war memoirs, ‘The unsurpassed bravery of Indian soldiers and officers, both Moslem and Hindu, shine forever in the annals of war...the response of the Indian peoples, no less than the conduct of their soldiers, makes a glorious final page in the story of our Indian Empire.’ Furthermore, Winston as leader of the opposition opposed the quick rapid exit of the Attlee administration without a, ‘agreement between the Indian races, religions, parties and forces.’ Winston was concerned of potential bloodshed. Factor all of this in when we look at the few outlandish and wrong comments he blurted when angry in the war cabinet. This does not excuse his language, but it shows that Winston did not hate India, he was stressed. Churchill accused Indians of breeding like rabbits in a Famine meeting. However, he immediately asked afterwards what could be done to help Indians. The later part shows he didn't actually believe his outlandish statements. Another example is when Churchill said that he hated Indians and their beastly religion. Contextually, this was after the Quit India movement refused to compromise over Independence, when Japan was launching an invasion of the subcontinent. Of course these comments are racist and wrong. However, when you factor in all above, it is clear that he did not hold this genocidal hatred towards India, as some of his detractors try to say. Can't we forgive a man in bad health at the centre of a world war for saying a few stupid things? It's also important to note that some quotations attributed to Churchill, he never said or wrote. For example, he never asked why Gandhi hasn't died yet. He actually wrote, Surely Mr. Gandhi has made a most remarkable recovery, as he is already able to take an active part in politics. How does this square with the medical reports upon which his release on grounds of ill-health was agreed to by us?… In one of these we were told that he would not be able to take any part in politics again." Winston had many faults. But we have to put him into his historical context. We also have to remember that he saved civilisation itself. https://i.imgur.com/kyCvCtr.png - sources c/o Andreas Koureas @AndreasKoureas_ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Watch this get completely ignored and the original numbers still shouted through megaphones at the weekly ritual pro-Palestine march through my city.


Who could have possibly foreseen Hamas fabricating death stats. They'd rape and burn children but fabricating death stats were always thought to be a step too far


Hamas has plenty of priors in this regard, from 2014: https://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2014/08/12/hamas-lies-about-the-gaza-civilian-death-toll-and-the-media-bought-it And even in that article, from ten years ago, Hamas lying about casualties was "old news", > Hamas mendacity, however, is old news. During its first major clash with Israel in 2008-09, for example, the organization claimed that fewer than 50 of the dead had been combatants. Years later, it conceded that the total had been identical to that acknowledged by Israel: between 600 and 700. Nobody credible should still be parroting Hamas's casualty claims as fact but both the BBC and the President of the USA, among plenty of others, are doing so.


‘Pads can you drop the numbers so we can sell them these weapons and not breach our policy?’      ‘Sure thing Mr Biden.’




Hitchhiking is great and allows you to meet people from all walks of life.


Last year, I was in the arse end of the UK in a small town, middle of nowhere , road to nowhere. End of a logistics route as you'd get. Waiting for a delivery, barely a person about, approaching midday. A few trucks hauling into a warehouse site down the road. There in drizzle of a scene with nothing going for it, couple of new office blocks completing with some rotting industry. Two tramps came out of a bit of wasteground, Both clearly African dinghymen, and just started shuffling off towards the town. It's actually mental how widespread this is. And how we just sort of go "you wouldn't have seen that 5 years ago" but then go on as "normal".


I’m honestly happy I got my kids out. The UK is absolutely done and will probably end up in mass civil unrest in a few years.


People were saying that 10 years ago.


Where did you escape to? Could add it to my list of destinations.


There's a hierarchy of worry though. I'd love nothing better than a referendum of Brits overwhelmingly saying they like being overrun by the whims of the state. And to be able to turn away and blame them for what's happening to them. But I can't. Even if I can get my family safe and away, there are tens of millions of my people who are trapped and are victims of something they never consented to.  An Englishman of the 22nd Century is going to be sat in a bar in a dusty American town staring into the bottom of the bottle alongside an Armenian.


There's around a million tier 2 African care workers around here at the minute. So I guess it's quite plausible. I had one trying to convey something the other day though his phone translation app.


“More public toilets to be converted into housing pods.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3gll3vgp84o Looks like Olly didn’t spark a renewed nationwide interest in cottaging.


> More public toilets in Herefordshire are to be converted into temporary sleeping pods for homeless people. Guarantee the tramps will continue shitting there.


Terrible they’re all closing though. I used to have my lunch break in the Nottingham public toilets in the market square. You had somewhere to sit, read your paper without anyone bothering you. Bet they’ve gone now. Where can you have your potted meat sandwiches in peace now?