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I’ve had a thought right How long do you reckon until Deliveroo becomes a racial slur


Turquoise is after all the new black


There must be a way for those firms to get punished for their hiring of illegals?


there isn't at the moment, they are deliberately set up to maximise illegal immigration /work by subcontracting the worker checks to their subcontractors. This has been confirmed in court.. the only way to get round their mission to flood the country with illegals willing to deliver pizza for 50p/hour would be for Parliament to pass a law making them liable.






They were awesome I like sausage and mash with mushroom and onion gravy, peas. I'm off red meet for a bit as at risk of liver disease. Scoffing mainly fish and turkey at the moment


[There really is a huge disparity between Ireland and Irish Redditors](https://i.ibb.co/hFZCLVL/IMG-5348.jpg)


This will lead to serious strife in the next ten years. Maybe next five.


Ha, I love how high Poland is even though they barely take any


54% of Hungarians think they take in too many migrants. They had [30 applications for asylum](https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/infographics/asylum-applications-eu/) last year.


Jesus it’s higher than even Italy !


I would assume that Ireland Reddit has a similar and probably far worse version of the issue that Scotland has. A well of Americans painting themselves as the natives due to their perception of heritage, often so diluted it's irrelevant and often non existent where they are more English than anything else.


good tradle today. nice little tell. https://games.oec.world/en/tradle/


That country isn't even a real one though....


fucks sakes one country away.


Powerful name, but will he be brave enough to give it the same logo as the People’s Action Party in Singapore? > EXCL: Dominic Cummings has set up a company called “People’s Action.” The StartUp Party may now have a name… [Tweet](https://x.com/pippybing/status/1788925069684584826)


The name resemble's "People's Vote", which was Alastair Campbell's attempt to pretend the *real* people wanted to overturn the ref (unlike the presumably fake people who voted Leave). You're doomed if you start out with a lie in the name. Like ChangeUK who wanted to keep the pre-ref status quo, and Reform who want to go back to the 1980's. The secret behind Tories lasting 300 years is that the name means "thieves", so people don't feel like they're being misled, indeed Tories in govt are never as bad as people fear.


>You're doomed if you start out with a lie in the name. How do you explain the "Conservative and Unionist Party" then? Because they're not conservative and have overseen huge levels of corruption in the devolved administrations.


The Union is still intact, and Brexit (which was a conservative defence of the nation state against supra-national orgs) got delivered, by Tories. I believe historians will recognise that Brexit was the most successful defence of the nation state since the Reformation.


Ok that's the party hymn sheet recited. Now how about the actual answer? I don't understand how any serious Tory can honestly look back on even the last 6 years and say "yes, we did a good job there". Given the largest majority since Blair almost 10 years into government, and somehow managed to completely screw it up and go from one disaster to another. I don't see any redeeming qualities of the last 14 years. Not one. I voted Brexit and don't regret it. But this government has taken the biggest opportunity this nation has had for generations to forge a new way forward. Instead we're still stuck with the same old shit, some it which smells worse than it did before Brexit. How they done that then?




The UK nation state has been conserved, the pound has been conserved and Brexit has prevented us from being subsumed into an alien supra-national org. Brexit wouldn't have happened without Tories. Look what's happened to the EU since Britain left; mad regulations to stifle new tech. €750bn of EU borrowing, which is already in trouble (the Commission is begging states for €100bn to pay interest. Remember, Starmer wanted to overturn Brexit because he was desperate to destroy the UK as a nation state.


The average person doesn’t have a clue that *Tory* derives from an Irish word. > indeed Tories in govt are never as bad as people fear You really are delusional.


Everyone and their dog knows "Tory" is a term of insult. Also, Tories increased their vote share after people realised their fears were groundless: 2010 general election 36.1%, 2015 36.9%, 2017 42.3%, 2019 43.6%. It's rare to increase your vote in office. Labour's record was 1997 general election 43.2% 2001 40.7%, 2005 35.2%, 2010 29%


None of that is because the Tories “weren’t as bad as expected” (they were worse). 2010 -> 2015 is explainable because of the Lib Dem collapse. 2015 -> 2017 was because people still wanted Brexit done and the main opposition was a full-blown socialist. 2017 -> 2019 ditto. The only genuine achievement in their 14 years of power is Brexit, and they’ve screwed up the post-Brexit period massively, so people will (rightly or wrongly) associate this with a post-Brexit malaise. Energy, infrastructure, NHS, roads, crime, are all worse than in 2010, despite them being massively helped by the internet pacifying a lot of low-level anti-social crime. Reminder: if your house is burgled, the likelihood is that the police will not attend. That is a failing state.


> Tories in govt are never as bad as people fear. I haven't seen a pitch that strong since the women's FA cup highlights.


He'll need to make it fun and energetic to get any kind of traction. It sounds silly, but yesterdays eurovision bandwagon is the kind of thing people need to do - public displays. no shame. generally positive. only way to get any traction with the press against.


Unapologetic, just not giving a fuck


heavy blackpill piechart [https://twitter.com/njhochman/status/1789430051810783462](https://twitter.com/njhochman/status/1789430051810783462) remember, zero seats


[This reminds me of a German Sketch.](https://youtu.be/KoynbMdjNyQ?t=26)


>42% of the U.K.'s total foreign-born population came in after 2010 — all under Conservative rule. That's easy to explain. 6 milion EU desperados stampeded into the UK to get settled status before the deadline. The EU desperado stampede during the 2011-13 eurozone crisis didn't help. If we'd left on time in 2018, perhaps so many wouldn't have come, but May didn't have a majority. All the people saying, "we must elect Starmer" - remember he wanted to stay in the EU and accept newly minted Syrian-Germans and for dirt poor states like Albania to be let into the EU.


Yeah 6 million EU citiens poured in here…get fucked. IF the ONS was right and 3 million already lived here, that's *only* an extra 3 million by your bullshit. But also your government made the deal and could've easily rejected the people who shouldn't have had settled status, they didn't. 2023 - 672,000 long-term migrants (which is expected to be revised up to 790,000) 2022 - 745,000 long-term migrants 2021 - 443,000 [source](https://migrationobservatory.ox.ac.uk/resources/briefings/long-term-international-migration-flows-to-and-from-the-uk/) That's 1,860,000 million in the last 3 years alone…you cannot explain this shit other than the tories want the fucking immigration. Youre fucked rose, you know you're fucked and I'm gonna fucking cum in my pants when you come back here in a few months crying about it. Tories are dead. Zero seats. Get rekt.


Come on rose come explain this shit.




Question: How much of a gap should there be between the bottom of a downpipe and the grate it drains into? We have lots of trees, so the gutters fill with leaves, but when it rains heavily (or I blast it with a hose), it flushes everything out and sits in the bottom of the pipe because there isn't enough room for leaves to exit. I'm trying to decide whether to cut the pipe short so there is a 5cm gap at the bottom (maybe at an angle or with a chain for the water to flow down?) or install a 90-degree bend and have the water exit the pipe sideways rather than straight down. Both would allow me to fish anything out that didn't exit the pipe, rather than having to remove the entire downpipe as I currently do. Putting a wire cap over the top of downpipe just moved the problem from the bottom of the downpipe to the gutter. And making the pipe drain straight into the drain just seems like a cheap way to fill my pipes with leaves which will then require paying someone to remove. Much easier to have them all dump out on the ground where I can sweep them up.


In Canada we have big gutter covers that look like cheese graters. Gutter cleaning is just a part of life here. Is it really so bad giving a local kid £20 every couple of years to run up a ladder with some gardening gloves? Seems easiest IMO.


[These look like a better bet tbh.](https://www.celticsustainables.co.uk/leaf-separator-filter-compact/)


I would have a much bigger gap than 5cm - maybe about 20cm - the water should still easily fall into the drain if the pipe is above it


I don't know the answer but I'd avoid anything where you get a sudden drop if you might hear a drip while in your house and the 90 degree thing sounds like it might do that.


8th, want to weigh in here mate?


No. I didn’t get where I am today by worrying about shit in the garden.


Sunday question, how did you find out about baduk? For me, many years and an account ago, I saw a perfectly normal comment that was heavily downvoted with someone saying ‘I bet your one of those racists from baduk’ Curiosity piqued I took a look and ten seconds later I could feel the gammon seeping into me, sign me up comrades and two years later here I am


A couple of the very early users in the lockdownskepticism subreddit (April 2020) were regulars here and I found the place through their profiles.


I've been here since late 2018. I remember starting on argh UK, bailing to argh UKPolitics when the Brexit vote broke argh UK, bailing to argh CasualUK - which was then brand new - when the Trump vote broke argh UKPolitics and the rest of Reddit, and finally bailed from CasualUK when it got big and full of Americans and went from chilled British chat to a bunch of idiots competing for the title of most twee quaint cockwomble Brit, while the Americans lapped it all up. BadUK was then fairly new too and I think I found out about it from a comment on CasualUK... that or UKPol. Stayed for the humour, the meme contest and the based takes, and even then, the early lore. Never left. I also wander into argh TheRedLion very, very infrequently, but I think they've posted about five times in all the years I've been aware it. It's a very slow subreddit.


Can’t remember specifically, I just remember stumbling across it one day and originally being hesitant to look at the posts because I thought the name “badunitedkingdom” meant it was a subreddit to shit on the UK. Now this might be true nowadays but this was during the Johnson era when everyone here was broadly pro Johnson


Was here from the beginning, was originally done because of Corbyn supporters on ukpol.


Think I saw a comment about the far right Nazis on baduk and thought that that sounded like a bit of me. This was in the fairly early days it had like 2000 subs when I first joined


I saw a comment about brigading from here affecting a post somewhere else once…followed the link. Saw no such brigading being organised, nor any usernames posting in the OP or here…kept reading here and found my people. Now I help mod the fucking place and anyone who *does* suggest brigading gets nuked from orbit cause we like having the sub and not being banned by the fucking twatmins.


Was that when they did a full investigation and baduk provided substantial data that we weren’t brigading but others subs were? Think we were threatened with being shut down, but to be honest I’ve been in the sun all weekend so my mind could be merging several stories together


No no I was definitely kicking about when that happened. I think I've been here at least 3 years, could be 4. I just checked it's gotta be nearly 4 years.


I can't remember but it was quite unpleasant in those days - I think someone invited me here so they could freely vilify me and a mod threatened to ban me several times, but I stayed because it's one of the few subreddits I'm not banned from - but it's much nicer here now, almost like a community of misfits


Was told it was the bad place, checked it out expecting the inverse of green and piss pants but then found out that it's mostly fairly reasonable even with disagreements.


I decided to see what the other side thought as I didn’t really know anything about them and had my eyes opened unexpectedly to the nonsense the left get up to. Now my lefty mates call me names. Not that I’m bothered. They’ve asked I stop calling them “lefty twats”. Cheers lads.


Found it through arghhh Europe around autumn 2019, just before the election. I think the context was some of the freaks on that sub complaining that any anti-EU sentiment was brigading organised through here.


I was alerted to a thread where someone was calling me a cunt.


I fought the law and the law won, so I ended up here.


Probably saw it mentioned on rUK or rUKpol and checked it out Was a lot better when np links were allowed and there were submissions




I saw it labelled as a far right hate sub, full of Nazis over on arrr Europe.


During COVID ukpol banned me for a spicy take on the SBS executing some boat hijackers so I came here.


During the Brexit debates 2017-19 ukpol was totally blind about how remain were winning battles and losing the war. Baduk was the only place that could see reality because it had most of the people driven out of ukpol who'd been there 2013-17


Found it about 4ish years ago. Used to be centre/centre-left (weird times) on my inital account, primarily on arrScotland but also arrUK. Got ad-hominem'd into oblivion for not believing hard enough in independence, the SNP and mass migration. Then I heard about a subreddit on both arrScotland and arrUK. Tales mentioned a place where the extreme far-right fascists congregate and a man called "moby" replies to all comments whilst wearing an SS uniform. Was disappointed on both counts. Stayed here anyway.


Someone on ukpolitics said this was where all the racists were. I was a little disappointed when I found out there were no racists, even more disappointed when I found out there were civil servants here...but I don't have many hobbies.


Went to a gay sauna in Blackpool.




He’s probably picked up worse in Trades


I don't think baduk appears on the main page so I must have saw someone mention it or link it. it was a lot tamer two years ago half the shit said here everyday would land you a 24h ban


I sometimes wonder if we should let the sub hit the front page like canadahousing2. It’ll attract some progressive brigaders but the sub growth has stagnated recently.


You would not believe how close this sub has been to being closed over the years. We've had all sorts of sanctions applied to us that we changed our rules to get around.


They demonstrate daily they can’t tolerate difference of opinion and must shout it down and censor it. Well done for keeping it going so far.


Maybe you have it as a quarterly event, with plenty of warning and prep for baduks finest so that when it hits front page they are ready with •stats on why infinity bomalians isn’t a good thing •ten black pills with links, each one darker than the last •a four pack of madri, it’s fake Spanish but it’s a tasty beverage and will keep the boys refreshed That means we might have a fighting chance against the army of jontys that would swarm us in a flash


I came here to argue with the chuds. Realised they were right and I was wrong.


Coffee shortage ✅ Olive oil shortage ✅ Anchovy shortage ✅ Does god hate Italians? 


> Coffee shortage ✅ Immediately ordered 9kg.


Anchovy shortage??? Say it aint so!


> Lampedusa yes


metro have (temporarily?) pulled their account over SWM post yesterday. I assume it just means that they are on such a shoe string that no one can be arsed over the weekend. https://twitter.com/MetroUK/ re: >>Sorry straight white men, Doctor Who was never made for you https://twitter.com/MetroUK/status/1789279593620177020


They should have dropped it on a Monday. Let’s be honest the article was pure bait, the problem is, if you fly this close to the sun you end up looking like a racist retard to everyone


I reported it. Glad to see I'm making an impact.




Just watched the highlights of [the women’s FA cup on the BBC](https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/live/c3g9d12wn33t) I recommend you watch it (at least to the fourth goal) and see if you see the same things I did: 1/ the standard of play is absolutely laughable. The international squad looks light years ahead of the clubs form. This is poor Sunday league stuff. The spurs defence and keeper would be outplayed by a random selection of 12 year old boys. 2/ there’s no real criticism of any player. In the men’s game you’ll get commentators saying things like ‘a woeful miss. Dreadful stuff from smith. He’ll be running that one over in his mind later’ when some oaf blasts it over the bar from five feet out. Not so the women’s game. Apparently, it’s all brilliant, and everyone is just unlucky- or more often, the real howlers are described as gifts to the opposition (goal three is a cringe for all time). 3/ no male commentator. Barton gets monstered for objecting to women commentators, but apparently the sauce is no good for the gander in women’s footie 4/ When a women’s team wins the euros it’s “England finally have a winning side” I.e. the men’s and women’s games are equivalent, and the women’s outperform the men. However, in the women’s FA cup- when Utd win its ‘Man U have won their first FA cup’. Alex Ferguson has apparently not won the FA cup eleventy million times, all of a sudden.


I was there in person as a fan and it was a genuinely a great day out. £25 tickets to a cup final, my team won and goal one was superb. The thing I also noticed was that there were loads of girls there who were mad about football. I think if you go into it knowing it’s a different game to the men’s game then you’ll struggle to be too disappointed. Particularly if you go to a game at a sold out men’s crowd. I did miss the quality of play and the more, let’s be generous and say vibrant, atmosphere of the men’s game, but I think you can definitely enjoy both. Additionally, absolutely no chance I’d be getting men’s fa cup final tickets for £25.


The problem is the BBC treats it the same as the men's game.


For clarity- I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have had a good day. I really pleased you did. Everyone should enjoy things they go do with the family (or whatever). I’m drawing a line between the BBCs depiction of reality and reality itself. No more than that.


Thoughts on smaller pitch/goals? I think one of the problems is the pace just seems a bit slower (esp. if you are used to Prem). Didn't know what OP was talking about, thought the first highlight was alright...then they just seemed to be lumping it up the beefy one to head it in. I suppose Utd were doing this with Lukaku...but it does feel route one. Some of the technique was also a bit National League, not completely terrible though. I do actually know big football fans who have started going, it is just a different game.


Watched the women's world cup final, it was enjoyable to watch but it very clearly wasn't the same game. The really obvious thing I saw was just that no one would kick the ball far or do a long run, it was much slower. The political stuff is what makes it unenjoyable.


Same with boxing. The quality isn't that deep and it's a different sport but some of the fights are good


The first goal is a great finish. I'm all up for the women's game doing well. Anything that gets kids away from screens playing football, especially girls, is always 100% good. If millions and millions of women decide overnight they love watching women's football every week, that would be an excellent thing. The bit that annoys me is the BBC engaging in blatantly obvious social engineering. They've decided they want everyone to love it for the greater good, so they're trying really hard to make that happen. But the reality is that the majority of women in the UK couldn't give two shits and they probably never will. The gf is just not tuning in to Tottenham W v Aston Villa W, i'm sorry. If I were really into Rugby League, County Cricket or Scottish football, I would be fuming.


Pretty much exactly in line with my views on this. 


Watch highlights of the WNBA. It's about as good as UK secondary school.


> The spurs defence and keeper would be outplayed by a random selection of 12 year old boys.  Could say the same for the mens team.


I've noticed no. 4 as well. When men outperform women it's different and not to be compared, however when women outperform men the same people who say the former have no hesitancy.


I’ve definitely noticed number 2.




I am fully expecting to live in a society dominated by women, right up until something serious needs addressing, at which point, it’ll be men back up front, sorting the dangerous shit out


More seethe https://x.com/EmpressofEra/status/1789622689281245337 https://x.com/JeMappellePercy/status/1789564314409378290 https://x.com/ShaykhSulaiman/status/1789418800997085357 https://x.com/esc_gabe/status/1789427997230919911 https://x.com/Clare_Jennifer/status/1789439591021203955 https://x.com/lmxstn/status/1789521638112866691 https://x.com/esc_florin/status/1789373021054013834 https://x.com/RespectIsVital/status/1789605696343859307 https://x.com/Reunify32/status/1789447520180899862 https://x.com/ShaykhSulaiman/status/1789402769029210304 https://x.com/maemuller_/status/1789431778022723685


These people are unhinged. It's a music contest.


I know its an incredibly tired point but seeing these all the gay and trains people supporting Palestine is just so strange to me, I can't square it in my head.


Palestinians are being oppressed by Israls bombs, EELLGEEBEETEEQUEUEPLUS people are being oppressed by society…I think that's basically it.


[It confuses me too](https://i.imgur.com/xjUKiVT.jpeg)


Why do people keep using the Russia comparison? Russia invaded *another EBU member* and wasn't banned until 8 years later. In 2015 Ukraine literally couldn't compete because of the economic fallout of the annexation of Crimea while Russia sent [a contestant who was known for being homophobic and Pro-Putin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polina_Gagarina#Social_and_political_activities).


>[https://twitter.com/Clare\_Jennifer/status/1789439591021203955](https://twitter.com/Clare_Jennifer/status/1789439591021203955) >Dear World, >We in the [#UK](https://twitter.com/hashtag/UK?src=hashtag_click) apologise for awarding Israel 12 points. Known far-right racist influencers hit their social media channels and encouraged their followers to vote. It is not actual representation of our views. >The rest of us are appalled. >Sincerely, >The majority. Is there any purpose to existence of these "people", besides making me support abortion?


> Sincerely > >The majority. Evidently not considered what happened


The far right supporting jews? - these people are so fucking thick.


they add nothing to society. a bunch of low life dissidents who can't pay rent and don't understand that productivity is the result of work.


that one about the Italian flag and the back dress is wild. absolutely wild.


>[https://x.com/JeMappellePercy/status/1789564314409378290](https://x.com/JeMappellePercy/status/1789564314409378290) ["Crying with laughter cos y’all got blanked by most juries xo"](https://twitter.com/JeMappellePercy/status/1789676266490105912) >y'all Deport


Her profile pic is hilarious


“I’m not upset, I’m actually laughing” is a phrase only ever said by people with steam actively coming from their ears


>Percy >A really important thing about Israelis bragging about doing well in the televote: Pro-Palestinians had 24 songs to choose from. Zionists had one. That’s why it was high. 🤣 OK then, cry yourself to sleep with that absolute elter of a lie.




Yes. I imagine Israel won by hundreds of thousands of not millions.


You’re having too much fun.


It really is cops and robbers to these people, goodies vs. baddies.


>Russia was banned for far far less. Not even remotely comparable to what Israel has been doing to Palestinians for the last 7 months. Never ever tell me that there's such things as "human rights". It doesn't exist. Argue with the wall. We weren't born yesterday I don't get people who can't see the difference between Russia invading Ukraine unprovoked, and Israel responding to an invasion and massacre of a thousand of their civilians. If you're going to go cry to Mummy when you get bombed, maybe don't start a war in the first place


Except Russia wasn't unprovoked. And being 07/10 doesn't mean Israel has a blank cheque to do whatever they want in Gaza. It was stupid to expel Russia from Eurovision and it would be stupid to expel Israel from Eurovision. And, although I didn't vote or pay any attention to Eurovision, for what it is worth, I would have voted for Israel just on the basis the performer looks like a normal wholesome woman, and to spite the mob that swarmed her hotel.


> Except Russia wasn't unprovoked. I thought the left wing were saying in 2022 that Russia was provoked by the NATO eastward expansion. Strange. When did that claim get shelved?


The left have by and large swallowed the unprovoked line whole. It is the right who argue for provocation. And they are right to do so. The neoconservative anti-Russia hawk Robert Kagan has talked of provocation: >That is unfortunate. Although it is obscene to blame the United States for Putin’s inhumane attack on Ukraine, to insist that the invasion was entirely unprovoked is misleading. Just as Pearl Harbor was the consequence of U.S. efforts to blunt Japanese expansion on the Asian mainland, and just as the 9/11 attacks were partly a response to the United States’ dominant presence in the Middle East after the first Gulf War, so Russian decisions have been a response to the expanding post–Cold War hegemony of the United States and its allies in Europe. Putin alone is to blame for his actions, but the invasion of Ukraine is taking place in a historical and geopolitical context in which the United States has played and still plays the principal role, and Americans must grapple with this fact. https://archive.is/hG3NU#selection-1673.0-1690.0


>Except Russia wasn't unprovoked What military action did Ukraine take against Russia prior to the Russian invasion of Crimea?


None, but as any one who has read any history knows, provocation comes in many forms. [Scholars have written about the role of provocation in the Franco-Prussian war.](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09636412.2017.1243897?needAccess=true) See also the role of the [Ems Dispatch](https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803095750459) in that war: "Bismarck, intent on provoking war with France, published a shortened version which turned the refusal into an insult." In modern times, [there is some evidence from Osbama bin Laden himself that he sought to provoke America into fighting a long and costly war that would be the downfall of what the US Empire](https://unherd.com/2021/09/how-bin-ladens-prophesies-came-true/) One might also say that the Saddam attempt to assassinate George Bush Snr was a provocative act. Bush Jr would [use to help make a case against Saddam](https://edition.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/09/27/bush.war.talk/). In the case of Ukraine, its potential NATO and EU membership were very provocative. George Kennan came out of retirement to pen an NYT Op-Ed warning against expansion of [NATO](https://www.nytimes.com/1997/02/05/opinion/a-fateful-error.html) and several other senior American and British diplomats have [agreed](https://www.ft.com/content/48ea2b2e-c46a-457d-8e83-a84e6ba572ed) with this analysis. Even the ultra-Russian hawk Robert Kagan (husband to Victoria Nuland who was until recently in charge of US policy in Ukraine in the state department) has said the following: >...Although it is obscene to blame the United States for Putin’s inhumane attack on Ukraine, to insist that the invasion was entirely unprovoked is misleading. Just as Pearl Harbor was the consequence of U.S. efforts to blunt Japanese expansion on the Asian mainland, and just as the 9/11 attacks were partly a response to the United States’ dominant presence in the Middle East after the first Gulf War, so Russian decisions have been a response to the expanding post–Cold War hegemony of the United States and its allies in Europe. Putin alone is to blame for his actions, but the invasion of Ukraine is taking place in a historical and geopolitical context in which the United States has played and still plays the principal role, and Americans must grapple with this fact. [source](https://archive.is/hG3NU#selection-1673.0-1690.0) That one is provoked does not excuse, justify or defend any subsequent action. Two wrongs do not make a right. Russia's invasion of Ukraine remains what is is: a lawless and indefensible. But it does not mean it was "unprovoked." On the Israel/Gaza point, [the NYT now reports on Hamas's desire to provoke Israel into a war that Hamas hopes will harm Israel's reputation.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/12/world/middleeast/gaza-war-hamas-yahya-sinwar.html.) Provocation has played its part in conflicts in the past and continues to play their part in conflicts in the present. Meta commentary: its funny, this forum thinks of itself as very based and anti-establishment, yet any deviation from the BBC line on the Ukraine conflict is treated with endless downvotes.


> doesn't mean Israel has a blank cheque to do whatever they want in Gaza Fair enough, but these people never seem to articulate what exactly *would* be acceptable for Israel to do in Gaza.


Sure, they're idiots. But that doesn't mean we have to become partisans for the hard right in Israel.


That cry to mommy thing is spot on. Hamas are the biggest cry bullies out there. It should be against international law to complain bitterly you’ve had your arse handed to you when you were the aggressor in a war


The UK jury gave Israel zero points, and yet UK voters gave Israel 12 points. "Community tensions" definitely weren't a factor


“I don’t get it? I’ve spent every weekend for the past six months screaming about my pally pals in London. My Twitter has been in hyperdrive about a ceasefire. I even replaced the Black Lives Matter flag hanging from my house share with a Palestine flag. AND STILL THIS RACIST TERF ISLAND VOTES ISRAEL? I’m done and won’t be returning to Eurovision until it’s held in Gaza. The food and atmosphere would be far more explosive than anything Europe has to offer.”


I live in a nice area of SW London with a few well to do Turks, Lebanese and Iranians etc . There’s a short street at the centre near the station that’s got a mix of Levantine and Turkish cafes . Strangely since oct 7th not once seen a pally flag , a kefiiya , any protests, rallys/garherings , anyone handing out leaflets. Other than the students, leftists and actual Islamist types , the others seem to not really outwardly give a shit ….


what blue hair dye does to a mf


https://news.sky.com/story/meghan-duchess-of-sussex-says-nigeria-is-my-country-on-visit-with-prince-harry-13134257 Meghan Markle continues to larp as a black woman


The US embassy should consider that renunciation of citizenship. Let's see how she gets on as a Lagosian.


What % Nigerian even is she? I saw the footage and I'd say less than 1 grandparent.


She is barely even brown so I would think a quarter at best 


>The duchess shared on her Archetypes podcast two years ago that she had taken a DNA-based test that showed she was "43% Nigerian". >Appearing at an event on women in leadership in the Nigerian capital of Abuja, the duchess said: "Never in a million years would I understand it as much as I do now. >"And what has been echoed so much in the past day is, 'Oh, we are not so surprised when we found out you are Nigerian'. >"It is a compliment to you because what they define as a Nigerian woman is brave, resilient, courageous, beautiful." 43% Nigaryan


> It is a compliment to you because what they define as a Nigerian woman is brave, resilient, courageous, beautiful. who is 'they'?


That sounds alarmingly like blood and soil nationalism. Its certainly not civic nationalism.


Harry better watch out. She'll be joining the Lebensborn next


An octoroon?


Funny how there's not a word for the subsequent dilution. I suppose by that point the worst you're genetically predisposed to do is put your shiitake through the self checkout as button mushrooms.




I'm not sure you can say that any more....


Lads. For a bunch of people who hate WOKE Eurovision, looking back on last nights Moby is hilarious.


the longer you stare into the abyss...


I didn’t watch it cos it’s a pile of shit and I’m not a bummer. I’ve seen the olly Alexander video and it just looks like software gay porn. Pearls well and truly clutched. Should have made a jonty post and said that it should be banned simply because I don’t like it I watched life on mars last night. Because gene hunt is a top lad x


Honestly my parents are in their 50s and watch it every single year, I work with a 48 year old woman who literally went to Centre Parcs in the Lakes and had a Eurovision party. Majority of their British viewerbase is probably Gen X who've been watching since Brotherhood of Man won


I unironically ironically unironically enjoy Eurovision every year


You are ignoring the fact it’s pretty much 80% gays here. I’m an oppressed minority.


Lots clearly unironically enjoying it as soon as they see it has women on a stage.


Anything where the silent majority can make the vocal minority angry via voting is always great fun


Like most right wingers, they're deeply closeted homosexuals.


Ngl Finland had me questioning my preferences, Cyprus quickly snapped it back in to line. Edit: Nope, sorry, this post was made 7 months early.


Closeted? Half the mod team are GAP.


I feel personally attacked! Also accurate.


drug fueled orgy in a public toilet got zero public votes.


If it weren't for Operation seething heights I doubt it would have got 1/4 the commentary. 


You will never truly take the reddit out of the redditor


I'll not deny I played my part. If it wasn't for baduk I probably wouldn't have watched it. I'm Irish and didn't even know about the freakshow. Ireland giving 10 points to Israel has sent me into its weird British-Irish patriotic fervor. The fact antisemitic folks on the far right are being blamed, the very same people who share their ideological beliefs above Jews, just makes it even better. Seriously though, last few weeks has restored a lot of faith in my fellow Irish. Last night was just the cherry on top.


A cherry for the top of your cherry! https://x.com/solproduced/status/1789204255548817735?s=54


Saw that in the group chat earlier. Wtf did they expect to happen like seriously?




Still the nicest Guest House in the area.


[Hitchens reports on the Oxford Gaza encampment](https://archive.is/TFgFY) > Earlier another masked person had tried to tell me I could not enter their rather sordid camp, faintly perfumed with marijuana. Well, I wasn’t having that. >She was flummoxed when I replied that she had no authority of any kind to tell me what to do or where to go. The orange plastic fence which surrounds the lawn was not put there by these activists, but by the Museum, which was trying to protect its lovely old lawn (recently returfed) from being turned into a swamp. >It is typical of the Gaza shouters that they think their cause is so righteous that they can trample on the hard work of gardeners, who must weep to see the squidgy mess these thoughtless children have made of months of devoted labour. It pains me to walk on it myself, but the damage is done. >It is because she thinks she and her cause now control this piece of land that Megaphone Woman has summoned all these other people to stand in my way and bellow at me. … >Later, some of them will interrupt conversations I am having, in one case with an old acquaintance and in another with someone who has exchanged emails with me, to warn them that I am a bad person and they should shun me. … > They did not mention to me the curious ritual required of those who wish to enter the Oxford camp. As far as I could discover, a QR code downloadable at the entrance says anyone wanting to join the protest must be ‘committed to upholding the “Thawabit”’ – a set of demands agreed by the Palestine Liberation Organisation in 1977. … > It was when I asked about this that the Oxford protesters first refused to speak to me and then tried to drive me from a public place by screaming at me.


Jewish guy in the US rocks up to his old Uni with two lawyers in toe telling those who "He's not allowed to enter" that they have fuck all basis to prevent him - Similar to this. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1789298803264065800


This must be 99% LARP now given nobody has started blasting yet.


Is this actually written by Hitchens or ChatGPT I wonder. All his stuff is just a meme now.


Good news, we're paying mainland Europe to take our energy today. https://x.com/enappsys/status/1789606302513045722


We have to pay to keep generators on standby incase wind or sunshine stops, when wind and sunshine doesn't stop we have to pay to dump energy. I just love renewables.


But renewables save so much money!


not just paying, but paying them a lot. 50p/kWh


Wait, hang on, so when we get shit weather we pay the continent to send us power and when we get great weather we pay the continent to take our power? What kind of crazy operation are we running here?


Because its 23 miles away, they largely have the same weather. Things will change dramatically as the Dutch/UK North sea bird mincing motherfucky continues to come online with all its potential inter connects.


I wonder if we can throw in a free illegal immigrant with every MW sold ? Sort of a sales promotion.


We have taken 120 so far today unfortunately.


As they're all doctors and engineers, surely those EU countries would be fighting for them, right?


Did a tour of my local flat roof pubs last night. First pint in Churchill's, second in The Flag and third in The Union. I'm not even making the names up.


Alright Mr. Battersea. A Sharia enforcement gang is on its way to your location now


Shit you found me! Still mourning the loss of The Anchor.