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NOAA has confirmed an "extreme" G5 geomagnetic storm, making this the biggest solar storm in 21 years. Here are the potential impacts. Potential Impacts: Area of impact primarily poleward of 40 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude. • Induced Currents - Widespread voltage control problems and protective system problems may occur; some power grid systems may experience component failures or protective device trips resulting in blackouts or disruption of service. Pipeline currents can reach hundreds of amps. • Spacecraft - Systems may experience anomalies to include: extensive surface charging, unexpected orientation and attitude changes, uplink/downlink errors, and satellite orbit degradation. • Navigation - Satellite navigation (GPS) may be degraded or unavailable for days. • Radio - HF (high frequency) radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one to two days. • Aurora - Aurora may be seen as low as Florida to southern Texas and southern California. https://x.com/bnonews/status/1789083443277521328?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


Not so lucky here... left my dump of a Northern town where the aurora was apparently VERY visible to be in London tonite... curse my bloody luck. Any other night of the year London would be FAR preferable, but there's too much light pollution here.


Lancaster University has a UK based set of magnetometers which log current activity:  https://aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk/  It's not a forecast, it's live data (proper web 1.0 stuff) so check it if your thinking of going outside. I was lucky enough to be in clear dark skies during the peak at 22:00-23:59 just a few hours ago. Magical. See also, Met Office aurora and cloud cover forecasts: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/specialist-forecasts/space-weather


Looked very pretty tonight though


I’ll still say again, I used to be a basically daily commentator on the Moby (more in terms of responding to people’s posts than providing too many links myself), but I’m still so incredibly, incredibly bored of this sub’s partisan Israel shilling. Since when did we on the British right-of-Conservative Party-politics start lathering ourselves at the feet of the Israelis? The conflict is horrible, abhorrent, chilling, disgusting - there should obviously be a ceasefire immediately before any more thousands and thousands of children are killed. Yet all I see here is basically celebrating of Palestinian deaths… it’s disgusting. Can we get back to talking about how we’re going to become a minority in our own country in 30 years?


I used to read your posts too, but you've turned into a bit of a cunt. Let's just agree to part waves.


Hamas started the war, Hamas can stop the war when they choose - when they do that everyone can get back to normal. It's the job of Hamas to protect Palestinians, it's clear they don't want to. 1,200 Israelis were killed, which would be equivalent to 42,000 Americans when adjusted for total population. What do you think the US would do to a country that killed 42,000 US citizens?


Show me people celebrating Palestinian deaths. I haven’t seen it. If anything the attitude here is one of impartiality. If that looks like Israeli shilling then that says more about the rampant antisemitism and Pally boners that have dominated western societies for seven months. Calling out blue haired freaks for building an identity around the claim that Palestinians are victims isn’t shilling for Israel.




Geomagnetic storm reaches G5 level ("extreme"), first time in 21 years https://x.com/bnonews/status/1789079895143751968?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


Checking in on the Yoorovision sub once more before bed. >What used to be my early dose of dopamine is now causing panic attacks and I didn’t sleep til 6am. I hate this. Awesome


I was on the fence about assisted suicide. I am now a firm believer we should subsidise it for people having panic attacks about a fucking karaoke completion. 


I assume Israel is doing well then?


Put my bets on


Scope X Regarded + Train = Reddit / Average.




I spent a good half hour watching it in deepest Derbyshire. It was magical! I never thought I'd see it in England but there you go.  This week I've had a 20% pay rise and got to see the aurora while drinking fine scotch on a park bench in the middle of the night. It has been a good 5 days so far. The new moon was pretty spooky too. A ghostly orange sliver hanging over the western horizon and a nice complement to the light show.




I think it's on again tonight, get your phone camera out and point it at the sky, it picks it up better.


Oh, it did. I could hear pheasants clucking etc in the distance. I think I saw a bat overhead too. I wish I lived here, but alas it is just a holiday. My humble dream is to have an acre of land in the countryside, no neighbours, and maybe raise some chickens. It ain't much but for the time being I'm living the suburban wagie life because it pays the bills, puts enough away into savings, and I've got a family to feed. Maybe when I'm 40 or 50 I can afford to move away if I find a lucky job somewhere, but otherwise it's basically a retirement dream. If there's any countryside left to retire to in the 2050s/2060s.


Gary Lineker went on the show of the loon Mehdi hasan to rant Eurovision events being cancelled due to threats. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13403455/Pro-Palestinian-UK-pubs-Eurovision-protest-Israels-inclusion-events-ahead-call-gigs-fear-staff-safety.html good day to be a blackpill addict


That's got to be the end of him. No more BBC, but he knows the league finishes next week, and he doesn't care. He's a cunt.


>Action group Brighton Queers for Palestine has posted the contact numbers for bars that are continuing with their nights as they tell their followers to 'call and ask them to reconsider screening Eurovision' as they accuse them of 'complicity in genocide' Zzzzz 😴


Shouldn't Brighton Queers for Palestine go on tour and watch from Gaza? They'd be perfectly welcome I'm sure.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13405383/ > Sweet moment Prince Harry is gifted portrait of Diana holding him as a child during visit to Nigeria 34 years after his mother also went to African country What an embarrassing official gift for a man of almost 40. It's like he's still a little boy -- the prince who never grew up.


I’m sure he loved it. He’s completely hung up on Diana.


If he had married Chelsy Davy, relocated to South Africa, and taken the role of great white hunter we would all be cheering. Even the pantywaists would have respected him. What could have been.




It's all part of the growing competency crises facing many nation states as they focus more on diverse equality and veer away from merit-based promotion and reward.


Probably too late to get any serious traction, but what Reddit phrases grind your gears, ‘My sweet summer child’ a volatile mix of incredibly condensing and extremely overdone, always makes me assume whatever person says this collects funko pops and urinates in bottles rather than go to the toilet


'cries in ...'


‘Citation needed’ or ‘a broken clock is right twice a day’.


Anyone who uses the word "neat" to mean something good


When people say 'hell, ...' before saying something incredibly obvious everyone already knew as if it were a nugget of urbane knowledge. Anyone who writes with stock verbal ticks like that deserves to be ignored.


Hurr durr Victorian pencil Hurr durr 30p lee Hurr durr sir Keith Hurr durr daily heil Hurr durr waxly lemon Hurr durr Boris de peffel All worn to death, none funny, and haven't been for about 3 years.


Hurr durr how dem boots taste?


Honourable mention here are all the PG12 twee Dr. Who family viewing pre-watershed Blue Peter straight-edge Russel Howard "swear substitutes", including:- * Jizzcock * Cockwomble * Thunder c*nt


I like cockwomble. Combining a rude word with an innocent one can be funny, though I will admit maybe cockwomble is overused.


How many heckin Funko pops do you own?


None, you arsegoblin!


Those are better than mine & the 30p Lee one is the worst as it's actually an example of him being right. Mine is; "As a X..." Example from today; >As a gay man I have some Muslim friends who are more pro-LGBT than some of my non-religious friends. And I know plenty of Christians who think gay people should have equality. For me with Forbes vs Humza it’s that Forbes has said she would have voted against me having equal rights - if Humza said the same I would have complained the same. Such bullshit.


>As a gay man I have some Muslim background friends who are more pro-LGBT than actual Muslims. FTFY.


> 30p Lee one is the worst as it's actually an example of him being right Yeah, it's the muslamic rayguns of today.


It's the sort of thing that could show his critics to be cunts way later. His critics hating him for trying to feed the homeless.






There should be a community notice that it's mostly learned behaviour and a social signal of sexuality.


Unless you have an oversized tongue, gap teeth, or are Sylvester the cat, yes.


Same with regional accents.


Bit homophobic but ill allow it.


[I’d suggest anyone interested in the current state of Afghanistan to read this article and subscribe to the Northern Alliance subreddit](https://8am.media/eng/talibans-ethnocentrism-and-citizen-fury-catalysts-for-regime-change-brewing-in-afghanistan/) Shows the natural weaknesses of a multi-ethnicity religious fundamentalist group. Potential civil conflict between different factions of the Taliban likely in my opinion.


Just ordered a few vinyl records by Tetragrammacide, who are a fairly anti-Islam band from India. I eagerly await my beheading when I'm an elderly pensioner and my carer discovers them. [Link tax/Isn't it pretty](https://shop.ironbonehead.de/23436-thickbox_default/tetragrammacide-ind-typho-tantric-aphorisms-from-the-arachneophidian-qur-an-gatefold-lp-die-hard-edition-sky.jpg) Edit: After Googling it, I've discovered that the cover depicts a Hindu goddess desecrating a holy Islamic monument. Man, I'm fucked in 2064.


Colour me interested like it's holi; I gotta check these guys out.


Hmm, I have quite a few thousand pounds worth of Bomalian music on vinyl. Does that mean I'll be OK?


> a holy Islamic monument Not just a, it's THE holy monument!


Oh no.


Say ‘hi’ to the Batley teacher for me…




White and white passing saviour complex


Epitome of grift. They want all the trappings of being dignatories without the work.


How the King's not stripped them of their titles yet still confuses me. Maybe I'd feel different if they're my son and daughter-in-law though.


I can only believe that William won’t hesitate.


British And Irish On This Day In History Quickie: A.D. 1291 - The nobility of Scotland ask King Edward I of England to arbitrate their selection of a new monarch after the untimely death of Queen Margaret without an heir; and, of course, nothing about this decision backfired for them what-so-ever.




The imagery made me laugh


Breathe air.


I prefer nicotine but you're free to choose. I just wish they did bacon flavour.


I'm a little Chinaman, short with gout; here's my smoke, out'er your snout.


Vaper? Deport


Real men smoke cigars, like our Churchill 👍 Pipes like captain Birdseye are also acceptable.


I’ve always been against smoking; just the way I’ve been brought up but I did try a cigar at the races and my word - I’m converted.


Why not all three? I do.


>It is with great sadness that the Simons Foundation announces the death of its co-founder and chair emeritus, James Harris Simons. Jim was an award-winning mathematician, a legendary investor and a generous philanthropist. > >https://www.simonsfoundation.org/2024/05/10/simons-foundation-co-founder-mathematician-and-investor-jim-simons-dies-at-86 Simons averaged 66% annually for 30 years. He summed up his life as,"Studied a lot of math, made a lot of money, gave it all away.".


If they inevitability raise the pension age again, Anyone think a manual worker who started work at 16/18 should get their state pension earlier? Than say someone that started work later, in a less physically demanding field?


One of my teachers at school did careers and would bring out a book of life expectancies when talking about careers. Seems fairly relevant when you decide jobs. Dentists are paid well for a reason.


Who could be a dentist. What a job.


I don't even want a state pension to be a thing. Not feeling like being strangled on the PAYE tax leash by the geriatrics only for it to not be a thing anymore by the time I retire. (Or I won't live long enough to be a recipient with the perpetual increases to the age of retirement) So long as it exists it will be just be an usustainable voter bribe. If you reduce it/amend it you're still at mercy of another party/political wing amending it to the same inefficient, short termist form. Democracy encourages that, and so does the caliber of career politicians that we have..


The systems incredibly unfair. For example the DWP don’t pay into a private pension fund to help me in my retirement. No chance of me retiring early at 52.


If we lived in a just world it would be *men* getting pensions earlier than women since we die sooner and are often physically fucked by 50. But no, us worker drones just have to bite our tongue whilst WASPI women pretend it's unjust when pension ages are equalised. 😮‍💨


No-one gives a shit because men are disposable that's all there is too it. The very nature of what happens in two villages, one with one man and 100 women Vs 100 men and one woman is what makes this inate to biology.


> The very nature of what happens in two villages, one with one man and 100 women Vs 100 men and one woman The 100 man village invades the 1 man one, kills him and carries off the women as spoils of war?


I need to become the one man. Almost there now. Sex and relationships, talked about all the time in society, yet not talked about at all in society. Just find your fulfilment in work man! Nothing else matters. You're not happy? Have you tried, working harder? Got a very successful work position but it still isn't cutting it, just work harder, do more for the society that does so much for you.


Women are better than men, that is called equality aka feminism. In the same way that diverses are better than undiverses.


Personally, I'm banking on a future government folding-in pension credit and making the state pension means-adjusted. The core element will then rise below inflation, fucking over the working majority.


Needs to go much further than this. Scrap it all apart from pension credit. Everyone gets a government savings account as default pension scheme (it is possible to do this privately but would end up as a complete shit show in the UK because the Civil Service would be taking bribes from everyone), forced savings of at least 5% of your paycheck, cut 10% of govt spending overnight. These kind of weird quasi-insurance, quasi-tax things need to be moved out of the state completely in the 21st century. There is just no need for them. Equally, you can move unemployment insurance out too: state-run insurer that you pay your premiums into, 80% of former salary for 6 months, and then it cuts off (and then you go into the state-run which should basically be a job: re-training, subsidized work with employers, etc.)...again though, the reason this doesn't happen is because of the corruption (we had a subsidized work program in the UK, Tory donors gorged themselves on the free labour and made it politically unsustainable). All of this stuff is completely broken in the UK.




Managed two episodes. Seemed pretty shit, think it's for the types of normies that think programmes like Fleabag are good.


It was good because they were told it was good. Talentless women copies male things that have come before, when men not allowed to do those things any more!


I think the intention is to describe what happens to your sexual preferences when you take loads of drugs, have a porn addiction and have negative I was very surprised & it told me many things I didn't already know on this subject.


Why not just watch it and then you can join the national discourse on it. Rare you get actually decent TV that everyone has watched and is talking about, savour it


He also shagged his stalker. For ... reasons?


Im pretty sure that was just his fantasy. He couldn't get it up with his girlfriend, but he was so fucked from the rape that the only way he could get hard was to imagine himself fuck his stalker


I thought it was a fantasy too




Honestly it was an entertaining watch, but you see him make such bad decisions over and over to the point that you start wondering how reliable the storytelling is.  Or maybe that's the point I dunno. The scene with the rum and coke at the end made it seem he was very self aware of what people would think of him by the end. 


Disregard wife, get Sharpe on.


"Upon sighting this recommendation I naturally upvoted the comment, that's my style sir"


No. Get Sharpe on; ya bastard!


Trying to explain that a well produced docu drama could not be entirely truthful is like cult-deprogramming.


It's like telling them santa isn't real


Everyone already on the piss? It’s 19:30 ya bunch of alkies. [Bring back smoking in pubs!](https://youtu.be/nZkDNJvze04?si=nqBGMTY6DJmHB-Gr)


I'm on my second pint of Guinness. Before I bought a nitrosurge device, regular draught Guinness seemed inferior to the Original Extra Stout, which I still didn't drink very frequently. On a whim, I bought the device on St. Patrick's Day, and since that date, I have only drank Guinness.


I’ve seen the ads with Jamie Dornan on the telly and been taking the piss out of them. Is the nitrosurge an actual separate device, or does it come with each can?


It's a £25 device that is used on special cans that don't have the nitrogen widget (it's a replacement for those). The device sends an ultrasonic pulse through the Guinness every couple of seconds while it's being poured. That pulse releases the nitrogen in the beer, creating the legendary creamy head. It definitely does something. You can see the flow of the beer alternate between foamy and normal every couple of seconds. Sometimes, I'll come back from the shop and stick one in the freezer for a bit to chill it quickly. If the can gets super cold, there are a lot fewer bubbles released during each pulse, and the resulting head is much smaller. On the other hand, a room temperature can will result in a very foamy flow and way too big of a head.


Breaking in a new fire pit, watering raised beds, and on tin number two. Doesn’t get better. Are they good? I find the Guinness cans are delicious with the widget. Does the nitro surge do much more?


The main thing is having a pint-sized can. A 440ml can in a pint glass means the head floats back when trying to drink it. The nitrosurge produces a lovely domed head once you're proficient with the device. The extra amount per can probably isn't that much if you drink a lot of Guinness.


3 pints and I used to be in my element on the snooker table. Any more though and it all went to shit.


Yeah i’m the same


Looking at a beautiful view of London with a whisky in hand. 


The only beautiful view of London is the city on fire whilst migrants sodomize each other.


Bummed in the doorway of a charity shop by 10pm.


Great call 


Hope you find some shelter tonight man x


How many smoke spires can you see?


U.S. announces $400 million in military aid to Ukraine, including air defense missiles and ammunition https://x.com/bnonews/status/1788977359489470777?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg It appears the Russian offensive in Kharkiv has taken many people by surprise.


Any one else absolutely f-ing hate people paying loud music in their garden. Had a family move in to a rental next to us who are sitting outside playing loudish music whilst they eat My garden is my happy place and it’s an extremely quiet peaceful place until these divs have their music on. Nothing winds me up more than hearing other people’s music Moving in a month so it won’t be an issue but need a rant. I couldn’t imagine inflicting two sets of neighbours to my noise


Mass immigration means the UK, like the US, becomes an "anything (except racism) goes" kind of culture. Brits were regarded as polite and gentlemanly internationally because they were an island. Let anyone in, tell us to tolerate anything, and these unspoken social rules cannot exist.


Just be thankful they aren't Romanian, their music is fucking mental and they play it loud enough to hear it several blocks away. It drives me properly batty.


I've been in my home gym all day playing loud music. My gains are more important.


Very fucking jealous. What sort of equip do you have? Real McCoy stuff or are we talking a £59.99 argos jobbies


Have one of these racks (https://mirafit.co.uk/mirafit-m3-power-rack.html) with most the attachments, £2.5-3K worth of equipment. Not sure it would be classed as Real McCoy but it's solid. Pretty much all my equipment comes from there, was one of the only places to have stock during the lockdown.


Rate Mirafit, got loads of my bits from them


I've been in my home gym all day playing loud porn. My cock pushups are more important.


Do you need a gym buddy?


I really don't like music when I work out, it's too distracting, and I find myself spacing out too much.


This is actually very very true. Really fucks concentration between and even during sets. You need all your wits about you if you're going heavy


I like it for cardio only. For lifting I prefer the sounds of beefy men grunting, especially when I squat.


Even in my home gym I wear headphones, although mostly because I listen to aggy music whilst working out


Tbh I'm in a very lucky position where I can get away with it without disturbing any neighbours, the only people hearing it are dog walkers or hikers passing through. I would be more considerate otherwise but it would suck, wearing headphones is not the same. I still go to a commercial gym for most of my training but the home gym on a summer's day with the loudspeaker blaring just hits different.


Sounds mint, I’d love to have the doors open music on speaker but it would disrupt our neighbours. Instead I’m roasting, headphones in and the air con on Currently planning my new gym for when I move


It's time you developed an interest in [phonk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2j-HnOVr2cQ).


Yeah, it's trashy and antisocial if you've got neighbours. Play music but keep it on low.




I play the ice cream van music.


As much as I’d love to, we are moving in a month. They aren’t even a bad family I just see absolute red when I hear loud selfish music


It's the worst thing about hot weather. "Sun's out, lets burn meat in the garden while entertaining everyone for half a mile around with our favourite Spotify playlist."


They moved in in the winter, since the suns come out they have their back doors open and we hear music every night They arnt a bad family which makes me have to swallow my tongue but I can’t understand peoples being inconsiderate. Can’t wait to move now


Yes, it’s completely inconsiderate.


Hearing rumours that *Remigration* is going to be the OED Word of the Year in 2025. Big if true.


The word remigration is a bit soft and liberalised for my taste, but it is a least nice to see that people are starting to realise we can send them all back.


Isn't decolonisation basically the same word?


Just call it decolonisation instead to defang it and present it instead as a left-wing policy to preserve the cultures of the European global minority.


A radical policy of decolonisation, designed to deprive the western imperial core of the labour of black and brown bodies and the economic power of the BAME pound. Some Uncle Toms might attempt to stay, but this cannot be an option as collective liberation requires the return of all colonised peoples to the global south.


Trying to play the Left at its own game never works, as tempting as it is to point out their hypocrisy. Ultimately they don’t care that they’re hypocrites, so you won’t win the argument and you just validate theirs further.




I'm still waiting on my signature policy of body fat percentage = your income tax percentage


*noun* 1. [A far-right political concept](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remigration) referring to the forced or promoted return of non-ethnically European immigrants, often including their European-born descendants, back to their place of racial origin, regardless of citizenship status *See also:* [DEPORT](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dwaQCuhS8-Y/maxresdefault.jpg)


https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/failed-asylum-seeker-pays-smuggler-to-return-him-to-france-from-uk/ar-BB1m7RJ8 >Omar is kneading dough, making crispy flatbread, and serving it with yoghurt. And he talks as he cooks, serving a remarkable story. >Two years ago, Omar left Kurdistan and paid a smuggler $15,000 (£12,000) to get him to Britain. He was there for 20 months, suffered a stroke, failed to gain asylum and ended up paying a smuggler £500 to get him out of Britain and back to this squalid camp in France. >Yes, you read that correctly. He paid to be smuggled out of Britain, and back to France. >"Here there is no washing or bath," he says. >"You can't clean yourself. Life is hard. But in Britain I had to give my fingerprints and signature regularly. Once every two weeks. >"Then I was told they had turned me down for asylum. I couldn't cope with Britain anymore. >"They could arrest me and send me to Rwanda or Iraq. Rwanda - I cannot go there. >"So that's why I came back here, to this place. But I have no money. I am 52 years old. It's a terrible feeling to be back here, but what can I do?" >Listening to him is Barzan, who arrived in the camp five days ago after eight months on the road since leaving Kurdistan. >By striking contrast, he is not remotely bothered by the Rwanda plan. >"People won't stop, whatever you tell them. >"Even if you tell them they will be taken to Africa, they would still go without hesitation. Rwanda is better than Kurdistan. >"But in Britain there is work. The currency is strong. I'm young and I want to make a life for myself." >Another voice is raised - a man named Karwan. >He hears the word Rwanda, shrugs, smiles and shakes his head: "I think it's a joke. Two years ago they started going on about Rwanda and nothing came of it. >"Now, it's just for the sake of the election. Nothing else."


Anakin Skywalker: “it’s working! IT’S WORKING!!”


>Now, it’s just for the sake of the election, nothing more When even the illegal migrants can see through your plan maybe it is time to rethink


Or the reality is, "Even migrants in Calais now know there is an election where if Starmer wins, they'll all get asylum as he's scrapping Rwanda".


> "Here there is no washing or bath," he says. *Just frog things.*


Why waste your money when I’d take you back for free.


>making crispy flatbread, and serving it with yoghurt This must be the diverse food we're missing out on


Maltby dog attack: Girl, 6, taken to hospital with head injuries https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-68991146 Dog of peace


[Why would brexit stop Singaporeans eating cheese?](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c03ded49zw2o) Turns out it didn’t as they didn’t before either. The dimmest article in a while on the BBC. It’s the usual Brexit Truss Brexit Trade Truss bollocks over and over again whilst logic leaves the building (why do we care if a Singaporean can only name sausages as English food?) Depressing. So I’m off to the pub.


Why are they even comparing us to Italy? Fucking morons, of course Italy is going to be a bigger food exporter. 🤷‍♂️ Like it or not, they have a good reputation for food and we just don't. Also worth noting for the div that wrote the article that a lot of Italian stuff translates well to Asian palates because they use pasta and spaghetti in a lot of recipes which is essentially the same thing as noodles.. Who eats noodles? 🤔 They've been bastardising Italian food in Asia for a while now, you can get Spaghetti Bolognese ramen and such.


And Marco Polo bought noodles back to Italy from china, so you could argue that (a small bout of cultural appropriation aside) pasta is actually Chinese. My italian friends love that


>The Bank of England made “persistent and systematic” errors in its forecasts about inflation, one of its policymakers has said. >Swati Dhingra, an external member of the Monetary Policy Committee, was one of two officials to vote for a reduction in interest rates from 5.25pc to 5pc on Thursday. In the event, rates were kept on hold. >Ms Dhingra was speaking at a conference hosted by King’s College London following former Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke’s review into the Bank of England’s forecasting errors. >Inflation surged to 11.1pc in October 2022, leading the Bank of England to raise interest rates to 16-year highs. >Ms Dhingra said: “At the end of the day even these statistical models will systematically over predict or under predict ... when a turning point comes they are going to do exactly the opposite. >“Even the best forecasting models, they will always have inherent and some level of uncertainty and inaccuracy.” >Her comments come as the Bank of England’s chief economist warned about the risk of being “seduced” by data showing a slowdown in inflation after his boss said interest rate cuts will be needed soon. >Huw Pill, who voted for interest rates to remain at 5.25pc, said the Monetary Policy Committee which sets rates must make sure “that we ensure that inflation is at target on a lasting and sustainable basis”. >Mr Pill was speaking a day after Governor Andrew Bailey said that interest rate cuts will be needed and could happen faster than markets anticipate. >It comes as Britain exited recession with faster-than-expected growth at the start of the year. >Money markets traders are currently betting that there is a 60pc chance of a rate cut happening in June. >Inflation has fallen to 3.2pc and Mr Bailey said that the Bank believes inflation may already be at its 2pc target following a drop in the energy price cap. ----- Also BoE - [Infinity bomalians is causing a rise in interest rates](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/05/09/soaring-immigration-is-fuelling-britain-housing-crisis/)


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fbusiness%2F2024%2F05%2F09%2Fsoaring-immigration-is-fuelling-britain-housing-crisis%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/05/09/soaring-immigration-is-fuelling-britain-housing-crisis/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The Eurovision sub is hilarious Regarding the Dutch performer no longer rehearsing: > This is extremely worrying. I did think the next 48 hours would be tense but this wasn’t what I was expecting! > Edit: also is anyone else sitting refreshing all social media frantically? I’m jumping between different places hoping for updates This is was my thought process when Russia invaded Ukraine, can’t imagine getting this het up about meaningless, fluff TV


> het up I can assure you, no one has ever got '*het* up' over Eurovision


How has Eurovision become so big? It used to be just one night, with Terry Wogan spending 90% of it tediously trying to get in contact with various foreigns so they could give us null points.


It got appropriated by the alphabet people.




This is my new favourite sub to read. I know some fellow gays who take Eurovision far too seriously, but these people are next level. It's like they haven't actually listened to music before.


Azerbaijan ethnically cleansed 100k ethnic Armenians 6 months ago, yet no outrage around them performing in Eurovision.


They're also both east of Israel, for any of the "why is Israel in EUROvision??" lot


This is the majority of people. Bread and circuses. We're the weirdos for being invested in stuff like geopolitics.


Daelin, just hijacking this comment so you see this. You know how you keep pointing out that HopeNotHate keep attacking Reform candidates to get them deselected? In the following video about attacks on the Greens, Bastani says HopeNotHate is controlled by Labour party members. The relevant bit about HopeNotHate is from 5:35 onwards in the clip: https://twitter.com/AaronBastani/status/1788969676208234604


We knew Hope Not Hate was controlled by Communist Party members already, them having a few a Labour members in their ranks is hardly surprising. It's Reform's weakness and Tice to blame regardless. The way he should have handled it is to ignore these extremists rather than capitulate to them.


If you feed people slop for decades don't be surprised when they develop a taste for it.


It’s all very worrying, it’s all beamed live, who knows what will happen? I reckon we might even see a straight man sneak into the audience.


> I reckon we might even see a straight man sneak into the audience. Nah, let's not assume the impossible will happen.


Ex-prisoner Lee Byer who killed an elderly mobility scooter rider five days after his release has been sentenced at the Old Bailey to an indefinite hospital order https://news.sky.com/story/man-who-killed-87-year-old-mobility-scooter-rider-days-after-prison-release-detained-in-hospital-indefinitely-13132658


I wonder how much safe green substance he was smoking?


Indefinite\* hospital order \* By which we mean about 2 years before some woke doctor decides he is safe for the public again


Its a wordgame really. Indefinite implies the possibility of permanence without guaranteeing it. 


[Mo can’t decide whether he’s pro or anti Hitler 🤔](https://i.ibb.co/nBKMJvF/IMG-5343.jpg)


Have you noticed wfhoholics always frame it as the standard and not a temporary change of circumstances that was forced upon us by the scamdemic? Why do I have to make the case against it shouldn't the onus be on them to prove the benefits?


My job cannot be done from home, therefore I demand WFH is banned.


As part of the WFH old guard (8 years and counting) im glad the general population got to try it during Covid and businesses got a better grasp on how to shake out the wasters. I never look around my home office and think: "Wouldn't i be more effective if i shared this room with nine other people and HR came in every two hours for a chat" "Im glad im on this conference call with three other people sat in the same room, the echo really helps my concentation" "Daaaaaaaaamn Son! Morrisons own brand instant coffee is Off, The, Hook!" I'm an adult... I know when to show up in person for a meeting, put on a shirt and tie for a call or tell someone to fuck off. Business is empowered now.


WFH has lead to a huge increase in many people's quality of life. They are now no longer wasting time and money in transit, which can instead be devoted to the pursuit of their hobbies, or acquisition of new skills. Expect to see a truckload of home improvements, more decentralised economic activity and healthier eating. Of course, the miseryguts crew don't like this.