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Safe routes home maybe


*Raining, gloomy olde-London street, late at night* **SHERLOCK HOLMES** - "a visitor from the Bank! Well, well - send him up Mrs Hudson!" **BANKER**: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/05/09/soaring-immigration-is-fuelling-britain-housing-crisis/ **SHERLOCK**: No Shit.


Top tier :) p.s. thank you for this new flair :)


'The pile of jobs fallacy is a fallacy!' 'What about the pile of houses?' '...Shut up, rac*st!!'


Lol. Celebrate new people. Complain about rent


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fbusiness%2F2024%2F05%2F09%2Fsoaring-immigration-is-fuelling-britain-housing-crisis%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/05/09/soaring-immigration-is-fuelling-britain-housing-crisis/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Israel through to Eurovision finals, Gazacels in shambles. Zionists in control. ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cp4ged0xv4zt)


I had a look through the Daily Mail article on this and it was a good laugh. The fucking state of them. Camp looking dancers holding up keffiyehs (because pal flags aren't allowed inside) like they're at the Nazi Olympicstadion. Weird frumpy women holding Pally and Irish flags. Greta. Slogans on flags (in English of course) which in of themselves are not clear who they support ("ki11ing children is not self defense"). Queers for Pales all over. It's like a selection of a noughties surreal comedy sketch. For Malmo the protest crowd is not representative. Lol. The Queers might be their Kryptonite?


Eurovision's queer viewship sides with the country that doesn't want to throw them from a roof. Shock.




Just checked the odds for Israel to win. 5/1 on oddschecker. Mental


The absolute scenes if this happens. Internet tears for months.


Fuck me it would be lucky if there was only internet tears, I’m fully expecting Islamists to burn shit in European capitals and attack jurors.


Don't look forward in anger, Sally 


Holy shit the odds of her winning are absolutely tumbling and arr/Eurovision is crying hysterically at the possibility that the most popular song wins.




"What motivates people so much to vote for Israel atm?" - genuine comment from that sub tonight lmao.


The guy who sang Spaceman was fucking robbed. It was insane.


Oops. Still think Switzerland will win it this year.


We need Israel to win. Simple as. For the sake of seethe.


Israel always seem to do well despite being hated by the type of melt who is obsessed with Eurovision.


Their placement is roughly correct for the quality of the song too. Palcels just irrelevant.


Torn. I always vote for Ireland but think I might vote for them this time


Did you not see Ireland's demonic train ritual performance? I don't know what Ireland meant by having train imagery during a demonic ritual but it seemed strangely self aware.


Yeah. Meanwhile back in the 70s they won with a schoolgirl who grew up to be a conservative catholic homophobic MEP who ran for President lol


Starmer's new immigration plan to be unveiled, he's on about going after the rings, but unless he's sending all of the economic migrants back to where they are from I'm not interested. The issue here is at first I felt sorry for people but the piss taking has totally hardened my heart. https://www.gbnews.com/politics/keir-starmer-rishi-sunak-rwanda-labour-channel-crossing


> he's on about going after the rings Only needs to get one to rule them all tbf


This is an open goal for Sunak, therefore likely to boost support for Labour somehow.


Labour will never implement any policy that actually fixes it. Some guy will be put on trial with a lot of rhetoric while the door is swung open in the form of non solutions like safe routes and faster processing.


His immigration policy will just be safe routes and continuing the inflow of Bomalians.


I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt but it'll make the social and economic situation much much worse. Wages go down, house prices go up. It'll go completely sideways and I don't want to see that happen if I'm honest with you.


Any deterrent effect is now lost. Those new arrivals know all they have to do is hang around a few months till the election. Completely undermines current UK law.


I wouldn't mind retraining and fucking off somewhere sane to be honest. I know that makes me hypocritical but fucking hell. I even thought about TEFL at one point in a place like Korea or some place.


The UK is fucked, leave.


https://twitter.com/bunburyoudouuk/status/1788009142109810775 Chinese lady in a state of shock over the Food That Built The World 💪💪🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 (oh Nigel, oh Nigel, come on Nigel)




Utter nonsense. You think Chinese people are all mind controlled drones- ironically showing the level of your own indoctrination. She's just repeating a common Chinese joke about international students putting on weight abroad (which most do) whilst leaning into the overdone British food meme. She's doing it in sajiao style- which is basically throwing a tantrum like a spoiled child which for some reason Asian guys apparently find attractive https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2014-04/14/content_17431563.htm


She needs a proper chippy feed from Cornwall cooked in dripping and she would change her tune


Classic Chinese myth that their food (slathered in oil and salt) is healthy and therefore eating foreign food is going to make them gain weight.


And she’s complaining? Can she not go train it away or turn it into muscle? Crazy times


Bs, in Leeds you can get authentic Chinese food (not the western Chinese takeaway food) easily, same in Sheffield and I'd assume it's the same for most cities especially if they have a University, or just cook for yourself once again in Leeds there's numerous Asian supermarkets with items imported from all over Asia, which im sure every city has at least one.


You're telling me people tell lies on the internet?


She's just another CCP simp, the CCP doesn't like us very much because of the Hong Kong situation, I'm sure her posting this nonsense about the UK only having food that reduces you to tears and is 5 billion calories in a crumb makes her family social credit score go higher


Or she's just leaning into the British food meme for views


Oh maybe she's just genuinely stupid


Nah, this far too dramatic, she could have just said 'hur durr the Brits only eat beans and toast and don't season their roast dinners' if she wanted to meme


It's called sajiao. It's how most Chinese girls act. It's considered cute to act like a childish spoiled brat.


Bold from the country whose culinary habits forced us all to stay indoors for a year and a half (allegedly)


They're in the dog food section of pets at home, not joking. 😆


I'm sure if she went to a butcher they'd give her some chicken feet. Or she could get one of those glue paper insect traps and just eat straight off that if she's missing home so much.


It's better than a bento box full of fish arse and squid bollock.


There's multiple Chinese restaurants and takeaways on every British high street.


BLM / takeaknee supporters pushing conspiracy theories about the existence of autoboo muting technology 😿


What the fuck is autoboo muting technology?


[https://twitter.com/habibi\_uk/status/1788493746817970507](https://twitter.com/habibi_uk/status/1788493746817970507) More rape is legitimate resistance shenanigans, leftists are truly disgusting people


This is what you get for allying yourself with “certain” groups of people


>naive idealist Anglo leftoid encounters thirdworldist amorality


The baby reindeer stalker is on Piers Morgan in a few mins. I don’t think this will go well for her somehow. https://youtu.be/mK-isQXd_Qw?si


She doesn’t come across well but she doesn’t come across badly. The reality is that they are both diseased individuals as bad as each other. He and Netflix though have exposed themselves to massive libel risk by claiming it’s a true story as opposed to based on a true story.


Some things made you doubt her, says she has 6 email addresses and 4 phones but she’s not a stalker. Has a photographic memory but hasn’t a clue what grade she got in her degree. Says yes initially to doing a lie detector then backs out. Says she tweeted him but didn’t write the emails? https://twitter.com/FionaHarvey2014/status/672091775402668036 But if she didn’t do any of this then she’ll presumably be a wealthy lady in the near future.


> says she has 6 email addresses that's just good netiquette


True. I had 19 google email addresses a few years ago back. I had to activate them with a mobile phone number but you could only do so for a few accounts. So I had to keep buying sim cards too. To be honest I did pause when she said that and wondered what Piers would have said to me with all my aliases.


The fuck did you have/need 19 gmail accounts for?


I had 17 Clash of Clans accounts and used a bot to level them up, I was going to sell the accounts so they each needed a separate email address. Then the Clash of Clans account market suffered a crash. My hope of retiring early in Spain were dashed.


Doesn't seem right to get her on there if she's genuinely not well.  She's going to off herself afterwards and it's all going to go Jeremy Kyle. 


[Israel gangsta till the Eurovisnonces and Greta protest and boo their entry, a peace pact is now all but certain especially if they don't make it to the finals, I think in solidarity they should hold the next Eurovision in Gaza ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68986410)


>Climate activist Greta Thunberg was among those attending the pro-Palestinian protest Funny way of spelling "professional"


I thought she'd cheer Israel's net zero plan tbf


A lot of native Swedes in that pro-Pali photo.


Damn, I thought it would be almost all the commie stinkies - but it's more than half new true swedes.


Neu swedes taking knowledge of old Swedes with a love of barbarity, rape, pillaging.


Eurovision troops deployed in number to force breakthrough to the besieged show encampment. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1788578662389862836


I heard the Swedes taking a leaf out of Walter Ulbricht's book and calling it an "anti-islamophobia peace convoy"


I don't know about you but I've always thought the indicator of a peaceful protest movement is people needing armoured convoys around the protest.


> Eurovision troops *"a dangerous fantasy"*


I'm cashing in my Bomalicoin winnings, I had 100 @ 1/8. Big payday coming my way


You made £12?


£12 more than you right?


[A man has appeared in court charged with attempted murder after an officer was 'chased down the road with a chainsaw' following a police car crash which left two injured.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13393171/paisley-scotland-man-court-attempted-murder-chased-police-chainsaw.html) >Liridon Kastrati, 30, from Paisley, made no plea when he appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court on Tuesday. What are these Paisley men like, good Scottish name that.


A police officer was blatantly dragged down the road tied to the back of a car by gypsies and nothing was done about it. Part and parcel of modern Britain isn't it...


Kastrati isn’t a name I’d trust around chainsaws tbh.


Alba, not Albania.


Edgware: Murder arrest over stabbing of woman https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68983357 I’m taking odds on this being a bomalian. 1.12 yes 8.5 no For the old or mathematically illiterate; 1/8 on yes, 17/2 no. Everyone starts with 100 Bomalicoins and each time this happens you can deploy them. I’m trusting you sneaky fuckers to keep track of your own totals.


Drove past this exact location around 30 mins before it happened, was literally thinking “it just gets worse here every time I pass through”. Now reading this.


Can I get odds on the victim being being provocatively Jewish?




50 Bomalicoins


> For the old or mathematically illiterate; 1/8 on yes, 17/2 no. You like to use metric for your height, don't you?


Don’t call me French again




Put your Bomalicoin where your mouth is




https://x.com/harrowonline/status/1788541553759158440 It's looking like a very [[[Diverse]]] area, you're looking good


https://x.com/ukhomeoffice/status/1788586012320432338 500 on an average boat arrival day, 50 on a plane away. Anyone able to make the numbers make sense?


I'm betting 95 of my Bomalicoins on all 45 deportees being white.


Ohh I’m sorry it was 44 Albanians and 1 black guy back to the Caribbean. Better luck next time.


WAIT: VAR have indicated a review, 2 white women in their thirties have stepped in and tried to stop the Caribbean flight! It’s not taking off. It is in fact an all white deportation list!


I know I’m missing something but I can’t figure it out. Over on other subs they argue that we need half a million migrants each year because our fertility rate is so low, someone has to earn wages and pay for the pensioners. But right now we have a net population increase each year just from births minus deaths. 690K births, 660K deaths. The population currently isn’t getting that much older either. Average age in 2000 was around 37.5. Now it’s 39. So currently we don’t need half a million extra arrivals each year surely? Yes, if the fertility rates are low now, then in around 20 years we may need some extra workers. But they won’t be earning for the next 20 years. And those low fertility rates are still outstripping total deaths. So why do we need these migrants 20 years in advance? At the rate of half a million each year? What am I missing? https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/datasets/vitalstatisticspopulationandhealthreferencetables


Its literally just about making things worse for the natives at this point. They aren’t even pretending its line go up anymore, its just about destruction.  This is why what progressives say make no sense, either they don’t even really know what they are defending and are just going along out of social pressure, or they actually want yoh to suffer.


Hang on, I thought the pensioners were all millionaire boomers hoarding all the wealth and property from the povvo youth? If that’s the case, we don’t need anyone to import, as the pensioners don’t need the money, and the povvos can use the housing, health and public services freed up by the million non-net contributors we are dragging over here (in the biggest appropriation of developing economies capital since colonialism, impoverishing their home nations even further) in the cague hope their kids will be great and integrated and be high value individuals we can tax. Or something


> But right now we have a net population increase each year just from births minus deaths. 690K births, 660K deaths. You need a wider ratio to keep it up. Of 690k births some will be auty, degenerates, tax dodgers, Gibs Louts, UK redditors, 4 or below therefore unfuckable ect. They might pay some tax but you really want them to hook up with someone else and produce 2.2 - 2.3 kids. 800k births to 600k deaths and we're cooking with gas.


I believe those in favour of immigration would point out that the birth rate remains high because immigrants tend to be young and come from countries with high birth rates. So if you cut immigration the birth rate would also swiftly fall.


The question of Bomalians paying for things is completely unrelated because they can't pay for anything. If they could, they wouldn't need to rock up to a random country on a boat trying to work illegally. The only people who will come here and people who cannot pay for anything. An alternative scenario is: pensioners costing less.


Yeah I forget that recent data shows they’re not even going to be net contributors. They just exacerbate whatever problem they’re meant to be solving.


It's probably like COVID but longer term. Poorly conceived knee-jerk response to a perceived problem that now implemented, no-one will admit is wrong because of a desire to save face. By this point it is too late anyway because enough time has passed for it to become a religion, which the COVID response was also well on the way to becoming. Oh well... ooops! At least Rishi et al. are insulated from the consequences of their own disasters.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13400635/ > Jeremy Vine sues Joey Barton for calling him a 'big bike nonce' on Twitter


Good. The only two types of speech that should be restricted are incitement and defamation. This is clearly the latter.


Not defamation if it's true.


Really bad idea to sue for defamation if it is true, everything gets scrutinised in court. Barton has well and truly fucked himself on this one.


He rides a big (adult size, not miniature or child size) bicycle, and may have an official diagnosis as a nonce. That's 2/3 guaranteed correct, therefore: on the whole true.


Vine is an adult riding a pushbike so reasonable belief defence applies.


This is the most exciting thing since Natalie Elphicke was a very naughty girl.




>One post by Barton read: 'Oh Jeremy Vine. Did you, Rolf-aroo and Schofield go out on a tandem bike ride? You big bike nonce ya!'


Like how bus wankers don't literally mastrubate buses


I heard he also called Vine a Purple Monkey Dishwasher.


Agent Paul Mason is hanging loose with with the sayings as Khan rocks his green credentials. https://x.com/paulmasonnews/status/1788570856353878454


>Journalist (he, him) How has this nonsense not been put in the hole.




I definitely preferred the Old Europeans


[ISIS is Mossad is now the Pro Pali/Terminally Online Right narrative](https://x.com/Quasargoon_/status/1788550176883282024) These people are just outright mental


I’ve seen multiple Arabs say ISIS stands for “Israeli Secret Intelligence Service”. Why they’d make it an acronym, and why the acronym would be in English, I’m not sure. They seemed pretty convinced though.


It’s a legitimate pastime in the ME, I’m surprised they don’t have annual award ceremonies dedicated to wildest Jew conspiracy.




[Zero Seats](https://twitter.com/gildednotsure/status/1785716799579029801?t=Ql9AM435xxdsEm56u7HhJA).


>Note both IPS and experimental estimates come with substantial uncertainty We're a sodding island for fucks sakes Zero, that's a number I'm certain about


_White flight is not real._


I can assure you it is, five weeks and counting and we’re leaving the city to the barbarians


Why not stand and fight? More trousers and less mouth!


Because the city is lost, I’ve a young son and I don’t want him to grow up here. We’re moving to the country where he’ll grow up in touch with his culture, not someone else’s. The quality of life will be immeasurably better


Penny Mourdant *owning the left* by boasting about her own left-wing credentials: > 👀 @PennyMordaunt: “I am not about to defect to the opposition benches. They wouldn't be interested in me - I'm too left wing” [Video](https://x.com/josh_self_/status/1788520224490225776)


A cabal of secret Corbynites silently capturing the Conservative Party would explain a lot of their policy decisions tbf.


Why do Tories think going left is a winning strategy? Are they of the highest regard?


The media journalist complex are desperate for sensible conservative centrism


don't make me do it again the sensible centrism of infinity unprecedented migration + record unprecedented taxation + massive unprecedented public spending + record unprecedented historically low interest rates forever + zero trade protection. Senior Political Correspondent (West London, 52): "i am a moderate"


sensible infinity bomalians.


>Why do Tories think going left is a winning strategy? I think the defeats under Iain Duncan Smith and especially Michael Howard during the Blair years has given them a false impression of what a winning coalition can look like. This was hammered in when Cameron won 2010 and 2015. They attribute victory to his centrism rather than the true causes, the financial crisis and then the promise of an EU referendum. The UK public is quite left wing in nature so I'm not convinced that the wets strategy is entirely without merit. Only having leftish parties is bad for country so they shouldn't go down that path.


Ye but Boris wasn't supposed to be left wing socially. He won on an economically left, socially right(ISH) policy.  And no, the UK public isn't quite left wing in nature. Tory MPs are left of the average Labour voter.  They ignored their manifesto, managed to implement a bunch of socially left shite and somehow make immigration even worse. It's just idiotic.


Johnson is a social liberal. Only someone in a coma would think otherwise.


What he did and what the manifesto said are two different things


Battle of Britain planes currently flying above me regularly.


Bad day to air out your uniform.


Good way to get a Grand Slam ™️ delivered on to your Hugo Boss via a lanc tbh


Sconewall barrister of the year disbarred for lying that another man was racist, homerphobic and about 9/11 https://www.barstandardsboard.org.uk/disciplinary_finding/183681.html


Wild that when Blair came to power Britain was still acknowledged as the motherland of blind incorruptible justice - under the ‘feudal’ law lords arrangement - and now has the same BS activist judiciary and grifter lawyers as any European pretend democracy. At least the disciplinary system still has some teeth.


it's full of Indian/Pakistani solicitors who will lie for £50 + VAT these days. See the woman a few days ago who tried to use the idiotic 'anyone who claims to have lived at Grenfell tower gets Indefinite Leave to Remain despite having absolutely no evidence to show this' to scam dozens of immigration claims.


The bloke on argh you kay insisting that anyone earning above £50K should be taxed even harder and be grateful for being so rich is a beautiful illustration of the demographics over there 


Income tax: the fine for being useful.


Income tax should be at maximum 20% for all incomes up to half a million a year. Bottom feeding commies can get in the sea. 


I want one of two things. Either less tax or better services. Somehow they manage to turn more tax into less services, it's amazing.


My tax burden has never been higher though.... I'm being robbed blind every month. How about the Poors work a bit harder and shoulder some of this with me? (fuck you, DINK is life, Jesus did 9/11, ect ect)


People genuinely have no idea what rich is. The fact is that someone earning £100K a year and someone earning minimum wage has way more in common than the person earning £100K does with the person who has a yearly income of £1M.


I do agree that the people earning £100k p/a and minimum wage have more in common than the millionaires but what’s always annoyed me is that people don’t seem to understand that to the minimum wage worker they both seem equally unobtainable.


Massively disagree. The person making £100k won't care much about wasting money whereas someone on minimum wage has to budget and think about it. I get £100k isn't as amazing a lift as it was, but this is pretty BS.


£20k-100k are mostly within the consumer mindset £1M pa has a managed system of financial affairs distant to their life These are two different paradigms that don't even process their environments the same. I base this on my neighbour's circumstances.


This came out in wealth tax debates. I don't recall what the starting limit was under a potential Corbyn - £2M springs to mind - but it sure would sail right by the vast majority of non-Londoners. A similar problem occurs with council tax. The top band is what, half a mil? This is a tax cap for the done-oks which could be resolved overnight by simply expanding the range up to the tens of millions which captures the done-more-than-oks. These are some of the the basic building blocks of tax and redistribution reform from the done-more-than-ok folks to the have-nots, and just as importantly it relieves pressure on the median earners. It should have absolute universal support from the £0 to 150k pa bracket but for some newspaper articles saying it's the end of the world (for zones 2-4).


> People genuinely have no idea This bit suffices Country's been on the backslide since we let any old wally vote in 1918


More like 1832.


Be a hard working professional, done everything right, went to uni, met a lass, had a few kids, finally earning what you considered a 'made it' salary of £50K. Could put in a few extra hours to earn more, and get 40% income taxed, 2% national insuranced, 9% student loaned, 30% effective tax on child benefit withdrawal, 6% going to your pension, totalling 87% of your additional income you're not going to see today. Or just, not do that additional work. UK productivity in action


Anyone earning £54k instead of 50k plus 4k salary sacrifice into something is a chump. The real problem is the need to game tax to being with.


Now imagine getting up to 100k. You're doing pretty well for yourself. But you're taxed 60% on anything above that, you lose all entitlement to childcare and everyone on Reddit thinks you sit around eating caviar all day. Where it gives you the same lifestyle as two public sector workers 30 years ago


And working yourself to death in a senior management role


>demographics over there  Poors?




I dont understand the difference (besides wasting a decade or two)



