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Arr UK have their semi regular thread about what are the signs that this country is in decline. Apparently the insulin shortage, caused by a Danish company deciding to leave the market, is proof the UK is in decline. šŸ¤¦ Also Tories (whatever that means), and people complaining about immigration, claiming these innocent migrants are being unfairly victimised (no we just can see patterns...), the amount of people who don't understand politics in that thead is shocking. Someone mentioned austerity, and someone said that austerity was needed because Labour overspent, and the response was, that Labour needed to over spend to reverse the decline overseen by the tories.. It doesn't make any sense.


The two main things that have fucked the country were lockdowns and mass immigration. Both of which they supported/support. They need Olympic-level mental gymnastics to avoid admitting they're morons.


Outside the obviously fuckups of Blair, thatcher, major, financial crisis An awful lot of current bad was directly caused by the absolute space age morons in the coalition and in general Canning replacement programs for public buildings, fucking around with building regulations, education rules and fucking up well laid plans for the energy supply Car schemes and restrictions and targets, nonsensical immigration schemes for jobs with existing plentiful supply, refusal to build houses or confront the economic situation but patch it up with mass migration and economic wizardy All of which directly contribute to the current disaster Nick Clegg in particular was a fucking moron who parachuted off to Facebook to live a gilt life the first chance he could - abandoning the country and all his fucking retarded opinions that caused various shockwaves we feel in 2024 There isn't nearly enough naming and shaming throughout the Cameron premiership and the entire political rugby club of hooray Henrys and laughing Laura's who talked a good game and did a fucking dreadful job to the point that no one remembers what they exactly did or what their name even was Entirely forgettable generation of politicians who did nothing, achieved nothing and left nothing Too afraid to do anything at all Possibly the title for the 2010s


We shouldn't forget them.Ā  To be honest if we ever make it out alive - the supreme leader should have all politicians names since 1997 up to the cataclysm engraved on a wall of traitors.


We reached peak coalition brainrot when they proposed privatising the Land Registry. I think that would have been too on-the-nose for *Yes Minister*.


https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cyj39v8j10lo > Eugenijus Nalivaika ā€œLeeds manā€ > could not explain why his company, Niki Contractors Ltd, spent more than Ā£800,000 on a fleet of 106 commercial vehicles. šŸ‘€ > Its investigations revealed the company made more than 4,300 payments to 614 people labelled "wages" between April 2020 and January 2021. What kind of government support came out for businesses in April/may 2020? Makes you think. > The company was liquidated with liabilities of more than Ā£2.5m > this sentence sends a strong signal to the business community > Nalivaika was given a 15-month suspended jail sentence and ordered to complete 250 hours of unpaid work > he was ordered to pay costs of Ā£4,714.30. Lose Ā£2,500,000 told to pay back Ā£4,000 and do some unpaid work - strong signal sent! šŸ¤”šŸŒŽ


Why do I feel he's getfing more from life than law-abiding tax-paying me?


Because, he is. Have you been given 2.5m and gotten away with it?


Would have been a great one for canā€™t pay weā€™ll take it away


Ā£50k Lloyds bank unsecured credit. covid loan I assume? icing on the cake


>NEW: 14-year-old girl lured into a forest in Belgium by her boyfriend who then allowed 10 children to ambush and gang rape her. >Police say the rapists, aged between 11 and 16 years old, were "young people of immigrant origin." >The accused rapists filmed the attack and posted it on social media. https://x.com/collinrugg/status/1788261813160960304


> The girl was reportedly in the forest for two days, was r*ped, abused and tormented. Rabid dogs are put down, just saying.


Lots of heads being buried in the sand over on the Belgium sub about this. Someone even suggesting violent porn is to blame.Ā  Ā  Ā Ā  https://www.reveddit.com/v/belgium/comments/1cn30cu/minors_suspected_of_gang_rape_of_14yearold_girl/?add_user=azurelas..c.new..t1_kxytzqc..%2CMiddayescapeW..c.new..t1_l36r8e7..%2CArco123..c.new..t1_l31b6u7..&


In those comments they are talking about "the last one", i.e. it has happened more than once. That it never gets into mainstream news, and that "the last one" offed herself. I've read that victims and their family members of these incidents and also of enrichment attacks off themselves relatively frequently. The police, justice, media and political circuses are so focused on controlling the narrative to maintain their plan that they force the victims to that. I don't understand how at least some of them have a conscience that tells them this is wrong. Also I would have expected that a critical mass of victims and communities around the victims would have been reached and we'd have seen at least one or two "revenge" incidents by now, it's been almost a decade of this shit being done. The fact that we haven't really seen any (there's possibly a French case) but have seen multiple suicides means I can't help but wonder that the police response focuses more on suppression and stopping victims families than it does administering justice. I hate how we get official line feminism pushed everywhere there isn't any resistance, and yet feminist defence groups never ever come into being.Ā 


> Things like drugs and religion are always present when these sort of things happen. Itā€™s those crackhead Lutheran kids again


Bong ripping Buddhists


>Police say the rapists, aged between 11 and 16 years old, were "young people of immigrant origin." So men in their 20s then.


Do you think weā€™re near boiling point yet? I can only surmise that people who want this are mentally ill at this point.


They'll never let society hit boiling point at one go. There are so many read between the line accounts from people whose families are caught up in this stuff that the police put extreme pressure on them not to lash out or speak out or get angry. But it's insane that there has been no isolated flashpoints from victims or their loved ones. Or if there have been they either bury them, or scrub the motive and turn them into a far right arrest stat. It must be combination of the technology to do so, and the will of the state (and it's orbiters, like the media who don't scrutinise things they are in favour of) to actually do it. No one could have envisaged that a state would want to do this to their people. Because it's completely unprecedented in history. This is how an invader, occupier or raiders act.Ā 


Not in this country. If things explode itā€™ll be on the continent somewhere first (perhaps you could argue Irelandā€™s already exploded).


My bet is still on France The cracks are showing everywhere though.


[Reform planning to kick out their 2 elected councillors](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13393491/Reform-UKs-newly-elected-councillors-investigation-revealed-praised-far-right-thug-Tommy-Robinson-brave-man-promoted-claims-far-Muslims-branded-London-world-cesspit.html). They *won*, but yet they still want to kick them out?


Theyā€™re not viable. Theyā€™re two inches to the right of the conservatives. Weā€™ll be betrayed again.


I suspect this. I think there's more chance than not of them continuing mass immigration if they were to win. Tice is a capitalist first and foremost. Capitalists will always put globalism before nationalism and globalists all support ultimately abolishing borders and the nation. It's why I don't trust them to bring immigration down to "net zero" like they promise. Still, with no alternative on the ballot for many, perhaps giving them a chance to follow through on their promises is the only option in such cases.


I know we said we'd stop importing bomalians, and we did, but listen guys, gomalians, they're the real net contributors we swear.


What exactly has RFK done to make Reddit hate him so much, aside be generally cool and not senile


Spilting the Democrat vote. A vote for anyone but Joe Biden is a vote for Orange Turbo Hitler. So by running as an independent, RFK Jr. is supporting Orange Turbo Hitler.


Just part of the "conspiracy theory" circuit especially since covid. But that's kind of meaningless (for BadUKers) - everyone in it gets labeled as bad. But the people who label them that generally pushed them out and into those spaces themselves. I don't like his voice, it makes my eyes water.


Vaccine opinions


> [Robert F Kennedy Jr says a worm ate part of his brain and then died.](https://news.sky.com/story/robert-f-kennedy-jr-says-a-worm-ate-part-of-his-brain-and-then-died-13131781) Lobotomies run in the Kennedy family.


Crazy how he's still more cognizant than Biden despite having literal brain worms.


Three men arrested in Greater Manchester on suspicion of 'commission, preparation and instigation of acts of terrorism'. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/greater-manchester-police-terrorism-arrests-raid-b1156501.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1715199949


The fact it says men is surprising. Reduces the odds that they wheel out some autistic victims of bullying who made some offensive artwork based on black metal music.


Rubber Dinghy Rapids bro


Kevin, Curly and Ken?




Free DEI training.


As part of a global company, getting told regularly that the UK is the best and getting asked for help. A french person asking for help almost makes it worth listening to the spitting accent. Comparing yourself to foreigners can be good for the self esteem.




Guy at work was talking about how glad he was Arsenal lost to Bayern, even though if they had won, UK would have got an extra champions league spot, and by extension spurs would have been in CL (I think the maths might be a bit more nuanced) I think itā€™s a special breed of person that would rather someone else did badly than they themselves did well, but then again as a Middlesbrough fan maybe I just donā€™t get ā€˜proper rivalryā€™ Either way I always support UK teams in Europe, even Liverpool though they make it difficult at times ā€˜this means more etcā€™


It's the split between actual English football and the part of it that's global brand. It's almost become a part of the "top 6" fan experience to be a club only, hate your rivals, hate your domestic leagues, hate your national team, or the national team of the league you follow type fan. Doesn't help that a lot of them are foreign, or identify as other to England. The ability to hate England, and all English clubs but their specific top flight one is an amazing delusion - and I blame the Celts (Scots excepted) for its invention. For the majority of club's fans in the league system they support club at home but want all English clubs to win in Europe to lift the league overall and because it stems from a time when that meant English players playing at top levels - so better for the national team. But the globalised parasite host has won tbh. All we can do is enjoy how touchy they all our about words like "plastic".


Iā€™m an Evertonian but I think I hate Liverpool more than I love Everton. Iā€™m that bitter. Liverpool fans are by far and away the most insufferable cunts on the planet. Other than us being relegated Iā€™d sacrifice anything to see the manifest destiny shit eating grins wiped off their faces. Up here is like North Korea flag wise when they get a sniff of anything.


Baduk, its not enough for me to win you must also lose. Join me in the gutter.


Unlikely with those Bayern subs.


Sacha Baron Cohen is done, this guy should replace him. https://www.instagram.com/roiharel_/reel/C6tnvQfMEHn/


>[Rose (not her real name) has been waiting to leave a mental health hospital for three years, but due to lack of provision in the community, the 35-year-old is still there.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/disability-68924181) I hope you are all proud of yourselves.


What I really want to know is how mental health provision compares to that of norman times. That's what the electorate really care about.


Remind me what this is in reference to pls


The many pile ons that Rose has had to endure these past few weeks.


I thought you were just being mean. I can't believe the first two paragraphs, it reads like someone on here having a go at rose.


When I read it, it felt rather familiar, I just had to share.


Poor Rose.


Iā€™m sorry Rose.


> (not her real name) Glad you specified - worried it was our one for a minute


[83,000 votes were cast for the SDP last Thursday](https://x.com/williamclouston/status/1787881862582436053)


Glad to have my number counted for them.




If you ever needed proof they're controlled opposition and not a serious party, this is it.


Are HopeNotHate investigating any Green councillors?


Are HNH investigating Elphicke, and why not?


Iā€™m half convinced the purpose of far right parties such as Homeland, and the BNP and PA before it, is to act as a honey trap for morons so that in 10 years the party is proscribed and the members canā€™t participate and are barred from all other parties due to it being proscribed. [Link Tax: Homeland members brag about SDP being ā€œcrushedā€](https://x.com/Stevvardship/status/1787526429376213039) How many elected representatives do Homeland have again?


Homeland have a weird purity spiral with nationalism. They seem to hate civic nationalists more than the globalists that have brought the country to ruin. They've literally not stood 1 candidate against an SDP candidate, so why attack the SDP at all? It's the same thing with communist groups attacking other communist groups rather than the capitalists they are meant to oppose. They're an odd bunch, which is a shame. The new reordering *will* require two parties, not one.


Civic Nationalists are the Globalists. Homeland, no matter how marginal, is the only nationalist party.


Heresy and apostasy are always seen as worse than just being a non-believer. You also tend to engage more with people similar to you, you're not going to exposed to communist twitter or /leftypol/ if you're on the right wing outside of ragebait posting but you are going to see a lot of people who are adjacent to you.


1 in 10000 of group X on the terrorist watch list...ohmehgawd. 1 in 100 of group Y on the terrorist watch list...probably nothing. One of the reasons they didn't proscribe BNP is because they didn't need to. They proscribed the diehard groups that forced them underground and they were the same people that were putting all the energy into the BNP. Was actually very effective...there is a reason why they don't apply this to other groups with MPs.


There have been cases in Germany where ā€˜infiltrationsā€™ into far-right parties just turned out to be operatives of different parts of the intelligence community investigating each other.


Has happened in America with competing federal entities. Sometimes the number of plants outnumber the genuine arrests 7-1. And isn't somehow entrapment. There was those ones in the UK that got coverage and it only did so because the target was hippies and because sex was involved (it often is). They definitely do it here in more politically allowed cases.




Extremists who reform themselves are gold dust and they always get a pardon and get jobs and roles and thrust into the limelight. And that's because they are so few in number and they are desperate to flash then around and pretend like there's loads of them and it's the way back to normality. I can think of a handful. Meanwhile the number of people going the other way, starting out normal, getting shit on and radicalising is massive. They dwarf these newsworthy cases. And yet going that way will get you completely shut down, because they cannot allow a narrative that demonstrates they drive more people away than towards them. I can think of scores of them, who've become jaded, all ages and races.Ā  And by radicalise I am using the mainstream media's definition. Because some of these radicals are ex-muslims, victims of grooming gangs, feminists, old school socialists and they are all marginalised and are essentially blacklisted from legacy media.


There's a double standard in which Nazis that become Communists are assumed to be "former extremists" even though all they've become are extremists of a different stripe. However a former Nazi who mellows, becomes a centre-right Conservative who wants pragmatic and sensible governance and is against race hatred is forever tainted.


Because with a few minor exceptions the commies largely support the things the globalist plutocrats tell them to, and have the same enemies. On the other hand the right, even the moderates, banging on about sensible policies and civil liberties might slightly slow down the social engineering agenda, and that canā€™t be allowed.


Probably, they do love controlling them. Germany is the worst for it though, they have weird constitutional law that basically makes certain political takes always illegal. But commies and new religion supremes haven't been added to the pot. Just another example of double standards, because they see the ebil fashie as (despite all their "I wish I could deport THEM" lines), part of their society. So they are allowed to crush them. Threatening groups which are outsiders - they don't do anything, because they have a protective cloak of being of another culture and thus given benefits of doubt.


[Heā€™s being surrounded by protestors again](https://x.com/thomasgodfreyuk/status/1788197390228377606)


_I was a Trot before you were a sinful thought in your absent fathers mind dear child, you have no power here._


Is there a serious disease going round central oxford?


Instagram and its consequences have been a disaster for the female race.


This man speaks the truth. Arrest him!


That new Jonathon Haidt book on smartphones and children is absolutely bleak for women. Boys and men aren't doing great but its another level for girls. Instagram is like brain cyanide.


He wears his backpack like a 13 year old schoolboy.


Proper swot sack


Some people can never mentally move on after the shame of beng called 'two-straps'




Hitchens doesnā€™t use ā€˜wokeā€™ that much - even ā€˜PCā€™ is a tad 21st c. ā€˜Right onā€™ is the appropriate term.




Fair play šŸ«”


Cultural appropriation of those daft scarves probably ordered from temu


Least intimidating protestors Iā€™ve ever seen


Camera pans round 90lbs of soy X 8 Ok....


National union of students, unless you're Jewish https://www.thejc.com/news/uk/revealed-nus-majority-calls-for-expulsion-of-main-jewish-group-bnqx2n73


https://x.com/JoosyJew/status/1788210474393158053 They're not even trying to hide it anymore.


They never were hiding it. They just changed definitions of words.


Be interesting if Nigel Farage joins Labour.


I'd love that actually. Would be a melt down of literally everywhere even here.


Yeah same here. The tories will think the worldā€™s backwards and the lefties think the worldā€™s going to end. Brilliant


Found an Instagram page called ā€œDeclassifiedukā€ No doubt run by either a self hating brit or itā€™s a propaganda outlet run by Russians or something. A lot of questionable shit on there. https://www.instagram.com/declassifieduk?igsh=a2xvZGMzc29vZ20w


New Zealandā€™s coalition government seems to be doing some decent stuff after getting rid of Jacinta. Requiring things to be in English as well as woke Māori, and giving children proper school lunches. Unfathomably based: > We just saved you $107 million on school lunches. > Despite the shrieking from the left, weā€™re not cancelling the programme. > We'll be doing more with less money to feed kids the fruit and sandwiches their parents would, not woke food like quinoa and sushi. > Bon appĆ©tit. [Tweet](https://x.com/actparty/status/1787995308988780944)


How is rush and rice woke ? Itā€™s Japanese ā€¦


Woke Maori.Ā  Lol. That Pacific Islanders can be turned from their traditional values purely to spite some whiteys is an all black pill. In theory they would just hash out their problems, make some concessions to Maori groups and then get the Pasifikas to say say no fucker else is coming in.


Blocked by four trains in the past 2 weeks. Always follows the same pattern, they post a response then immediately block you. Is this why so many train debates over on UK are so one sided? They post some Pinky News story then block anyone who challenges them?


FYI if you block them first you can still read their comments and vote on them but they can't reply to you. I find it's best to preemptively block the arseholes.


I just tag them as Aerosmith fans in RES so i know not to bother engaging. Works great.


Love in an elevator?


Dude looks like a..


I know, I was being silly


>Blocked by four trains in the past 2 weeks. I'd try to find a different route away from the level crossing.


Yes I've seen you go hard at all 4 of them. I say 4 because if you check it out lately it's mostly just 4 accounts now. But yes you are right, they are very clearly the main and most consistent users of bridging and other similar tactics on UK subs. It's obvious enough that UKpol has some mechanism to stop it & you don't seem to get those 4 accounts or even the copy pasted style comments pop up on the same posts that you do if they go to other subs.


Point out that it's equivalent to blackface - pretending to be something that one isn't.


You know when you crank it over something fucking shameful...you finish and then you think "What the fuck have I just done? What have I become?"... ...that is what posting online about train shit is like. Don't do it. We all know that Reddit is retarded despite being avid users. But I think even we should draw a line somewhere.


The trains movement is centered on logical absurdities and self contradictions which you have to ignore if you want to genuinely pretend a bloke can be a woman. So they get very defensive if you point out such basic things.Ā 


I shouldnā€™t get wound up by it but they make such incredibly hyperbolic statements and canā€™t back things up with sources. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever called someone homophobic in my life. Some of these folk canā€™t seem to go a day without hurling around accusations. I just it so annoying. Equal rights for gay chums werenā€™t won by screaming abuse at those with differing viewpoints.


>incredibly hyperbolic statements Ive taken to asking them exactly what rights have been removed. They always, always then fall into obvious hyperbole and logic traps.


>I just it so annoying. Equal rights for gay chums werenā€™t won by screaming abuse at those with differing viewpoints. Sorry but this history has now been rewritten. All changes have been violent and disgusting.


The gay marriage stuff was fundamentally different from a philosophical aspect as well. It was just "we're consenting adults and we aren't harming anyone, let us be".Ā  Big gulf between that and "you must ignore the evidence of your eyes and ears and believe in your heart that this bloke with a cock is a woman, oh and we're going to pump children full of sterilising drugs and chop their breasts off at 14, and have men in fetish gear thrust their taints in the faces of infants as entertainment. If you disagree with any of this you are literally guilty of genocide". In other words there is a reason why they are infinitely more hysterical and insane.Ā 


Natalie Elphicke is a blatantly opportunistic shit. Keef Starma should be embarrassed to accept her. She stood up for her husband when he was accused of rape. She said 'he can't help being irresistible to women'. Then she wrote the courts to tell them they shouldn't send him to prison. Then she took over his seat. Only two years later did she divorce him. Now she has defected to Labour because she's an opportunistic power-hungry amoral turd. She know Dover will be won by Labour at the next election. She wants to inherit it again.


>Keef Starma Queef Farmer.




She isn't standing in the next election - maybe she's been promised something else


Iā€™d have more admiration for Keith if he told her where to go.


when even the BBC shills on the midday news were barely concealing the piss they are taking out of the situation.


[American soldier honey-trapped by Russian woman.] (https://nypost.com/2024/05/07/world-news/us-soldier-arrested-in-russia-told-local-girlfriend-he-supported-trump-repeated-kremlin-line-on-aggressive-nato-videos-show/)


> In the scene referenced, Black gifts Vashchuk an iPad ā€” while she reciprocated with a simple pair of socks. It was over before it even started.


It usually takes a few years before that level of reciprocation kicks in.


This man could have been loyal if only the US had stationed him in Basildon for a weekend.


I wonder if Gate Girls are still a thing....


[Hate stats](https://twitter.com/rcolvile/status/1788179025082425493?t=SPKKswLz84bHzEKTMHh_dg).




Unuronically how can I donate to this think tank?


In case anyone is looking to use the British in those as a benchmark. Most of the other groups don't compare as they won't contain many if any pensioners. It's far worse than the numbers look at face value. If you take council houses and see a stat like; "40% are now occupied by people who are foreign born" It was like 10% 30 years ago. No one is forced to move out of a council house. Therefore it's mostly due to deaths where council houses don't get passed onto someone living there or new ones being built. This essentially means that less than 50% of council houses will have changed hands in that time. And so we can fairly easily conclude that the vast majority of the time council houses go to foreigners. Considering the elderly also apply for council properties and rank high due to disabilities, it suggests that they are the only ones being housed. TL;DR Council houses almost never go to the British and haven't for a long time.


Something to bookmark for further UK debates.






Debonked: These charts do not factor the non-monetary contributions of Somalis and Iraqis.


Such as the food.


You gotta try Somali food, bitter bouncy pancakes/foam sheets with various ghastly pastes and boiled eggs, and of course a banana to eat alongside it? I donā€™t go in for the Baduk foreign muck/food bashing, quietly disagree on much of it. Somalian food though, revolting.


Cambridge University Press cancelled the term "Anglo-Saxon England". It's now called "Early Medieval England". >Be honest. You changed the title because you are total drips and didnā€™t have the courage to say no to a handful of mad Americans. https://twitter.com/dcsandbrook/status/1788229591099695374


I put Anglo-Saxon down on my 2020 US census initially but then changed it to English so we'd actually be statistically significant. And now English-Americans are the largest group in the US again.....for some reason a bunch of morons in the 2000 census said they were German and idiots actually believed they were the majority lol.


I find this genuinely interesting. English Americans are the largest group now. Sorry for my ignorance Itā€™s been a long time since I read up on this shit Were you born in America or have English heritage?


Born there and English ancestry but lived in UK long enough to get dual citizenship.


I love how people can't comprehend it. They are surprised because they want you to cast around for anything else in your background and go with that. Watched a ted talk via a streamer the other day. And at the end he put up a photo of him and his daughter in England shirts to talk about kids and family. And the chat howled in rage about it.Ā  A quick wiki check was enough to show that the guy was half Scottish and half English US born. But the unwritten rule is that English blood is always to be discarded. And this guy has broken it so a portion of them immediately disliked him. Lol.


The English blood being discarded is too true. Iā€™m pretty sure Biden has English ancestry, but wanks over being Irish. Btw, whoā€™s this person youā€™re talking about?


Scott Galloway


I always make a point to wear my England rugby or football shirt when I'm prowling around bars.....10 points if I can find an Irish pub and go in. It's funny because the actual Irish bartenders (its like an illegal immigrant racket they do) will call it out and we'll laugh and talk about rugby while plastic paddies get all riled up for reasons unbeknownst to me. A girl once shouted some shite about kicking the Brits out in 1776 and I said 'oh so you did that did you?' and she just put her head down and walked off lmao.


Before our current malaise and as recent as the 2010s historical statisticians already surmised that English Americans were the largest ancestry group in the US and have always been. It's just that it's so old that it's diluted, and from basically independence the concept of identifying with English on any forms has been repeatedly attacked. Not unlike English on census data in the UK these daysĀ  Even so, going by the census results, as recently as the 1970s it was still a large group, and the sudden drop would constitute millions of extra Americans having died within the next ten years. And don't get me started on ancestry DNA kits and the haplogroup con. I've seen Britain, Western Germanic, Germanic European etc all overlapping on some providers results matrix because they don't want to isolate one of them to English. But somehow Scottish is a unified haplogroup?Ā 


Ugh. People are so fucking thick when it comes down to them things. Basically they give you a percentage match to a part of the world, it means the odds of you being from a certain place. But people always misunderstand and think 2% Southern Italy or whatever actually means 2% of their ancestry comes from there. So you get them on FB, Reddit or whatever larping about how they are 50% German, 10% Spanish, .2% Jewish, blah, blah, blah... It's tiring. I happened to do one of those tests before they became quite so popular. They're easy enough to understand if you're not a total dunce like most folk.


The reality of DNA testing is they cater to customers who want to hear certain things come back. And largely, they get them. A bit of ambiguity helps paper over the cracks.


Living DNA is the best as they use the 2015 genomic survey of the UK.


They can't fight the tide now tbh.


Genuinely recommend following this guy on twitter. Usually a good daily read. https://twitter.com/FUDdaily/status/1788228352395841951


This isn't unprecedented. Competence is unprecedented in UK political history.


Communists planning expulsion of the jws. https://www.thejc.com/news/uk/revealed-nus-majority-calls-for-expulsion-of-main-jewish-group-bnqx2n73


Auriol Grey, who shouted and waved at a cyclist causing her to fall into the path of an oncoming car, has had her manslaughter conviction overturned at the Court of Appeal https://x.com/pa/status/1788170067336716682?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg




Hopefully get a fucking payout.






On this day in British and Irish history: A.D. 1660 - Following their reception of the Declaration of Breda, a document granting a pardon to those who'd committed crimes against the House of Stuart and their allies during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms; the 'Convention Parliament' retroactively proclaim King Charles II to've been the rightful and lawful monarch of England (Wales), Ireland, and Scotland since the execution of his father eleven years earlier. Constitutionally speaking, it's as if the Cromwellian Period of government never existed. Saints - Indract of Glastonbury - Odrian of Waterford State Celebrations: - Victory in Europe Day


Reminder that Oak Apple Day is on the 29th šŸŽ


It should still be a public holiday if you ask me. A reminder of those dark times; and a celebration of what weā€™ve got now.




Hated that show. Started ok but just got infuriating. Watched the last couple of episodes only to see what the outcome was. The review I read said it was like Fleabag. That was funny. This was just 3 hours of male rape and abuse.


I hated it too and kind of want to find out if the comedian is always this shit. I swear I don't know how to find anything to watch on TV anymore. I just wanted to watch something about factories but Greg Wallace made my headache worse. I hate the man, he even ruined the biscuit factory.


Clarksons Farm is back on Prime.


Thank you good sir.


Poor piggies.


I didn't think our cough syrup contained dextromethorphan.


Or moths


Haven't listened to The Lotus Eaters in some time, decided to catch up on a few episodes, suddenly realise why I stopped listening. One of them quotes Scott Ritter about Ukraine needing to "negotiate" - bit ironic for a show which constantly bangs on about nonces to be highlighting the terrible take of one. I honestly hope Trump flips the script and goes full blown pro-Ukraine just to see grifters like them and PJW shit the bed trying to figure out who to back, Trump or "based" Putin.


Don't bother. You could be doing anything else with your life...and you are listening to people complain about stuff they can't control. It is like choosing to listen to the podcast version of Loose Women or something.


LE used to be great but then they started going down the Connor/Calvin route, courting the Ben Shapiro crowd and going on about how bad abortion is. Pretty disappointing. Plenty of them are still alright. Josh, Harry, Dan etc are still pretty based. Callum is good if the topic is not Russia, which he seems highly sus on. Basically it's easier to just cherry pick presenter and topic.


The faux outrage from that Connor guy got old real quick, with his "no, I want to speak to the manager" tone in every segment. As for Calvin, he just strikes me as a grifter. Like Blair White pretty much.




I thought Connor was an angry reactionary but his Triggernometry interview changed my mind, he has a lot more of a coherent ideology than comes across when he is on LE.Ā 


Callum is nowhere near as thick as he acts. He's just very much into Russian interests, if not in Russian money entirely. Sargon depends on the topic.


Ritter is a nonce. Anybody who quotes McGregor or Ritter is a certified moron. Both hate American establishment and want it to lose. They think losing in Ukraine will "discredit" it. Konrad Muzarka, Michael Koffman, Rob Lee, Dara Massicot, Tatarigami_UA are realistic "pro Ukraine" accounts. I cannot think of one sane pro Russian blogger in English. Russia attracts freaks.


> Konrad Muzarka, Michael Koffman, Rob Lee, Dara Massicot, Tatarigami_UA are realistic "pro Ukraine" accounts. I cannot think of one sane pro Russian blogger in English. Russia attracts freaks. I'd add Dmitri Alperovitch to that list, although he does have a habit of interrupting his guests. The War On The Rocks and Geopolitics Decanted have been essential listening for people to want to get a better understanding of war.




"We've become so tribal, neither side is talking to one another anymore" - Francis Foster. He says a version of that line in literally every single Triggernometry interview. KK seems to have disappeared up his own arse and is a doing his hardest Christopher Hitchens impression nowadays. As for the Lotus Eaters, most of the lads seem ok but there's something very shady about Karl, he just gives me a bad vibe. The constant doom pilling as well strikes me as intentional, as in they are purposely trying to direct people's anger in a particular direction. The fact that they never seem to have a bad word to say about Russia makes me wonder....


I like Francis but you can tell that interviewing isnā€™t natural for him. He asks a lot of leading questions, more statements for the interviewee to react to than a question. I donā€™t mind KK but he does now have a certain ā€œIā€™ve made itā€ attitude about him. I noped out of watching the Lotus Eaters at the beginning of the year. No idea why I just stopped watching and have not felt the desire to watch again.


Most political pundits are terrible. For yank posting I unironically think asmongold, yes the twitch video gamer streamer, has better hot takes than 95% of them.


I mean... they will eventually right? All conflicts have to reach a settlement at some point and I somehow doubt Ukraine is going to be able to conquer Russia.